A Song for You

Mystery of Love

[ Chapter 5 ]


2 months later...

Dongwoo POV

It's already 2 months I become her friend, but still I did not have courage to tell her truth. I know, it's will make her sad. but she has to face the reality. Yes, reality is too brutal Hara. That's why you must be more stonger than now. I'll be by your side. I'll always support you no matter what.

      " Hara, you said you already have a boyfriend right? Can you introduce him to me?"

Hara look so shocked, but she still replying me,

      " Ah, too bad Dongwoo. He's too far away from me now. He still studying in Japan." Then, she smiled. I just smiled. Ah! I don't know how to make her realize. How? I afraid to make her heart hurt again. What should I do?! Yuri asked me to bring Hara back to her reality world, but I don't know how. Maybe my statement can hurting her. Ah! My mind become miserable, but I've to do it. Sorry, Hara.

      " Hara, can we meet this evening?"

      " Ermm, can. but as usual after I finished my work okay."

      " Okay. I'll wait for you."

I waited with thumping heart. Haish! I don't know how to tell her. Someone plaese help me. I'm afraid, I might hurting her again. Hara walked wth smile on her face. I took a deep breath and quickly stand up.

      " Hye, Hara."

      " Hye, Dongwoo." She chuckle a bit. Maybe I look clumsy and worried.

      " Why Dongwoo? You look so nervous. What happen?"

      " Ah, nothing. I just want to tell you something.."

      " Yes, what?"

     " Minhwan is your boyfriend right?"

      " Ah, yes. but why?"

I don't know how to start. Seriously this thing can make me going crazy.

     " Dongwoo?"

      " He call me yesterday, he send his regard to you."

     " Oh, seriously! I'm really happy. He always busy right? I'm feel so relief when know he doing good with his work. Thank you Dongwoo. I must tell Yuri. Oh, by the way is Minhwan is your friend?"

     " Yeah, he is my best friend."

    " Ah, so you the one that study abroad in Japan."

    " Yeah, that's me."

    " Why you didn't tell me. I'm feel so happy can meet you. I've always wonder who is Minhwan's best friend, because he always told me about you."

   " Ah, really. That's good."

Fool me! How come I tell her like that. Ah, stupid! I should tell her that Minhwan already left her. Not supprting her fantasy world like that. Ah, fool me!

    " I should tell Yuri. This is such a good news." Hara ran away, but Dongwoo quickly grabbed her hand.

    " Why Dongwoo?"

    " That's a lie. That's not the truth."

    " What do you mean by 'lie' and 'truth'?"

   " Hara, what I told you just know, are all lies. Except, Minhwan is really my best friend."

    " Lie? So, he didn't call you yesterday?"

    " Yes. He didn't call me last night?"

    " Why?! Why you lie me? How dare you! Do you know how happy I was when you tell me just now. Now, you tell me that's all are lies. Dongwoo, I hate you!"

Hara wanted to run away but Dongwoo grabbed her wrist and hugged her.


Hara POV

I quickly pushed him away. How dare him! He lie me and hugged me without any reasons. What he want from me?

      " Hara, I'm sorry for lying you. But, you have to hear what I want to say."

     " No! Just leave me alone!"

     " Hara! Minhwan already Die! DIE. He already DIE! and you know it right? But why do you still want to live in your fantasy world. Wake up, Hara! Minhwan must be so sad, if he knew you become like this. Hara, I'm sorry but you have to accept the fact. Minhwan was no longer in this world. He already left you and he will never comeback again. So, don't wait for him anymore."

Dongwoo patted my shoulder before he left. I'm become crazy. No! No! Why?! Why Minhwan?! NO!! Yuri! Where is she? She can trust me. No! Minhwan can't die. No! I took my phone from my bag and started to call Yuri.

      " Hello."

      " Yuri, Minhwan...Minhwan..."

      " Why Hara? Anything happen?"

      " Minhwan...is he already die?"

Silence. Yuri, please answer me. I need the answer.

     " Hara, you better come to my house. We can talk about that." Yuri off her phone.

    " Yuri?"    Wait! What happened?!

    " Yuri..."

    " Hara, Dongwoo already tell you."

   "  Tell me about what? Ah, Minhwan..."

    " Yes. So, Hara you should wake up from your fantasy world. It's already 2 years, I can't stand seeing you like this."

    " Yuri, what are talking about? I don't understand." Yuri holded my shoulders and look at me with her serious face.

    " Hara, you know Minhwan already died right? Can you accept that. I know that's must be hard for you but Hara, it's already 2 years. All this time, I really afraid to make you realize what's the reality, I let you live with your own world, but I know you can't live there forever. I must take you back, I'm sorry Hara but.."

     " Stop! Stop it now! Enough, Yuri!"

I ran away, I don't know where I want to go. Ah! reality is too cruel, too brutal for me. I burst into tears. Yeah, I know Minhwan already died, but...but I still can't accept it.

     " Minhwan!"

[ flashback ]

       " Yuri, shhh....call from Japan."

       " Ok, I know who."

      " Hello."

      " Hello, is this Goo Hara?"

      " Yes, Hara here. Why?"

      " I just want to tell you that your frien, Choi Minhwan was involved in accident. We sincerely want to apologize because we cannot save him. I'm very sorry to tell you this.I'm sorry miss."

      " No! You lie!"

I burst into tears and I ran to Yuri.

     " Why? What happened Hara?"

     " He tell me, Minhwan...Minhwan"

     " Minhwan? Why? What happened to him?"

Arghh! I cannot tell Yuri the reasons. Only tears falling down through my cheeks. No! It's just a nightmare right?

      " Hara! Dear, you here."

      " Ah, auntie why?"

      " Yuri, where is Hara?"

      " Ah, she got call and she started to cry. Why auntie?"

      " Minhwan...Yuri..."

      " Why? What happened?"

      " Minhwan...he died in car accident in Japan."

      " What?! For real?!"

     " Yes, where is Hara?"

    " Ah, follow me."

     " Hara.."

I cannot say anything. Minhwan's mom hugged me tightly. My body become weak and I couldn't remeber what happen after that.    

     " Yuri."

    " Hara, ah so glad finally you wake up."

   " What happen to me?"

    " Ah, you falling down. Maybe because tired."

    " No. You lie! Minhwan, he already left me right?"

Yuri silent. I started to cry again. I cannot live without him. Why you leave me? You said, you want to take care of me right? but why now you leave me alone.

     " Arghh!!" I throw away anything in my hands. Yuri quickly hugged me and tried to restarined me.

     " Yuri..." Words did not come out from my mouth, only tears falling down again and again.


Yuri POV

It's already 1 month Minhwan left but Hara, she still same like always. Always day dreaming, crying and screming like hysterical girl. I  know Minhwan is too precious to her but she cannot be like this forever.

      " Doctor, so she can recover from this sickness."

       " If she want, we can try our best. But we still have to try our best to make her realize again."

       " Thank you doctor. I can't stand seeing her like this."

      " I understand miss."


       " Yuri...I'm not sick or crazy okay?"

        " Hara...No I didn't mean that."

       " So, what do you mean by seeing a psyhology doctor? What are you doing there?"

        " Hara, I'll explain to you." 

       " I no need your explanation, Yuri. It's too late now."

Hara took knife from her bag and pointing the knife to me. That's make me shocked.

       " Now tell me Yuri, why are you seeing the doctor?"

       " Hara, calm down."

         " No!" She collapsed again. Her depression become more worst. It's make me worried. What should I do?


        " Doctor?"

       " I think from now on, you don't mention Minhwan's name again. and also you make like MInhwan still live, just in her own world.

      " But doctor, what if one day she found out. She will suicide right?"

      " No, let she live one or two years in her fantasy world. Then, you will face her, make her realize. At that time, she must realize it and she will accept the fact. Trust me."

     " Thank you doctor. I'll try."


    " Yuri..."

    " Yes..."

    " Minhwan?"

    " Ah,..he just call you but you already sleep. So, I said to him to call you later."

    " Herm..I'll try to call him."

    " Yeah..just try..."

    " He didn't pick up. Just his phone voice."

    " Hara, maybe he busy. Come on, let's eat."

[ end of flashback ]

     " Sorry Har, but this is for your own goodness." I cried, I can felt Hara sadness but I'm just like useless friend. Can't help her when she had a hard time.


Hara POV

I remember everything now. Minhwan...tears can you stop.

      " Yuri?"

     " Hara. I'm so glad you are fine."

     " Yuri, thanks for everything."

     " Erm, it's okay. You alright?"

I noded my head. Yuri really a nice friend. She very understanding, she will always cheer me up when I feel down. I'm glad I have her.

       " Yuri, sorry for troubling you."

       " No, we're friend right? We need each other."

      " Thank you for conscious me."

      " You should say thanks to Dongwoo, I just help a little bit, but he did almost everything."

      " Erm, yeah. I'll call him later."

       " Hara, sorry."

       " No, Yuri. You must be hard to suit yourself in my fantasy world. Thanks a lot."

I stared at our picture; me and Minhwan. The smile, I really miss it.

      " Minhwan, can't you comeback. Even now, I still love you selfishly."


Dongwoo POV

          " Hara, I'm sorry for yesterday. I'm overdoing that."

         " No, I should  say thank to you. Thank you, Dongwoo."

        " Ah, Hara I've a present for you."

I gave Hara one box, inside it I put Minhwan's tape recorder that he record his last song for Hara. Also the lyrics I put there too.

I can see Hara crying silently while hearing the tape. But I can't do anything, that's make me sad. I don't know why everytime I seeing her like that, my heart will ache. I cannot stand seeing her sad. What happen to me?

       " Hara..."

      " Dongwoo right now, if I could ride a time machine and go to meet Minhwan . There won't be any regret remaining. I wouldn't wish for anything else., before these memories become distant and fleeting.

I hugged her tightly, I know she sad. She lost her precious man and I lost my precious friend. Hara, I can feel you sadness, we share it together. I'm trying so hard not to cry in front of her, even I feel broke down right now. I'll become more stronger just for you. 










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finally it's done!


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Eleenluvu #1
Chapter 40: nice story
nathrakh #2
Chapter 39: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 39: What a sweet chapter! I applaud Jaejin for finally confessing that he was the real secret admirer! Although I do feel kind of bad for Hoya, oh well...not everyone gets a happy ending. Good job!
Chapter 38: Thanks for the update...although I was a bit disappointed....
vinmya86 #5
Chapter 36: so sad JongHun died :'( gald there Sunggyu for Gyuri
vinmya86 #6
Chapter 35: Thanks for double update :)
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 34: Jaejin don't go please :(
vinmya86 #8
Chapter 32: yeay update :D finally Seungyeon know the truth about Hongki :) but Hongki a psycho,so becarefull Seungyeon and Woohyun.
vinmya86 #9
Chapter 31: poor gyuri :( hope she will be happy :D
JingCuteTurtle #10
Chapter 31: AAAAAAAAAAAAA... finally u update..
my hear beats faster..i was worried if something bad would happen to gyul... huhuh.
update soon ^^
me kinda miss seunghyun-jing-myungsoo story.. XD