
An Unexpected Boyfriend






"If it's for her own good... why, of course." Mrs. Kim responded understandingly. "Oh and again, be sure to tell your girlfriend that I shall be deducting her salary due to this, hmm?" She reminded thoughtfully.


Mrs. Kim knew that her little employee feared the slightest deduction in her monthly wage since then. She could recall last month when the tough Lee Hana broke into broken sobs when she received a decreased-to-a-half stipend due to her uncontrollable tardiness.


Mrs. Kim was like Kris Wu in terms of business, only, Kris was extra harsh. The older woman may be strict and cold, but she sure knew how to consider those that worked for her too... well, sometimes.


"Arraso." Kris smirked upon hearing how quickly and easily he got the older woman to say yes. The call hadn't even reached one minute yet. "Kamsamnida, Ahjumma."


He ended the call and nodded arrogantly. Nobody rejects Kris Wu... He had acknowledged that fact since God-knows-when-he-had-developed-such-overweening-confidence.


"That's right." He grinned. "Nobody."


Kris placed his iPhone5 in his office table and turned around.


Again, he saw Hana sleeping so soundly there at his couch. Her arms almost dropping from the furniture due to her tired and anxious state. "Except that one over there." He grumbled under his breath.


He had meant that one to be a product of his anger but the hell is this. Kris Wu chuckled... for the nth time because of her. He didn't pay attention to the fact that he ended up like that as he marched his long legs to her.


Hana's sleeping figure was just odd for a girl... to Kris' eyes. His brows knitted in interest as he looked at her feet. They were glued to each other, showing off the pretty socks Luhan had gifted her.


Which reminds me...


Kris turned away a little bit as searched for his pockets. He pulled out the same box Hana took notice of hours ago. He shook his head when he remembered what he had said, then he opened it.


In contrast to the elegant black box, what was inside was a pair of simple and silver couple rings.


He didn't mind that. Not that he cares about the feel of the gift anyway.


They were just simple but, "They surely indicate a couple," he was reminded of what the middle-aged woman said to cajole him to buy these, back in Macau. He bought them just outside the hotel they were staying, after he called Hana.


Kris squatted in front of her sleeping face. He pulled the two rings out and placed it in the couch, right next to her temple. His upper torso twisted as he placed the box on the table behind him. When he whipped his head back, something caught his eye. Purple in color... wait, not just purple. 


He leaned over and reached for what seemed to be Hana's shoes. When he was able to feel it, he calmly grabbed one shoe and speedily recognized it as Chen's gift. "Royal purple." He muttered uninterestedly.


After a good thirty seconds of examining the high-end garment, Kris glanced back at Hana. He shook his head. "Nah." He scoffed and placed the shoe back to where it was.


When he went back to look at her, he caught her right arm just in time before it could fall off the couch. He raised an eyebrow as he carefully pushed her arm back in place.


Still holding her, his hand slithered down to capture hers. Without much delay, he took one of the rings and unhesitantly slipped it in her ring finger. He blinked and felt a slight ticklish on the inside. Oh... how it felt so right for Kris who did that for the very first time.


He grinned mischievously and let go of her hand. Hana's eyes twitched a little, then she was grunting some incoherent words. He watched her cautiously and hoped he didn't wake her up.


Much to his relief, she resumed her peaceful slumber. Kris took the other ring and stood up. He glanced at her one last time. "Cheap things do suit you."


He turned around and wore the remaining jewelry on his left ring finger. And he's not very sure why he's feeling the same way about him wearing this for her. He shook his head and trudged to the bathroom.


※ ※ ※


The clock struck eleven when a fresh Kris stepped out of the bathroom and towel-dried his hair. He was already clad in a white v-neck shirt and a pair of military-inspired pants.


He closed the bathroom door and opened another door adjacent to the bathroom. There revealed a small, white room but it was still spacious enough for Kris when he needs to work overtime and is too exhausted to drive home. He opened it wider and turned around.


Good. He smirked. Hana was still there. He approached her and dropped the towel on his office table. He took his iPhone5 from the same table and put it in his pants' pocket. Then he took her phone behind her and called her mother.


With just one ring, there came an old female voice. "Hana? I've been texting you non-stop! It's already eleven!" A worried mother spoke through the other line. "You little-are you coming home just now?"


Kris swallowed before speaking squarely. "Hello, Omonim. It's Kris."


"Kris?" Mrs. Lee balked.


"Neh, Omonim. Kris Wu... her boyfriend."


"Oh... of course." Mrs. Lee managed to grin on the other line. "I'm sure our girl is fast asleep now." Then she spoke again before Kris could. "We're going to sleep now. Take good care of your girlfriend, hmm?"


"Uhh... she helped me with something that was why she wasn't able to get home. And" He scratched his head and gazed at Hana. "How did you know she's already asleep, Omonim?"


Mrs. Lee chuckled. "I'm her mother. Mothers have the most accurate feeling about their children."


"Guraesso?" Kris nodded in awe. He listened to a couple more of witty words from Mrs. Lee. Afterwhich, he didn't forget to thank her for the dinner and allowing his girlfriend to come here. Somehow, he didn't have a hard time talking to an elder, and keeping his manners. That was another new to him.


Kris could even burst in front of his parents, or his professors and other relatives. But to Hana's elders... he was very, very reserved and all.


They talked for a few more minutes before the older woman told him that he should be going the sleep. "Good luck with your meeting." Mrs. Lee told him with encouragement. "And remember Hana..."


"Neh, Omonim. I'll send her home first thing in the morning. I promise." He promised with a small smile on the corners of his odd-shaped mouth.


"I'll be hoping of seeing an unharmed daughter early in the morning, then?" Mrs. Lee said with a hint of humor in her tone. "I trust you, Kris."


Kris pursed his lips to restrain himself from laughing. "Neh. Thank you, Omonim. Have a good night."


He yawned and sat on the edge of the couch. He shoved her phone in another pocket before slipping a strong arm under Hana's legs and another on her back. He easily picked her up bridal style and grinned at the fact that she was so light.


He knew that since he caught her from that darn tree she amazingly climbed.


He carried her to the bed. "Do you even eat?" He asked her playfully and she just held onto his shoulders unconsciously. He chuckled silently, making sure he won't be disturbing her sleep. Carefully, he placed her down.


Kris watched her stretch and shuffle a bit before she snored contentedly. 


A small smile tugged the corners of his lips and he felt his chest race. He shook his head at the bizarre feeling. He turned around, locked the door, turned the lights off and walked to the other side of the bed.


"Sorry, no blankets in here." He murmured and gazed at the girl beside him until he too, was swept off to Dreamland.


※ ※ ※

Lee Hana tossed and turned in the freaking unfamiliar bed. It was around two in the morning when the room became so darn cold for her that she woke up.


She opened her eyes gradually and rubbed them tiredly. She tightened the jacket around her and looked around. Her brain took a long time to process before she realized that she wasn't in her room.


She heaved a long sigh. She knew where she was sleeping... and who could be sleeping with her. This must be the bed in his office. She shuddered before she slowly turned around.


Okay... don't freak out. She inhaled and exhaled. You have to get used to this. She cajoled mentally.


There was Kris. So peaceful... Hana blinked and continued to gaze at him. Oh how vulnerable he looked with that mouth slightly ajar. She gulped and noted how pretty his lashes looked under the moonlight that crept through the blinds of one window. His side profile was just daebak.


Screw that, everything about him was beautiful, no doubt.


She never thought there'd be a night when the both of them shared a bed. Oops, that didn't sound to good, did it? Geez, I should have woken up earlier! Maybe there would be a taxi. She angrily chided in mind. She couldn't get rid of the thought that... you know... he's there... beside her in a room that he owns. Why didn't he wake me up too? Aissh!


Her eyes trailed down to his clothing then to how he handsomely was sleeping. Even with the simple and comfortable clothes that he was wearing, the garment sure look expensive on him.


Yet, she was a little glad he had his distance.


Hana sat up groggily. Sleep on the couch, dimwit. She breathed to calm her hot-headed self.


She stood up a few breaths later and aimlessly walked to the door. When she had a hold of the frozen doorknob, it was locked. "What kind of lock is this?" She mumbled, very much irritated than ever.


It had a different kind of lock and she didn't know how to open it especially that she couldn't see that well. She wouldn't want to turn the lights on and wake Kris up. She just... doesn't want him to wake up.


After a few more tries, she gave up and leaned on the doorframe. Her forehead hit the cold door and she flinched. "Ow ow ow." She rubbed her temples and walked back to the bed. Could he just vanish?


Much to her disappointment, he was still there.


She sunk onto the comfy furniture and made sure she was a good couple of meters far from his reach. I'll... I will surely kill you if you touch me, Kris. She threatened in mind. She was almost in the edge of her side. But she didn't care.


She would never want to sleep with a guy.


She haven't slept with a guy.


She can't sleep with a guy.


"Ngayon lang." (Just this once.) She nodded in finality and brushed the negative thoughts off.


It didn't take long before her eyes dropped in drowsiness. "Is it just me or did the coolness tone down a little bit?" She asked no one just before she went snoozing again.


※ ※ ※


Kris smirked and opened his eyes once again. He felt so happy then and there. It was just weird how he'd send her smiling, chuckling and of course smirking and all. She was so odd yet so special.


Though they had only 'dated' for a week and it was just the first month of school, he knew she had a place in his heart already. He just thought it was a place of hate. He... thought.


He turned his head and faced her. His eyes crinkled in glee.


She didn't know that when she stood up, he had grabbed the small, white air conditioner's remote and slightly adjusted the room's temperature for her. He did that all so subtly that she wasn't able to see him move with just that short span of time.


He searched for his phone but ended up pulling out hers instead. He turned the screen on and glanced at the time before he covered his eyes from the blinding light the device produced.


--/--/-- (Seoul) 02:30 A.M.


He put the phone back where he got it and once again faced Hana. His eyes widened when she was in the brink of hitting the cold floor because she was really on the very edge of the bed.


With one swift pull, he gently yanked Hana to his direction. Kris was able to breathe again when she landed safely in his arms. That was close... He shook his head and looked down at her. Her blonde highlights were gleaming as she moved bit by bit.


He balked when she snuggled closer to the warmth, the tip of her small nose brushed with the crook of his neck. Instinctively, he draped his arms around her small waist and he rested his chin on the top of her head. Kris was at loss for words. He could only pull her dangerously closer, if that was still possible.


In the very first place, he wasn't planning on sleeping beside her, but he decided on it without second consideration. Nor on holding her in sleep, but he held her without a feeling of disgust or hesitation. Nor having this odd feeling of... actually liking this.


Just enfolding her and sharing their bodies' warmth minus the bickering arguing. You , Kris Wu. He sighed, he just couldn't fight the urge to press his soft lips on her cold and blemish-free forehead.


No one was stopping him, so he did.


After a lenghty five-or-so seconds, he slowly pulled away. He gulped hard, mentally chiding himself for what he had been doing and feeling lately. If a simple kiss on her forehead sent him confused, what could happen if... he shook his head.


Tell yourself that you aren't melting, Kris Wu.



※ ※ ※


Hana groaned when she heard the alarm ringtone of her phone. Of course, that was created for her secret, weekend job in the bookstore, but she so wasn't working today. She smiled when it stopped a few seconds later.


She slowly got up and adjusted to the room's lightness. She yawned shortly before she gasped when she was slammed back down in the bed. Her eyes rounded in alarm as she stared at the pair of milky arms that firmly encircled her waist.


Her head snapped up and she shrieked when Kris' face was only centimeters away from hers.


"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!" Hana's loud voice caused Kris to make her escape. She jolted out of bed and examined herself. "YOU!" She glared at Kris who just sat up. He looked up at her.




Kris raised his hands up. "I didn't touch you."


Hana's eyes turned into slits. "Then what do you call that... that... t-that cuddling you were doing when I was asleep?" She screamed at him. Yes, screamed. "Kris... you... you're so despicable!"


Her spit of fiery words stopped and her eyebrows knitted when he got up and chuckled heartily. His disheveled, perfect hair bouncing along with his moves. Still chuckling, he slowly approached her.


Until he was right in front of her.


Hana's back hit the door and she could only glare daggers at his morning face. She feared opening again. She didn't want to stutter in front of his face... again.


He cleared his throat. He looked down at her, his blurry orbs stared at her angry eyes. "If you must know, it was you who cuddled me." He slurred. His voice sounded extra husky at their proximity.


Hana's eyes narrowed at him. "WHAT?"


Kris wasn't able to respond... because the very prime thing he thought she'd be doing at this closeness happened. Lee Hana, without missing a single beat, punched the cocky Kris Wu right in his mouth.


Don't let it slip Kris, you hate her... He gaped at her as he held onto his chin. What she did surely hurt. Hana blinked, gulped and blinked again at him very innocently.


Kris winced quietly. ...VERY MUCH.

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good