Twenty One

An Unexpected Boyfriend






"Neo... neo jashin issuh? Jinja?" (You... are you confident? Really?) Hana managed to squeak despite the tightness of Kris' arms around her... again. His chest was sturdy against her face (since the guy was obviously taller).


Kris muffled a low 'of course' and 'everyone knows the Kris Wu is'. His chin was resting in her left shoulder and his face was burried somewhere in her morning hair. In the couple's current position, one was completely comfortable (smirking and all) while one was feeling the very opposite (grimacing and such).


I think we all know who is who.


"Enough for today's act, Kris." Hana grunted and rolled her eyes. She could do that since her face was hidden from the entire world when Kris hugged her When he didn't even budge though she kept on nudging him, she pinched his sides. "You.*pinch* are *a stronger pinch* gross."


Kris winced at the second pinch and immediately pulled away. He glared at her. Hana gave him a smug look in return. When she did that, he quickly regained his poker face and held his sides, acting as if what she has been doing wasn't really a big deal.


Well if you'd ask me, her pinches and all other acts of violence, really sting and stay for quite a while but Kris always manages to show the pain lightly.


It was almost like he'd opt to pretend that he was okay despite how pained he actually feels. He stared at the girl in front of him. She stretched and made sure her bones weren't very crushed from those hugs he could only do to her.


While her arms were stretched in the air, he firmly took hold of her forearms and looked at her straight in the eyes. She looked back, one eyebrow raised at the suddenness. "I'll call you." He drawled in a y manner and leveled with her face.


Before she could retort like how she would, Kris planted a tender kiss on her temple. The two giddy people from the back started clapping and making audible noises. He smiled through her skin.


Hana rolled her eyes. So that's why. She then realized how lengthy his kisses yucky acts were whenever he was (acting 360 degrees different) in her own house. She slowly leaned away, his lips detaching from her skin.


He scoffed and pulled away.


"Alright?" Kris gently placed her arms down and placed his hands on his pockets. She didn't respond though. She was ready to step backwards and return to her house when he called her.


He sighed. "Hannah."


She looked up. "It's-"


"HANNAH." He repeated sternly. She puffed her cheeks in anger but quickly stopped when Kris gave her a disgusted face. Well he was just faking that, really.


She folded her arms and looked away. "What?"


"Hmm. I... will... say it again. You... make sure you enjoy your day off." Kris whispered the last two words. She faced him lifelessly, but her insides were getting angry. He winked when he caught her eyes before he walked out of the gates and smoothly got in his car.


Hana's brows knitted. Yeah, I'll do just that.


※ ※ ※


Kris drove back at some gangsta speed to Wu International. He got out of his auto and looked up at the tall and luxurious building that his father had been running since the former was still in Mrs. Wu's womb.


Stepping inside, he went straight to his office.


He wasn't running late if you're wondering that, no. He just doesn't want to arrive on-time. Why? This is because his father told him once: 'In this type of industry, on-time is just as low as late, Yi Fan.'

Since then, he always had arrived and prepared early before the board would be complete.


"Alright..." He muttered as he grabbed the blue file from his desk. He exited his office and quickly took an elevator to the meeting/conference room.


"Good luck with the President, Chairman!" He heard his secretary Park Yoochun before the elevator doors closed. He looked like he was from the restroom and dashed just to wish his employer all the luck he might need.


But Kris didn't need luck. He just smirked at him.


While on the lift, he checked himself on his reflection on the blue file. Still, his face was fine. He blinkedfr at the sight of the flesh medical strip on his mouth that concealed the little wound caused by his girlfriend's mighty punch.


He smiled.


With the lengthy study (and a couple more reviews) of the entire contents in the blue folder he did plus his girlfriend's help in researching, he was 101% ready to face the board. Much more, to confidently answer all their queries regarding the current matters of Wu International.


He looked down at the titanium watch on his right wrist. It was just a few minutes before his costly watch told him it would be nine exact. "...Let's do this, Kris Wu." He told himself austerely.


Normally, no such company meetings ever had him bothered but this one, he knew, was totally different; it was called by his father. Mr. Wu was Kris' very successful father who he slowly tries to impress each day with his business capabilities.


He was suddenly reminded of how important the agendas of this meeting were was and became troubled for a second or two. He inhaled and exhaled loudly before he knocked twice on the door of the extravagant-looking room.


"Come in son," came his father's familiar voice.


Nodding, he glanced quickly at the silver ring adorning his left ring finger. The image of him and Hana sharing that lengthy hug suddenly crossed his mind. He couldn't help but think before twisting the doorknob open: I wonder if that clueless girl already noticed...?


※ ※ ※


"Sweetheart...?" There was a knock on Hana's door. It was her beloved mother's voice. "Neh?" She smiled and dropped the ballpen in her hand. She turned to look at the door and found Mrs. Lee entering.


Hana's mother smiled at her fresh-from-the-shower daughter, clad in a loose white t-shirt and a pair of black pyjamas that were rolled up to her knees. Hana beamed back. "Hi, ma." She greeted wholeheartedly. "What are you and Halmeoni up to?"


Mrs. Lee sat on an empty chair beside her daughter. "I'm checking on my lovely daughter, I guess." She replied. "And your Halmeoni... she's probably on her way here with some dessert." She chuckled heartily.


Hana laughed lightly and nodded.


"So... this is how you spend your weekend?" Her mother asked, refering to a big red dictionary and a few notebooks scattered on her desk; meaning schoolwork. "We thought very differently, sweetheart." She tapped her notebooks and scanned their labels.


Oh shoot.


"Hmm." Mrs. Lee took a nearby towel. "We thought you were doing some funny business... like... hmm well, you're not." She grinned at her daughter. "I'm truly happy you pay attention to your studies."


Oh shoot shoot shoot.


Hana's eyes rounded at her mother's words. For a moment, she was startled. No... She flashed a meek smile, opting not to open and give a fraudalent answer. "Uhh, so... w-what's for lunch, eomma?" She faced her notebooks again.


"Bwoh? Lunch?" Her mother eyed her dangerously. Hana blinked but didn't dare look at her. What was wrong with asking what they will be having for lunch? "Yeah, lunch." She repeated absent-mindedly.


Mrs. Lee stood up and started drying her hair. "But we just had breakfast, sweetheart." 


Out of nowhere, Mrs. Gong appeared on Hana's side and placed a small bowl of fruit salad on her desk. Hana gaped at the cold treat beside her paperwork.


"Mm. Maybe that's the effect of eating with your handsome boyfriend?" Mrs. Gong suddenly teased.


Handsome. Hana made a sour face. "Yeah... handsome. Sure."


※ ※ ※


"...and that, gentlemen, is how we help the threatening $2 million deficit of the seven brother companies." Kris spoke tersely, glancing at each man in the room. All of them appeared amused, convinced and elated in varied extents because of his intelligent presentation.


Very typical.


Lastly, he turned to his very own father.


Mr. Wu smirked at Kris (oh now you all should know where he gets the y habit) and clasped both of his hands together. "And how are you going to make sure that your team will accomplish?"


He always asks this... Kris grinned. "Well, I'll be ensuring that my tactics shall be understood. This means that... every single subordinate I put into the plan knows my suggested ways. Mm, supervising them of course and..." he paused and glanced at the Hana's research on the table.


At the though of Hana, he swore he had to stop himself from breaking into a sweet grin because everyone in the room had their eyes and ears all on him. He cleared his throat and looked up.


"...ensuring you that all will be definitely fulfilled, Sir."


Mr. Wu eyebrows rose at his answer. Yet two things were evident in the old man's eyes; approval for his absolute presentation and confidence that Kris and his works will come out akin to him and his undisputable success. Well Kris was his only son after all.


"Now that's a good type of assurance." He nodded twice at Kris. The board laughed lightly and all stood up. They were clapping for the young Chairman of Wu International, everyone's faces convinced.


"Way to go, Kris." Someone praised and there came a few more to which Kris felt extremely proud.


"We'll have to let you know that we are in awe at your performances, Kris." Another remarked.


"That was great, handsome Chairman." Kris' uncle winked.


Of course. Kris bowed at all of them, a smirk plastered on his sweat-free face.


※ ※ ※




Kris looked up and stared at his father. It was around eleven fifteen in the morning. Everyone had left the conference room with their confidence unto the young Chairman. Kris and his father were at both ends of the rectangular glass table.


"Pa?" Kris spoke seconds later. "What is it?"


Mr. Wu folded his arms and leaned back against the chair. "Before I congratulate you... say, what happened to your mouth?" He inquired. "It's been... a very long time since I last saw a band-aid on your face. When you were eleven?" He took a long breath before he continued speaking. "I thought you'd never let something happen with your face?"


Oh you noticed. Kris looked down and touched the band-aid near his lips. "I didn't thought you would remember any of that." He grumbled under his breath. "Stop acting like you care."


Kris and his father were normally never on good terms. Why? Kris' parents concurred on a divorce when he was only eleven years old.


His father was a highly-respected man... being constantly the very best in the business industry. He was one of those men with unfathomable intelligence. He was also born with a silver spoon in his mouth, being surrounded and treated with immeasurable wealth since his youth. He always appeared sharp, smart and dignified, whether on television, in business conferences or even in just his own house.


Mr. Wu was the perfect Mr. Prim & Proper.


He was always on the number one spot for the most successful businessmen in Asia... and maybe even the world too. Wu International was handed down to him at a very young age when both his parents fell out of love and separated ways. That was when he despised the word love and its' absurd definition.


The day he vowed that this company be always on the top, was the very day he promised to himself that he'd never let anything else interfere with his work, including peer and love.


But then he met Kris' mother through a brother company... and things started to change.


Because... Ms. Li was the complete opposite of Mr. Wu. She was the most outgoing businesswoman out there. Plus she was the type to go headlong for her unrevokable decisions. She was just... not into the serious business of her own father.


Yes, she was also the so-called 'successor' of one of Wu International's brother companies. It was because of her, that things turned into catastrophes for Mr. Wu...


"You were saying?" Mr. Wu cocked his head to the side. He didn't hear his son of course but something in the way Kris executed his moves told Mr. Wu that he was bothered by what he had previously said.


Kris looked up, his fingers still on the band-aid. "I got punched." He said without any hint of hesitation nor anger. "Oh...?" Mr. Wu looked pretty startled with his response.


"By my girlfriend." Kris finished, smiling like a fool. He was oblivious to his father's scrutinizing stare.


Mr. Wu blinked. Now what did he just hear? His son was punched (in the face) by his girlfriend? "Well... that's a first." He commented, examining how happy he looked while saying that.


Shouldn't he be mad, instead? Nah, he already got mad and Hana got through his anger.


Kris laughed, his extrinsic warm tone suddenly vibrating accross the dim room. "I know." He admitted without hesitating and took the blue file in his hands. When he saw his father's surprised face, he straightened his own face and cleared his throat. "Is there anything else, Pa?"


Mr. Wu shook his head. "But there is something... odd with you, son." He muttered inaudibly.


Kris didn't hear that or notice his father saying something as he glanced at his watch again. It was only eleven twenty nine. Perfect... He smirked inwardly and turned to his father once more.


Success. Kris bowed and eagerly got out of the office.


※ ※ ※


Hana laid down on the long and comfy sofa in their living room with Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gong. The older two sat in smaller one-person sofas. They were all grinning at the television after finishing a comedy flick at around eleven in the noon.


The sun that entered the entire house made the three illuminate even more. This was just how Lee Hana wanted her weekends to be... or how she planned this specific weekend to be. She smiled at the residual laughter that lingered even after the movie had ended.


She sat up and grabbed her empty bowl that used to contain a big amount of fruit salad. "Second movie, Eomma? Halmeoni?" She glanced at their directions and they both gave her an unsure smile. Mrs. Lee got up and left the living room.


"Eh?" She stood up and stacked the other empty bottles then gathered them in her hands. "Why?" She turned to her grandmother who was tidying her hair up.


Hana's forehead creased as she waited for an answer. Satisfied, Mrs. Gong went to the kitchen and Hana followed closely. The latter placed the glassware down the clean sink before she poked the former.


"Halmeoni, I'm waiting for an answer." She pouted. "I thought we would spend the entire time together."


Mrs. Gong didn't face her though as she patiently filled a tall glass with water. "We're off to meet a special friend at around eleven forty-five, sweetheart." She quipped and drank the water.


Hana looked extremely bummed hearing that. Before she could get to react in anger, Mrs. Gong held her shoulders tenderly. "Sorry about not telling you earlier, dear." She placated with a serious face. "But it's an important person... a very important friend of mine and your mother's."


"Is it a male or a female?" Hana probed, her eyes turning into slits.


Mrs. Gong giggled and let go of her granddaughter's shoulders. "Does that matter, sweetheart?" Mrs. Lee came down, her hair neatly up as well.


Hana shrugged before she looked up at her mother. "Well of course it doesn't matter... unless it's a male." Her last words were loud and clear. She eyed the simple get-up of the older two. But there was a slight business-y feel in the additional black blazer that they wore.


"Don't worry. It's a businesswoman we are meeting." Mrs. Gong grinned and kissed Hana's left cheek before heading out first. Well she seems rather excited to exit the house. Hana thought curiously at her Halmeoni's behavior. "Arasso." Hana muttered and faced her mother.


"Plus she's exactly my age." Mrs. Lee added before she kissed her daughter's right cheek. "Bye, sweetheart. Call us if anything... nah, nothing bad could happen with- we'll come home soon." She chuckled somewhat nervously. Then Hana saw her mother wave once more before she went out of the house.


"O...kay?" Hana smiled and heard the front door close. "At least I succeeded... for now. Because they really shouldn't know." She started talking to herself. "And hey, I can watch the other movies by myself, anyway."


She grinned cheekily and turned around to face the sink. She continued babbling to the nonliving things in the kitchen while she prepared the bottle of liquid soap. (yep, there goes the Lee Hana habits again) She was just about to start washing the dirty dishes when she felt a warm presence from behind.


Oh no. Her mother didn't lock the freaking door. What now? A thief-


Her eyeballs almost emerged from their sockets when she felt a pair of familiar (and very muscular arms) around her. She felt her back collide with a strong man's chest. She gasped and placed the bowl she was holding down. "Kris Wu."


Hana was a little relieved. At least it wasn't some criminal...


She took a calm breath as the man placed his chin on her left shoulder, his breathing was so calm as compared to hers. "Hmmm. I forgot to tell Omonim to lock the door." He whispered in her left ear.


"What the hell!? You planned this didn't you, you giant bastard? I knew Halmeoni was acting weird!!!!! Argh!!!!!!! You really want to make my life a living hell???????" She screamed, not caring if he'll go deaf by her outburst. "And why the hell is that!?


"YAH!!!!!" Hana shrieked when he only held her closer.


He flinched at her rash tone but he refused to budge. "I don't know why but I think... a victory party?" He managed to say despite her voice ringing unceasingly in his ears. Poor poor poor ears. "I mean, I get to spend lone time with my girlfriend, can't I?" He sounded so soft.


No, you cannot. Hana sighed.


She suddenly felt okay with what he said. No, she actually felt good with what he said.


This cannot be happening. It was as if her burning insides were calmed by the sugar-coated words of Kris Wu. "Can't I get a day off from this thing too?" Surprisingly... her voice turned feeble. She did not lash out at him. Nope. Not this time.


Still, she appeared tough to him. As always.


Kris grinned and kissed her left cheek as she continued to nag lowly. She groaned in annoyance as Kris waddled the both of them to the living room. "Don't mention it." He whispered at the agitated girl in his arms. "Victory party, it is."

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good