
An Unexpected Boyfriend






"Welcome to the dragon's lair!~" Xiumin sang with twinkling eyes and a crooked grin as he unlocked and widely opened a rusty little gate. The door looks like a secret only this rich guys are aware of... She thought. It was subtle to the average pair of wandering eyes but it would intrigue those skeptic ones.


Hana blinked. The five boys in front of her made way for her without anyone forcing them to. Her eyebrows rose in sync. "Wae?" Her question showed no emotion or excite... because well, she's the best in concealing hyper feelings. Or maybe she doesn't really own such emotions when she's around men.


A normal girl would most likely swoon in delight to have these good-looking men treat her like a princess or something. So, yes. Our Lee Hana doesn't appear to be normal at all. Her insides screamed nothing like those terms called fangirling or spazz. What do those even mean?


"A pretty girl deserves to be treated well." Tao reasoned oh-so-seriously. Luhan chuckled while nodding. He glanced at Lay who felt embarrassed again under the glances of the Chinese ulzzang. "Hajimayo!" Lay frowned. "You're adding insult to injury." He pouted later on.


There was an unnoticeable smile of awe in the corners of Hana's mouth. And tell you what, she doesn't even know how that got there nor did she care that she smiled a little bit.


All of a sudden, she eased seeing this childish side of the so-called jjangs. I repeat; eased. Not softened, melted or was attracted. There is a great difference in those words thank you very much. She watched the rest of Kris' friends either smile or nod.


She strained her neck up to look at Kris who was right behind her. Somehow, she wondered why Kris wasn't born a gentlemen like Tao or the others... or so that's what she thinks.


Kris looked down at her. He stared back at those baffled orbs of hers. At first, they were calmly odd to an understandable extent. "What?" He asked in a low voice. She gave him a questioning or irritated look, he can't really tell which adjective dominates more.


He gave her a short nod, encouraging her to go on. She tore her gaze away from him and went back to face the small gate. She tightened her grip on the straps of her back pack as she started walking with her head down. "Weirdos." She muttered under her breath.


Kris shook his head and walked behind her. The rest of the gang eagerly trailed behind him. The last one to enter was the youngest, Tao, who carefully locked the gate.


"Wow..." Hana said in awe, scanning the overlooking Seoul City before her. "It's nice here." She remarked without hesitation.


Although the sun was shining brightly, everything still looked like a refreshing breeze of relief to her. The strong winds seemed to sway her body into a dance of summerlike trance. The sight of sweaty kids running around the streets, people happily chatting over lunch and the city itself that seemed to beam at her were all breathtaking to her.


Well, you can't blame her. Pain has been her closest friend since the day her father had left her to tears. She had been busying herself with schoolwork and weekend jobs so she could distract herself from the presence of dreaded men everywhere. Especially now that she has this so-called love interest, Kris.


Yes, she is this sentimental at times.


Six pairs of eyes looked at her after she spoke. She looked so calmed. It was as if she wanted to forget every single problem she had in her entire life and right here would be the best location to do that. In those big, round and tough orbs of hers, a few of the guys could see the tranquility over her ill and bottled feelings.


She took steps forward, smiling widely when her face was out of their view.


All but Kris nodded in approval. Well, he agrees too but he just nodded at her. Our Kris here is not that showy with understanding nor disagreement. Unemotional, they say.


He continued to observe her when everyone else stopped and chatted. He could perceive the content in his Hannah's face albeit the huge distance betwixt them. The way her hair bounced with the wind in the most perfect way without effort was quite a sight to him.


He could hear the guys bickering but he was at loss for words.


They were mentioning memoirs of good and bad. They had a lot of topics and they interacted nonstop. On contrast, Kris was still and was concentrated on Hana's little rosewater moment right here and now.


Realizing that, he looked away fast.


Very typical.


※ ※ ※


"FOOD!" Xiumin's ears perked up by the time he heard a male voice from the gate. Automatically, he dashed towards the gate. All of them turned around to watch him dash to the gates. Hana's eyes widened at him and his speed. In less than three seconds, he was now unlocking the gates. She blinked rapidly before speaking. "Is he this scurried when it comes to-"


"He is." Chen inserted as he turned to look at Hana. "We haven't eaten properly due to an early flight. Plus we went straight to the parlor." He smiled his rare smile. "Anyhow, get used to it."


Kris' brows furrowed as he stole a glance at Hana who nodded understandingly at him. Her arms were swinging back and forth, as if she was playing with the wind. She was about to open again but Kris caught her left wrist and dragged her to sit beside him in a little dining area nearby.


"Ohhh..." Chen chuckled as he watched their back figures. There was something amusing in their duizhang's face. Was it jealousy? He thought and laughed mutely after. He got one of the plastic bags from Xiumin who came back gaily. The latter was grinning at them, as usual.


Luhan clapped and Tao decided to do the same, their mouths were round as doorknobs. Oh, what good food can do to my friends. Lay mused in mind. He smiled his dimples out and took one as well.


"I never saw that expression from him before." Chen mumbled through his little laughter.


"What expression?" Lay asked as he stared at Chen whose mouth was opening and closing. One of the former's eyebrows were raised in curiosity. The latter shook his head. "Nothing!"


Tao looked at the bundle of human beings and found the unexpected couple nowhere standing with them. He whipped his head to scan the place. "Where's dui- ohh..." He snickered and nudged his geges.


They followed Tao's gaze.


"What do you mean your parent are staying for the weekends?" Kris asked as calm as ever.


Hana blew the strands of hair that were in front of her face. "Simple." She started and intertwined her own fingers. "They want to know where I go, what I do, who I am with and why I look forward to weekends when they aren't around." She explained with a marred face as she turned to him.


"And that's no-can-do for me."


Kris understood what her tone was implying. He nodded and watched Hana fret with the bouncy hair of hers that played with the wind. curling upwards and downwards as she nagged with nature. She didn't plan on using her hands and he didn't get a hint on why.


He frowned inwardly when he realized she wasn't waiting for any respond from him.


Oh you know, the usual.


Hana balked when Kris raised both of his hands to her face level. "What are you doing?" She muttered quickly with a hint of caution in her voice. For a while, she thought he was gonna hit her right then and there. That wouldn't surprise her at all but hey, she's still a girl after all. She backed a little. "If you're planning to do harm to me-"


Hana's words came to a halt when he started gathering the stray hairs in front of her. With his long, and milky fingers, he carefully curled them behind her ears. Almost thin bundles by bundles. Take note, he was exerting great effort in what he was doing. Still, he kept his poker face.


Hana could only stare at him. Something was unusual in his expression, in what he was doing. He looked... unexperienced with girl hair matters, actually. She knew Kris wasn't the type to stay single for a long time and hadn't he played with other girl's crowning glories as well?


Strange... It was as if it was his first time to do this to a girl. Well, actually, it was.


He shortly grinned at her who boringly blinked at him. "Maybe next time."


※ ※ ※


"Lee Hana!"


"OPEN OUR GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFTS!" Xiumin screeched as the gates flung open again, revealing the five boys who are now holding boxes with colorful wraps with them. Hana flinched at his shrilly tone. Well, this wealthy kid didn't seem to mind the entire school's hearing.


After eating, they had told her that they got her some things and so they dashed back to their classroom to get it. Hana was a hundred percent sure she wasn't excited and all-happy. But when she saw the boxes of varied colors, sizes and styles, her eyes sparkled. Don't ask her, I think we all know why.


"Hyung." Kris glared at him and smoothly wrapped an arm around Hana's raised shoulders. She glared at him. He wasn't even looking at her direction but at his friends. She removed his arm from her before she gets the incentive to rip it off. Xiumin swallowed and grinned. "Mian. Excited baozi is excited."


Luhan chuckled as he placed a box down the table, in front of Hana. "We bought you gifts."


Lay nodded and placed his next to the older, and then the others did the same. After, they took their seats and waited for her reaction. Hana stared at them then she squared her shoulders. "I'm sure I don't want pranks right now-"


"They aren't pranks." Kris cut her off.


She looked at him. "The guys efforted in finding you presents just so you'd listen to them or whatever the reason is." He spoke in English, looking at the boxes that he saw just yesterday. His friends tentatively nodded, as if they knew what he was saying. He made sure only Hana could understand what he said. "So stop being so stubborn and open it."


Hana looked at to the five reassuring guys in front of her and Kris. She took a deep breath before nodding. Six pairs of eyes stared at her gladly as she silently agreed. "OH YEAAAAAH!" The guys threw their fists in the air and created a little commotion about which she should open first.


"Since I'm the cutest, I also have the cutest gift!" Luhan informed her with a lot of aegyo. Xiumin scoffed and turned to her. He waved his hands in the air. "You mean, you have the cheapest gift because your eyes couldn't see anything cute inside the mall-"


"AAASSSHHHH." Luhan covered the older's mouth. "The price doesn't matter, alright?" He grinned.


She looked at the noisy ones fighting and bickering. She laughed inwardly and found Chen with his mouth closed, only laughing once in a while with his older's jokes and acts. There was Tao who smiled creepily at her too... or maybe more like ily, with his dark aura-ed slit eyes and flashy grin.


Hana raised an eyebrow at him and sternly shook her head. Tao, dismayed, frowned. She smiled a bit at his natural cuteness (and darkness). After a while, she finally said something. "I'll open Chen's first." She half-yelled so they would stop. She could see the grimace from them (especially Lay's) but they still encouraged her to go on.


Chen sweetly grinned at her.


Meanwhile, Kris gazed at her. There was this funny and abnormal sensation happening again. He shook his head and watched her fiddle with the baby blue-colored box she first chose. Chen's.


Hana pouted a little without her realizing, she was rarely like this when she's noting great care in not tearing something. She wanted to keep the wrappers as well because you know, it gave off an expensive feel. And, ah, it's free alright?


Finally, the medium-sized box was unwrapped. She smiled at it as she opened it. She stared down at the beautiful pair of rubber shoes. It was royal purple in color. Goodness, she hadn't even noticed the box was a shoebox! She took it out, noticing how lightweight it felt, she searched for and saw the brandname. It was a high-end thing, darling. And mind you, it was too much for her eyes set only on affordable stuffs.


"Uhh..." She swallowed and looked at Chen. He was smiling brightly. "All yours."


She gulped for the nth time and nodded. "Thanks, Chen..." She thanked inaudibly. Chen lit up and gloated at the others, especially Tao.


And at this point, our duizhang couldn't handle this no more. She hadn't even sincerely thanked him for everything he'd done and now she... she just... I also gave her shoes and she threw back to me! His chest compressed and he stood up before something else weird happens to him.


After regaining his poker face, he scoffed and pulled Hana up. "Come on. You'll be late." He told her. She blinked at him. "Oh, classes. Yeah... right... how could I have forgotten..." She mumbled sadly as she looked at the pile of gifts waiting to be opened.


"Duizhang!" Tao called, also standing up. "She isn't done yet!"


Luhan nodded. "She has to open mine."


Kris raised an eyebrow at Hana who seemed to be weighing things. And he just hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself, and that she would opt for what he thinks is just. She faced Kris again. "Shouldn't I open some more?" She murmured coolly. "It would be disrespectful if-"


"Open them later!" Kris snapped with the same unemotional face. Disrespectful? He scoffed and gathered the unopened presents in his long and toned arms. So she has respect for guys now, huh? But except for me? The nerve of this girl! Kris thought angrily. "You guys wouldn't want to have someone late, right?"


He was mad. Kris Wu was downright mad.


The thought of her concerning other men brought irritation to his chaotic thoughts.


Hana winced from his voice and nodded slowly. She observed Kris shove the presents inside her bag from the corners of her eyes. She kept shut as she glanced over the other guys. Two looked shocked, another two were completely enjoying (and grinning at her) the show and one was deep in thought. When he was done, he held her wrist again and said a word no more.


Nope, not even a single bye.


※ ※ ※


"So..." Chen faced the table again when the coast was clear. Kris had stepped out the rooftop and dragged Hana behind him. "...I was effective, wasn't I?"


They all laughed. Oh wait no, Lay didn't. Tao almost did but stopped himself when Lay spoke. "It's 'cause the girl really would be late." He said matter-of-factly.


"But..." Luhan scrunched his nose. "...that was really something." He said dreamily and Xiumin chuckled. Lay looked at him. Everyone nodded. And so did Lay. But it would still take a lot of persuading for Tao and him.


A lot.


※ ※ ※


"You aren't talking..." Hana murmured when they safely reached the lowest grounds of the school. They had stopped in a little corner when she said she'll fix her shoes. Kris dropped her wrist. He turned around seconds later, finding Hana pulling her hair up in a ponytail.


He raised an eyebrow at her. "You're tying your hair because...?"


Hana rolled her eyes. "Because I don't want people to see this bouncy hair." She reasoned and eyed Kris' brown highlights. "I don't care if they see the highlights, anyway. I'm keeping my hair intact."


Kris nodded. He watched her fix her hair swiftly with a gold hair elastic. "And I'm done." She smiled to herself. Then, she looked up at Kris. She blinked and remembered something. "Uhm, bye!" She called over her shoulder when she passed him. 


But Kris was fast. Very, very fast.


He clutched onto Hana's bag. She groaned in annoyance, pouting slightly. And again, he held onto her wrist. Not too tight and not too snug. It didn't feel harsh nor felt gentle.


Dang, Kris was still mad.


She watched Kris' perfect back as he walked a bit ahead of her. Well of course, he had a nice back. She rolled her eyes and sighted some students nearby eyeing her up and down. "So where to?" Kris asked smoothly. Sh e gulped and prepared for some realistic girlfriend duties. "Locker."


※ ※ ※


Gasps were heard all over the hallway when the unexpected couple appeared. A lot of girls frowned and automatically despised this girl who was with Kris. Although most of them didn't recognize her, they were all looking at Hana in mere hate.


"Will you stop looking at me like that?" Hana said through gritted teeth. The talks all around were bearable but what wasn't were the stares that Kris gave her and only her. It was provoking her.


He shook his head once. She opened her locker and tried hitting on Kris' face but he was able to avoid it. She scoffed and glanced quickly at him. He was smirking creepily at her. Pure disgust for Hana's precious eyes. "You're embarassing."


Kris chuckled and helped her with her bag. "Love you too." He stated out loud. And as expected, the noise grew louder and more agitating. The man adjacent to Hana seemed to loving the commotion.


Hana wanted to just dig a hole here and bury herself. If she only could kick Kris right now, or dematerialize him and his smirk... she would... no she wouldn't. What would happen to the women in her family if the found out her secretive tasks?


She watched him smile from the corners of her eyes. It was then that she realized he's really taking this seriously.


Okay, then. Hana breathed and allowed Kris to help her.  Let him be. She declared in mind.


"Who is she?" A black-haired girl whispered. The latter was noticing the hottest and most trending twosome's movements. The girl(friend) was sighing and placing gifts in her locker, she didn't even dare glance at Kris' way. And all this time, the boy(friend) was smirking; his eyes were only to Hana.


His fangirls grimaced. 


"New student?" Another one in beautiful brown-and-black hair asked. It was Yoona and the one who questioned earlier was Yuri. The ladies beside them shrugged, they didn't know. Albeit the fresh face, she still looked somewhat familiar.


"Anyhow, let's report this to the girls." Yuri told Yoona when they got out of the little crowd. "I hate to say this but Kris Oppa looked happy... weird, right?" They nodded at the same time and started walking.


"Yah!" Yoona's head perked up and Yuri instantly looked at her. "That... that wasn't Lee Hana, right?"


Yuri shook her head frantically. No way.


※ ※ ※


Hana smiled in relief when she finally spotted her room. She unhooked Kris hand on her wrist happily. "Go on." She urged him. She just wanted him to be out of sight already, is it that hard? "You're running late."


Kris laughed. "Your humor is quite something." He watched her eyebrows rise in sync. He ruffled her hair before speaking. "We choose and control the time for our subjects, dear Hannah."


Double ugh. She sighed and pushed him. "Ha. Na." She grunted and turned around.


Kris watched her enter and sit on a far location at the back. So she really was this kind of girl. He mused in mind. He listened to the entertaining noise his fans made. A lot of 'Kris Wu is in this hallway again! Eotteokae?' and 'Omo oppa! You're really together?' made him nod proudly.


I'll give my gift later... He smirked when Hana whipped her head towards the door.


She frowned when she saw him still there, still the same self-centered image of Kris Wu.


"GO AWAY!" She mouthed and glared at his way. "Basketball gym later, Hannah." He smirked and winked slyly at her before leaving.


The class erupted in howls and 'ooh's' after Kris did that. She bravely ignored all those.


Must I really watch you bastard practice? Hana scowled and rested her head on the desk. She only wished she could open the other gifts from China now and not another sight of Kris' flawless face being covered in sweat and dominated by conceit.


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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good