
An Unexpected Boyfriend






"Ma! Halmeoni!" Hana stood straight and tried pushing the colorful paper bag away. "Seriously, why must I bring something as heavenly as your cooking for that devil?" Hana pouted while looking at the bag containing food.


Immediately after she asked permission to visit Kris quickly in his office, the elders told her to wait and bring something for him: that delish food they just ate a few hours ago. "I'm pretty sure he has ate! He has money. Lots. So why would he skip dinner just for some papers?" She added.


It's not like he's reviewing for some exams. She took turns in glancing at her mother and grandmother hopefully. Geez, my words are no use. They were just grinning at her. Hana really felt the need to roll her eyes badly at them.


They must've been thinking about their dear Lee Hana being so shy and all when it comes to that handsome man Kris Wu. Well, nobody could blame them. Kris was an item in business, school, television, in the entire Seoul. Maybe even in the entire Asian continent.


Hana could feel herself heating up under the mushy stares of the elders. I feel like punching him the moment I see him.


Mrs. Gong shook her head. "Now, Hana, don't be so fired up!" She chuckled and forced the bag in her granddaughter's hands. Hana was jerked from her reverie and she looked down. "Halmeoni~"


"It's normal to bring your boyfriend food." Her grandmother winked. "Well, i'ts not normal for me! The thought of it is just disgusting." Hana wailed but the elders couldn't understand what extent she was trying to impart.


Mrs. Lee chuckled at the bickering two. She held Hana's shoulders and gently pushed her to the opened door. "Come on, Hana." She said and brought her to the gates. The oldest followed.


Hana looked up at her mother, frowning. "Eomma... I don't want to let him taste this!"


Her mother shook her head slowly. "You just sound like you're not proud of our cooking." She commented, looking down. And Hana hates when her mother becomes like that. It's an extreme no-no for her mother to be sad.


"Ani! Aniyo!" She cried. "I just said before that it's heavenly, right? And that-"


"Oh look! A taxi's here." Mrs. Gong grinned and cut Hana off her should-have-been-long speech.


Hana blew a raspberry and finally gave in. "Fine, Ma." A taxi stopped before the three of them. She gripped on the paperbag tighter and opened the car door.


"I'll call you when I'm heading home." She said halfheartedly before getting in.


"You should, it's already eight in the evening! And... you should since we're staying for this weekend." HThe elders nodded and waved happily at her. "Take care~ Our Hana should make him eat those, huh?" Her grandmother teased.


Oh, Halmeoni. Why are you being like this?


Hana took a deep breath as soon as he told the driver where to. This is it. She's finally going to Wu International all by herself. She's finally going to ask Kris' help. She's really... really doing this.


"Relax, Hana." She told herself determinedly and hugged the plastic bag in her lap. "He's going to help you, Hana. He is." She kept mumbling under her breath as the taxi drove peacefully.


Because he's sure to die in your own hands if he won't. She tried smirking to calm her worried state and maybe, just maybe increase her faded confidence.


And I tell you, smirking sure helps.


※ ※ ※


Hana stepped out of the vehicle and looked down to be aware of what the hell she was wearing. Well not that she cared, anyway.


She was clad in the same pair of cargo pants. On her upper body was a red jacket with random kawaii symbols and patches (which was Tao's gift that she completely adored, by the way) over her gray shirt and was comfortable as she walked with the royal purple rubber shoes from Chen.


Any girl would be having a hard time entering a business building with smart-looking people staring at you. Yes, Hana looked truly bothered as she recalled where Kris' office was situated at.


But the stares were not what bothered her. It was how she'd get Kris' help without feeling ashamed or degraded in any way. "Why would a total man-hater even ask help from a very narcissistic businessman? That's just total shame, Hanna Lee." She would often say in mind.


But now wasn't the time to raise her pride.


"You're here now. No turning back." She told herself encouragingly. She paused at the sight of what she thought was Kris' secretary arranging his things. He appeared slightly older than the latter. He also looked like he was in a rush.


She couldn't collect her thoughts now that she's in his office. How should she approach Kris, again? Just the usual. She nodded at her lone suggestion. Yeah, mean and... yes, mean.


Hana glanced at her wristwatch. It was nearing nine. "Uhm, good evening." She said loud enough to catch the guy's attention. "Hi."


Yoochun looked up. "Yes, hello?" He smiled genuinely at her before continuing what he was busy on. "May I help you, miss?" He asked without looking anymore.


"Is Kris Wu..." She started. At the full name of the Chairman, Yoochun immediately turned to her. "...in his office?" She finished uncertainly.


The guy gave her a quick scan. "Yes, the Chairman is in." He answered, smiling a little.


Hana nodded. Before she could get to say something, Yoochun continued, "But sorry, he doesn't want to see anyone right now. He's reviewing something truly important." He told her sadly. Hana didn't say anything.


"Well goodbye now, I'm running late for a date." He chuckled and reached for his laptop bag.


She raised an eyebrow but understood what he said and why he was in such a haste. "Uhm, secretary-ssi." She called for him before he could get out.


"I'm Park Yoochun, by the way." He turned to her with a smile. Wow, this guy had the patience and politeness. Hana nodded. "I'm... Lee- ani, uh, not even you can get in?" She asked quickly, he was in a rush so she also had to be.


He shook his head. "The last time I entered Chairman's office was two hours ago and I clearly remembered him saying, 'Hyung, the moment you get out, do not let anyone disturb me'."


Hana puffed her cheeks in great frustration. "When will he probably get out?"


"He's sure to sleep here, so.." Yoochun gave her a meek smile. "...maybe tomorrow morning."


Hana sighed and squared her shoulders. "Arasso, goodbye." She bowed a bit.


He bowed as well and went off. Must be the girlfriend at the moment. Yoochun thought with a knowing smile. She's surely different than all those other girls who go here and call themselves his girlfriend.


He entered the elevator and grinned to himself, an expression he does when he becomes entirely amused. "Wow." He breathed. "She didn't even introduce herself."


※ ※ ※


Meanwhile, Hana stood in front of Kris' door. "I'm not anyone, anyway." She shrugged and reached for the doorknob. See? She smirked in full confidence. It's not even locked.


She carefully twisted the knob and poked her head in. There was Kris, his forehead was creased in concentration. Hana shrugged and entered. His eyebrows twitched when he heard the door close. Hana locked the door and waited for him to say something.


"Hyung, didn't you lock the door? I did tell you not to get in, didn't I?" His cross, bossy voice filled the whole office. He payed no attention to whoever entered. He was too occupied with the file before his eyes.


Hana rolled her eyes. "It's not your secretary." She spoke lowly, her voice was different.


Kris flipped to the last page. "Then leave, I'm busy whoever you are." He ordered harshly. Until now, he wasn't looking up. Hana discerned that his tone was so deep, so dark and so arrogant-sounding. "And lock the door."


She ignored him and walked to the little table by the couch. She placed the paperbag down the table and walked to his desk. "Kris, hey... I need your help." She muttered the last part.


"What part of leave do you not understand?" He finally looked up, only to be met by a pair of annoyed eyes. "Hannah?" His brows furrowed and shot up. "What are you doing here at nine in the evening?" He asked, baffled.


"I..." She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "Well... I... about what you texted... ugh, what I told you in the rooftop... right?" Dang girl, say it.


She didn't even notice Kris was already behind her. Her eyes rounded when she felt his milky arms around her. "This erted bastard..." She quivered at the unexpected skin contact with him. I'm gonna have to shower again.


Not that it was the first time he hugs her like this anyway.


Deep inside, Kris was absolutely delighted that she had come. Even without knowing the reason yet, her presence was like a breath of fresh air. For two straight hours, he had been doing nothing but face the papers in the cursed blue file.


He became too absorbed in the company's threatening problems that he hadn't bothered attending his stomach's needs. She's really a breath of fresh air. He smirked and became the cocky Kris Wu again.


"AISH! BASTARD! ERT!" Hana hissed at him. She failed at all her attempts to remove his arms around her. "I swear, you're like three-faced." She flashed him a sour expression.


One time, you get so austere and doesn't care about everything and everyone including me. Then you go... kind of... concerned, which is the weirdest. But most of the time you are this extremely conceited, erted bastard who is into skinship! Hana wanted to scream that in his face but she knew better than that. "Are you listening to me, you alien?"


Kris brushed her insults off and breathed her shower scent. "Your like the last person I expect in my office, girlfriend." He said tiredly and waddled her to the nearby couch. Then she collected her broken sentences awhile ago and got it. "Decided to profess your dire need of my help?"


Hana blinked and stared ahead. Dang, he's so smart. She nodded once and felt her getting pulled down to sit in the furniture. Kris' smirk and arrogant nodding made her come back to her senses. "YAH! Get your filthy arms off me!"


Kris chuckled and obliged. "Chill." The plastig bag in the table caught his attention. He grabbed it and faced Hana. She glanced at the bag then him. He gave her a questioned look. "What is this?"


She tried to take the bag from him but he proceeded in opening it. "Don't even think of it as me concerned for you, Kris." She glared at him whose face was blank. "Eomma and Halmeoni forced me to bring that." She added.


"Perfect." He whispered with his poker face. "I haven't had dinner yet."


"WHAT? I KNEW IT!" Hana's loud voice rung in Kris' ears. She looked down at her watch. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened it afterwards with a smirk plastered on his face. He tipped her chin up. "And I though you're not concerned?"


Hana slapped his hand away and smirked in return. "I knew I should have gave that to the taxi driver." She pouted her lips slightly and pointed at the bag in his hands.


"Wow. So mean." Kris scowled and tugged on her hand playfully. "Like boyfriend, like girlfriend." He commented bitterly and stood up. Hana laughed at him who stood up and took the blue file and his laptop then brought them in the couch.


※ ※ ※


Hana cleared after a few minutes. "Uhm, you're really... really helping me with my dilemma, right?" She grumbled and looked away. Kris swallowed the first spoonful of food. "Anything for my girlfriend." Kris winked when she glanced at him.


Ew. Gross. Disgusting. She cringed inwardly. "Great," she said instead and made herself at ease in the comfy furniture. She took off her shoes and hid it beside the couch. He didn't see her shoes but knew that she took it off.


She gazed at her white socks, it had a neat pattern of gray and black. But it was still in the definition of cute. Just like that twelve-year old kid. She smiled. The other pairs of socks flashed in her mind, they were what comprised the simple gift of Luhan's.


"There's a pair of slippers under this table." Kris stopped her thoughts and she nodded. She blinked and reached for it. Her hand touched a feathery garment and she pulled it out, then the other one. It was in color pink and she knew for sure that it doesn't belong to him.


"Uhmm... okay." She snickered. "Who owns this?"


"My sister." He asnwered plainly. Hana's eyes were round as saucers. "You have a sister?"


Kris looked up at her. "I told you once there was a queen, a prince, and a princess, right?" Hana's face was marred with twitching. Oh... it all makes sense now. Hana nodded robotically. So the princess wasn't... what are you thinking? Of course he has a sister! It's his sister.


Later, she watched Kris fuss with his laptop. Her brows were furrowed and Kris could feel she was staring at him. "Hey." He called her without looking.




"You want me to help you right?" Kris brought the second spoonful into his mouth. Hana rolled her eyes. "I don't want you to help me, you have to help me, Kris."


"Whatever." Kris chuckled. "Then help me too, hnn?" He smiled tenderly at her. "Can you stop those disgusting faces?" Hana cringed and shoved his face away. Later, she thought about it and nodded in agreement. "In what way?"


"Feed me."


Hana grimaced at his way. "You wish, Kris."


"Then how would you help me?" Kris raised a thick eyebrow. "Huh? How?"


"Ara." Hana grinned and took the laptop and blue file from him. Kris didn't stop her, he watched her in awe. "I'll do the research on these companies." She said confidently as she read the highlighted names on the last sheet of paper.


Kris raised another eyebrow at her, amused. "Are you sure?"


"Until you're done eating." Hana nodded and typed Google in the address bar. "Just so you know, I'm unquestionably the best at research." She smirked at him. "I've been branded as Best Researcher in all of my projects, individual or group, in the Philippines and US."


"Wow." Kris smirked and clapped his hands thrice, then continued eating. Hana rolled her eyes and typed the first company in the search bar. ChenJin International-


So amusing... Kris leaned in and pulled her neck to him. Without warning, he placed a quick kiss on the top of her head. "Mwoya-" Hana balked and glared at him. Kris smiled arrogantly like usual.


"You're so sickening." She hissed and rubbed the part where he placed his lips on. "I think you meant to say sweet not sick." Kris grinned and resumed eating, enjoying the luscious meal.


She snorted. "Asa." (Dream on.)


※ ※ ※


"Done?" Hana eyed Kris who just finished eating. "I'm done here." It was already ten and yes, he ate for more or less an hour. She was getting irritated at him. Kris grinned at her and dropped his head on her shoulder. He decided he should be grateful. "Hey, hank you for the food."


"Thank my mom and grand-" He shushed her. "I will. I will."


"One, for the scrumptious meal." He pulled her hand and trapped it with both of his. Hana stared at him weirdly. The gap between them was now closed. "And two, for sending me a helping hand." He smiled at her and reviewed her work.


Hana shifted in her seat and tried tolerating Kris' habits but every now and then, she would just go grossed and all. "Kris." She called and pushed his head off but he only yanked her closer. "Stop trying." Kris grunted against her hair.


All Hana could do was just stop. Since none of her efforts worked anyways.


After a good ten minutes, Kris nodded. He was impressed with Hana's research. Not that he doubted what she said, but he was truly amazed at how detailed and complete it was. Now I'll just review this in the morning and I'm all ready the board and... Abeoji. He saved the document twice and shut his laptop down.


Hana looked at him. "Oi, Kris. I've waited long." She yawned. No, that wasn't included in her acting skills. She really was feeling quite drowsy. "Now it's your turn to help me." She said weakly.


Kris turned to her. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and prepared to slouch in the couch. Before her back could hit the furniture's surface, he had already took her in his arms. "It's getting really late." Hana looked up at him lifelessly. She was frowning.


Kris looked tired too but he promised to help her, right?


He nodded once and took his iPhone out. "Give me the contact numbers." He told her.


Hana nodded and puller her phone from the red jacket. She quickly did as told, struggling to keep herself awake. "The bookstore... here. And the other one... here." She yawned again.


"Got it, I'm calling them." He gently placed Hana's head down the couch and slowly stood up.


Before Kris could reach the other line, Hana's faint mumbling made him instantly smile. "Thanks... Kris... you erted, conceited, three-faced... bastard." She opened her eyes at a smiling Kris before slowly closing them again.


"Didn't know you could actually thank me." Kris chuckled in surprise and shook his head. He watched her doze off completely. Now, why didn't that sound like an insult, Kris?

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good