Twenty Seven

An Unexpected Boyfriend





"Lee Hana-ssi?" A feeble girl whispered from the front.


Hana stopped the messy scribbling she was doing and looked up. She blinked at the cute little girl who had just called her. "Yeah?"


Hana's eyes scanned her own classroom and realized that the last teacher in the morning had already left... and that all, I repeat, all of her female classmates were ogling at her as if she was some Greek goddess of love, beauty and attention sent to Earth.


Oh, so here goes Miss Suddenly Popular. She thought and swallowed before she looked at the girl in front of her again. The girl remained stoic and quiet. Hana cleared as if implying she was in a rush because heck, she really is.


"May I help you?" She asked quickly before she brought her eyes down again as she continued to copy the notes on the whiteboard. She was forever grateful to God that she had a nice handwriting albeit whatever speed she's into, especially now.


"Here." The girl smiled and handed Hana three notebooks. "You can copy today's notes that you've missed here..."


Hana watched this girl try to help her. She had never received help from a classmate before. "Are you for real?" She asked and immediately regretted the cold tone of her voice that resulted to the quite shock of everyone in the room. "I mean..." She forced a tight smile. "That's really nice of you... wait- how come I've only seen you now?"


The girl nodded timidly as Hana took the notebooks. "My name is Cha Dohwi... I'm your classmate but you see... I get health problems every now and then so I don't really come very often. And my seat is far from yours." Dohwi pouted.


Hana nodded, being the understanding being she rarely is.


"And I'm a fan of you and Kris sunbaenim!" She shrieked in glee. Hana cocked her head to the side and remembered that this Dohwi was one of those who bickered in front of her and Kris.


"So they're truly true? Daebak. The schoolpaper has finally gained the entire school's attention~"


"Of course! And we're going to be very supportive classmates unlike those envious girls."


"Gah! I loved their hair, now I love their tandem. I am so gonna read the article again!"


"I know! Me too."


"Me too."


"Ah yeah." Hana smiled and recalled she was that last girl who said 'Me too.'.


Dohwi nodded enthusiastically and extended her hand out. "Friends?" Without second thoughts, Hana immediately accepted her hand. "Sure."


※ ※ ※


"Also, Unnie if you'd like, I can-"

Dohwi stopped talking animatedly and gulped a little too hard when a pair of manly arms enveloped Hana from behind. The latter blinked as the familiar masculine scent lingered in the air. It was obviously him. Oh no. Hana frowned when she realized she forgot to tie her hair up due to rushing and all... and she knew exactly the next thing he would do.

She pounded her fists against his arms in hope of evading his lovey dovey acts (because a classmate of hers was there, duh?).

"Goodness, move!" She said quickly. "Look, I didn't have the time to tie-"

Kris smirked and buried his impeccably handsome face in Hana's hair. "I know, I know. Hello to you too." He greeted in that muffled voice of his.

Hana sighed and dropped her fists. She remembered what she should do and allowed him do whatever trick he wished to perform.

Dohwi's mouth slightly fell open. So it was a hundred and one percent true, that the both of their hair really complimented each other.

And that they were (or he was) inundating with sweetness.

Dohwi, feeling out of space, awkwardly cleared twice. Hana regarded this and offered her a small smile but Kris still didn't seem to notice her mere existence.

Hana sighed and nudged him but he didn't even move an inch. "Hey, I want you to meet this really cute girl." Hana told him all too happily so he'd probably get off her.

"Hnn?" Kris grunted and after a second or two, lazily lifted his head from the back of her comfy neck.

Dohwi literally brightened and blushed as she anticipated for his reaction. It was true though. She thought she was actually pretty, really cute and gifted for a young girl.


But her heart sank when he didn't even lay a single glance to her. Instead, he rested his head above Hana's and looked down only at his girlfriend to continue.


"What are you talking about? I've already met you."


Is he serious? Hana's eyebrows furrowed as she looked up too get a glimpse of his conceited smirk. Of course he isn't. The second she noticed it, she immediately looked down to roll her eyes. Because someone else was in front of them, she opted not to give a darn about this antics.


Her head shot up when Kris settled his smooth face in her neck. She glanced at him, his eyes were closed. "This cute girl in front of you is Cha Dohwi. She's a classmate. A very sweet one." Hana introduced her to the uninterested face of Kris.


He tightened his arms around Hana before he opened his eyes finally looked at Dohwi. Like, finalllyyyyyy.


Dohwi nodded cutely and blushed. Hana thought it was because of the praise she had said but Kris knew better. He was a genius, of course he would know what caused her to blush.


Who else? Him.


"A-anyeonghasseyo~" she cooed in a small voice.


Hana giggled. She thought how awfully cute it was that she stuttered. "I bet you already know him. Dohwi, this is-"


"Oh, of course I know him!" Unexpectedly, Dohwi cut Hana off. "Who doesn't know Kris oppa?" She exclaimed excitedly, her voice raising a few notes higher. It almost sounded like one of those queenkas or whatever.


Kris raised an eyebrow at her sudden change of face. Hana's face dropped as well.


"I-I mean... Kris sunbae is very popular. So..." She looked down and fidgeted with her pastel-colored nails.


Hana smiled again but Kris remained in his stoic face. "Kris, aren't you going to say something?"


Dohwi looked up at him and bit her lips. 


Kris shrugged and hesistantly pulled away from Hana who sighed in relief. She thought he would finally speak to Dohwi. But instead, he took Hana's hand and whisked her away without saying another word or even looking back.


"Kris! Hey wait, Kris-" Hana turned her head around to look at the abandoned girl. "Thanks again, Dohwi-ah! I'm sorry about the other guy. He's just shy." She waved with her free hand before they could get farther.


Dohwi beamed and waved back. "Anytime, unnie! Annyeong Kris sunbae!"


"I hope we'll be friends soon..." She whispered and brought her hand down when the couple made a turn to the lockers.


I hope.

※ ※ ※


"That was rather rude." Hana spoke right after they made a swift turn towards the lockers. Kris scoffed. "Look at you, talking about rudeness and all."


"Why didn't you even say hi?" Hana asserted without missing a beat.


Kris had both of his eyebrows raised as he looked at her. "Since when did you care about other people? Oh right, of course. When it's women you're completely caring and all but with men you're completely heartless, right?" He asked...or mocked, rather.


Hana opened to retort. She really wanted to say something in return but nothing came out. So she sighed inwardly and looked away instead. She had also unconsciously distanced herself a few steps from him but their hands were still linked.

He thinks I'm some heartless thing, doesn't he? Well, why doesn't he check himself as well? She pondered but later shrugged it off.

Meanwhile, Kris grinned. He thought what she did was freaking cute. Realizing that, he shook his head but continued to gaze at her.

Kris knew she wasn't going to answer his question but he wanted to answer hers. "If it means anything to you now, well, I didn't like her."

"Even her name is... what kind of name is Cha Dohwi?"

So he pronounces her name right when they've just met but mine not? Never? Hana frowned. "Well that's normal. You don't really like women, do you?" She deadpanned.

Kris pulled her to his very side. "You're not a woman, right?"

"What are you-" Hana stopped and sighed, exasperated. "Why do you answer my questions with questions???" She raised her voice.

"Omona! They're here!"

Both Hana and Kris looked up at the shriek. "Come here." He smirked and pulled her to him. He walked her to her locker while she remained tight-lipped and everyone chattered, contrary to her.

This... this is going to be normal now.


※ ※ ※


"Ready to face the crowd?" Kris smirked as he stopped, turned and stared directly at her face. Although her face wasn't to him because she was eyeing the students, he still noticed the usual beads of sweat on her forehead.


Hana flashed a tight-lipped smile that looked more like a an expression of peril... which was probably the case. "Ready to face the death of me." She answered grimly, not clarifying whether that was a yes or a no.

Oh really? Kris sighed for the first time today.

Her answer made him pull her closer, but her eyes still didn't meet his. "Aw, come on. Don't be so nervous now." He mumbled mockingly and pulled a plain white hanky from his pocket.

She had no idea why she held her breath as he ever so gently wiped the sweat off her forehead. "You have me, remember?" He said and grinned when he was done.

She looked up and tried not to gag. Oh how whimsical he sounded. "Wo-how. You joke a lot now." She playfully (and a little too strongly) punched his chest.

Kris glared down at her right after. "Wo-how. I thought you wouldn't be so violent now?" He lamented and stuffed his hanky in one pocket of her school blazer.

Yes, you read it right, you read it left; her school blazer. She didn't mind, anyway.

Hana felt a bit apologetic inside because well yeah, acting more realistic as Kris' girlfriend certainly did not include violence for his royal highness.

Unconsciously and unseemingly, she bit her lip at the sudden change of atmosphere. She couldn't bring herself to apologize and so she settled for a cool statement. "Can't help it." She shrugged dismally.

Now, Kris smiled.

"If you ask me though- stop biting your lips for the nth time!" He leaned his forehead against hers and blowed air on her lower lip, causing her eyes to round in astonishment.

What the fudgy barr-

Before she could react, he continued nonchalantly. "If you ask me, it's fine. I like you just the way you are." He didn't know why he said that or why he sounded like some whipped dude he thinks he is not and will never be.

Hana stared up at him defiantly. Oh okay... The corners of her lips caved into a knowing smile because she knew exactly why he was sprouting nonsense. There were a couple aficionados and aficionadas of Kris staring in envy (or ogling, rather) at the lovely couple.

"I see," she grinned at the thought of him acting almost too desperately. Why he is doing this to his devotees? She thought he's gone absurd. "Then there is no problem with my actions?"

Kris rolled his eyes. She knew what she was thinking, and mentally declared her wrong.

"As long as it isn't my face." He leaned away and disclosed her fist to hold her hand. But I don't really mind anymore... He glanced one last time at his clueless girlfriend before deciding on entering the cafeteria.

I just wanted to see your reaction...


※ ※ ※


Kris finally entered the cafeteria with Hana. They held each other's hand as they walked to their table but she trailed behind and it very seemed that Kris was dragging her.


"Hi Hana Unnie!" A table composing of younger(?) girls chorused causing Hana to jump in shock.

She stared at them like some lifeless doll for a few seconds. She finally blinked when Kris chuckled and kissed her cheek.

The students gasped. They rarely saw him laugh nor kiss a girl happily.

Sure, they've seen Kris kiss his past short-term girlfriends but never did he show any emotion such as glee. He never really smiled with them, either.

He pulled away and imitated what Hana had told Dohwi awhile ago. "She's just shy." He told them teasingly before he started dragging her again to where his friends, who were all grinning, were seated at.

"No, I'm not." Hana gave his hand a fatal squeeze. Kris winced in silence and bit his lips too hard to endure the pain. She looked up and reached out to playfully tug on his chin. He stared at her as she spoke, wide-eyed.


"You know, someone keeps on telling me that biting your lips could be dangerous." She tapped on his chin.


They didn't even realize that the both of them had reached their table where Luhan, Chen and Xiumin laughed their heads off and where Tao and Lay looked up at the twosome, their jaws dropped.


"What. Is. This." Tao whispered, nearly in a state of stupefaction.


And I'm still shocked everytime at the fact that she's so... different. Lay thought.



The Ultimate Excuse


Hey guys.

I know I've been the most 'pabaya' or irresponsible author out there for not updating for months. I think you guys deserve an explanation for this stupor I've been in.

Albeit not many of you would probably read this... here it goes.


1.) From Top2, I descended to the Top4 in class and my parents haven't been too happy about it. (I mean like, duh? Why won't they be...?) Hence, I've had lesser internet hours. I only even do minimal house chores now since they want me to deliberate on studies and studies only. This is my last year in high school and I would really give and do anything just to graduate as an achiever.

2.) My precious laptop broke. And I've got no money to have it fixed. Why oh why.

3.) My family and I were one of the very victims of the magnitude 7.2 earthquake on the 15th of October that lasted for 34 seconds in the Philippines. Sad, I know. Plus the week-long chain of aftershocks (and until now) sewed fear in us more. Thank God our house still stands firm and tall despite the 2000+ recorded aftershocks (and our wifi is unyielding ohoohohohohohho). No seriously though, imagine the tremor we Filipinos went through.

(I know laziness isn't an excuse which is why I'm not including it here...? lol jk guise)


I hope you guys can understand.

Truthfully, I really thought this story would just be dang short. Like 20 chapters max but meh... I guess I was just too engrossed in making the storyline as sensible and comprehensible as it will get. I'm not really sure but I have this big antipathy for stories with no plot and I thought mine would become one too so I planned well... and a little too long, I know.

What I'm saying is that; I hope you guys don't pity me... better yet, forgive me. :)



With much love,

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good