
An Unexpected Boyfriend




"How about... you disguise in makeup today so no one- wait, whaaat?" Hana's own eyes rounded at her own decision. She stopped scrubbing shampoo to her hair and slowly battled her damp eyelashes. She stood there, inside in one of her favorite rooms, trying to imagine her everyday-bare face painted with such cosmetics.


Shaking her head in front of the heart-shaped, pink bathroom mirror, she snorted like a kid. "Makeup? Hanna Lee, nooo, nooope, neveeer."


There's no escaping... She sighed and went back to her business, facing the shower once more while washing the tiny suds off her moist hair then rinsing the soap off her chilly skin.


"Powder puff... ah, so calming and fresh." Hana sang as she took a whiff of her unique baby scent after a short, ten-minute bath. Slightly smiling, she wrapped herself in a soft, bathing towel that smells just like her. She fixed the toiletries in place and made sure everything was neat and intact.


Stepping out of the bathroom, the sunrise that evenly distributed in her bedroom first beamed at her. She shielded her eyes with her left hand and quickly closed the curtains with her free hand, still letting the sun's glare through. She opened her small closet and quickly slipped on her too-expensive-but-thanks-to-Aunt's-help-it-was-possible-to-buy-it uniform and groomed for not so long. She sat on the edge of her bed and wore a fresh pair of lavender lace socks and her latest, affordable pair of shoes.


Not getting up, she turned to the mirror near the furniture, glancing at here and there. For the nth time, what's new? She shook her head while grinning. She doesn't blow her hair dry nor does anything with it on the weekdays. She prefers it drying naturally and likes the fact that it cools her scalp all throughout the morning; to ease her anger at three-fifths of the world, at least. Except for work when she's either ponytailed or hairnetted-


Knock. Knock. Hana perked up the moment she heard knocking sounds on the main door. That should be Eomma and Halmeoni already! She smilingly thought and walked out of her room. Lee Hana understood that sometimes, they get home later (Monday Mornings) than planned (Sunday Evenings) because it wasn't all the time that they can catch on a bus ride back to Seoul especially if the trips aren't regular.


Skipping towards the main door with a neutral yet noticeably bright face on, she hurriedly unlocked it and quickly peeked at them- wait, no..........................................


...................he. He. HE.


Lee Hannah, it's me, a he. The man seemed to have spoke in her mind.


Straightening her posture up, she knitted her eyebrows and stared at the 'he' with confused eyes. Kris was fine in his uniform as usual, but today, something in his eyes, his scent and mere self, made him look extra-fine than usual. He's this excited? She slightly rolled her eyes.


"I'm taking you to school." He monotonously said with a half-sheepish, half-cocky smile (say what, authornim!?) and was about to step in when Hana blocked his body with her small frame from doing so. "Ani. You don't need to." She quickly objected.


Kris heaved a short sigh. "I thought you'd 'cope up'?" He mocked, emphasizing what she said yesterday and made a leveled eye contact with his tough girl. "I... I will. I will... go by myself." She muttered the last part, avoiding his piercing (*cough* more like melting *cough*) gaze. "Come... again?" He asked through gritted teeth.


This guy... really... Hana coolly shook her head and looked up. "Get going." She urged with the usual frigid tone and quickly closed the door in a twinkling of Kris' eye. She was so fast that Kris could was too late to do anything about it. His eyes widened. This girl... really... "Hannah!" He slammed his fists on the door.


"Go on... you'll be late." She faked a chortle and Kris grew agitated. "I'll still be waiting for Eomma and Halmeoni, so just go!" She kept on murmuring as she goes back to her room and listens to the words Kris was angrily babbling outside. I wish I hadn't bumped on any of you. She heaved a long sigh and started combing her hair, hoping that Kris would just go on without bothering you. The fact that she's to be seen with Kris nearly for the whole schoolday scared her. 


She slumped on the bed the moment her knees felt her worry. What is going to happen... She sighed and stared at the ceiling the way Kris did. That guy is too much. She closed her eyes and felt like sleeping again. Maybe it won't hurt to ditch morning classes and wait for Eom-


"Is your history project already here?"


WHAT THE? Instantly, Hana sat up and saw the same, fine, cocky Kris inside her room, for the second time. Her eyes widened when she saw Kris, smirking and already holding her backpack. "Yah! How did you- what in the world- are you even human?" Hana's anger caused her to sputter some fiery inquiries and words at Kris.


He took a piece of metal off his pocket. He angled his head to the side and showed you an exact duplicate of your main door's key. "You duplicated it!?" She madly yelled. You're imposibble, Kris. 


"Mmh. Don't ask why. I've already cleared things out with Halmeoni." Kris shortly nodded and put it back in his jeans. "B-b-b-but hooow?" She stammered, everything about Kris and his acts were too much to fathom. WHAT IS HALMEONI TURNING INTO?


He paused and seemed to think for a while. "Our house is like a town. It's complete..." He slung her bag over one shoulder and swiftly pulled her up by her waist. Hana groaned and got a little strange inside.


She was about to grab her bag back but Kris captured both of her hands with just one of his. He leaned down and seemed to master staring at her. "There's a queen... a prince..." Hana glared at him back but listened to what he had to say. "...and a princess." He confidently stated.


Hana scoffed. So he does have someone to love already? She rolled her eyes at Kris' usual self. I sense all these guys around me has more than one girl! She shoved Kris away and pushed him and herself out of her room. Kris admired this irritated facade of hers, but he coolly shrugged such different thoughts off. To him, she knew she was so entertaining to go out with.


"Hell, who cares?" She hurriedly locked her room and turned around. Only to be trapped by someone's strong frame. "Everyone in school does." He slightly frowned; how could someone like her not mind? "Well where's the king?" Hana jeered. Kris' face dropped and he froze at Hana's question.


He shook his head. "I'll be king when I get married." He said through gritted teeth and started leaning in again. It won't hurt to get a morning kiss, right? He playfully thought. Hana grew alarmed and quickly stomped on one of Kris' feet.


...wrong! "AAAARRRGGHH!" Kris groaned in pain and looked at his semi-dirty shoe. Then he groaned again as she grabbed the bag and flew out of the door. "Lock the door, mister!" She reminded, in a loud, triumphant voice, related to what she did yesterday.


Don't mister me, Hannah.


※ ※ ※


You can't get away from me, miss.
-A perfect boyfriend, Kris.


Hana's jaw literally dropped at this. She scoffed at the text message Kris sent. What if I can? She placed her hands down as she quietly entered the full-packed, noisy, topsy turvy classroom and sank down on her seat. "How did he get my number?" She inaudibly asked herself.


And how in the world did you get my number?


"Ge, is that iffany again?" Tao angrily asked as he glared at the phone that suddenly sounded and lighted on Kris' desk. "Her texts are so... ugh, gross." He made a nasty face as he recalled what texts she sent to Kris, who once let him read. Lay nodded while coughing. "Remembering that makes me more ill."


"Oh, just hearing that name makes Lay's sickness contagious." Xiumin drastically inserted, pulling out a hand sanitizer before starting on a ham and bacon sandwich. The guys laughed. Kris shrugged and slid his right thumb on the iPhone screen. Opening the message from 'Hannah', a smile formed on the corners of his mouth. His friends gazed at him as he typed a quick reply.


I, Kris Wu, can do everything.
Haven't I proved that this morning?



Hana swallowed almost too quickly as the first subject teacher came in. The noise died down and all rose from their chairs, she stood up the last.




"What am I? Potassium!?" Kris barked at the poor iPhone which made the guys startled. "P-Potassium?" Lay coughed while Tao soothened his back. "You haven't told us. Who's that ge?" Tao tried again but Kris was too preoccupied to listen or realize their reactions.


How dare you reply me with that letter? So despicable.


That goes twice for you.


"Bwoh?" Kris scoffed and clicked on her contact profile, pressed the call button and gritted his teeth. "Yoboseyo?" Hana hissed immediately, clearly forgetting it was Kris because his number was unregistered. "You better hide yourself on lunchtime, Hannah ~" Kris sang.


"EVERYONE! BE SEATED!" The teacher announced. "I have an important announcement to make!" She told in a booming voice again but didn't notice Hana on the phone. Hana looked at the class who seemed to be all ears and hyped for this important something.




"Arasso, thanks for reminding." She sarcastically responded and hung up. Kris clenched on the edge of his table and forcefully pressed the call button again. Hana was listening to the teacher when she felt her handphone vibrate again. She hoped it was her Mom instead, but checking on the last digits, it was the same from a while ago.


With making sure that was Kris, she long-pressed the power button and became attentive once again to the teacher and the entire class.


She... wow. Kris jaw slightly opened and was about to throw his iPhone when Luhan hurriedly stopped his wrists. "DON'T!" The former glared at the latter who was cutely smiling. "You're the only student who was personally chosen by Apple to try the iPhone5!" He cheerfully reminded while gaping at the phone he also wanted to purchase but the precious thing wasn't spread around their place yet.


Xiumin nodded. "And you just get rid of it like it's some spoiled meat bun?" He scoffed. "Even if a wushu stick breaks, I don't even send it to the garbage!" Tao too, reacted. Kris rolled his eyes and dropped his phone on his desk. I'll get you Hannah. He calmed himself and tried to act like the usual Kris Wu although he was fuming inside.


And take note, because of a girl.


You'll be in my wrath in no sooner than later... yes you, Miss Hannah Lee.





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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good