
An Unexpected Boyfriend





I don't want to go... dang, everyone will... agh!! Hana blew an irritated raspberry as she trudged down, to the living room. "Ma, alis na ko! (Ma, I'm going!)" She ran to you and gave your cheek a sweet smooch. "Magpakabait ka. (Be good.) Don't do what you did yesterday." She reminded.

Hana flashed a sarcastic smile and a disobedient face. "I can't promise anything if it's boys, eoma." She stated truthfully and kissed her mother's forehead. Before her mother could protest, she ran out of the house. "Aish! That kid!"


※ ※ ※



This day is not gonna be awesome, brace yourself, Hanna Lee. She foretold herself. She bit the insides of her lips as she entered the gates of her school, wondering why the entrances and area seemed peaceful. Was she early again?

She turned her eyes to the purple watch adorning her left wrist. She was not. In fact, she was hella late. She dashed to her room like a mad dog, she was already eighteen minutes late! Eottokae!?

Arriving at the door panting mad, she looked up, finding no one and heard nothing in her room. No students, no teacher, but there were a few bags. "Anyareh?" (What happened?) She went inside and placed her backpack down her seat, she found a piece of white paper on her chair.

It was her week's, or the class' schedule. She looked at Tuesday. "7:30 A.M. Formal... Opening... Ceremonies," she read. Oh...  She glumly nodded, grabbed her bag and went out for the search of the school's field stage. "Where could that be?" Malayo siguro, an' tahimik dito eh. (It seems far since I can't hear any noise from here.)

Hana kept on walking with the paper in her hand, reading it and practicing her Hangul. She followed a path where a big arena could be seen. That should be it.  She halted when she heard sets of giggles nearby. Noises that were too girly... and she obviously doesn't like it.


"You want us to do that oppa?" A high-pitched voice of a female was heard. "You're so bad oppa~ Johahae~" Another one in a flirty tone said. Being a sort of curious person, Hana turned her head around, to the side and elsewhere, she couldn't spot anyone but personnel and faculty members in different uniforms from afar. It can't be them.


"Arasso, oppa~" This voice was familiar, a voice that Hana had already heard and maybe, yes, maybe hated already. She shuddered, whoever they were, she doesn't care anymore.


She started walking again with her eyes on the ground, feeling gloomy as she recalled the incident yesterday and how her mother and grandmother had lectured her on dinner last night (it was her fault though, for spilling it to them).


Not for long, three pairs of fancy heels came into view: vivid red, pearly white and lucid yellow.


When Hana looked up, she was greeted by slender arms in bracelets; pushing her shoulders in force that wasn't too strong but made her stumble down. The two behind Seohyun laughed; they were clearly enjoying the task.


Here is the scene when the most famous, richest and prettiest girls in school ridicules the new and vulnerable girl. Crap... 


"Hmph. Weak." Kris, who was watching behind a nearby tree, smirked and walked out of view.


Hana glared at the three of them. She didn't knew them at all but she already understood what was going on. "I pushed her! Ojjana? I'm too powerful, unnie!" She exclaimed with matching battling of fake eyelashes, her friends joined her. You don't say?  Hana inhaled and exhaled. "Seohyun-ah, she's nothing compared to us." Taeyeon squinted her eyes at Hana.


Hana got up and held on the straps of her bag, wondering who'll she start with. "Omo~ acting so tough when you're actually feeble?" Miyoung frowned, and it was fake; Hana wanted to tear those red lips so badly off her pale face. She gritted her teeth.


For some reason, Kris turned around and wondered if Hana will fight back. She won't anyway, but I'll see. Hana clenched her fists and made crackling sounds with her wrists. The three seemed threatened with the dark aura around the new student.


"W-what are you g-gonna do?" Seohyun muttered under her breath. "This." With an enraged face, Lee Hana forcefully pushed the girl in the middle, as revenge.


Hers was clearly a lot stronger. Why? When Seohyun fell down, Miyoung and Taeyeon were also, clearly affected and lost their footing. They turned deathly pale as they cried as they fell down their butts and maybe hurt their feet and palms, a lot of pain, indeed.


Hana's eyebrows arched. "Sabihin 'nyo nga ulit? Sinong mahina? Cht." (So tell me, who's feeble again? Cht.) She dryly laughed and was please that one caused the fall of three.


"Bwoh!?!?!" The three in pain cried, not getting a hint of what she is saying. Hana pressed her lips on a tight line, "I said, do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you." She grinned and waved off; leaving the with the Golden Rule.


"That was worth watching." Kris sneered and watched you get away.


※ ※ ※



"He's there!" Lay pointed at their leader and the five of them near him. "Kris ge! Where were you?" Chen looked at him, studying his features if he had caused a fight again; yes, some of them were very, very brotherly.
"Around." He quickly answered. Luhan and Xiumin looked at each other with eyes that asked, 'this is his attitude on the first days?'. "You know they give punishments to those who weren't able to attend, right?" Tao softly asked. Kris calmly shrugged.
He was about to go when Luhan, all of  sudden, asked a question; an unnecessary one, "Did you see the new girl?" Kris looked at him. "Yeah, so?"
"We didn't." Xiumin rolled his eyes, being the eldest, he really can't take the daily cockiness and crabbiness of Kris Wu. He turned around and walked away.
Luhan ran to him, stopping him as he placed his warm hand over his cold shoulder. Kris spun around to meet the short one. "Actually..." Luhan started as the other four backed him. "We have a bet for you." The fourteen-year old looking guy continued and smiled.
Kris looked around and gave a short nod. "Non naruel jageukhaji?" He slightly stuck his tongue out and moistened his upper lip; putting the bad boy image on display. A few of them rolled their eyes.
"Go ahead." He was in the mood for bets. He knew the guys doesn't approve of his attitude; and he was more than willing to show them he can't be changed nor tamed.
"Date the new girl." Luhan easily told him. Well, he could since he was months older.
Kris eyes squinted. What? Chen laughed while the others slyly smiled, he liked the idea. "She's not approachable, you're gonna have a hard time, bro."
Kris snapped at him, "I won't."
"For a month?" Xiumin interrupted, and challenged him with his perfect eyebrows.
"Are you... serious?" He asked, and his tone, too, was challenging. Because he was all hyped to show them who he really is and what a lot he can do... effortlessly. Or that's what he thought.


※ ※ ※

School finally ended. So quickly. Hana had a great ninja time avoiding everyone who looked at her with hate in their eyes. Thank God for not seeing again those stuck-up people... She thought as she went out the gates in peace.
She thought too soon. 
In front of her own eyes were the TaeMiSeo trio again, with two more from the back. "Ano na naman, ngayon??" (What is it, this time?) She grunted, doing her very best to stay serene and composed.
"Im Yoon Ah, Kwon Yu Ri." Taeyeon called, in a very condescending manner that Hana (and maybe even the called two) dislikes. "Neh?" The two beautiful girls who were called forced a crooked smile. Taeyeon motioned with her chin, "Hold her." She commanded in a very low manner which Hana realized as contrived. The former tried backing or planning on escaping but the statuesque twosome were already holding her. Dang, these girls must exercise a lot!
"What are you trying to do?" Hana shouted at Taeyeon's small face. Taeyeon, who was really angry, tightly shut her eyes closed and glared at Hana afterwards. After glaring, she rolled her eyes. Her pupils finished a quick journey to her feet. "Watch." She bent down and held on Hana's flat shoes.
Realizing what the stingy, litte lady was trying to do, Hana tried kicking but Taeyeon had already grabbed her feet, removing the only school shoes she has.
Taeyeon stood straight and made a grossed face. "Cheap things, really?" Hana saw Miyoung and Seohyun's face contort in agreement. Taeyeon gave the both of them each shoe... who unhesitantly threw it far, in busy, cursed streets of Seoul. Hana's eyes almost popped out when she knew there was no chance in finding it, even if she'd try hard.
"Aigoo~ this poor girl." They gagged.
Hana gulped and felt her chest compress, she was trying to hold back her emotions. Let them be. I'm just gonna study and have money for my Mom. She wondered why she felt down, poor, small and really, really flimsy. She wasn't usually like this.
"Kaja." Taeyeon ordered and left with her two sisters. With their heels marching in a cheerful mien, Lee Hana knew they were obviously pleased with what they have accomplished. Yoona and Yuri smirked and pushed her down, following the nasty ladies.

※ ※ ※

"At least I didn't get to see him." Hana efforted on cheering herself up, Good news na 'yun... (That itself is good news.) she wasn't planning on tracing her shoes.
She stood up but she seemed to have a hard time doing so. Instead of getting up on her feet, she gradually stumbled and lost balance because of pain and headed to fall forward. She shut her eyes; ready to break her face.
She knew she was falling down but before her flawless face could hit the hard floor, a cold hand grabbed her left wrist and yanked her in. She almost softened as she felt secured, sinking into the arms of someone.
Kris blinked rapidly. He swore something surprisingly strange was occuring on his inner self. She was too close; her face was near the crook of his neck as she has his critical eyes on her. Normally, he would unemotionally watch a girl fall or pretend to fall and not even give a damn about it. But today... This is the girl I'm gonna ask out? 
Hana's eyes were still closed, afraid and weak. I'm not feeling good... "Uhuhm." Kris impatiently cleared his throat. Her eyes snapped open and she immediately pushed him away as she looked down, her cheeks heated in anger and yes, embarrassment. How did he?? WHY HIM?
Kris stared at her who never looked at him. "You let yourself be bullied? How awful." He attempted to comment, shoving the awkward atmosphere away. Hana lifted her head up to meet his icy eyes with hers.
"No one needs your remarks." She mumbled and walked away; to a near waiting shed. They were five, you bastard! How can I win to them?

※ ※ ※

Hana's back leaned against the cold, metal bars of the waiting shed. It was honestly difficult to walk in the streets without footwear. At least I have my socks... She looked down at her threadbare socks. She could sense how angered her Mom would be the moment she steps in the living room/reception area with no leather shoes on. Aish! Maybe I should just sneak in?
She shook her head; she wasn't your everyday bad girl. No, she wasn't.
Sometime later, she felt weights on her feet. She winced and quickly looked to her right, Kris was there, in tranquility and looking perfect as always. Not too far, nor too close. "You-"
"Wear it." He asserted. opened and she looked down; where a pair of gray converses were placed, beside her feet. "I could sense someone being problematic about something." He continued.
A help from you? NO WAY. Hana picked it up and threw it back to him, being the bullheaded being she is. "I could sense they smell terrible!" Kris jaw dropped as he scrambled to catch it.
What the-she---she should be grateful! Is everyone really, really serious today?! He watched her glare at him one last time then walked fast to the bus who had just stopped. "She's serious? Are they serious!?" He questioned no one in particular continuously.
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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good