Twenty Five

An Unexpected Boyfriend






"Why wear high-end clothes," Hana scoffed after she closed her closet. "When you look good in anything?"


She had finished re-arranging Kris' shirts in her closet when she noticed that it was still early for her bedtime. She removed the damp towel on her head and folded it, putting it beside his shirts. It had been quite a long time since she last slept (really) early on a weekend night.


Plus, she doesn't feel ill in any way.


Oh joy, joy and so much joy. She yawned and smiled glady as she settled on her bed. She was just about to close her eyes when they flickered towards a new and expensive-looking frame perching on her little desk.


" that?" She whispered sleepily.


From (quite) afar, it appeared expensive-looking and these kind of things; she doesn't really admire lying around on her own room. It had stylish silver embellishments on the side and hints of purple hearts and stars around. It was styled just like her favorite wristwatch, she noticed.


Then, she focused on the real thing; the photos. The just-seen-now thing displayed a collage consisting of three related photos.


She kicked the blanket surrounding her away, allowing her to swing her legs over the side of the bed and look at the picture frame. In a matter of seconds, her own orbs rounded after she violently grabbed the poor thing. 
Her eyes twitched as she saw that this thing that she was holding had pictures of a maddened girl, lips turned down in a frown and eyebrows furrowed, trying to contain her anger for a certain boy. She pressed her lips altogether in a straight line.
Hana remembered this... that very time she had indirectly and unwillingly (I repeat, indirectly and unwillingly) agreed dating Kris. That time when she was left with no choice but to allow the bet to mess with her already petty life.
How could I not forget that cursed evening? She thought.
After a few animated blinks and sour grimaces, her lips finally parted to give a verbal reaction. "Who the hell," she thought out loud, "Printed, framed and most importantly, put this repugnant thing in here?"
"Ehem." Someone cleared their throat before speaking. "I think it will be me for the printing." Hana's head instantly turned to her door where she found out who said such; a grinning Mrs. Gong clad in mint green pyjamas.
Hana's jaw dropped, she remembered closing the door when she hit the shower a few minutes ago. "Halmeoni... how..."
"This will be quick." Her grandmother flashed her a sly smile. "Sweetheart, you must know I'm the Vice-President of yours and Kris' fanclub, okay?" She giggled at her own words, before closing her granddaughter's bedroom door.
"E-Eh? Hana gaped at her door. "Fanclub? What fanclub?"
The sound of another bedroom door being closed brought her back to her senses. She took one long and last glance at the frame in her hands before she placed it back in her desk. She had already placed it down when she felt a paper-like thing stuck on the back. She pulled whatever it was and brought it before her eyes.
She rolled her eyes. How childish.
"I... happen to be the President and... and... I think Omonim is... is contemplating to become... the... Secretary. Wink." Hana read, with a number of irritated pauses and huffs. All the blame would be on his handwriting. Now that Hana is thinking of it, his penmanship is actually one big flaw of the almight Kris Wu. I'll keep that in mind.
"I happen to be the President and I think Omonim is contemplating to become the Secretary." Hana read again.
She stared at the petty paper whilst trying to understand. Without her knowing, she had crumpled it slightly. How absurd did this fanclub sound. "And I thought they were the mature ones." She whispered in disbelief.
Unknown to her, there was a smile tugging on the corners of her lips while staring at the ugly wink that he drew. "I'll make sure he doesn't appear tomorrow." She mumbled to herself as she placed it down her bedside table. "Sunday should be for the family, right?"
Because the next days... will be for... ugh.
"Whatever happened to my sanity?" She shook her head before drifting off to sleep. 
※ ※ ※
It was a serene Monday morning. Usually, the leading men would be starting their schooldays with other students frenzying over them. But today, no girls were squealing their lungs off, nor were there guys bowing their heads off.
Kris and his friends were really early today. And when I say early, two hours early.
The two oldest, Xiumin and Luhan had always wanted to try eating breakfast in the school's cafeteria... just for the experience of it, before they graduate in high school. So they had agreed on dragging the gang along.
And so, here they were, marching towards the not-so-silent cafeteria where a few elderly people were busying themselves with food preparations. There were the cleaning staff and security guards inside with the same reason as theirs, except that the personnel did this on a daily basis.
"I've always, always, always wanted to do this." Luhan grinned as they entered. "My parents are all for grand food. It's too much. I mean, we're only three in the house and I don't even eat a lot but the servings are just too much."
Luhan was the simple type of a businessman. He didn't like wasting and spending extravagantly. Also, he was a clean freak.
He doesn't say it to his parents, but he really hates it when they make their already wealthy life even seem wealthier. To him, they were being unreasonable but he had always been successful in keeping his rage to himself. He could enumerate a number of reasons why though, and no one could blame him. He was just born with that thinking.
Tao nodded in understanding. "I'm tired with our chef's cooking too, ge." He simply reasoned. Chen smirked and elbowed the latter slightly. "Let me rephrase what you said." He said mischievously.
"It should be... I'm tired of eating breakfast alone, ge." He mocked, even mimicking Tao's girly morning voice.
The five laughed and the youngest could only smile. It was true though.
Tao rarely dined with his parents. They were younger than the other guys' parents. Hence, they could still work a lot more than them. They were also fine with him being not-so-workaholic since they could still move their joints, speak loud and clear and be the workaholic ones. Hence, Tao's freedom.
Not that he was complaining though. He was cool with it. Why wouldn't he be if his parents were cool as well?
"Whaaaaaatever." He stuck his tongue out childishly as they sat in their usual table. When the laughter died, Tao turned to look at the oldest. "Hey hey hey~ I wanna hear Xiumin ge's reason!"
"Reason?" Xiumin repeated as he raked a hand through his hair, his perfectly-shaped brows raised.
Kris and Lay, who were considered the most mature ones, shot the youngest a look. "Are you sure you do not know the reason, Tao?" Lay asked, his eyes enigmatic.
Tao yawned and shrugged. "Maybe I do~ but I wanna hear it again?" He replied, his tone coming off brattish.
"You little brat." Luhan and Xiumin chorused. Kris snickered in agreement and Lay rolled his eyes.
"Food, duh?" Chen quickly answered for Xiumin who got up with Luhan to order. "Isn't that why we're gathered here?"
Tao's mouth formed into an 'o', then he turned to their duizhang. "Hmm... what about you duizhang?" He tilted his head to the side. Kris looked back at him. "I didn't think you would come with us at this time since you looked so disoriented yesterday when we visited your house."
"Yeah." Lay also joined in. "Were you that annoyed that your lovely girlfriend didn't want to see you yesterday?"
Kris glared at him. "No. Hannah didn't say anything about not wanting to see me." He deadpanned but a part of him was starting to get annoyed. Speaking of her... "She said something about wanting to spend time with her family. That's it, Yixing." 
Lay nodded uninterestedly and opened his bag, searching for something.
"Why would someone have an aversion for this?" Kris used his left hand to motion his face. "Tch. My own girlfriend?" He smirked like the conceited man he is whilst he eyed the obvious couple ring on one of his fingers. "Heck no."
Duizhang is really taking this seriously. Check. Chen started clapping his hands and Tao could only stare at him. "We better prepare the money anytime soon, huh?" The former suggested and Tao rolled his eyes. 
"Yeah, yeah." Lay nodded firmly and looked up. "Sorry for that, ge. Please pay my meal, I forgot my wallet." He quickly added whilst scratching his head.
Chen and Tao paused before they burst out laughing. Kris playfully slammed the table but an amused smile was on his lips. "Again, Yixing?" He wasn't livid though, Kris didn't really care if he'd spend for his friends or for Hana.
Lay nodded sheepishly and looked away. "I swear I put it in my bag-"
"What are filthy rich friends for anyway?" Chen wiggled his eyebrows, earning another round of laughter.
※ ※ ※
Hana stirred as she heard the sound of her cellphone ringing. She grunted and slowly got up, fishing for her phone somewhere in her pillows. When she finally got a hold of the ringing device, she pressed answer and brought it to her ears, not even glancing at the screen.
Oh she knew what was coming.
"Good morning." Kris' voice resonated in her ears.
She heaved a long sigh... or maybe it was a yawn. "Oh?" It didn't really sound like a question; it was more of a threat.
Kris made three 'tsk' sounds. He seemed to be in a good mood. "Is that how you say good morning in the Philippines?" Then he chuckled.
Something tells me he is going to be overboard on this particular Monday. Hana made a face and she swore she felt him smirk. Wait, isn't he overboard always? "What... do you want, Kris?" She sat up and turned the girlfriend mode on.
You didn't let me come with you yesterday. Kris chided her in his thoughts. So I'm going to make sure I'm the only one in your head for the entire day... if that's possible. "Come to the school's cafeteria after you have your breakfast." He ordered.
Hana was about to say something in the words of rejection and how she never dreamt of being manhandled but... she was reminded of how she should be treating Kris now. She stared at the watch on her wrist. It was glow-in-the-dark, you know. "It's just... one thirty? You're calling me at one thirty?"
"What?" Kris glanced at his own expensive wristwatch. "It's almost seven!"
Hana looked at her window and frowned. What was I saying? The skies had already turned baby blue and the sun was starting to warm her room. She sighed and shook her head. Her favorite watch had finally ceased working. "I thought so."
"So... yes?" Kris inquired cheekily. He was loving the 'control' he had on her now.
Hana's face contorted in distaste. She could since he wasn't watching, alright? "Can I say no?" She muttered almost inaudibly and quickly got off her bed. With her free hand, she grabbed a nearby towel and swung it over her left shoulder.
While she dragged her legs to the bathroom, he heard Kris' chortle. "No... but I could." He retaliated, giving full emphasis on himself.
Bastard. She rolled her eyes and hang up.
※ ※ ※
"Oh?" Kris started as he answered a call that he had been anticipating. He wasn't the type to be very formal or proper.
"I'm here now, mister," The other line answered. He warmly smiled as he spotted her outside the cafeteria.
"Good girl." He mumbled and continued, "Wait for the king then, Hannahhh~" The guys in his table laugh. Hana heared it then forcefully pressed the end call.
"So, I'm outta here." He casually said, yet that was weird; he never usually bids goodbye or notifies his friends. Without further ado, he shoved his phone inside his pocket and stood up.
Xiumin grinned as he watched the tallest guy approach the innocent-looking female. Turning to the other four, he spoke; "He has gained emotion since he went out with Hana. Bro, your plan sure had him changed."
Lay rolled his eyes. "That's not even real. Ge, their relationship isn't real, you know that. Do you see how irritated and how angered the girl is? Every. Single. Day?"
Tao nodded. "Yeah, ge, only you notice that." He said to their oldest.
"Nah-uh." Luhan mingled in the conversation, his finger moved with his eyebrows. "I also has noticed that." The two eldest hi-fived each other. They continued to watch the subject matter: Hana and Kris. The guys showed faces in awe as Kris takes her bag off her back and wears it instead; in such a nonchalant manner. As if he had been used to carrying his girlfriend's bag when this was his very first time.
"Omo~ Such a gentleman." Chen guffawed cutely, not knowing if this was still THE KRIS WU.
Tao and Lay watched her with critical eyes; not convinced since they looked at their duizhang so high.
Hana gritted her teeth and insisted that she could handle it yet Kris sternly won, oh-so-easily. "Maybe this is just one of his THE KRIS WU SHOW's?" Tao mumbled.
"If two people are happy," Xiumin interfered, having the four turn to him. He smiled before continuing, "Leave them alone."
"But it's not two people, ge." Lay interjected. "That's like me eating and eating and eating and not getting fat at all. It's impossible."
"Aish!" Xiumin and Luhan scowled at him. "Be quiet, Yixing!" The former chided.
"But it's true!" Tao inserted without missing a beat.
"Then we'll do something about it. Or he." Luhan winked at Chen.
※ ※ ※
Kris smirked in triumph when Hana finally let him be. "Let's go?" He offered his left hand, showing his own couple ring.
She stared at it before she spoke inanimatedly. "Go where?" She waited for an answer but realized what he wanted her to do first. She inwardly sighed and hesitantly placed her small hand in his.
Kris grinned and started walking along with her. "Let's buy you something." Then he laughed for a short while. One thirty... psh. His smile was still on as he glanced at her unmoving wristwatch.
Hana blinked and turned his head to him. "Pardon?" Her voice rose a bit.
"I said I'm going to buy you something." He told her calmly.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she continued to ask. "Huh? And what is that?" She shook her head and went on. "No Kris, don't." Kris stopped when she did and listened to her.
"You should know that I don't really need anything nor do I want you spending money on me although you probably love to do so because you have so much to boast. Or what I am saying is that you gave me a lot of things already, I know, but that is enough okay? I am not some girlfriend of yours who wants your money-"
Her little speech got cut off when he tugged her hand in his, causing her to move closer to him as he firmly planted his lips on her right cheek. She remained static as he pulled away a few seconds after.
He grabbed her chin and smirked down at her. "I know you're not the girlfriend of mine who's up for my wealth. But hey, I will do what I want to do, okay? So let me." He told her cockily... and a little sweetly too.
Want, huh? Hana nodded once before she looked away quickly. "Let's go quick."
"No. We're gonna be late for morning classes on purpose." He notified her of one of his plans.
Hana's head snapped back to him. "What? Why? re you trying to have both of us killed? Why?"
"You'll see." He winked and started walking again.

AUTHOR: H-Hi guys.................. I'm baek back.

Here's a few flawless gif(t)s to thank you for your incessant support! ♥
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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good