Twenty Nine

An Unexpected Boyfriend





"Ey girl, you ought to drop this fried chicken you cooked to the hottie at table six."

Hana stopped stirring the large cauldron and looked up to the smirk of her boyish friend. "Are you talking to..." She pointed the wooden laddle she held to herself. ""

Amber laughed. "Definitely."

"Bwo?" Hana crossed her arms and leaned against the semi-hot kitchen counter. "Why would I? I'm a cook not a waitress, Amber."

The latter laughed again and took the kitchen utensil from the former's hand. "Because Mrs. Kim says so?" Then she forced the tray to Hana's dry and warm-from-cooking hands.

"Eh? But I'm cooking-"

"I'll take care of it. Now go!" Amber pushed her slightly so she would at least budge. "Ppali ppali juseyo~ Mrs. Kim really said you should do it."

Hana chortled and muttered a 'yeah, whatever' before she exited the kitchen and marched lifelessly to table six where a man clad in a black trench coat and a wizard-like hat could be seen.

"Here's your chicken, Sir." She placed the tray down and transferred the plates and a glass of water to the table, without looking at the customer staring at her. "And if there's anything else, call someone else but me." She spat, obviously annoyed.

I am not a freaking waitress. She added in mind instead of wanting to glare at Mrs. Kim.

Well, Mrs. Kim pays bigtime, anyway. Or so she thinks it's merely Mrs. Kim's money she's receving.

She was about to take with her the empty tray from the table and retreat to the kitchen when a pair of soft hands captured both of hers. "Eight in the evening. Shouldn't you be studying right now and not working?"

The concern in this customer's voice was too good to be a put-down.

She balked and looked at the customer. "Oh... Kris?" Her voice was dry but he still gave her one of his bright smiles.

He looked stunning but at the same time, tired and jet-lagged. How is that even possible?

Even in an all-black attire, he looked happy and playful upon seeing her. Nah, I'm just being delusional.

He looked unquestionably handsome. This one has a bit of honesty here.

He was her boyfriend. I'm not sure about this one, though.

"The one and only." His gruff, mesmerizing voice jerked her out of her little and rather... pathetic reverie.

"I thought you said were in Shanghai with your mother?" She shook his hands off hers but to no avail, he only held it tighter. Like how he always does.

"I was. I came home earlier than planned because I heard some genius had a big Chemistry test tomorrow." He explained calmly. "But look at her, still working her arse off and all."

Hana's mouth fell open and she immediately turned into a dark shade of red. "Well, sorry for not being born wealthy like you-"

"I didn't mean that." He sighed and stood up. He pulled her in and gathered his embarrassed and uneasy girlfriend in his arms. "You want to work... I understand."

"Oh do you?" She held onto his sides (and no, that still doesn't count as hugging him back) as he bent down to rest his forehead against hers. "So I'm thinking you said to Mrs. Kim already-"

"That I'll take you home this instant and make sure you ace the test. How's that sound?"

Hana's mouth was still ajar. She vaguely remembered praying to God for an extra dose of intelligence if not, a tutor in Chemistry. If miracles happened. She didn't expect that God sent her... her genius of a boyfriend, Kris. "Who told-"

He grinned and pushed her chin up to close . "Halmeoni."

She sighed but later nodded. Just who was she to decline him when her grades badly needed help? "How about the chicken?"

Kris shrugged. "Chicken is not my style."

"Bwoh? Yah!" Hana, still enveloped in his long arms, glared up at him. "I cooked that."


That voice again... "Uhh... do you do take-outs?" He quickly said to salvage his threatened life.

"You're not allergic or something, right?" She asked in a monotone voice... but she knew deep down, that she had started to care for this oversized fish. She was still in the state of denial but sooner or later, she'll have to agree with herself that she doesn't exactly loathe him anymore.

"I'm not fond of oily foods." He told her. "But you threatened- I mean you cooked it so... why not?" And kissed the top of her head.


She laughed shortly. "Let me get my bag."


※ ※ ※


"We're here." Kris killed the car's engine as they arrived at the Lee's. "We're here." He repeated, louder this time.

When he heard no response, he turned to her. Slept again? He chuckled as he carefully took his phone from her loose hold. He got out of the car and walked to the other side to carry her.

He slipped an arm on her back and under her legs then he carefully lifted her up to him.

Unfortunately, the sound of the car door being slammed by the strong winds woke Hana up. "Hmm?"

Kris blinked and waited for her further reaction. "What- put me down! Oh why can't you just be normal and maybe... wake me up?" She half-yelled.

"I do what I want." He rolled his eyes but obliged. He turned around and unlocked the gates.

Hana scoffed. "But... you obey me?" She took her bag from his back and chuckled.


"Yes." Kris pulled his waist to her. "You're the boss."

※ ※ ※

"It's almost nine, Miss Lee." Kris knocked on Hana's bathroom door. After four knocks, she finally got out.

Kris looked down at her in a not-so-loose and not-so-fit red sweatshirt and a pair of black jogging pants. "You're... really cozy." He chuckled.

"Of course I'm gonna be cozy! This is my house." She declared and held both of his arms in attempt of pushing him away. "Why should I dress up when  I'm just gonna be studying, anyway?"

But Kris didn't move. "What about me? How do I look?"

Hana rolled her eyes. And he's at it again. She really doesn't know why he always wants to hear her boring opinions even if he most likely receives more positive and... agreeable ones.

She looked up again and he was still anticipating her say. As usual, she wasn't really sure with what she should say. "Wizard-like with the hat?"

Kris smirked. "And without the hat?"

She glared angrily at him. "Honestly?"

His smirk faded. "Yes...?" He had already prepared for something really offensive or really insulting coming from the girl who hates him so much but then-

"Handsome." Hana said quickly with no sign of humor on her face. And mind you, that took a lot of courage for her. "S-so... so stop asking about how you look, okay!?" Why did I falter? She gulped and waited for him to react.

"Hao le." (Alright.) Kris' lips split into a lopsided smile and within the next second, he had already lifted her bridal style.

"Yah!" She shrieked but instinctively clung onto him because of how fast he was. "Oh my goodness, Kris!"

He was just grinning as he approached her study desk while she grumbled threats. Slowly, he put her down on one of the chairs.

dropped when she saw what he'd done while she was in the bathroom. He had prepared the books she borrowed from the library, pens, a pad of paper, correction ink and her scientific calculator. She giggled.

It was funny because he seemed to really put effort in arranging it when in fact, it'll just be disarranged.

Kris sat on the other chair and she stared at him for the longest time ever. "What?" He rubbed the back of his neck. He grabbed her chair so she was closer. "Let's start?"

Hana giggled again and nodded.

And for the first time, she found him... cute.


※ ※ ※


Oh wow. Hana sat down her bed.



She breathed calmly as she sat and pondered the past month that was obviously all related to Kris. Sure, she'd grown pretty much comfortable and less-violent around him but she had always cursed the boy for being bolder and... sweeter as the days go by.



"It has been a month?" She asked herself for the fourth time today. She couldn't believe it and shook her head slowly. "Did I really become that ... that Kris'... girlfriend for... a month now?"



She stared at her calendar like it was the most fascinating thing in her entire bedroom. Under today's date was a little red X and a little note that said 'One More Month!" and a tiny, encouraging smile.



"I should just believe it. I mean... there's sooooo much evidence." She dropped her gaze to the picture frame that contained three pictures of her and Kris on her bedside table, then to that expensive blue scarf that was hung near the window, then to the box of semi-used (semi-used like, she only uses it when she badly needs to then quickly returns it back to the box) school supplies in the corner of her room.



The last one doesn't really count.



Hana stood up and walked to her mirror. Her fingers twirled around her damp hair that had blonde streaks akin to Kris'. She stared at the school uniform she was wearing then transferred her gaze to her still-functioning watch on her wrist, to the couple ring on her finger then finally to Kris' shirts in her closet.



So much object evidence. She sighed wanly. You better believe it, Lee Hanna.



She noticed that his shirts weren't arranged very neatly so she reached out for them when the door clicked open and an  extra-handsome person stood by the doorway.



"Missed me already?" Kris chuckled as he witness her re-arranging his shirts for the second time. "Hey, I was here, tutoring you last night, remember?"



Caught off guard, Hana coughed and put her hands down. "It's a beautiful Monday, Kris. Don't start and- no. I'm fixing them because you do not know how to fold." She frowned as she glanced at him.



"Well then teach me, Miss Lee. I taught you Chemistry yesterday so how about-" Kris was now standing just behind Hana and the both could see in the mirror how he does his usual back-hug. Hey, I never thought it looked good- that we looked this good. He added mentally.



Her frown turned into a little smile when he started to check himself in the mirror. This fish...



Actually, he was just distracting himself from being too overjoyed. Why? He liked it. He liked the reflection of him holding her protectively. It was a new kind of obsession he developed within a month of 'acting'.



"Yeah sure," she spoke quickly to evade the romantic atmosphere she never really liked... or so she thinks. 



"Mhm." He grunted happily.



A wary smile formed on her lips when she noticed him gradually leaning down. "I could spare some time for you before this crap ends-yah! You really shouldn't kiss me all the time, Mister Wu." She chided with a disgusted look on her face.



"One, this is not crap. Two, although I respect you so much, I can kiss you whenever I want to, Miss Lee." He whispered in her ear before he planted a long, lingering kiss on her cheek. "And three, good morning."



When he pulled away and looked at her straight in the eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little what is that called... melt? tug? melt? tug? -well, whatever it was, it was surely in her heart. This was something she'd been feeling since that time he joked about having kids.



"Good... morning," came her late and timid reply. Kris smiled handsomely as he took her bag and slung it over his sholder and then her hand. They heard a call from Mrs. Lee and decided to head down for a hearty breakfast with Hana's mother and grandmother.



Hana glanced at him as they got out of her bedroom and smiled back.



And here's the subject evidence.


※ ※ ※


"Oh why why why?" Hana huffed as quiet as possible. "Why do you have to stop working right now? I'm now on problem-solving and it's ten items and you decide to desert me-"



"Miss Lee Hana?" Hana abruptly looked up to the sound of her Chemistry teacher calling her. "Please work without murmuring!" She had an eyebrow raised. Obviously, she had noticed Hana's behavior after she had turned to the back page.



Hana swalowed hard and nodded. Okay... she breathed evenly to calm herself. Maybe you can solve this all without the aid of your scientific calculator. She cajoled herself as she pulled out a blank brown-colored paper provided for her solutions.



She was just starting but later gave up with the amount of decimals that simply cannot be solved with her pitiful brain. She needs a freaking scientific calculator. She was really starting to get angry at the dead device that she had clutched onto her ballpen really tight now.


She couldn't just go out and buy a scientific calculator. It was forbidden to get out when they had exams.



"Ten points each? I am so failing this." She felt downright depressed and then just wrote down the formulas and given just in case the teacher gave 'charity score' or 'effort score'.



And then her prince charming came.



"Excuse me? Sosaengnim?"



She- and the entire class- immediately looked up at that all-too familiar voice. Kris!



He stood by the classroom's doorway, looking as flawless as always and he had a brown paperbag with him. "It's something important for Miss Hannah Lee." He smiled and some of her female classmates suddenly became inspired in answering.



The Chemistry teacher turned to Hana and signaled for her to go to him and be quick.



Hana wasted no time and went to Kris. He stepped back so they were not-so-visible to the class. "Now, don't bother. Everyone, eyes on your own paper!" They heard the teacher reprimand.



Hana was about to tell Kris her major dilemma when he gave the brown paperbag to her. "Here."



She stared at it then quickly peeked at it's content. "Omo!" It was a brand new scientific calculator. She was now smiling as she looked up at him. "H-h-how did you know?"



"I had to be observant that the old scientific calculator was already blurry because my girlfriend doesn't really tell me things." Kris took a bit of hair from her fringe and curled it behind her ear. "I'd want to talk to you more but you should really continue and try to pass, hmm?" He chuckled.



"We stayed up for three hours just for this test." He reminded her.



Hana didn't know what to say and just let her sub-conscious take over. For the first time, she willingly wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "Thank you." She whispered very inaudibly. She doubted he heard that but he did.



Indeed, he was very attentive when it came to her.



"Your welcome." Kris on the other hand, felt the happiest. She hugged me and thanked me! "You know..." He instantly hugged her back and squeezed her comfortingly. "...I could really get used to this."



Hana pulled away quickly and rolled her eyes. "I'll pay you later-" She halted when Kris gave her a 'no, don't even think of spending again' face. She walked back to her classroom with a poker face but she was actually happy. Before she entered, she slightly turned around to get a glimpse of her savior of a boyfriend once again.



"I'll see you later, one-month girlfriend." He winked and a little smile just had to escape her lips.



And I was positive that he forgot.



Do I kill y'all with my talent in fluff? Buahahaha
Prepare for the next chapters tho... sorry in advance. ;)

Meri KRISmaseu, guyseu!
Maligayang pasko!

now time for a romantic date with my expertise:  mango float ahahahaha i know

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good