Twenty Eight

An Unexpected Boyfriend




"Oh my goodness! This is so gold!" Luhan exclaimed in between unique, puerile laughter. (I swore the fangirls died and went to cloud nine.)

Hana winced. He sounded too peppy for her own liking so she was beyond annoyed but then she looked at him and paused at how he resembled that of a child. Even his laughter doesn't fit his age.


Furthermore, this kid was slapping Chen and Xiumin. The two was also appearing childlike themselves; clamorously clapping their hands. They created noise like it was the end of the world yet most of the females were ogling their way.

Some girls, really! Hana shook her head and shot the three another greyhound-like glance. "What is so funny, children?" Her eyebrows were knitted and she was at her best at controlling her irritation.

Almost instantly, the three stopped guffawing and diverted their attention to their respective trays of food. Tao and Lay had already started eating earlier. (I mean... duh? They are like the resident Chinese foodies.)

Hana scoffed very lightly and sat herself on a chair in front of her. She paused for a while to realize that on her right was a serene Lay and that that ginormous guy was not on her left or nowhere sitting with them. What is he thinking this time?

Did she just... pull my chin and... tap it? Unlike his friends, Kris remained static and dumbfounded due to what on this planet Hana.

She inclined her head up to see Kris who was still standing up and spacing out. He blinked at her; once, twice and thrice without saying a single word. He seemed to have stared at her for a long while now.

"So... what date are you exactly going to sit down?" Her forehead creased.

Xiumin, Luhan and Chen tried to supress their laughter but failed. Hana decided against telling the trio again.

Kris chortled. "November 6. On my-"

"K." Hana's rejoinder did not miss a beat. She went back to her own business by pulling out notebooks from her bag. "Suit yourself."

"Don't say that." Kris' thick (and perfect) eyebrows drew togther in concern as he looked around the area.

Hana placed her notebooks down and looked up again quickly to save her pathetic excuse of a life. She managed a forced smile. "I was kidding." She looked away and reached out before she reluctantantly grabbed his wrist to settle him down, on her left.

Oh? She looked away? Luhan grinned at the thought. She is just like those tough girls in anime. But in the next blink of his big eyes, he frowned. Except she's not blushing.

Kris not-so-secretly obliged to her touch. When he sat down and noticed that her hand was still latched on his wrist, he leaned towards her ear. "In case you don't know what to do next, you can let go now." He whispered, earning coos from the interested students who didn't even get a hint of what he said. 

Not that I'm complaining though. Kris added mentally. He deemed her hands and personality really cold. But it was strange that having her close to him gave him that effect after drinking a nice, warm mug of hot chocolate. Well you know what they say: cold hands, warm hearts.

She slightly turned her face to her left then slowly backed away at how close his face was. "Poor you." She made two tsk sounds. "You're just hungry. Shut up and go eat." She mumbled in monotone before releasing his wrist.

But the lost of contact wasn't very much long because he decided to grab her left hand. "Aren't you hungry as well? Aren't we going to buy lunch?"

"No, I'm good." Hana used her free hand to pull the articles she needed for note-taking. And before Kris could retaliate, she looked at him in the eyes. "Grabe ka naman. (You're too much.) Do I have to you every single time, your highness?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

Kris expression hardened. Hana noticed this and this time, it was Hana who leaned towards him and spoke lowly so only the two of them could hear. "I'm kidding. Just this time, Kris. The notes are awfully long and I need to badly start note-taking, remember?"

Kris swore his heart twittered. Hearing that mellow voice she rarely uses was music to his ears. He sighed and even leaned closer to her so they were only a few centimeteres apart. "But you're still eating, okay?"

Hana leaned back. "I already said I'm good. Stop wasting your money on me for the nth time! I can survive-"

"Is it called wasting if I am willing to-"

"Okay, Mister Wu. I'll have fruit punch." She told him lowly.

"Fruit punch? Only fruit punch? Are you sure, Miss Lee?"

"I told you I'm good, right? Now shoo, Mister Wu!" Oh, it rhymed. She looked away, at her notebooks, when a little smile danced on the ends of and he chuckled shortly.

She looked at those rich orbs of his again and realized that he was still holding on to one of her hands. "In case you don't know what to do next, you can let go now."

This was something the both of them secretly enjoyed. Remembering and mimicking each other's antics and words.

"You can't just tell me what to do."

"I just did."

Yes, you're the boss of me now. Kris smiled at her much softer voice. He thought she really should use it more often. He leaned towards her ear before speaking, making everyone in the venue become even more intrigued. "Do you need any help?"

"From you?" Hana's eyebrows furrowed when Kris nodded. A small giggle just had to escape her lips. "Oh my goodness. Why aren't you a comedian?"

Their eyes remained locked the entire time they spoke. When she finished, he quickly let go of her hand half because he was insulted and half so she could already start. "Tch. Just this time, hnn?"

Hana nodded and brought her eyes down. Kris smiled not-so-secretly when she started copying Dohwi's notes.

He stood up and was about to walk towards the counters when a sweet, feminine voice interjected.

"What is this, oppa? You're going to buy lunch for you two? You're going to comply to what she requested in the lockers?" She bombarded him with angry queries.

"You're never one to buy lunch alone!" Another youthful female lashed out. "Heck, obey your girlfriend! Wae, oppa?"

"Miyoung... Taeyeon. The bitter exes. Always have and always will be. Wait- where's their maknae?" Tao mumbled inaudibly as everyone but Hana looked up at the twosome.

Yes it was definitely two of the most talented and gorgeous females in the university.

Kris knew what they were trying to imply and momentarily thought about it. It was true though, he never really did buy lunch alone; not once for himself, for his friends or his girlfriend. He always had a companion or someone (mostly, his girlfriends... sometimes, his friends) who did that for him.

Yeah, am I really doing this? He glanced at his current girlfriend who didn't even pay attention to the little commotion.

Although Hana wasn't looking and minding her own business, she was definitely listening. "I don't see why not." She spoke loud enough for the people near their table to hear but low enough for the entire cafeteria to hear.

She went on without looking at anyone but her notebook and Dohwi's. "I can't blame any of you for your anger though. I, too, exclaim at him once in a while."

"What? Anger? What did you say!?"

Hana smirked secretly. "He's full of surprises... aren't you, Kris?"

Those who heard could only stare at her in astonishment. Just who was this Lee Hana to be so casual to someone of the higher class who is unfortunately the Kris Wu?

Kris chuckled uncontrollably and slightly bent down to tuck some stray hair behind her left ear. She knew what he was going to do next and just gritted her teeth. 

He kissed her ear very, very lightly. It was as if feather touched her ear. "Ma'am yes, ma'am." He responded before he stood straight and spun on his shoes.

An evident simper was on his flawless face as he walked (like that of a model) to the counters.


※ ※ ※


Kris sighed and held her arm. "Can you just stop for a sec-"

"Duizhang," Lay called sternly. "Don't force her. Since when were you a caring boyfriend?" He shook his head. Everyone had already finished eating (even Kris) but Hana was still writing.

"It's your fault anyway... why she's this busy." Tao muttered under his breath. "Who took her out of school?"

Kris drew his hand back before he shot Tao a glare. "What did you say?"

Tao shrugged and twirled his straw on his strawberry smoothie. "I said we shouldn't be late for BA this one-ten or we'll have to fly to Japan again for that boring assembly."


Kris sighed and stopped bothering Hana. He placed the fruit punch down and let her be. 

"Oh yeah!" Luhan nodded. They suddenly remembered that American BA professor who was a very close associate of the Huang's and Lu's.

"What? That's this afternoon? That signals Duizhang's bi- wait." Lay scratched his head. "Who'll be my partner, again?"

"You and duizhang." Tao responded quickly. "Chen ge and Xiumin ge. Then me and Luhan ge."

"Uhm... is your laptop functioning, ge?" Lay's voice trailed off at he asked Kris who glared at him angrily.

"Yes." Kris' voice was menacing. He was agitated for two things.

One, was that his girlfriend hasn't even touched her food or drinks. Yes, food or drinks. He bought her two flavors of fruit punch: apple and orange. Plus he also bought her a big-sized plate of spaghetti.

Two, was that Lay was his partner. He reckoned Lay as an annoying partner for reasons he chooses to keep. Also, Lay hated tardiness. So...

"Great. We should go now! It's already twelve fifty! We need to arrive before Professor David." Lay got up fast and as if on cue, the students also started hustling back to their rooms or lockers.

"Mhmm... we'll also go ahead, Kris ge. Bye Hana!" Chen exclaimed happily and in the next second, they were gone.

Kris heaved a long sigh before he held both of Hana's shoulders and made her face him. "Yah!" He yelled, causing her to finally look at him for the first time in like twenty minutes.

Hana winced and blinked rapidly at him. "K-Kris, you're hurting me."

He quickly let go and pulled her chair and food closer to him. Before Hana could react, he already started feeding her.

He bought me food? I thought I only said fruit punch? Her eyes were wide as saucers but she chewed the food anyway. She eyes Kris who wasn't smirking or showing any kind of playfulness.

Hana was almost convinced that he was dead serious.

When she swallowed her first spoonful down, she attempted to open to say something (like, "I can feed myself") but he spoke ahead and she remained silent afterwards.

"You can continue copying but don't talk." His tone was very cold and she could tell he wanted to feed her as quick as hell. "And don't you dare defy me now." Then he fed her again. 

She could only nod absentmindedly.

Hana looked around and realized there were a couple of students capturing their oh-so-sweet moment. She frowned while chewing and then continued her work while the big guy fed her like any kdrama boyfriend would.

Just as I thought...

※ ※ ※

After four minutes or so, Hana already finished her plate and Kris smiled cheekily. "Good girl... good girlfriend." He patted her hair down.

"Whatever." She was just one page away from finishing when she decided to stop and drink her fruit punch before Kris would do that for her. "There's two...?"

She looked up at Kris and he shrugged with those eyes that never seemed to leave her every move. "I didn't know what flavor you like and didn't want to go back to the table and ask you and go back to the counter again." He explained without a single hint of enthusiasm. "What is your favorite flavor, anyway?"

"I think mine is mango." She answered quickly while contemplating on drinking apple or orange. "But it doesn't really matter. My stomach isn't very choosy." She shrugged and took orange.

"Noted. Are you done copying?" He glanced at her notebook then his wristwatch.

"No, but you can go now. Don't be too concerned now or you'll get used to this." Hana shooed him with her left hand and her right held her drink. "Go on. You'll be late."

Heck, she's right. He looked around. He reckoned the student population in the cafeteria would be more or less five, including them. "Will you be fine?"

"I'm a whole a lot better without you."

When will your hate ever turn you? "That actually hurts." Kris smiled sadly as he caught her left hand. He took the black hair elastic on her wrist.

What hurts? She balked when she felt him behind her. "You know, I'm getting sick of your overbearing presence, Mister Wu. You should really go now-"

"Stay still, Miss Lee. I'll do what I want." Kris gathered her hair and slowly pulled her hair up in a loose ponytail.

When she felt he was done, she touched her hair to know if it was actually passable. No bumps, eh? "Must've took you a lot of girls to practice, huh?" She nodded, it felt a bit plausible for a guy.

"No, only one. I'm that awesome."

"Awesome? Oh, okay. Who's this only one? Is she one of those three-" She laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "My sister."

"Oh, okay."

Kris held her shoulders gently and bent down to whisper in her left ear. But unlike the usual, he wasn't so close. "Don't forget, I have basketball-"


"Yeah. Go away."

Such a mean girl. Kris pulled away and spun around, ready to head towards the exit doors.

Hana halted for a second to recall what he had done and given to her just for this morning. Even if it wasn't really that necessary, he helped her with her watch and even obeyed her just this lunch time. He bought her food albeit she only asked for a drink. And... he tied her hair up for her. It wouldn't hurt say a quick thanks, right?

"Kris...?" She didn't know why she just called his name like that. But one thing was for sure, it came out inaudible. There was just this tiny chance that he had heard it and if he did, Hana thought he deserved a simple 'thanks'.

"Hm?" Kris stopped and looked her way.

Hana's eyes widened. He heard it? She decided to twist in her seat to properly look at him; to see if he actually did hear her. "Uh..." She scratched her head.

He was just staring directly at her. "I have less than three minutes left. What is it?"

"I... want to say..."

Kris chuckled dryly and walked to her. "I told you I didn't need luck, right?" He placed both of his hands in his pockets and bent down to level his face with hers. "But I'd go for a kiss."

Hana's face contorted with discomfort and disgust. Kris smiled sadly at her again and shook his head. "I was kidding." I tried, though.

"Of course you were. Uhm- yeah, go ahead." She waved robotically and turned her back on him.

"Is that all?" Kris asked and automatically, Hana nodded in response. He sighed loud enough for her ro hear before he finally exited the cafeteria.

Without the both of them even realizing, they felt equally bothered that something- although they couldn't figure out- wasn't exchanged. 

"Halmeoni's right. I'm being really mean. And Eomma too. This is not how they raised me." Hana felt disappointed with herself that she couldn't even verbalize a simple thanks to someone who had done so much for her in just half a day.

Even if she never really asked him to do such things, her conscience tells her she should say thank you at least once in a while.

"Argh!!!" She groaned in annoyance before she pulled her cellphone out of her bag. Her conscience took over and as quick as possible, she had already sent him a message.

"Ge! What took you so long?" Lay, who was waiting outside their classroom, called Kris when he appeared in their hallway. "Come on! Before the professor arrives!"

Kris nodded at Lay. He doubled his pace and felt his phone vibrate as he walked so he pulled it out.

Hannah? He entered the classroom and he opened a new message from his girlfriend.

I also wanted to say thanks.

Kris bit his lips to supress a giddy (or gummy) smile that was threatening to show. He read and re-read her laconic, six-word text all over again. He could imagine her hesitant little smile of politeness.

Yes, she sure hasn't gone full mean yet. He thought happily. He sat down in his chair and placed his phone in the desk. He clicked the only female contact in his inbox and stared at her thumbnail; a candid photo of Hana when she was sleeping in his car.


"Is your heart racing, Fan?" Luhan spoke teasingly from behind. "Is it?"


Kris placed his phone back in his pocket and turned to glare at the older guy. "No."

"Are there butterflies in your stomach?"

"What? No!"


"Is your mind floating?"

"No. You're sick, Luhan."

"And you're in denial, Yifan~"

"No. I am not."

"Honest?" Chen sing-songed.

"No- I mean... yes." Kris picked a ballpen (an expensive one, of course) and aimed it at Chen. "Shut up, you!"


※ ※ ※


The rest of the afternoon went smooth for Lee Hana. There was just a couple of ambush interviews from her classmates or a few party invites which she all avoided or declined politely, saying she was busy with 'schoolwork'.

Actually, she meant she was busy with both school and work.

Hana and her entire class rose from their seats right after the teacher dismissed them. After exchanging goodbye's, she walked up to Cha Dohwi and muttered a thanks.

"You are most welcome, Unnie!" Dohwi nodded happily and placed her notebook in her bag. Hana was about to exit the room when Dohwi tapped her shoulder. "Ah... Unnie. Can I come with you...? Please?"

Hana hesitated for a moment before she asked playfully. "You wanna see that oversized fish too?" She laughed.

"Oversized fish...?" Dohwi repeated and giggled at Hana's funny description of her own boyfriend.

"Aniyo, unnie. I don't like stealing at all." She answered all seriously. No, not Kris oppa... ah but it would be embarrassing to tell Hana Unnie! Dohwi looked like she was about to rebutt but her cheek flushed bright red so Hana took it as a yes.

"We'll head to the lockers first." The latter gave that rare smile again. Dohwi nodded.

"No. We will head to the lockers." The two girls turned around to the owner of the stern voice. "You, Miss Lee, are going with this oversized but handsome fish. Only." Kris whispered to Hana.

Hana sighed and muttered an inaudible sorry to Dohwi before being dragged away... again.


I so need to get used to all this dragging.


※ ※ ※

"ALRIGHT!" The tall and well-built basketball coach barked. That's it for now. Good work!" He dismissed the team of six and the loveless five fled fast.

"Hannah." Kris called and motioned her to come with two fingers.

Hearing that name he always calls her, she closed the game she was playing in Kris' phone. She stood up and walked to him.

"Is there a place you want to drop by before your house?" Kris slung an arm around her when she arrived to his side. She shook her head in response and gave him back his phone. He took it with his free hand and they started walking very close to each other.

"I don't think so." She took a white hanky from her blazer which was Kris' (Remember?) and pressed it on his sweaty forehead. "I just wanna go home. I'm worn out from too much writing. I mean seriously, is today National Copy-All-The-Notes-On-The-Board Day?" She huffed.

Kris took his hanky and chuckled.


He was glad that she was freely expressing her thoughts to him now... even though she always seemed mad. He was glad that she talked as if they'd known each other for years now... even though they'd only know (and hated) each other for weeks. He was glad that she was coping up with this act... even though she always lacked enthusiasm. He was glad to have her by his side... even though it was against her will.


Whatever, he was just glad... and he was genuine at what he was feeling with her.

"Yet you still managed to play games on my phone?" Kris asked playfully as they neared the sports locker room. "Not that I am against it, though." He grinned, showing those pink gums of his.

Hana angled her head up to give him a subtle glare. "I..." She was about to come back at him but she was blinded with his smile. "...will wait here." She slightly shoved him to the door. "Go."

Kris saluted and entered. When he turned around, he couldn't hide his happiness as he quickly changed into clean clothes.

And for the nth time, what has Lee Hannah done to me? 


※ ※ ※

Kris stepped out in a neat white v-neck and training pants. He expected to see Hana just outside waiting for him but no- there was no sign of her.

He sighed, a little alarm rung on his head. He felt both angry and sad. Did she leave me? He pulled his phone out and dialed her. Within four rings, she answered in a slightly sad tone which made Kris curious. "Kris..."

"Lee Hannah! You said you'll wait outside so why did you leave?" He demanded, his tone was icy but it was full of concern. Before she could answer, he spoke again. "Where are you?"

He heard her sigh before she responded."I-I was distracted by something. I'm just near your car, I think. I-"

"Stay there." He ordered and hung up. Then he ran to find her.

Within half a minute, he had already spotted her in the school's parking area. She stood just beside his car and was spacing out, he noticed.

Kris slowly approached her. "There you are." He grumbled from behind as his arms s around her waist. She nodded and patted his arms with his free hands to acknowledge his presence. His anger instantly died down. "What distracted you?" His face was now nestled on her neck.

Hana smiled wistfully. "That family there..." She signaled with her chin. "That's Cha Dohwi's family, I think. They look so happy."

Kris followed her gaze and understood what she meant. From a distance, were three bubbly kids running around a red minivan, a mother talking to her daughter while the former fixed the latter's hair, and a father who was laughing with the little kids. His face though, was a bit obscured because he was looking down.

Kris noticed her shmaltzy moment and decided to lift the atmosphere up. "I'm gonna talk as if we're soon-to-be-married, hmm?" He whispered in the next second. Hana just angled her face to the side to stare at him and his plausible games.

"Don't worry." Kris lifted his head from her neck. He waddled her to his car and opened the car door for her. "We'll get a family of our own someday." He said simply as if that was the most casual thing to say.

Hana's jaw dropped. "W-WHAT?" She sat down and Kris supressed a laugh as he closed the door and made his way to his seat.

"What in the world did you say?" She hollered as he got in. "Oh my goodness, did you eat something poisonous for lunch?" Her eyes were as large as saucers. He only laughed at her frantic queries and leaned in to buckle her seatbelt.

"I want to have many kids, okay? Five or six... Like a basketball team." He winked at her, his face still close to hers.

"Well..." Hana flushed and looked away. "Good luck to your soon-to-be-wife."

"Yeah, good luck to you." He said without missing a beat. She shuddered. He smirked at his effect on her and brushed his lips over her cheeks.

Hana glanced at his direction and swore that his eyes looked like they were going to kill. "No. Heck. Way." She gulped and looked down, avoiding his sight.

"And if they're stubborn and will defy me just like you..." Kris finally pressed his soft lips to her rosy cheeks. "I'll pinch their ears."

Hana gasped and whipped her head to his direction. "Why would you do that to our kids?" She exclaimed and then in the next five seconds, slapped a hand over . WHY WHY OH WHYYYYYY DID I SAY THAT? OH GOD, WHY? Her brain was on a rage.

Kris' smirk never left his impeccable face. He stared giddily at her while she processed what on earth she just said. She turned even red and facepalmed herself.

Kris chuckled and pried her hands off her warm face, playing with her delicate fingers and her couple ring in the process. "I'm sorry... how do you think I should punish our kids?" He teased.

Hana was so red she was ready to combust.


Oh dang.



Hey guys! :)


/I apologize for any errors not taken heed. XD

SOOOOOOO yay, we survived the supertyphoon! BUUUUUT electricity and water is still on shortage in our place so... I had a REALLYYYY hard time publishing this chapter. Most of the days the power is out and the water is in. (Which I think is more important cuz we sure can strive days and nights without the aid of appliances or the internet but can't without water.) Other days it's the opposite but today's different because both is alive! Woohoo~

ANYWAYYYYYYY, I ranked 3rd on this 2nd Grading Period and was extremely happy about it because my efforts paid off... although not entirely all my efforts. PLUSSSS I am so happy that you guys understood and even cared. Ah how truly grateful I am. 


BTW, The next chapters are gonna be... a little bit rushed. I am so sorry, I can't help it. I, just like anyone else, am also a victim of unsought but inevitable circumstances and calamities in life. I just really really hope I could finish this story before I graduate high school!

Till then! xx

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good