Cranky Pants

Appa is in love with me.

Kassy's POV

( A/N: Keeping it her point of view until the next chapter. I don't think it'd be nice if I skipped what happened >.<)

His lips chrashed onto mine. His soft, sweet, lush lips.

At first I was suprised, but then all of a sudden, I betrayed myself. I felt myself kiss him back. I felt him deepen the kiss and that's when I realized what I was actually doing. I flung him off me.

" What the hell was that?!" I yelled.

He stood up and put his arms around me. I tried to pull away but once again, his strength outnumbered me.

He whispered in my ear. " I love you.".

My eyes widened as I felt my heart beat faster and faster. I pushed away again. He collapsed onto the ground and layed there. I looked down at him and sighed in relief. He knocked himself out.

I picked him up and dragged him to their dorm.

Leeteuk opened the door and immediately frowned when he saw the scene.

Kyuhyun's arms all over me as I tried to balance his unconcious .

" What the hell happened here?!?!' He said obviously pissed.

I walked in and dumped Kyhyun on the ground, sighing from the release of all his weight.

Geez you'd think he'd way nothing since he's an idol. Yeah right he weighs tons, or I could just be weak.

I need to work out  -_-

Leeteuk grabbed my arm and spinned me around to look at him.

" What happened?" He asked in a serious tone.

I sighed. " He took me to a club then got drunk. Simple.".

Yesung walked in laughing. " Yeah Kyuhyun is such a failure as a dad.".

Leeteuk sighed. " Yesung what do you want?".

Yesung frowned. " I was just gonna get some yogurt jeez cranky pants!".

With that Yesung left for the kitchen.

I shook my head in dismay at Yesung's cute goofiness.

I didn't notice before, but Ryeowook had been sitting on the couch watching us the entire time.

He walked over to Leeteuk. " Hyung, will Kyuhyunnie be okay?".

Ryeowook revealed his absolutely adorable puppy eyes.

" Yes Wookie." Leeteuk answered plainly.

I walked over and stood next to Ryeowook pinching his cheeks.

" Aigoo~ Cute~" I exclaimed.

Ryeowook blushed and held my hand.

He smiled. " My favorite daughter.".

I raised an eye brow. " Oh you have another?".

We laughed and Leeteuk coughed loudly.

He turned around. " Uh guys, could you snap out of la la land and help me carry this kid?!?!".

I giggled and nodded as I helped Leeteuk oppa carry the drunken Kyu to his bedroom.

Sungmin was sitting on his side of the room and his eyes bulged once he saw us carry in his intoxicated room mate.

" What happened to him?" Sungmin asked.

Heechul walked up to the door. " He died. What do you think?!".

Sungmin pouted. " I was jsut asking a question..".

I gasped. " AWWW it's okay Minnie~".

I ran up to Sungmin and hugged him tightly.

Leeteuk glared at us then looked back down at Kyuhyun.

Ryewook took a glance but didn't say anything.

Heechul scoffed and walked away mumbling something about an evil bunny?

Was he random or what?

Leeteuk asked me to grab a wet towel and I obeyed his orders. I walked over to the kitchen and got a towel from the under the sink. I put it under cold water and turned around.

" Holy !!!!" I yelled a little to loudly.

Yesung looked up. " Oh hey there.".

I held my chest. " Were you there this whole time?".

He nodded I sighed in shock from the mini heart attack.

I let him eat his yogurt happily and walked back over to Kyuhyun and Sungmin's room.

Leeteuk took the towel and lightly dabbed Kyuhyun's forehead.

Eunhyuk walked in and tapped Leeteuk's shoulder. " Hyung you ready?".

Leeteuk frowned. " For what?".

Eunhyuk scoffed. " For Sukira, DUH!".

I laughed. I used to always use that word when I was younger.

Leeteuk sighed in frustration and handed the towel to Sungmin who began to pat Kyuhyun's forehead lightly.

Eunhyuk and Leeteuk walked out the room leaving me, Sungmin, the drunken Kyuhyun, and a tired looking Ryeowook.

" Ryeowook oppa I think you should get some sleep." I told him.

He nodded and softly trudged out the room.

Sungmin looked up at me. " HeeYoung-ah you look tired as well. You should go home.".

I frowned. " But what about Kyu_".

Sungmin interrupted. " It's okay. I've got everything under control.".

I smiled and nodded, walking out the dorm.

I think it was best if I avoided Kyuhyun from now on.

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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />