
Appa is in love with me.

Kira's POV

I looked at all of them, a smile upon each and everyone of their faces. They had all changed so much. Some of them were thinner, some had sad yet happy expressions on their faces, some of their eyes were puffy from all the crying. I stopped myself and thought about it. Did I really cause all this sadness? Was I gone for a long time.

I smiled and turned to Alex and Kassy who were tightly holding my hands. " So, how long have I exactly been out?".

Kassy's smile wiped off her face and she took a deep breath before exhaling. " Does 2 years sound long to you?".

My mouth dropped to the floor. " That long?" I exclaimed unbelievably.

Alex nodded and laughed. " Yeah you didn't really miss much. All we ever did was come visit you.".

" Awww~" I cooed, " You guys are all so sweet.".

The boys smiled and Key cleared his throat. " Well you missed a lot of our concerts.".

I rolled my eyes and smiled. " Oh please I've had enough of your petty little concerts.".

Key pretended to look insulted and hurt. " HURTFUL!".

I laughed as well as everyone and else and Leeteuk smiled stepping forward. " I'm just glad your awake. We were all worrying.".

I looked down ashamed. " I'm sorry to have cause so much commotion.".

Siwon shook his head denying like the gentleman he is. " It was no commotion, we all really care about you Eun Ae.".

I turned to Kassy and Alex and smiled. " Eun Ae, I haven't been called that in forever.".

Everyone stared at me confusingly and Kibum turned to them explaining in Korean. " She said she hasn't been called her Eun Ae name in a long time.

" Aaah~" They all nodded smiling and understanding their native language perfectly.

I thought of how Kibum was back and the first thing that popped into my head was probably that I couldn't curse around them anymore or tease them in English. Popsicle sticks!

Eunhyuk walked in with papers in his hand and smiled at me. " Your almost outta here Eun Ae. We just have to sign a couple papers and then your on your way back home, and yeah the doctors said you should try not to stay alone at home or stay with someone who can nurse you as you recover. He recommended lots of rest and water and once you get home you should stay in bed for a few days.".

I nodded and chuckled, pointing at my head as I spoke. " Wow that's a lot for this little brain!".

Everyone laughed and once the laughing settled down I talked. " So why exactly did I enter a coma for 2 years?".

Kassy cleared and spoke up. " The doctors said it was from overworking yourself, they said due to some sort of depression and exhaustion your body decided to shut down all together. Coma was common but it usually wouldn't have been this long.".

I nodded and sensed the atmosphere become scarcely quiet. " Well as long as I'm okay now!".

Everyone nodded and smiled with complete relief and joy. I have never felt so much love towards me like this before, not ever, at least not to this extent!

Kyuhyun nodded and walked all the way to Kassy, wrapping his arms around her waist protectively as she giggled. " And finally after 2 years we have all reunited. I can say on one unfortunate and unusual, yet saddening occasion, but hey we're all together aren't we?".

I smirked and turned to him in surprise. " Since when did you get so smart oppa? Have you been watching your daily dose of Dr.Phil while I was gone?".

He sarcastically laughed while Shinee and Suju busted up into a fit of laughter over the humiliation of maknae of Super Junior. Well there was going to be, at some point, someone who was going to kill little GameKyu's mojo, I just feel honored that that person was me.

Taemin walked over to my bed and enveloped me in a loving hug. " Dongsaeng I've missed you soooo much. Me and pikachu were so lonely without you.".

I smiled and for once didn't really feel that childish, you can never be the immature one with Taemin. " You really enjoy calling me dongsaeng huh oppa!".

He smiled in joy and excitement nodding. " YES! It makes me feel so old!!".

I raised an eyebrow in amusement. " Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing?".

We all began to laugh again and Alex wooted. " Man Kira you are on a roll!".

I flexed my muscles and pretended to look all tough. " Well that's just how I do!".

I could feel Jonghyun's strong gaze on me, though I tried to ignore it. Minho seemed to take glances at me as well, though both were filled with concern, regret, and love. It didn't feel right, or comfortable for that matter.

Jonghyun lightly coughed, making everyone quiet once again. " May I have sometime to talk with Eun Ae? Alone?".

I looked at Kassy and Alex who sent me suggestive glances, but I shook my head in resistance. There was absolutely no way I was going to talk to him, not after all he did and definitely NOT alone! He broke my heart, and there's no way he's getting me back, no matter how hard he tries.

Minho glared at him. " I don't think she wants that.".

Jonghyun glared back, both of them now only inches apart. " How would you know? Can you read her mind? Stop deciding things for her, she has a mouth!".

" Well did you maybe think she's scared of you?! The one reason she left Seoul was because she wanted to get away from you!! You've done nothing but hurt her, so do you think she'll just trust you again automatically? You don't have the right to talk to her!!" Minho yelled with anger and fury in his voice, and he was right, everything he said was right.

I didn't want Jonghyun to talk to me or even look at me. I was done with him for good and yes the one reason I left Korea was because of him, and I hated the feeling of relief when I arrived in California, I hated it! I used to never want to leave Korea, but he ruined the entire experience for me! It was supposed to be a vacation for me to finally meet the boys I had waited to meet again after so long, but I so stupidly fell into his trance, when the entire time it was a lie, a sham, an identity I did not know of and there was no way I was going to be lied to again.

Leeteuk quietly stepped between the two. " Both of you stop it! It is very unappropriate to be arguing at a time like this, and right in front of Eun Ae! The least you could do is take this argument outside! I'm very disappointed in the both of you. What Eun Ae thinks or wants is her choice, you don't really know what she wants! Now both of you get out of this room until you've set your priorities straight!".

The wise leader gave them a small glare of disappointment and both Jonghyun and Minho were surprisingly quiet. Of course they were scared on the inside, they had never seen this side of Leeteuk before and to be honest neither have I, but a sudden curtain of shame draped over them and they respectfully walked outside, following their hyung's( older guy friend or brother) orders.

All was awkwardly quiet in the room. No one spoke a single word.

That was until Yesung stuck out his hands making some sort of signal. " Awkward turtle." He whispered loud enough for all of us to hear, which reacted with all of us bursting into a loud fit of laughter.

Pretty soon all of us were talking among each other, chattering away happily, not a care in the world, just the way it used to be.

Kassy had a stern expression on your face. " So Kira, did that really happen? Is that why you had to stay another whole week in Korea?".

I nodded slowly, not saying a word.

Alex gasped. " That's, that's just horrible!".

I nodded once more, that was all I could pretty much do at this point, nod. I was never going to forget what he did, he left a scar deeper than anyone who has ever disappointed me did. I have dated guys before him, but at least they had the decency to tell me they were interested in someone else or just say it wasn't going to work out, which was fine with me, half of them I didn't even like, it was like one of those I-need-a-date sort of things, but it wasn't like I was leading them on or anything I mean I did have a good time, but I could only consider them as friends.

Kassy shook her head in dismay. " So then what are you going to do?".

I shrugged. " Nothing.".

Alex scoffed. " Nothing? Really?".

I rolled my eyes and shot her a glare. " Well what do you want me to do? At this point it's just over! There's nothing left TO DO.".

Kassy put her hand on mine. " But that doesn't mean he'll just disappear, you guys will encounter each other sooner or later.".

I sighed. " Well I'd rather it be later. I'm just not emotionally ready right now.".

Both girls nodded, sad expressions on their faces. They knew these were hard times for me.

Alex then let out a small giggle. " Sooo, what about Minho's confession? Thought about it lately?".

I smiled and shrugged. " I dunno.".

Kassy nudged me. " Oh come on, you know your going to have to come up with an answer sooner or later.".

Alex nodded excitedly. " Yeah and I know he'll treat you better than that stupid douche bag, Jonghyun.".

I giggled and looked down. " Well who knows what's gonna happen, but you know......I may just give it a try.".

And together we squealed in excitement.


A/N: Heeeyyy! Really sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER!!! I'm a horrible author TT~TT but as I have said before I will be updating waaay more frequently than USUAL! I just can't wait till Summer gets here, than I'm pretty sure I won't have anything to do so I'll probably be updating like every day and I've actually thought of tons more stories to write! though I don't know who the main characters should be...Shinee?Suju?2pm?Teen Top?U-KISS?? ARGHHH! confusing (/)-_-) <----facepalm~!




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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is amazing..my fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />