Chapter 8


(A/N Sorry, I haven’t updated! But here’s new chapter! Also have y’all listened to Electric Shock by F(X) and Paparazzi by SNSD? SO GOOD, RIGHT.)

[Taeyeon] Hide and seek no Everynight

[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Madataku Style noseru Light

[Sooyoung] Motto ikichi hoshi kunai

[Tiffany/Yuri] Naka yoku yorimashou nakama janai


[All/Taeyeon] Life is a party karechi kara Sweet groove

[Yoona] Itsudatte anata ga Boom Boom Boom

[All/Taeyeon] Hade ni Car chase hana no Around

[Jessica] Hikitsuke rarete Boom Boom Boom

(Paparazzi – SNSD)

-Luhan’s POV-

“You’re so immature!” Sehun exploded as we got off the bus at our house. Lay and Kris laughed and I smirked. “Immature? I like to call it fun, dongsaengie.” I said and ruffled his hair. “Stop it!” he snapped and fixed his hair. “Luhan, leave him alone, you pissed him off enough today.” Ailee said, rolling her eyes at the two of us. “But Sehun, you did deserve It.” she said but when she saw the smug look on the twerp’s face. He instantly glared, “The did I do?” he demanded angrily. “You taunt him when he’s hurt.” Ailee pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him. I snickered and she shot a look at me, “Shut up Luhan, you are being immature about it, why can’t you guys just talk things out like big boys?” We both glared at her. “Because, Ailee, I don’t talk to nerds.” I said and slung my arm around her shoulders. She sighed hopelessly as we got to the front door and opened it to go inside the house.

“Luhan!” dad boomed and grabbed me roughly. “You’re so grounded.
 I stared at him and my jaw dropped to the floor not even, through the ing ground.” I glanced at my mom and forced my mouth to snap shut. “Eomma, did Appa just ground me for going to school?” I asked, positive this had to be a joke. Mom sighed, “Luhan, you were giving him attitude this morning, we asked you not to go to school for a reason. You’re hurt and you’re not resting properly. You’re not grounded. You’re spending the weekend in bed, resting your back.” She shot dad a look, “He doesn’t always think before he speaks maybe that’s where you get it from, Luhan.”

Dad looked downright furious, he glanced at Kris and Lay before glancing back at me. “You’re going to bed right now, Kris and Lay can hang out with Ailee or whatever.” He growled and began to drag me towards the stairs. I struggled out of his grip, “You can’t ground me for going to school!” I exploded furiously. I usually managed to keep up a happy façade, even with the people I didn’t like but with my dad and Sehun, I couldn’t always manage it. It was rare that I could with my dad. He pissed me off more than anyone could ever know. He always found some stupid reason to be pissed at me and yell at me. ing , I did everything I could to make him like me, and he still found every possible reason to hate me for absolutely no ing reason, I hated it so much.

“I’m your dad! I can do whatever the I want!” he snapped and reached for me, I jumped away from him. “Don’t touch me.” I snarled before walking back to my friends.

“OH-XI LUHAN!  You get over here right now!” dad screamed and came after me. “Soo man, Stop it! Just let him hand out with his friends.” Mom said with a tired sigh. She glanced at me and shook her head. “If you jump around, Kris and Lay will have to go home, understand me, Luhan?” I nodded before the three of us went up to my bedroom “I hate him!” I exploded as I slammed my bedroom door shut. “He never yells at Sehun for going to school! Like what the ?!” “Calm down, Luhan. Your dad is a .” Lay said with a shrug, Kris nodded in agreement and sat down on my bed casually. I plugged my iPod into the speakers and blasted Two Moons by EXO (Had too, bro.) Just to piss the off, I blasted the volume and wedged a chair under my door handle so that he couldn’t get into my bedroom.

“So what do you guys want to do?” I asked and they shrugged. Dad began to pound on my door, screaming at me to open the door and how I was grounded and blah, blah, ing blah. “I want to embarrass Sehun, like seriously embarrass him, make him pay, it’s his fault my dad hates me so much.”  I said bitterly, “How are you going to embarrass him worse than we already did today?” Lay asked curiously. “Luhan, just leave him alone, I know he’s a about being your dad’s favorite, but it’s not like he bribed your dad into it or anything, your dad just chose him.” Kris said nervously. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I can always just break his damn glasses.” I said with a slight shrug. “Not too mean.” “If they break, your dad will make you pay for them, whether you broke them or not.” Lay pointed out and I pouted, “True.” I grumbled in annoyance. I sat next to Kris on my bed, “You up for getting high?” I asked Lay and he shrugged. “Maybe this weekend.” He said, I sighed sadly. “They should marilize legajuana.” I said with determination in my voice.

Kris sighed and shook his head. “I need new friends.” He grumbled.
 “Hey Kris, if you listen real carefully, you can actually hear the sound of you shutting the up! I said eagerly and he flipped me off. We laughed and I got up and turned my music down. My dad had abandoned his attempts a getting into my room. I was just waiting for the day when I got home from school and didn’t have a freaking door anymore. I’m pretty sure my dad wasn’t too far away from ripping the damn thing off its hinges and throwing it away to “teach me a lesson” I’d teach him a ing lesson when I decided that having no door made me want to sleep without my covers.

“Let’s go get food,” I said and Kris and Lay nodded in hungry agreement. Hey, we were growing teenage boys, what the hell could you expect? I opened my bedroom door to walk out and tripped over something. I crashed to the ground and looked up to see Sehun smirking down at me, I clenched my fists tightly and got up, my eyes locked on his and then hell broke  loose in the Oh-Xi house.

(A/N I’m sorry, I didn’t update soon, enough and this chapter it super boring but COMMENT!)

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melikpopluhanlove #1
Chapter 34: This is so sad.
I will marry a korean boy.
And my sons will going to be cute as their dad. (Duh of course they will be cute you'll be marrying Baekhyun or Kai *cough*)
Then... If they fall in love with each other... I will just support them no matter what. They are a part of me... We cannot choose who we love. Reading fanfic really changed me o.O I became more mature, WOW.
Chapter 11: Really love the overall story but I think the song lyrics are irrelevant(?) But still lovin this bc its daebak
mypreciousbias #3
Chapter 35: Sequel!!!!!!!
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 34: Umm so..... Are you planning on making a sequel anytime soon?
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 33: Oh god oh god OH GOD SHIZ JUST HIT THE FAN
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Chapter 34: No, just no, just no!