
An Unexpected Boyfriend





Kris had never felt so mad due to a certain girl in his entire life.


He was mad. Mad with a capital M.


He had foretold himself that a girl like Lee Hana had the nerve to do this to him but she was being ultimately ungrateful to him now. It was way too much for his high-end comprehension. Way too much.


I mean come on, Kris did a spectacular job in being oh-so-nice... so kind to her and polite to her elders and... this is what she gives him back?


That honestly painful punch?


Wow, what an expected gesture of gratitude. Just wow.


His thumb slowly grazed the wound in his mouth. He frowned, a little too much, it felt like a rugged lump in his smooth skin, something he truly detests. Everyone knows how Kris becomes a real grouch when something hella dramatic happens to his face... his impeccably handsome face.


And what Hana did to him just now was no exception.


"My... mouth..." He muttered under his breath.


He felt the anger rise up to his face but he was able to calm himself down just before he turns into an obvious shade of red. "You-" He glared at Hana, shaking his head in astonishment. She purposely didn't meet his eyes because all her focus was on trying to unlock the freaking door.


Kris held her shoulders and made her face him. "-who do you think you are... to do that to me?" He asked with such fiery passion. He made himself loud and clear, sounding totally scary.


Me...? Hana looked around and racked her brain for possible answers. It was the very first time he Kris used that tone to her and she could clearly tell that every single part of him was mad.


Oh, and his glare...


Well, his glares were always tolerable but this one, it was too menacing and too foreign for her. She needed to give him an answer. One that could get her away with this... angry buff- wait no, bird. Kris' thick eyebrows were raised in that very condescending manner.


Hana bit her lip. "U-uhm."


At the second she did that, Kris raised his right hand and used his knuckles to tug on her lower lip. She was startled at first but when he looked at Kris concerned(?) eyes, she quickly understood that it was his way of reminding her to stop biting her lips. How could he still be this caring even when he's that mad?


Hana pursed her lips instead.


Kris dropped his right hand, his left still holding one shoulder. "Speak." He demanded.


Hana stared at the wound in his mouth that she herself just created. She knew what she did was too much. Still, she could never bring herself to consider his sensitive feelings... for... his skin. That sounded utterly irrational for her.


She frowned at this tiny (and idiotic) part of her that felt... hmm... what is that word... bad?


At that un-right feeling, what Kris' friends told her the past few days came into her mind. Actually, their 'confusing' and 'challenging' words kept coming into her mind these days but she opted not to listen. Oh how freaking stubborn Hana is.


Kris blew a raspberry and Hana dropped her gaze. Dang the man who was getting impatient.


He needed her darn excuse. He tipped her chin up when she was starting to lower her gaze. His actions made her abruptly look directly into his eyes. It was then that she realized the only three words she knew would get her out of this situation.


"Answer this quick." Kris sighed. "You can punch me like that because?"


"I'm... I'm your girlfriend." She answered all too vaguely. Of course was betraying her brain.


She eyed the only man in front of her, inwardly hoping the anger in him had died down a bit. She just wanted to get outta here and go home. Enjoy the job-free weekends with her mother and grandmother.


True enough, Kris was stunned (and very much delighted, if you all could just witness) with what she said. He smirked, pleased. Hana turned stiff as he (unhesitantly and gladly) leaned in.


Hana pinked as Kris slyly kissed the corner of , his wound brushing against her skin. Kris did that on purpose. She gasped and raised her deadly fist again.


Fortunately, Kris was alert and easily dodged the punch she threw at him. He shook his head and captured both of her small hands, placing them behind her so she was unable to make use of such threats to his precious skin.


"Yah! What the hell were you- Aish, let go!" She huffed and she felt her back touch the door again. He stared at her in that state of agony before he pulled her closer. He stooped down and now both of their noses just a few centimeters away.


She squirmed in digust but later halted when Kris shook his head teasingly at her. She stared up at him as he leaned his forehead against hers. "Just tell me a simple thank you." He pleaded. "Come on."


He thought this was it. She was finally destroying her guard down herself. I mean, who could resist a pleading Kris Wu at this closeness? Not a single girl. His poor little Hannah was now attracted to the handsome Kris Wu... just like every girl out there.


Hana gave him a sharp look. She opened gradually and watched the anticipation in his eyes increase. "...Andwae." She whispered in all finality. "Shiro."


Kris' thick eyebrows twitched and he clenched his jaw tight. Apparently, he was wrong.


He knew her stubborness was difficult to destroy. He understood that he'd just be wasting lots of his precious time if he'd keep this up. Now cut it off, Kris Wu. He chided himself mentally. She obviously won't listen. He inhaled and exhaled, trying to regain the smug, cool look.


Hana shuddered when she felt his hot and ragged breathing on her face. "Kris, I swear. If you don't move, I'm gonna do something bad." She warned. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Again?" He shook his head in disapproval and made three 'tsk' sounds. "You always do something bad."


Hana scoffed. And what about you? She was about to step on his feet but he pulled away from her.


She breathed in relief when Kris finally dropped her hands. "Now, can you unlock the freaking door?" She hissed impatiently. Kris gave her a pointy look but she just ignored it. "Oh and my phone." She placed her palm out.


Wordlessly, Kris gave Hana her phone. He did that angrily but Hana was too impatient to discern his ways. He turned to the door. You're lucky I need to deliver an unharmed daughter of Mrs. Lee.


※ ※ ※


Oh God. I just cannot believe I slept with a guy last night... and not just any guy...


Hana finished tying the laces of her shoes while staring at nowhere. Until now, she was oblivious of the couple ring adorning the fourth finger of her right hand. Oh this girl... seriously. was the self-centered KRIS WU.


Then images of Kris flooded her mind. Next came the thoughts of what Kris did for her last night that made her feel this... very foreign warmth inside. Inwardly, she not only felt good, but it made her hatred for men subside... a teeny weeny bit.


"Shall we?" Kris hand appearead in front of Hana's face and she gave a grunt. "Hn." She looked up at him and she immediately dismissed ALL her thoughts. Just how she hates seeing that smirk up on his face.


She eyed him up and down with her head cocked to the side. He was already fresh and in his business suit, looking crisp as usual. Narcissistic Man in Black. She playfully thought, biting back a smile at her own thoughts.


As expected, she slapped his hand away and stood up with such pride. Kris rolled his eyes, the smirk fading immediately. "Wait..." He started calmly but then she was totally ignoring him. "YAH! YAH! I said stop... stop it right there!" Kris barked before Hana could reach out for the door knob.


She turned around with a blank face. "Mwo?"


Kris walked to her and both of them never broke eye contact. "Two things." He muttered. Hana nodded for him to go on. She kept glancing on Kris' mouth as he came closer... or on his wound rather.


"One, act like a real girlfriend here in my company." He demanded. Hana opened and was about to make an appeal but Kris continued. "A real girlfriend who won't embarrass me. I'm highly respected here... and even anywhere else- I mean... you ought to be ashamed of even walking beside me." He kept on mumbling with confidence.


He undoubtedly knew how a popular person he was.


Hana stared up at him, getting his incentive. She nodded dejectedly, wondering why his words insulted her a bit. I ought to be ashamed, huh? Suddenly, she felt awful at the moment.


"Two," he paused. Hana tightened the red jacket around her as she stared at her feet. "Wait no. Just make it that one..." He mumbled. Hana brightened; her head jerking up fast. "Wait-then that means-"


"...but change the company to WHEREVER, as long as we are in public." He smirked as he watched the color drain in Hana's face. "That certainly, specifically and very exactly includes my company, our school and in front of your lovely family." He happily added; winking.


Hana opened to protest but became dry as she witnessed how joyful he looked mocking her like that. She tried to speak but no words rolled out of her sharp tongue.


Cute. Kris smiled and pushed the door open. "Silence means yes." She scoffed quietly and went ahead. No. Silence for you, Kris Wu, means go to hell. She mused in mind.


Kris grinned and followed her.


※ ※ ※


"Our handsome Chairman." An old gruff voice greeted in fluent Chinese as the lift opened, revealing the babbling couple. Both Hana and Kris shut their mouths and turned to him.


Immediately, Kris smiled politely at him. "Uncle!" He called in surprise.


Hana looked up when she heard Kris' happy-family-reklated tone. He, of course, didn't ignore her as he beamed sweetly at her way. Hana shortly ducked at his act but before she could move farther, he took her hand as they stepped out of the elevator.


"Looking better, young man." The older man in a dark blue Armani suit nodded at Kris. "And who is this... sweet little girl?" He looked at the morning face of Hana and gave her a friendly smile. Well, of course she didn't smile back.


Of course.


Hana didn't understand a single thing so she looked up at Kris. The latter chuckled and intertwined his and Hana's fingers. She froze in her spot and looked away; allowing him to do whatever he wished to and telling herself all of this will just come to an end.


Well, hopefully.


"My girlfriend..." Kris said as he tightened his grip on her hand. He wondered why he really liked those words rolling out of his tongue or even just the thought of Lee Hana being his girlfriend and all.


It felt so strange yet too darn wonderful. "Hannah Lee."


Hana wanted to roll her eyes at this. She looked down at their hands and noticed something... silvery?


"You finally saw the light..." His uncle nodded, liking this simple but way too attractive girl in front of him. It was a new sight of Kris actually because in contrast to the past months, he had been seen with drop dead gorgeous models who show way too much skin and act way too high from their own status.


Kris didn't understand what light he was talking about but he smiled. He laughed softly and gently bumped his forehead with the side of her head. Hana's eyes rounded and she gulped twice. "I guess," was all he could say. 


His uncle chuckled, utterly amused. "You really did see the light." He muttered lowly as he eyed the couple ring adorning their ring fingers. "I'll see you later in the meething, Yi Fan. I know you'll impress us again." He patted Kris' shoulder twice and then he smiled at Hana.


She looked back at him and forced a polite smile, giving a small bow. Then she blinked and recalled how she acted politely towards the man, why the hell did she do that...?


Kris grinned cockily. "I will, uncle."


The older man started walking away. Kris' eyes immediately dropped down to look at his girlfriend. "You did a great job, Hannah." He remarked inaudibly. Hana scowled at his way. Kris smirked at her reaction and then... he kissed the back of her hand which he had been holding on for minutes.








Hana pursed her lips in anger when she knew that most of the other workers around witnessed what he did. They were, for sure, gaping at Kris and glaring at her. What is new? She looked down and sighed; temporarily forgetting the ring she took notice of seconds ago.


All she could think of was: When was this ending again?


※ ※ ※


The car stopped in front of the Lee's gate.


Hana unbuckled her seat belt and pushed the car door open. She was about to step out when Kris held her back. She turned to him with narrowed eyes. "What is it this time?"


Kris smirked and got out first. Hana followed him with her eyes and oh- she got it. Kris placed his hand in front of her face, the ring showing BUT dang the girl was too annoyed to take notice.


"Drop the gentleman act." She frowned. "It doesn't suit you."


Kris rolled his eyes and gently pulled her out. "In front of your lovely family, remember?" He smirked for the nth time this morning. "Aish! Yes yes. I'll bear that in mind." Hana huffed and allowed him to send her to the doorstep.


"Now go." She grumbled when they arrived. Kris nodded and spun on his heels when-


"Ani ani ani, not yet." Mrs. Lee's voice made Kris glow... like, literally. Fortunately, his back was all they could see and not his silly face. "Have breakfast here, Kris." She continued, smiling. "Your meeting is still in hours."


Kris turned to Hana with a sly grin. And she? Oh she was about to burst. Kris turned to the two elders by the door. "Good morning, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gong." He gave both of them a long bow. Hana didn't realize but she actually appreciated the act.


"Come, Hana and Kris." Mrs. Gong smiled at the two. Oh how unmatched they appeared. Kris looking smart and her granddaughter... oh you know what they say, 'Simplicity is beauty'.


"We prepared earlier. It's a thank you for... for being with my granddaughter last night and delivering her home safe and unharmed." She took a few steps forward and examined Hana's facade. She was fresh faced and free from any kind of damages.


Then she turned to look at the tall, handsome man. She and Mrs. Lee giggled at the wound beside his mouth. They shook their heads. "I won mother." Mrs. Lee laughed louder. "Thirty thousand won, huh."


Mrs. Gong nodded defeatedly but she was smiling.


Kris and Hana looked at each other in the eyes. The two didn't get a clue on what was going on, what the older women were being so happy about. Yet Lee Hana was clearly happy seeing her two most-loved people laugh. This was why she had to keep up with this girlfriend act.


She didn't realize she had been lost in Kris' eyes for awhile... but she didn't care. "Molla." She whispered and shrugged at him.


Cute. Kris blinked at her and took her hand once again as happy Mrs. Gong called them to go inside.


※ ※ ※


"Full?" Hana asked as she placed her silverware down. Kris nodded appreciatively. "Very. Thank you so much, Omonim and Halmeoni." He smiled, his eyes crinkling. "It was daebak."


The elders grinned at him, glad that he obviously enjoyed the meal.


Hana was listening to their conversation with a small smile on the corners of her lips. A few seconds later, she gulped a glass of water down. She was about to wipe with the back of her hand but Kris hand held hers, stopping her from doing so.


She looked up. Kris grinned and picked up a table napkin. He his lips then tenderly wiped the napkin on her damp lips. Hana stared up at him, never breaking eye contact.


"Aigoo aigoo!!!" Mrs. Gong and Mrs. Lee squealed and clapped in glee, making alien noises. "So sweet~ What did our Hana do to deserve such a caring boyfriend?"


Kris smirked and he gave his girlfriend the famous 'Hah-did-you-hear-that?' look. Hana scoffed but she smiled anyway and turned to her mother and grandmother. Both were giggling giddily.


Pure bliss for Hana.


※ ※ ※


"Bring your boy out." Mrs. Gong winked and Mrs. Lee nodded. "Neh..." Hana answered.


She turned around and loosely held Kris' arm with both of her hands, pushing him out in the process. "THANK YOU AGAIN, OMONIM! HALMEONI!" He thanked before finally getting out.


Hana dropped both of her hands and motioned him to go on his own. Kris rolled his eyes and stepped back. "Enjoy your day." He smiled his genuine smile and was about to turn around when-


"Hey, wait." Hana softly called.


Kris turned, curious at the tone she used. Where was his Hannah Lee who was always eager to kick him out of her hourse? WHERE? "Why? You wanna wish me a good luck?" He smirked. "No need. I'm a hundred percent at my own company's meetings."


She searched for something in her pocket and when she finally did, took a few steps toward him. She pulled the thing out and opened it. Kris' eyes rounded as he looked at the tiny, flesh-colored band-aid in her hand. It was one of those they say you should use if you don't want your wound to leave a scar. "Take this as me apologizing... un-verbally." She murmured.


Kris smiled in relief and then he chuckled. So she somehow had the heart for her boyfriend, huh?


Hana looked up and gently placed it over the wound she created. "Try speaking." She muttered and she gazed boringly at him. Yep, no worry or blush on her face people. She just wanted to know if he was okay speaking with the medical strip so close to his mouth.


Kris pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. "You amaze me so much, Hannah." He murmured against her hair. Hana's hands went into his waist and she slapped him off. "Idiot. How do I see your mouth if it's-"


Kris pulled away and pressed a long and tender on kiss her forehead. Hana balked; her hands dropped to her sides immediately. Dang, she now knew his mouth was fine.


Very fine.

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vidyaky #1
I re-read this just because you haven't updated it (and I miss it so much). I really like the plot and the heroine's character development which is so rare among the fics in aff. Once again, I really love this story, and I would wait anytime you'll update it. It's just so sad that you left it unfinished (and making me so desprate for updates
Chapter 32:
luckytwentyfive #3
Chapter 32: This story is very good! I still can see my previous comments and it seems that i read it regulary when i ran out of fic. So please update it because everytime i read it. It tickles my heart.
update please .. i miss this story ...
vidyaky #5
Chapter 32: i was checking out stories i've subscribed and jannjann i remember this fiction is still (hopefully) on going. you left us hanging on :((
i would like you to update the next chapters :(( do not leave us waiting too long. this story is getting its timing :((
luckytwentyfive #6
Chapter 32: Pleasee continue itt
can you update ;;;; pleaseeee
your story is really good