Jonghyun, I don't think anyone would've believed you

Appa is in love with me.

Kira's POV

Right at that moment, Minho walked out the door and over to my table, but stopped midway when he saw me crying.

" E-eun Ae?" He asked nervously.

He's probably not used to seeing a girl cry. Minho followed my gaze and his eyes widened once he saw what I was looking at. Minho slammed our coffee on a table and walked over to him.

" Minho please don't." I tried to say, but my voice was barely audible, my will power, my heart, was crushed.

Jonghyun and the mystery girl were just about to enter, when Minho stepped right in front of them.

" Hyung. Who is this girl?" Minho bobbed his head towards the nameless brunette.

Jonghyun simply smiled. " Oh hey Minho what's up? Oh this is Ali.".

Minho frowned. " And what is she to you?".

Jonghyun eyed him confusingly. " Excuse me?".

Minho's eyes burned with hate. " Just answer the damn question!!".

Jonghyun scoffed in disgust. " She's a friend. Geez Minho what's up with you?!".

The so called "Ali" turned her head and locked eyes with mine, she saw how intently I was watching the situation and smirked.

She flung her arms around Jonghyun. " Jonggie~ How could you say that? You don't remember last night?".

My eyes widened. Last night. What happened last night?

Minho gave Jonghyun a firey glare as poison dripped from those two words he uttered. " Your pathetic.".

Minho immediately walked over to me grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my seat.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " Come on let's go.".

I saw Jonghyun's expression change the moment he saw me. He pushed Ali off him and started to run towards me.

" Eun Ae!" He called out.

I tugged Minho's arm, signaling how badly I wanted to get out of there.

Minho pulled my arm adn began to run, me struggling to run in heels right behind him.

I could hear Jonghyun's pace speed up from behind us. He continued to call out my name.

I was getting out of breath. I tripped and Minho caught me. At that moment Jonghyun sprinted and caught up with us. He was paying no attention to Minho, his eyes were simply on me.

" Eun Ae I_" He started, but Minho cut in.

" Hyung, go away." Minho said fiercly.

Jonghyun glared at him and stood between Minho and I. " This isn't your problem, and let go of my girlfriend.".

I clenched my teeth and looked up at him. " I am not your girlfreind Jonghyun. I thought I was but apparently Ali has taken my place.

He sighed and looked me in the eyes. " Eun Ae she isn't_".

I cut him off. " Last night....JONGHYUN WHAT THE HELL DID SHE MEAN BY LAST NIGHT?!?!?!".

He gulped and placed his hands on my shoulders. " Eun Ae listen she really is just a friend. I don't why she said that, seriously nothing happened between us. She's not my girlfriend or anything YOU ARE!!".

I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks and I yanked his hands off. " No i'm not. I saw you kiss her cheek, I saw you.".

" N-no we're just really close friends I swear. Eun Ae I don't want to lose you." He said.

I scoffed and my eyes bore into his very core. " Your hesitating. Friends can never be that close, never.".

He was silent and breathing recklessly. His clothes were now messed up and wrinkled and his cheeks were hot red, his eyes watery.

I tightened my fists. " This is unbelievable. I agreed to date when? Yesterday? And now after one simple argument, you betray me. Jonghyun I love you, at least I could you?".

Minho grabbed my hand once again. " Come on Eun Ae, let me take you home.".

I nodded lightly and began to walk away, leaving Jonghyun standing there speechless.

" If you really love me you would've believed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jonghyun yelled out from behind.

Tears began to stream down cheeks once more as I held on to Minho's hand tighter.

Jonghyun, I don't think anyone would've believed you.


Replies to comments:

@nadya1989: Hello new reader ^-^  Yeah lots of drama, but thanks for reading~

@kimchi_stew: And he did!!!!!!! Let's go kill him together~ xD

@panda_mayy: yes poop :(

@realmdreamer: Yeah all of them are and there will be more drama to come trust me -_-"

@Lubz_Beanz_4eva: AND I DID~

@SakuraButterflies: Yeah Alex has troubles, you have troubles and I have troubles yay!!!!


 Well that's all of them.... I think!!

Just wanted to spend some time answering comments since I barely do.

Hint for the next few chapters: The girls are leaving 'o'

There's more excitement to come, stay tuned xD






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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />