I think I know you

Appa is in love with me.

Alex's POV

Next thing I knew it was Winter break and I was on a flight to Korea. We'd all be meeting each other at the same airport. I heard Kira didn't want to go, what else is knew? I know she wants to go, I do too.

I've missed the boys so much, not to mention that city.

I put on my head phones as the guy next to me snored his guts out. God I wish I was in first class right now. I turned the music up, sucessfully muting the man's awful snoring. I looked out my window and saw nothing but clouds. I closed my eyes and slept hoping this plane would move faster.


I opened my eyes as bright daylight blinded me. I stretched my arms above my head and removed my head phones.

" Please buckle your seat belts we are now landing in Seoul, Korea. " The flight attendent announced.

She began to repeat it in different languages as I strapped on my seat belt and looked out my window again. I could see the tall buildings and with my sharp eyes I even spotted Namsan Park located at the very core of all the hustle and bustle down there. I smiled as the plane screeched to a stop.

I stepped out onto the hard marble floors of Incheon Airport and smelled the crisp clean air around me. I was finally back in Korea.

I picked up my cell phone and dialed Kira's number.

" Hello?" She answered.

I smiled hearing her voice. " Hi! Are you here?".

" Yep." She said.

" Cool where?" I asked.

She laughed. " Closer than you think.".

I frowned and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found both the girls smiling holding there arms out to me.

I screamed. " Kira! Kassy!".

We formed a group hug and giggled as we all pulled away.

" So Kassy you already got us a hotel room right?" Kira asked.

Kassy sighed. " For the hundreth time yes! Calm down, I already handled EVERYTHING!".

I giggled as we all walked towards the entrance doors.

" So how do we get there exactly?" I asked.

" Well our rental cars aren't exactly in yet, so for now we'll be taking a bus." She answered.

I nodded.

We payed the fair and walked onto the bus. The entire bus ride we chatted and caught up with each other's lives.

The bus stopped and everyone flooded out.

We arrived quickly at our destination. ______ Hotel.

After walking to our room and dumping everything there we parted ways. It was time to see our boys.


I dialed Junsu's number as I walked down the street.

" Yeobsaeyo?" He asnwered.

" Hi appa!!" I practically yelled.

" Eh? OH HaNi-ah haven't heard from you in awhile, what's up?" He said.

I giggled. " Oh nuthin I just felt bored, whatchya doin?".

He sighed. " Nothing. Me and the boys are just chilling at the dorm.".

I smiled. " Ah really...well I gotta go now oppa, bye!".

" Bye?" He answered.

I hung up. Perfect. Now I knew where they were. I still remembered how to get there. I walked peacefully and arrived sooner than I thought at their apartment complex.

I grinned and hit the elevator button. Once the doors opened I stepped out and into the hallway.

I suprisingly saw WooYoung walking down the same direction. I decided to . I walked right past him. I heard him stop in his tracks behind me and turn around.

" Excuse me miss!" He called out.

I turned around pretending to be annoyed. " Deh?".

He furrowed his eyebrows. " Do I know you?".

I giggled. " You might.".

He frowned. " What's that supposed to mean?".

I winked at him and continued to walk forward. I heard him run towards me.

" WAIT!" He yelled before grabbing onto my wrist.

He whipped me around and pulled my bangs out of my face.

His face brightened. " HaNi!!!!! I knew it was you!!".

He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

I chuckled. " Well hello to you too oppa.".

He looked at me and whistled. " Damn girl! You like a million won!".

I laughed at his corny pick-up line as he led me back to his dorm.

" They'll completely freak! Oh hey let's play a trick on them and see if they remember you." WooYoung snickered.

I laughed. " Ok like what oppa?".

He held my hand. " Pretend your my girlfriend.".

I giggled. " Ok.".

He entered the combination and the door opened. He smiled mischieviously then put his arm around me as he walked through the front door.

I saw all of the boys huddled on the couch and watching a drama. The minute WooYoung opened the door they whipped their heads around.

TaecYeon frowned. " Who's that?".

WooYoung smiled. " Guys I would like you to meet my girlfriend.".

Nickhun eyed me suspiciously. " She looks familiar.".

The other boys agreed.

" How?You just met her?" WooYoung tried to convince them.

They seemed to believe it and turned back towards the television.

" I gotta go pee." WooYoung said.

He walked out and winked at me before entering the bathroom.

I got his hint and walked over to TaecYeon. I sat on his lap.

His eyes widened. " What the hell are you doing?!".

I pinched his arm. " Yah! Pabo! How could you not remember me!?".

TaecYeon blushed wildly. " HaNi?!?!".

" Eh?!?!" The others said in unison.

I smiled. " Annyeong oppas!".

They all jumped for me and hugged me tightly.

I laughed. " Guys I can't breathe.".

They all let go.

Junho frowned. " Why are you dating hyung?".

Changsung sighed. " Junho just..just turn around.".

He did as he was told and turned around obediently.

WooYoung stepped out of the bathroom and joined our conversation.

We had so much catching up to do.


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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is amazing..my fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />