
An Unexpected Boyfriend






"Annyeonghasseyo~" Hana heard a group of voices greet her from behind. She was sure that was addressed to her. She was the only one seated in the bench while she waited for Kris. Yes, our unpredictable Hanna Lee is waiting for the trickmaster Kris Wu.


She blinked before turning around to look at them. No, she didn't stand up, she only twisted her upper body to face the students who were beaming at her. They were the devoted students of the Schoolpaper Committee, and yes, boys and girls. 


Hana gave them a polite smile, but only a meek one. "Oh. Ann... yeong?" She still wasn't used to being greeted by a large number of human beings. Show her a battalion of teddy bears and believe it or not, she'll gladly be articulating her thoughts out to the nonliving troops but human beings? Like, the human system far unlike hers?




One lanky guy stepped up and immediately interrogated her. "You're Lee Hana, right? Kris sunbaenim's girlfriend?" He sounded just as intimidating as the guys from the rooms across hers the moment Hana heard his high-pitched voice.


"Of course she is, oppa! He kissed her just this moment!" A stout female beside her said quickly. KRIS! Hana clenched her fists and she glared at the poor girl. She could feel herself slowly turn crimson red in anger. Ah, neo michaesseo, Kris Wu!


The girl swallowed after noticing Hana's glare. Hana shook her head and face front, only listening to them react with each other's words.


"Yeah hyung, and twice!"


"Twice!" Someone echoed.


The same girl from seconds before gasped. "Two happy, HAPPY kisses from sunbaenim..."


"Omona~ that just cannot be fake!" Another girl exclaimed, realizing the phenomenon in front of them minutes ago. Guessing from the girl's expression, it seemed like her mind just caught the most interesting article to the Gossip Section.


"True." Everyone nodded with disbelief in their eyes as they observed Lee Hana who became motionless. Yeah she wasn't physically reacting but her face was contorted in the most irritated way.


"Whatever, guys... I just want to hear it from her." The same tall guy from before interjected. "So, Hana-ssi," He turned to Hana whose head slowly rose.


"Can you confirm it?" The rest shifted their gazes to her too, hoping for any response.


Hana balked before standing up to face them properly. "Confirm... what?" She glanced at the girls who stared at her in utter anticipation. The guy widely grinned at her. "Are you really Kris sunbaenim's girlfriend?"


Hana shuddered a lot, she wasn't expecting this right now. Nine tenths of her told her she is determined to say no because she really isn't, but this stubborn remaining part drived her to answer the fake truth. Whut? The fake truth? She took in a large amount of air before opening .


"Isn't it obvious?" An all-too-familiar male voice chimed in before she could get to say something.


Hana's brows immediately furrowed as she spun around, only to be enveloped in Kris' long and big arms. "Yes..." He looked down at her, smiling like any cocky gang leader who has evolved into some lovesick fool. "...she is."


Hana reddened. She looked up and fumed at him, knowing this would happen since the time he called her from China and told her he was really planning to do so. Yet deep inside, she was baffled to some extent. Why didn't she feel so boiled up anymore as Kris hugs her?




Realizing that, she broke the eye contact and raised her right hand behind Kris. Hana (very harshly, I must say) socked his back. "Oohfffffffffffffffuuuh." Kris winced but kept his cool though it really hurt. 


He glanced at the small crowd who had their jaws dropped to the floor. "Now if you'll excuse my-uffhhh... owww." Kris bit his lip after another hit from his badass girlfriend. He remained adamant about not wincing for the second time.


The students in front of the couple stared at them in envy. It was like some unexpected romance situation unfolding before their eyes. And mind you, these young 'journalists' here are planning on publishing something worth their time, worth their pens and papers.


Seconds later, Kris looked down once again and smiled bitterly at Hana who in return, gave him death glares with matching gritted teeth. "Kaja, my Hannahhhhffffuhh-AISH LEE HANNAH!!!!!!!"


"It's not Hannah for the nth time, okay? Is that hard to understand?" She tried prying Kris off but he only held her tighter. Oh boy this guy was really reallyyyyyyyyy strong. Have I mentioned that already?


He almost frowned when she had her chance to escape yet still, he managed to trap her with his towering frame. "But I love calling you that." He admitted, his voice stern.


Hana glared daggers at him. "WHAT?"


He loosened his arms around her and spun on his shoes, making sure to have a solid hold on her right arm. "I said I despise you." He whispered into her right ear as he dragged her to walk with him.


Hana smiled darkly. "Of course."


※ ※ ※


"Guraeso?" Hana nodded.


Kris kept his gaze on her, waiting for her complete response. She stood straight and made sure to avoid his eyes. "That's..." she shrugged, "...perfectly fine for me." Hana said dully and turned his back to him. 


Kris eyes' widened. A few seconds ago, he had coolly told her that he wouldn't be able to drive her home after he remembered that he was supposed to go straight to his company. And look at him now, looking and feeling so terrible seeing the grim on her face. Completely terrible. "Aish! YA!" He called.


"I-I change my mind! I'm bringing you home, dammit!" He growled softly. Why the hell am I having this guilt and worry all of a sudden? Some students were still around so he made sure to regain his poker face after that. "Hey. Get back here." He demanded, his voice still unshaken.


Where in the world did this two emotions come out? He thought curiously as he presses on his temples. And I thought I was a hundred percent sure that I have never felt guilty and worried in years!?


Hana waved one hand in the air, as if dismissing him. "No need. You do what your father told you to. You have bigger responsibilities, mister." Hana spat back as she clutched onto her uniform which Kris gave. She frowned after. "But you shouldn't have made me wait if you're just letting me on my own like that." Hana murmured as she walked opposite to Kris' car directio.


Yet Kris Wu, being such a brainiac, caught most of it.


But of course I can manage. Since when have I depended on the male populace? Hana glanced at her watch and found out it was seventeen minutes after six. Six freaking PM. Dang it, she would be preparing a good explanation for coming home late on a Friday... without Kris.


Can I? She wondered to herself. OH AND MY JOB! THAT REMINDS ME- OH MY GOODNESS. Hana raked her fingers through her hair. How can I just get through the women in my house? She shook her head fervently. "Magdadasal nalang siguro ako ng isang himala." (Maybe I'll just pray for one miracle.)


Kris raised an eyebrow when he felt her thinking about something hairy. "Why are you going back to the campus?" He shouted almost too asudden, alarming all those around him. After all, he was one famed being. This is why people could not help but watch him.


Well, except for Hana, that is. "I FORGOT SOMETHING." She stated out loud before she finally disappeared from Kris' sight.


"Hey- Hannah!" Kris raked his hair too, frustrated. He was now ignoring the scattered crowd. Hell, he has much to be concerned about than acquaintances in school.


He heaved a long sigh before jogging towards where she had vanished, his heart making not-so-normal lurches in his chest. "Lee Hannah..." He said through gritted teeth. "What the actual hell are you making me do?" And then, off the Kris Wu went, unfalteringly following his instinct.


"Damn this instinct." He huffed.


※ ※ ※


Hana smiled tiredly as she successfully shoved the colorful presents in her backpack. Of course she needed to bring the presents home. She had been daydreaming of unboxing these in class.


She zipped her bag and closed her locker. Turning around, she felt the cold whoosh of the night air that caressed her entire face. She quivered for a few moments before she checked the area around her.


Confirming that no one else was around, she took a deep breath and started walking.


Hana had been walking under the moon for maybe two minutes now. She scratched her head for the third time. Where were the gates situated, again? Oh hell no. She had forgotten it this time. "That's weird. I remember it clearly. I think."


She frowned. Actually, this wasn't the first time. There was this one time when she found herself lost in one of the hallway's adjacent to the canteen. And not being blessed with social talents, she had to admit to herself that she was a bit timid to speak and too stubborn for her 'mighty' brain to ask.


"It was..." she tried pointing here and there, "...oh, maybe that way?" She let out a small croak, sadness and exhaust evident in her tone. Or that? Ah jinjja! Na michaesseo-




Hana swallowed when she heard a male voice somewhere. Her eyes rounded in alarm. "Who was that?" She asked calmly, but her voice was louder than usual.


This was one of those countless times where she had to encounter an unknown male in the dark. Yes, that's right. There were countless times but she managed. Of course. But how come this time, she felt immobile as hell?


Was it because she still wasn't familiar of the darn Seoul City? Was it because the school's hallways were freakier than those other schools she attended? Was it because of what she overheard from her female classmates about marauding ghosts and-wait, where are the cursed security guards anyways?


She gulped when she heard no answer. "SERIOUSLY, WHO ARE YOU!?" She demanded. "I-IT'S REALLY R-RUDE NOT TO RESPOND WHEN BEING A-ASKED!" She stammered at last.


Hana saw the nearby plants being kicked coolly as if this guy could buy hundreds of these. "Now hold it right there... tell me your definition of... rude." He dared tersely.


She swallowed and stayed still. Under the moonlight, she could perceive a really tall man walking up to her. Why is his hair glowing? She asked inwardly. And oh dear goodness, how terrified she felt right there right then.


Hanna Lee, heundilijima! Don't be shaken. Don't be ever shaken by a guy! She reminded in mind as she clutched onto her chest. Her chest wasn't helping at all. It wouldn't stop pounding no matter how hard she took deep breaths. "Y-YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTION!"


Then there was a laugh, a really menacing laugh that boomed through the night. Yes dears, it is already night. "You're not answering mine either." He retorted calmly as he was now standing in front of Hana. He grinned although she couldn't see.


Oh shoot. Shoot shoot shoot. Hana remembered what the girls were talking about earlier this day and she trembled. She felt him closing the gap betwixt the two of them. Without second thought, she took steps backward and held onto the straps of her bag. "D-Don't think of coming near!"


"Give me a good reason why I won't, then."


Hana frowned and finally came back to her senses. Her eyes were getting tired from too much observing. "Just... I was... I'm... lost in this school a-and... I forgot where the gates were because I... well I just wanna go home, dammit!" She breathed. "So let me be!"


Though she managed to say those words with force, he could sense the fear in her voice and decided to finally halt the act. He laughed heartily before he grabbed her to him. "Then let me help you."


A melodious shriek escaped as she felt two hands on her forearms. "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU-"


Kris snapped his fingers and all the freaking lights went on.


What? Why... how!? Hana blinked. Her head shot up, shock written in her face. It didn't even take her much time to realize who it was. It was no other than her living beautiful nightmare. "KRIS!?" She barked his freaking famous name in his freaking flawless face. "WHAT THE HELL? You think this is funny? Do you think scaring me is funny-"


Kris ignored her angry protests and drew her closer. His arms went up from her arms to her shoulders. "I'm sorry." He drawled ily and then chuckled. He was more than happy at the thought of a horrified Hannah caused by him and him only.


"So I did scare my girlfriend, hnn?" He slurred in perfect English. "I thought she was tough and all."


"You giant bastard..." Hana growled as she stared angrily at his entire facade. Dang this guy looked so amused of her. Hana pushed him off her. "I thought you already... went straight to your company?"


Kris pressed his lips into a firm line and shook his head. He lifted her head up to look at him. "You're going to be so grateful about me taking you home." He stated seriously.


"Hah!" Hana snorted, unable to decipher the sincere Kris before her eyes. "You told me-"


"And that's final, miss." He grabbed her left hand and without much ado, dragged her to his car.


※ ※ ※


"What is that...?" Hana pointed curiously to the box-shaped thing in Kris' pocket.


He brought his vehicle to halt. "What?" He looked down and covered it with his right palm. "None of your business." He answered ill-manneredly. Hana scowled and shifted in her seat. He then leaned in and helped her unclasp her seatbelt.


Seconds later, he spoke. "But it's actually..."


Hana turned to him, her face was blank. He didn't continue what he had said, and it was bothering her. "Actually?" She repeated in an irritated voice. Yet all Kris did was gaze at her. He didn't know why his throat was dry. Why he couldn't say it was his gift from her.


She sighed shortly. "Forget it." She prepared to make her way out of his car. 


※ ※ ※


Hana blinked. She closed her door and walked aimlessly to her bed. She detached her bag from her back and placed it on her bedside table. "My... what?" She thought out loud as she sat on her bed.


Did she hear it right? Did I?


"Wait." She paused and removed her blazer. "Why would he buy me something from China?" She laughed shortly. "That guy has no heart."


Before she got out of Kris' car, the latter had actually managed to say something that has unfortunately troubled our dear Hana for minutes now.


Hana recalled how her brows rose in unison and turned to look at Kris. He gave her an obvious smirk and sped off. "He brought me something?" She muttered to herself before getting in the gates of the Lee's.


"Impossible." Hana shook her head.


"HANA! Get down now! Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Lee shouted from below. "NEH~" Hana answered back and quickly changed into a loose gray shirt and cargo pants.


She took her phone with her as she went down. Turning the screen on, she saw a notification. 1 New Message from Unexpected Bastard. Kris? Shouldn't he be reviewing those business-related papers by now? She blinked and paused for a while, thinking about what that blue folder is all about. She shook the thought off and clicked Read.


I remembered what u said in the rooftop. Regarding the weekends? U ok?


Wow. Very boyfriend-ish. Hana sat on a chair in the dining table. She looked up and observed her mother and her grandmother fix the table and all. She sighed, as if defeated. I think I'll have to visit his office later.


"How was school?" Her Eomma and Halmeoni asked at the same time as they sat down. "Adjusting with the lessons." She smiled back.


"And Kris?" Mrs. Gong inquired, her eyebrows wiggling. Mrs. Lee giggled and shook her head. "Oh, umma. Let them be, you know?" The older laughed along. "I was just asking how he is."


Hana faked a grin at them. "Well..." Truthfully, she really doesn't know what positive thing to say when it comes to him. "He... sent me home." She said, uncertain about that since he wasn't really planning to do that in the first place.


"Now that's a real gentleman." Hana's mother praised. "Making sure you get home safe."


I'm sure Eomma will allow though it's nighttime. She smiled at her mother's direction but inwardly grimaced at the thought of assistance from Kris but it was her last resort.


"Let's eat?" She suggested. "We can't make the blessing wait, can we?" She gaped at the beautiful, delish-looking dishes (as always) in front of her. It's final, Hana. You're getting help from Kris.




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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good