
An Unexpected Boyfriend




Hana stirred as she felt uncomfortable while in SleepVille, she does get all grumpy it when the temperature doesn't cope with her resting or sleeping state; hot or freezing cold-she hates it. Carefully, she opened her eyes and sat up, gently slapping her own cheeks. Blinking slowly, the hot air coming from the office's large window greeted her first.


Yawning, she finally got up and dusted her uniform.


"O-O-Oh! Lee... Lee Hana-ssi?" She turned around and saw the silent, dignified and humble Guidance Head, Mr. Goo Wook. Shoot... this is embarrassing. I hope he isn't mean like what others spread around. Her eyes enlarged before she gave him a suspiscious smile.


"A-anyeonghasseyo!" She bowed after a second or so, exclaiming a robotic greeting. He let out a laugh of amusement for seconds as you did so.


He doesn't appear mean, Hana. She mentally noted. "You scared me! Rising behind the couch, huh? What were you doing there?" The nice, middle-aged man asked then turned to the papers he was working.


She scratched the back of her warm and clammy neck. "Er, mianhida, Goo Sajangnim. I slept.." She sheepishly answered, not knowing what more to add (in case she veritably needs to). He nodded as he looked back at her.


"Oh, it's okay, I guess. Since the both of you did a good job." He said as he scans the place.


The both of us, huh? Hana nodded and excused herself out. She started walking out and passed by a class. Yeah, an on-going class. I slept too much?


She looked at her watch that said it was nineteen minutes after two in the afternoon. She was too lazy to get her bag back and have her lunch- oh wait, her mom didn't give her lunch today. Not sure if I forgot or Mom did...


※ ※ ※


"Kamsamnida, Ahjumma." Hana said in monotone and turned around with the flip of her ungroomed and sweaty hair, only to find the Kris Wu in one of the tables, yep, alone (because the time wasn't lunch time, you know). He ate there silently because he seemed like he missed all the fun. She smirked, actually happy that he did so. You lazy bastard.


She walked towards a pale green table far from Kris but near from the canteen counters. Her legs felt really worn out, as well as her whole system. Her grip on the floral tray tightened as she stood before one of the four chairs around the small table.


So he put it back on me? IMPOSSIBLE. Realizing she had his shoes back on her feet as she sat; it didn't make her surprised. May the most stubborn git win. She glumly thought. Really famished, Hana began eating and eating and eating.


His eyes showed disgust as he saw her devouring eating the platter of goodness in the spaced out table, but later, he realized he had something necessary to accomplish within... hmm, maybe this day? ... and that had to include her; her who he has his eyes laid on. She's awake, might as well win the bet at this moment, right, Kris? 


Unknown to her, someone in the most perfect form was obseving her with critical eyes. Kris, who was finished, stood up and approached Hana with a cold bottle of green tea in his also cold hand. Ever confidently, he sat down in front of her with the nerve to do so. Na naman? (Again?) "Ikaw. (You.)" Hana grunted aggravatedly, sensing his presence yet did not care to look up.


What language is she speaking? How can I not possibly understand what she has said? "Bwoh? Bwoya?" He asked in a baffled tone as he eyes her unceasingly. He may always have the calm and uncaring facade but his mind converses a lot, with, well, himself.


"How did your shoes appear in our house?"


He did not reply, instead, he smirked. That kid is obedient. Hana glanced sideways at him who had the pleased face on. Wondering what the cause of that face was, and eager to know his answer, she slammed her utensils hard on the table. Kris's eyes rounded for a bit before looking giving that face that elaborated he was not fazed.


"You. Speak." She demanded. He shrugged at her try. "Make me." He mouthed. Too bad for him, Hana was too observant that she understood. "Very well." She said, loud and clear, she then dropped the silverware she was holding and kept a cold facade. He turned to glance at her but he quickly yelled and stood up at what she did.


Those in the canteen watched in surprise. "That's... Kris Wu... t-the kingka they call... right?" One ahjumma in the counter asked in low tone. The younger kitchen personnel nodded, with their jaws dropped and mouth hang wide open at this... mere... little girl.


"NOO! ARGH! YOUU! AISH!!" Kris hollered as he avoided those high-costing shoes you threw. "WHO ARE YOU TO DO THAT TO ME!?" He barked as he examined his face with a mirror from one of his uniform's pockets, yet Hana couldn't care less.


"No one." She openly answered, then proudly glared at his horrified expression. "Have no footwear, then." He rolled his eyes and walked off, with Hana glaring holes at his back.


How am I- is that bet even possi- AH! IT IS. IT IS? We obviously detest each other. He continued walking, bored, unwilling yet determined.


※ ※ ※


It was going to be a nice afternoon.


A normal Thursday in school, hmm. One more day and first week is over. Hana smiled and proudly beamed at the thick, white sheets of paper, no actually, at her scores, which wasn't that great but she was contented that she passed Math, Science and History... well, she almost passed History but she could try better. She never liked those three major subjects since elementary.


It is a nice morning after all. She thought and exited the room, tummy ready to eat lunch.


"So hyung." Chen smiled as he sat on one of the tables with his friends. Kris didn't even look at the younger one. Yes, it was an ordinary day, Kris Wu in his self-centered image; the usual. "I was wondering if-" "He can't do it," Lay interrupted Chen. Kris finally looked up at them, not knowing what he couldn't do. Chen looked away, scared. I didn't say that.


"Do what?" Kris simply mouthed. "The bet. Duh." Xiumin lifelessly reminded him. Kris' expression remain unchanged, although he was actually considering it hundreds of times already.


"That? I told you-" "You can't do it ge. That's for sure." Tao grunted, no-he softly spoke as he faced the tall leader; Tao was quite afraid to actually say what he thinks so he didn't state it clear.


Even though, Kris was all ears. THIS BET WAS APPARENTLY CHALLENGING THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF HIS. Yeah, Hana was just sort of an outcast, a no-one and she never caught Kris' eyes but she was very unlike all the girls he had encountered.


"We'll see about that." Kris slurred with that (probably permanent) smirk of his, more determined than being in dance class with his Father watching. Never has he felt uncomfortable and downright bothered by a specific someone; especially, a girl. 


※ ※ ※


Hana sighed for the seventh time. How in the world did she even get up the freaking tall tree behind the school's field stage? Adrenaline rush, really.Miwoyo. She sighed for the eight time; this time, it was longer and more aggravated-sounding.


She hoped it'd be the last, she just badly wished she can go home already and do her assignments so her grades can, maybe, propel higher. She gritted her teeth at the thought of what happened seven minutes earlier...


She hated being chased by animals who looked adorably fluffy when far yet extremely dangerous upclose; so she climbed up a random tree like some mad woman; afraid at the thought of her precious (possessions) long legs being bitten by some puppy Tiffany owns. Fortunate for Lee Hana, Tiffany Hwang arrived after she had made her way up. Tiffany craddled the evil b*tch (the female dog, duh) in her milky and even-toned arms, not even bothering to look up at Hana (which was truly a good thing; she wasn't embarrassed nor had an encounter with one of those girls).


Yeah, long story made short.


"Good God, please send me someone." Hana muttered as her back leaned against one of the many thick branches of the tree she was currently trapped on. She wrinkled her forehead and tapped the tree in a boring rhythm with her fingers. "Please... kahit sino, pwede(anyone will do)."


Kris uncontrollably laughed as he saw Hana looking so troubled with that frown on, her long legs dangling from above. Startled, she looked down and saw him who was back to normal: cold and harsh-looking. "Looks like someone can't get down." He faked a whimpering tone.


Hana felt a lump on . "BAKIT IKAW?" (Why you?) She felt her vision getting blurry. I hate my life. I hate guys! She looked away from him, then took a short glance at him who never left. She realized he was tall... and a big help. She shook her head frantically. "I'm not getting help from that bastard. I'm-"


"You are." She stopped when he himself spoke. She looked down at him in hesitation. Kris impatiently nodded. I can't trust him. She pondered. "Before I change my mind." He threatened, and Hana really needed this. He was starting to walk away when she shrieked. "No, no, wait." He smirked and looked at her again, his arms spready, ready to catch her.


She closed her eyes and jumped down. "I'm gonna die. I am. I am..." Bam. She safely landed in Kris' arms. Kris, on the other hand, was stunned. It really is weird when she's upclose. It was the same days ago... He thought.


"Be my girlfriend." The tall guy simply states after saving her. "Your what?" Her eyes enlarged in alarm, never expecting such question, she wiggled free from him and fixed her uniform. He exhaled deeply before focusing on what he needs to verbalize.


"I said, YOU WILL BE MY GIRLFRIEND." He states in a tone that represents nothing; no emotion at all. He sent her mind being boggled because this time; he states a declaration when the first one sounds like a request. What is wrong with the world? She looked at him, bewildered.


She swallowed hard and looked at him who appeared very devilish and serious. She took steps back, never wanting to be involved with him any more because popularity wasn't in her vocabulary. She was going to surely regret replying. (I'm saying this because, um, Kris is handsome. What if she does agree?)


Kris observed her every, nervous move. Girls weren't usually like this when he asks them out. "I-I'm not gonna trouble you anymore nor am I ever appearing in your a-and your friends eyes, I swear. So don't you mock me this way." She said while biting her lower lip.


"What? No." He hissed nonchalantly. "You are gonna be seen with me. Like it or not." He smirked as he looks into her scarred soul, and that smirk of his was totally enchanting.


This time, it was enchanting. As if he so badly wants her to fall into this happening. "You have got to be kidding me!" She screamed and ran away, as fast as she could. What the hell was that...? She once again, shook her head in horror.


Did she just... dump me? Kris' jaw instantly fell to the ground; never... never was he spurned.


No she didn't. No she won't. 

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good