Twenty Six

An Unexpected Boyfriend





"Your hair is... down." Kris pointed out after Hana got in his car. "And I like it."


He was aware that he was being serious but the unconvinced smile on her lips told him that she didnt get his tone.


She scoffed. "Well, we're not gonna be in school anyway. There will be no hoard of fangirls who yearn to pull my hair in where we are going, right-" She paused when his hands reached out to play with her hair.


"You talk a lot now." Kris noted.


She blinked and looked up, ready to swat his milky hands off. His expression was blank, she noticed, but something told her she should just let him be. So she did.


His fingers danced with her bouncy air as the cold morning breeze blew on them. He patted her hair in place when she finally spoke. "Oh... where are we going anyway?" He shook his head and closed the car door next to her.


Not telling huh? Hana straightened the invisible wrinkles on her school blazer and skirt as Kris walked to his side of the car.


"Do you need more sets of school uniforms?" He asked as he slipped into the driver's seat. "I can send you another three-"


"What did I tell you earlier?" She sighed wanly.


Kris smiled and speedily put on his seat belt. "Hey... do you like the photo frame?" He simpered.


Hana wanted to roll her eyes so badly but decided against it. She looked up and found Kris leaning towards her so recoiled slightly. Her back was flushed against her seat when Kris automatically helped her with her seat belt. When he was done, he stared at her in a close rate.


"So," He was waiting for an answer. "Do you?


Do I? Hana pondered for a quick second and came up with an honest-but-not-so-accurate answer. "Halmeoni does." She coldly shrugged.


Kris feigned a look of hurt and resumed to his seat. Hana mentally exhaled and made herself comfortable again. She side-glanced at him when she heard him snort and start the vehicle's engine. She wondered why he suddenly decided to look dismal about her answer. Maybe he put some kind of effort in it?


She involuntarily opened and muttered something to make it up. "Well, I like your handwriting."


He was about to start driving but stopped short after hearing her. Did someone just compliment me about that for the first time? His hands were static on the steering wheel as his face turned to look at that someone. Her attention wasn't to him as she watched the myriad of students, teachers and various vehicles enter their school.


Lee Hannah? He couldn't believe she said that. Why are there so many firsts with her? He smirked when he realized that there was more to this. "You do?"


Hana nodded once. "Yes. It's a big flaw of yours which constantly reminds me that you, Mr. Narcissistic, are not perfect after all." She finished and chuckled slightly to herself, not even minding Kris. Now that was intelligent... and evil. You go, girl. She gave herself a mental pat on the back.


Kris grinned as he continued to watch her. Now that is the Hannah, my Hannah, that I know.


Her little chuckles came to a halt when his voice joined her thoughts. "So you have thought of me being perfect?" He mused cockily. "That's nice of you to admit... although... I already knew that."


Hana paused in her position and replayed what she had said. Oh darn it. She looked at him, her once joyful face turn blank. She cleared when he started to get closer to her playfully. Have he forgotten about the freaking car engine? And darn you.


"I said thought, that is past tense." She fibbed quickly as she pushed the side of his face away.


That was weak, Hannah. Kris laughed and started driving his red Toyota Avalon... finally. "Still."


A few seconds later, the girl felt like she was being watched intently... and there could be no other person in this car than the driver, her boyfriend, the Kris Wu. "Can you stop that?"


"Stop what?"


Hana angled her head to her left and gasped when she realized that he had been staring at her for a very long time... and yes... he was driving the freaking auto. "Eyes on the road, Kris!" She scolded then gave him a dull look.


"I just..." He smirked and set his eyes back on the road. "I like seeing your hair down. Really." He grumbled seriously. He gulped when he realized what on earth he just said. Why am I... why did I say that?


Well more like you want us to get in a car accident. Hana shrugged and Kris glanced at her one last time.


Hana was quite taken aback with her own behavior. She really doesn't feel like getting into big arguments with Kris now. It was as if she was starting to get the mood of knowing him for years. She smiled inwardly.


Why do I get this vibe that this isn't going to be toilsome anymore? She glanced very quickly at Kris' couple ring and she looked down at her own.


That's a good thing, right?


※ ※ ※


"Oh." Hana stopped walking when a luxurious watch store came into view.


Hana was sure that her first subject had already started when the couple had came in in one of the biggest malls in Seoul. It was a completely different one from the mall where they had their 'date'. It was a whole lot bigger and grander. And since it was a weekday morning, there were only a few people around.


Kris grinned and grabbed her hand in his as they got in.


All the working staff inside the store looked up when they entered and almost too quickly bowed. "Annyeonghasseyo, Sajangnim!" They chirped gaily.


Hana blinked and she turned to her right where Kris waved flatly at them with his free hand. He owns this? Just how wealthy is this guy- His grip on his girlfriend's hand tightened as he walked ahead of her. They straightened and gave Hana a long stare.


She swallowed. There were three security guards, two salesladies on the far corners and one on the main counter. They all looked older than her and Kris... and they were all eyeing her, but not due to hate like the people in their school.


I've never been in such an expensive store before. She decided to look around the store and at the expensive watches displayed in the glossy glass containers. My oh my. She swallowed again, trying her best to keep her poker face because she feels like she'd faint anytime with the prices of the watches inside.


"Good morning, Sir! It has been five months since you last visited." The middle-aged lady on the main counter beamed professionally. "I'm Kang Gyuwon, 39 and happy, if you don't remember." She giggled playfully.


"Auntie," Kris flashed the woman a polite smile. Hana watched him speak in his business accent. "Of course I remember."


She nodded in ethusiasm. "And... who is this pretty girl, Sir?" She faced Hana and gave her a sweet smile to which Hana instantly smiled back. Before she could even introduce herself to the elder, Kris raised the both of their hands and smirked down at her. 


"This is Lee Hannah." He announced and everyone nodded. "Please take care of her as I will be quickly checking on the other two in this mall." He added, still holding onto her hand. Hana's brows furrowed right after he spoke and she miraculously pulled her hand out of his.


"Wait, what?" She eyed him dangerously. "You brought us here just so you could check on your business?" She said inaudibly through gritted teeth.


"You could've just told your secretary to do that and I could've been taking down important notes in class by now!" She grunted. He knew she was annoyed but she didn't talk rashly to him like before. Her accent subdued, that Kris appreciated.


Kris smiled, and it wasn't even forced. He really did mean his smiles to her. "No- yes- no... well... yes and... to get you a new watch." He fibbed and massaged his temples. He leaned in before she could rebut.


"Don't embarrass me here, woman." He whispered very lowly before he reached out and cupped her irked facade. "I'll be back quick." He kissed her forehead.


Hana heard some cooing before he pulled away. She looked up to find Kris and his infamous smirk. He was smirking because he was looking down at a now-relaxed Hana. Oh... Is that because of my kiss? He thought gloriously.


"Quick is quick, Kris. Don't go opening my bag and putting things in there and come back here fast." Hana ordered, being laconic now. Kris was jerked out of his stupid reverie and automatically nodded at her orders.


Kris' aunt's jaw dropped and she could only gape at the two. Did she hear it right? Was this Lee Hannah ordering their Sajangnim, the Kris Wu? Not a single girl had ever had the guts to order him that way! She was suddenly admiring his nephew's current girlfriend now... and that is a first.


She had never appreciated of any of his flirty girlfriends.


Looks, yeah she had to admit all of them were gorgeous but this girl in a pair of school flats (the elder noted) was just pretty fine but her attitude was... indeed captivating. And he nodded? "How obedient of a boyfriend." She commented in perplexity.


Kris turned to Miss Kang whose mouth was ajar. "Please assist her, Auntie."


The latter blinked and grinned sweetly. "Assist is my middle name, Sir."


※ ※ ※


"This third one's the prettiest." Hana gawked at the piece of luxury in front of her.


Miss Kang sighed in admiration. "I know! Audemars Piguet... oh I know!"


Carefully, she took it out and placed it on top of the glass counter. "18-carat white gold case and bracelet with a transparent sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to twenty meters!" She exclaimed, giving the young girl a brief and ritzy description.


Hana listened in awe and slowly reached out (for the third time) to touch the price tag, I repeat, the price tag and not the lavish watch. $655k. Oh dear Umma, that is like an imaginary life debt... to that guy. No hell way. She winced at the price... for the third time.


"Uhm... wow. No, not that either. No way." Hana shook her head and the elder frowned at her verdict. "Can you show me the affordable ones, Ahjumma? Student-affordable ones?" She asked sheepishly.


The elder didn't understand her. "Listen here sweetheart," She paused and grinned. "Let me tell you three things."


Hana stared at her and nodded, uncertain of where this conversation was going.


"One, there aren't student-affordable luxury watches in anywhere in this mall. Two, these kind of watches suit your beautiful wrist and beautiful soul, dear... so don't even think that you're not worthy of these riches once in a while~" She told her honestly.


"And three... Kris is going to pay anyway. No big deal." She winked right after she finished talking.


Hana sighed. What Miss Kang said was true except for that number two was rather made up. "You know Ahjumma... I don't really like it spending extravagantly whether it'll be mine or his. In this life with all kinds of crisis... it's just so... temerarious. Well, I'm speaking from experience." She complained calmly.


Miss Kang nodded at the younger one.


"You know what I'm saying Ahjumma?"


The elder gave her a knowing grin. "Every single word of it."


Hana smiled. "So... what now? Any alternatives?" The two women laughed. Then they turned silent. Hana glanced at the Audemars Piguet watch that Miss Kang put back in one of the glass containers. It had only been eleven minutes since Kris left.


Miss Kang tapped two of her fingers on her chin. "Hmm. The 'cheapest' one in here costs $105k, dear... and don't give me that look. I know, I know. So we need to call in a cheaper store-" 


"Uhm, what if I just get this fixed? Like change the batteries... wait why didn't I think of that in the very first place?" Hana voiced her thoughts out. She looked up at the amused expression of Miss Kang.


"I really don't want him to spend greatly, Ahjumma." She removed the dead watch on her wrist and placed it on the table. "This could still be fixed right?"


She's so perfect for Kris. "Mm. Aratta."


※ ※ ※


Hana was watching as another staff from their stock room fix her watch. She knew this wasn't a watch repair shop- heh, not even close- but she and Miss Kang managed to make ways.


The elder lady and the male staff engaged in petty conversations while Hana refused to utter a single word. 


A minute passed when the young girl felt strong hands on her waist. Hana was spun around and she felt a head drop on her shoulder. It only took her three seconds to react and call his name. "Kris?"


Kris was panting for air so he wasn't able to respond. There was no need anyway, of course it was him. Who else could hold her like this, anyway? He asked inwardly. 


"Why... why are you panting?" She asked, her tone enigmatic. Kris growled and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. He heard Hana snigger, her shoulder shaking and he only drew her even closer.


Hana obliged and took short steps to him. "Did you perhaps... run?" She would not believe him running just because she told him to be quick. "No, I swam." He retorted sarcastically and surely, only Hana heard it. Oh Kris. She shook her head and realized that everyone in the store had been watching them.


"Were you afraid of what I would do?" She continued to pry. She couldn't resist the urge to just bombard him with queries in his unimaginable state. "Like... left you for school?" She chortled once more. "You have my bag, giant!"


Dang she's right. He blinked and scoffed. "Don't even think about it." He finally pulled away but his hands were still on her waist. She was about to rebuff him but he glared down at her, to which she happily glared back. He sighed and turned her around as they both faced the glass counter where a shocked Miss Kang stood.


"So what did she get, Auntie?" Kris asked and back-hugged Hana, ignoring the baffled look on the elder's face. He felt a sharp pain on his foot and realized that his so-called girlfriend here stamped on it. Oh... Hannah. He looked down at the heartless girl and closed whatever gap there was between them.


I wonder if his father had ever witnessed him be like this... it's a completely different Kris. Miss Kang snapped out of her reverie when Kris spoke to her. "O-oh." She grinned knowingly at the girl in Kris' arms. "New batteries."


Kris' thick brows rose in unison with her answer. He looked down at Hana who was now smirking proudly. "New what?"


※ ※ ※


"Hannah." Kris called his girlfriend who looked a bit nervous. Her body turned to him almost instantly but her eyes were on the floor.


Kris stooped down, leveling with her height. "Why do you look nervous? What's wrong?" He asked, smirking slightly.


Hana shook her head as he gazed at her. "Nothing." Her cold eyes met his playful orbs. "It's just that you're walking me to class and you're taking your time as if you're shopping or something and I can't go to class fast because your grip on my hand is really strong and you have my bag. Plus it's already the third subject and I've still got notes to borrow and copy so yeah, Kris... it's nothing." She deadpanned.


Kris chuckled and gently bumped his forehead with hers. How can she be this amusing without even trying? He thought and kept his forehead connected with hers. "Well you have to be used to tardiness and otherwise because of me, you know."


Why is he so good at acting like this? Hana rolled her eyes but the tiniest curve on her lips was starting to show. "I know and I've prepared." She spat gladly.


"Good." Kris pulled away and looked somewhere else. "Because we're here."


Hana swallowed. "I knew that too." She slowly turned to where he was looking and found her entire class gaping at them... including the teacher. She looked around, realizing that students from neighboring classrooms had also been ogling at the couple. This... I knew too.


Kris turned back to her and pulled her towards her room. When she was already at the door, he stood behind her and slowly slung her bag over her shoulders. "Annyeonghasseyeo." Hana greeted the class and they all looked happy and giddy to her. Even the teacher was beaming in anticipation!


"So they're truly true? Daebak. The schoolpaper has finally gained the entire school's attention~"


"Of course! And we're going to be very supportive classmates unlike those envious girls."


"Gah! I loved their hair, now I love their tandem. I am so gonna read the article again!"


"I know! Me too."


"Me too."


The couple heard these kinds of bickering from Hana's classmates. Surprisingly, none of them looked... hurt. Some of the male classmates were just intimidated by their senior (a lot of males are) but they showed no sign of objection. Hana's class was far different from the other classes'.  And I am more than glad.


"Hello, Mister Wu." The teacher greeted. "Miss Lee. Come in." Hana nodded and was about to step inside when-


"By the way," Hana felt Kris' face next to her left ear, earning another round of gasps and giggles from the audience. "Good luck with the notes, Hannah." He whispered in a teasing manner and planted a soft kiss on her temple.


Hana heard her teacher giggle in glee.


"Thaaaaanks Kreeease." She drawled next to his ear. "I really needed that."


He flashed her a pointy look before he kissed her again on the cheeks. Oh how he loved her sarcasm.


Wait what was that again... love?



Hey guys! There's something wrong with this chapter while I was editing it. Is there a problem with AFF? ><"
It would once in a while be marked (M) -- when I don't even intend it to be nor have I recalled marking it.
So... I'm terribly sorry if it appears as a mature chapter to you lol. I so hate the idea it implies ahahah.
(and yay for senseless, boring and W-T-H chapter titles!!! puahahahahaaah yea ok ok sorry)

Nonetheless, I hope you did like this chapter!
(gee, and I thought this fic would just be quick and short haha)
Thank you for your incessant support~ (especially all your comments!) ^^


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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good