Your sick...

Appa is in love with me.

Alex's POV


I blushed and nodded shyly even though I knew he couldn't really see me doing so, " Um sure.".

I hung up the phone and smiled to myself. It's been awhile since he's called me. Well with all the activities he's been doing why wouldn't he be busy? We always try to make time for each other, there were even a couple times where he picked me up at around 2:00 in the morning just so we could hang out. This time it just so happened to be earlier. It is now currently 8:00 at night and if you hadn't noticed earlier, he had called me up the moment his rehearsal had ended just so we could hang, and there was no way I was just going to say no.

I stood up and bounded towards my closet, jumping over a couple of things strewn across the floor in the process.

My roommate, Jessica ( or Jessie Bear as some call her) , turned her attention away from her phone and watched me run into my room, amused. " Whoa girl slow down!".

I finally screeched to a stop and rummaged through my closet for the perfect outfit, sure we were probably just gonna browse around LA but who cares, I hate to admit that my image is a bit of an importance to me. " Sorry! I just can't figure out what to wear! Though I really shouldn't be complaining about my fashion problems to you of all people, Jess. Your fashion sense is just as bad as mine.".

" Hey!" I heard her yell from the kitchen. I chuckled as I suddenly smelt the sweet aroma of buttered popcorn fill the air. She was probably getting ready to watch a movie.

I pouted as I threw different sets of clothes here and there and right when I was just about to give up and stick to jeans and a t-shirt,  my phone rang.

" Hello?" I answer, complete frustration and distress clearly audible in my voice.

" Hey girl~." a slightly high pitched voice replied, I almost immediately knew who that voice could belong to. " Hey Kira what's up?".

She giggled, taking me surprise, giggling is not exactly her everyday hobby. " I dunno I just got bored and decided to call you. Whatchya doin?".

I pouted and looked back at my closet as realization hit me, I still hadn't found a perfect outfit. " Unnie I'm stumped! I still can't find something to wear!".

She was silent for a moment, I could tell she was probably thinking of something, but before I knew it she began to speak again. " Do you still have that light brown halter top I got you for your birthday?".

I nodded immediately, of course there was no way I was going to throw it out, besides it's a really cute shirt. " The one with the small ruffles on the bottom? Yeah why?".

" Pair that with your white jeans. Oh and throw in your black flats." I listened diligently, if there is one person that I know that has any sense of fashion, it would be Kira hands down.

I pulled out exactly what she had recommended and gasped at the sight. " Unnie it's perfect!!".

She laughed at the sudden excitement that appeared in my voice. " Glad to be of service! So where are you going anyways?".

I hesitated on whether to tell her or not, but in the end I figured she'd find out anyways. " Nothing special really I'm just hanging out with him again.".

She sighed, I could tell she was pretty frustrated, I mean after explaining my lingering feelings for him I wouldn't blame her, we have a confusing relationship anyways. " Him again? But didn't he say-".

I interrupted her before she could go on, all that happened is in the past and I don't really know how he feels, so for now, i'll just keep it a secret. " Don't say it ok? I know what he said but that's all in the past, I admit I like him but I'm not going to say anything yet because of....well you know.".

She slightly chuckled, amused at how my outlook on this was turning out. " Ok whatever you say.".

I picked up the brown halter top and looked in mirror as I tried to picture how it would look on me. " So Kira how's Korea? I can't believe Jonghyun actually convinced you to go back!".

She laughed and took a deep breath before letting it out. " Yeah well after SHINee had to leave early for promotions and I went to see them at the airport,  Jonghyun practically begged me to go with him, he was on his knees and everything so I couldn't help but say yes.".

" That is a total lie! I did not beg!" I heard a deep voice yell out in the background, I guess Jonghyun must've been there the whole time.

" Okay Kira I've gotta go now! He's coming in like 30 minutes." And with that I hung up the phone, not even waiting for a reply and flung on the outfit.

I was running here and there, trying to get things done as fast as possible. I applied light blush and a bit of lipgloss, almost forgetting to put on some eyeliner as well.

After a couple more minutes I was officially done and took a peek at the clock, perfect timing. I had a good 3 minutes left before he would be picking me up and it happened right on cue, a light knock was heard on our door.

" I'll get it!" I yelled before Jessica could even get up and ran towards the door, not forgetting to quickly check myself in the mirror once more before opening it.

And there he stood, a small smile strewn across his face. " Hey Kira, you look nice.".

I smiled and nodded shyly before stepping out with him. " Thanks Eli.".

Pretty soon we were walking out the building and towards his sleek black car. Like a gentleman he opened  car door for me, making me smile as I sat inside the vehicle.

" So where are we going?" I tried to keep my eyes on the scenery outside and maintain the sound of my voice which tends get high pitched when I'm nervous.

He laughed, he obviously knows me well enough to know I was probably sweating my guts out from all the worrisome feelings I had inside me. " Relax Lexy, and I'm not telling you.".

I pouted at the annoying phrase, he would use it every single time we went out and most of the time it would end up being a simple restaurant or a drive-in movie or something. " Why not?".

His smile was sincere while his fists seemed to clench the steering wheel a bit tighter. " That's the beauty of a surprise Alex, your not supposed to know.".

I huffed and turned my attention away from him, crossing my arms over my chest and mumbling to myself. " It's not even a surprise when the location is pretty predictable.".

I heard him sigh and slowly I could feel one of his hands take hold of mine causing me to blush a bright shade of red. " This time you won't be dissatisfied, I promise, and I thought you'd be happy that we actually had the time to hang out. I thought location didn't matter to you.".

I suddenly felt a wave of guilt crash over me, I've been thinking so selfishly I didn't even take time to stop and be thankful for what I have. " Your right. I'm sorry.".

The rest of the way was awkward and quiet. I was now regretting everything I had said about being with him. After I had apologized he had immediately let go of my hand and didn't look at me once after that, though he could've just been trying to concentrate on the road.

I cleared my throat and looked out the window, my hand under my chin. There's never ever been an awkward atmosphere between us. This is all my fault.

The car stopped and we both stepped out of the car. I turned around and was surprised with what I saw. We were on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Darkness had just engulfed the sky and the stars were shining with illuminated beauty.

" Alex," His voice came out a small whisper, " Do you remember this place?".

I frowned a bit confused. Was I supposed to know this place? I looked around one more time, trying to remember what exactly there was to be remembered and before I could look any further a deep sigh came from Eli's mouth.

" I had a feeling you wouldn't. We first met here, remember?" He looked down and fiddled with a small silver rings in his hand.

I gasped as realization hit me, how could I be so stupid? " Oh yeah, now I remember. That was a long time ago.".

A small smile appeared on his face. " I remember that moment like it was yesterday.".


" Alex! Get out of the car!" A woman in her forties yelled at her daughter who continued to roll her eyes and raise the music, refusing to get out of the car.

People watched as the lady pounded on the girl's window. " Look Alex I know this isn't exactly the birthday of your dreams, but you've always wanted to go to Los Angeles.".

Fourteen year old Alex rolled down the window and gave her mom a glare. " Yeah alone.".

" Alright, that's it." Alex's mom stuck her hand through the small gap Alex had rolled open and unlocked the car door, proceeding to open it.

Once she did she gave her a daughter a firm look. " What is your problem? What do you have against me?".

Alex took off her headphones and took  a deep breath. " Since when did you start caring about me?".

Her mother stopped in her tracks and gave a surprised look at the girl. " What?".

Alex couldn't hold it in any longer and let the feelings pour out of her heart. " You've never paid attention to me like this before! Your always caught up with work, you never answer my calls, you always forget me at school, you never care! So why should you start caring now?! I JUST WANT DAD BACK!".

Alex ran out the car and straight past her mom, letting her legs take her anywhere but where her mom was. She felt like she was running for miles but it was only seconds before she felt herself slip and fall forward, right off the cliff.

A loud scream came from as she fell off the edge and began to plummet downwards towards the icy waters.

All of a sudden a strong pair of arms wrapped around her body and held her tightly. She didn't have time to look up and see who these arms belonged to, because water engulfed her from head to toe.

Before she could flail her arms in panic, the same pair of arms dragged her out of the water and onto a big chunk of rock attached to the bottom of the cliff.

Young Alex coughed and looked at her drenched clothing, but that was nothing compared to her savior. He was coughing uncontrollably as water spilled from his mouth, he must've swallowed it while in the water.

The boy looked about her age and turned his head, shooting her a glare. " You crazy?!? Why the hell would you jump off a cliff?!".

Alex was silent, she had no idea how to answer to that. Would he believe her if she said it was an accident? Now he probably thinks she's emo or something.

He yelled at her again. " Are you deaf?! I said why the hell did you jump?!".

" I didn't jump I slipped!" Alex couldn't hold in her frustration any longer.

The boy was silent. Her sudden outburst had caught him off guard, but his stone hard glare came back in seconds. " Well you could've done all the people who were worried about you a favor and not be a klutz!".

Small drops of tears stung Alex's eyes and her teeth were clenched. " Did I ask you to save me?!".

The boy became quiet. He couldn't answer her. What could he say? That he was watching her a minute ago like a stalker and was captivated by her beauty? Well that was exactly what he felt, but he couldn't tell her that.

She continued to yell at him. " All my life I've been neglected by my parents! All they had done was argue! She killed him you know! That's the reason why dad developed stupid leukimia! She cursed him with it!".

Alex broke into a fit of tears. The boy had no idea what she was talking about, all he could do was watch her cry in pain. Seeing her so hopeless made his heart ache. He didn't know her, but he already knew he wanted to protect her from whatever caused her to be this way.

" It's not fair!" Teenage Alex was still crouched down into a little ball and crying her eyes out.

The boy awkwardly scooched closer to her and put his arm around her, letting her cry in his arms. He held her close to him and Alex's cries began to faint.

Soon they were both completely quiet and she had her head comfortably leaning on his shoulder.

He cleared his throat and put out his hand " Um by the way, I'm Eli.".

Alex smiled at how nervous he was and shook his hand. " And I'm Alex.".


I smiled and turned to Eli giving him a sincere look. " You still haven't told me why you miraculously decided to save me that day".

Eli chuckled and turned away, a slight hint of red visible on his cheeks. " Would you believe me if I said I was watching you the entire time you were there.".

I quirked and eyebrow and walked a few steps closer to him. " What?".

Eli glanced at me and quickly turned his attention towards the sky. " I was watching you the entire time I was there. I don't know, something about you had caught my eye. You looked...perfect in my eyes.".

An awkward silence was filled between us. I didn't know what to say to that. Sure I still had lingering feelings for him, but I never actually built up the nerve to tell him and it's pretty awkward considering he broke up with me not too long ago.

Eli cleared his throat and began to taking a liking to the ground. " Um Alex?".

I took a deep breath and looked at him, trying not to make it obvious I was blushing a second ago. " Yea?".

" I_" But he was interrupted by the loud sound of a car screeching to a stop behind us.

I took the obligation to look back and see who was causing such a fuss, but couldn't make out who the person was, or person(s). After squinting my eyes a couple times I came to notice it was a couple, but I couldn't make out their faces (yeah I have bad eyesight, i'm nearsighted so for all those farsighted people, I envy you.).

Eli's eyes seemed to have almost popped out of his eye sockets when he gasped. " Is that....Wooyoung and IU?!".

My eyes widened as well and I shot my head back at the direction of the couple and squinted my eyes as much as I could. " It...IT IS THEM!".

Eli's bright smile popped upon his face and he waved at them from the distance. " Hey Woo~IU-ssi! Over here!".

I slapped his arm, what the hell did he think he was doing? " Yah! What the hell are you doing?!".

" Aish! Nothing i'm just inviting them over here to chat, big DEAL!" He rubbed his arm and pouted from the pain, SLIGHTLY .

Wooyoung and IU's figure got closer and closer and soon, as Wooyoung's gaze met mine, his large got smaller and smaller. " Oh...hey Ha Ni, what are you doing here?".

I fidgeted with the ruffles on my shirt and couldn't look him in the eye. " I'm hanging out with Eli, now it's your turn to explain.".

Wooyoung put a hand on IU's back and rubbed it tenderly. " I'm on a date with IU, she always wanted to come here.".

The word "date" stabbed my heart with such force I had to catch my breath. Sure I still have feelings for Eli, but I know that  my feelings for Wooyoung are no joke. He makes my heart tingle in ways that it has never done before, not even Eli has ever made me feel that way. Hearing about them two dating made we want to go die.  The way he rubbed her back gently and softly made me sick and it seemed like he really loved her, but when I finally got the courage to look at him again, his eyes said otherwise. They looked sad and lonely, like they were telling me something but I just couldn't figure out what.

Wooyoung looked away from me and gave Eli a small smile. " Hey man, what's been up?".

Eli shrugged and glanced at me quickly before looking away. " Nothing much...yet.".

Wooyoung raised an eye brow. " Yet?? What's that supposed to mean?".

Eli cleared his throat and fiddled with something in his pocket and turned to me. " Well I guess this will just be more exciting with Wooyoung and IU-ssi here, so I guess I better say it now.".

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. " Um Eli, what are you talking about?".

Eli sighed and took my hands in his. " Look, I know I broke up with you because I thought it wouldn't be safe for us to date anymore since you know who I was and I didn't want you to get hurt. I admit I ended it first, but I regret it. I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since the day I met you and even after we broke up. I can't stand not being with you and seeing you hang out with other guys would break my heart into pieces. It wasn't long until I noticed how much I REALLY love you, Alex. I know you probably won't accept in a heartbeat but i'm willing to wait for you for however long it takes and I don't want to leave you and I want you to stay by my side...forever. "  With that he pulled out the small object from his pocket and got down on one knee, holding a magnificent diamond ring in his hand, " Will you marry me Alex?".

I was speechless and my heart began to hurt even more when I realized the truth, I don't think I could love him back.

I thought I was in pain, but when I looked to my right, Wooyoung was devasted and his hand completely dropped from IU's side, I knew he had finally cracked. " WHAT?!? Is that it Ha Ni?! Were you just messing with my heart this entire time just so you could get married out of the blue and forget me?! I was actually willing to try for once Ha Ni! I wanted to get close to you and I wanted you to love me back but is this how you tell me your not interested?! I'm going to be honest, I asked IU out so I could try to forget you, I even told her I could never love her but she stuck with me anyways, because she's LOYAL!! Your sick Alex, your just SICK!".

He turned away from us and trudged away, IU running after him tragically calling his name and hoped to calm him down.

I knew I couldn't just leave Eli, but my legs disagreed and I felt myself run after them, but that was until I felt Eli grab my wrist from behin me. " Do you really love him?" His voice was shaky and almost at a faint whisper, " Don't leave me Alex please...If you love me please don't leave me." He held onto my waist tightly and light tears dropped onto my shoulder.

He already knew what my answer was going to be. " I'm sorry, Eli. I'm so sorry.".

I ran after Wooyoung and left Eli there with tears and a broken, mine on the verge of breaking as well. 


A/N: Ok so i'm a wimp and decided to come back but it's good to be back, and I'm pretty sure there will be another one two chapters before this story ends anyways so no point really backing out :/ Well to change the subject I WANT TO THANK ALL THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE READ MY STORY, SUBSCRIBED, AND ACTUALLY STUCK WITH THIS STORY FOR SO LONG.


Saranghae - LOVE KIRA ( which by the way means sort of like glitter in Japanese, and yeah the character Kira in this story is sort of reflected by me and so I kind of wanted to express what i'm usually like through a story...for once ;) )

Fighting and keep reading, almost done <3

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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />