Hope to remember

Fickle Memories


Sohyun takes a seat next to me. “How are you feeling?” She asks me with a small smile.

Sighing I look over at her. “Frustrated, I have a head-ache and I can’t remember anything!” I say a little hysterical. “I don’t even know how I got here.”

She sighs and just smiles at me. “It’ll come, we just have to hope.”

“Sohyun?” I ask.

“How much longer until we debuted?”

“Now or before?”

“Before.” I whisper scared to hear the answer.

She runs her hand through her hair. “Today,” She holds my hand giving it a squeeze. “But now we get more time to practice and even more time before we get our busy schedules like your brother.”

I smile at her. “What’s our name?”
She chuckles. “You came up with actually, Masquerading Hope. We got to wear these amazing dresses and masks in our first music video.”

“We made one?!” I ask her excitedly. “Could I see it?”

She smiles whipping her phone out. “Of course.”

The song is catchy, the dancing is pretty amazing, and our masks and dresses are pretty amazing. “Tell me hello.” I whisper the name of the song. 

Nodding her head she smiles with a few tears. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be.”

I give her a small smile. “Some things are coming back.”

After a few hours we decided to watch T.V.

“Sohyun?” I call as my thoughts continue to drift to Yoseob.

“Hmmh?” She says immersed into the show we’re watching.

“How close are Yoseob and I?” I ask.

She turns to me wide-eyed. “I am not discussing that with you.” She quickly turns back to the T.V. obviously upset.

“Why?” I whine. “I want to know” I say looking at her.

“NO,” She says firmly. “Last time I got a full description of something I NEVER wanted to hear.” She exclaims shivering.

“Sohyun—” I say cut off by her.

“Look.” She turns to stare at me. “When Yoseob comes back like I know he will, you can ask him.”

“But every time he looks at me I see how sad he is, everyone looks at me like that.” I whisper.

She sighs and sits on my bed. “Yoseob and you are too close, it makes Jun Hyung go bonkers every time the two of you try to kiss in front of him."

“She’s not lying, I’m not even aloud to hold your hand if he’s present.” Yoseob coos.

Turning to look at him I’m drawn to his eyes. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Sohyun says getting up and leaving. “Careful you two kids; she’s hooked up to a heart monitor.” She says lightly patting Yoseob.


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soo2k_ #1
Aww. This was adorable ^^
winterflowr #3
So cute!Thank you for writing!
THIS IS SO CUTE OMG. I'm so happy for the two of them ♥ Very sweet/cute ending bb, nicely done!
Yannna #5
winterflowr #6
Aigoo~~They're already getting married! *sniffs*<br />
Update soon!!
winterflowr #7
Awww It's their anniversary!! And tomorrow is Valentine's Day too!!<br />
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Update soon!<br />
winterflowr #8
Haha they were interrupted...Yoseob is such a considerate bf!<br />
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Please update soon!
winterflowr #9
Haha they are so innocent and funny!!``they finally found out!<br />
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Please update soon!!