aish... umma :(

MARRYING MY BLOOD BROTHER?! (sequel of my brother who love me)





Onew oppa's door open.

"Jinki-ah ~ umma .... kya .... What are you two doing??"

Our beloved mother entered the room Onew oppa at a very appropriate time,

and thank God for  this perfect day;

 umma see our position is suspicious

 - we were both lying on the floor with Onew oppa position on top of me

with the condition of he half and wearing only towel

and the distance between our  faces are very close and closing our  eyes- 

and umma shouted in surprise.

Without waiting on cue,

 i and Onew oppa got up with our faces flushed and very nervous.

Onew oppa directly wrapping the blanket around his body

 so that only shows the neck until his face.

While parts of the body below the neck covered by blankets.

For a moment we were silent and did not know what answer to  umma.

"I ask you, exactly what do you do?!"

Umma asked once again.

"I had fallen.... / Onew oppa do his Onew sangtae  again ..../

....I've tripped.... /.... was he bumped me... / ....I stumble... /

...swear we did not do.... / ....and then I fall.... / ....not do anything ..../

....I finally fell and hit my body ....

(a/n: red for Onew’s words and orange for Jie Eun’s words)

We answer the question of umma  together and directs our  finger  every where 

- to the floor, Onew oppa's face, into my face- 

which ultimately makes umma increasingly confused.

"Stop!  Aish ... 

How umma can understand what you say if you speak in the same time?

 Now explain to umma what really happened?"

 Umma asked us once again with his deadly gaze.

"Earlier I stumbled .... I've fallen ..."


Again,we talked at the same time.

"Aish ...  So who's actually fall and stumble?"

"I did / I did. "

Me and Onew oppa speaking at the same time again and pointing to ourselves.

Oh, great ... 

We make umma more confusion and making it suspicious to us.

"Y-yahh!  Do not play around anymore!  Who is falling?"

"Onew oppa / Jie Eun.

Oh great, great, great ...  

Now we change our answers and directs our index finger  to face each other.

 I gulped, nervously.

 It must  now  increasingly suspicious of our umma.

"An-annio umma. 

i mean I had just finished a bath,

and Jie Eun came into my room.

 Because she saw me just, uhm ~  wearing a towel, 

she quickly came out and her  head   hit the door of the room.

 When I want helped her,

  I tripped.  So,

I fell on Jie Eun. Right, Jie Eun? "

Onew oppa looked at me

with the expression-just-answer-yes-look.

Because I was too nervous, I just nodded.

"Oh ~ Jinjja?"

Umma stared at us as if lack of confidence.

She circulated her  gaze turns toward me and toward Onew oppa;

 make us more uncomfortable.

"Oh ~ uhm ... What did you want to talk about, umma?"

 Onew oppa trying to change the subject.

"Oh, right,  Jinki-ah.

Umma just wanted to tell you that starting tomorrow 

you've started working in our company

to help your father."

Said umma.

"O-oh-neh umma"

he said and nodded  politely.

When umma want to go out of Onew oppa’s room,

 she stopped and turned back toward us.

"Jie Eun-ah, do you want to stay in your oppa’s  room forever?"

Ask umma to me.

"O-oh ... Neh, I'll go out  now,  umma."

I immediately followed  umma out of Onew opa’s  room

without  looking at Onew oppa

 because i was so embarrassed.

Hope umma is not suspicious

of the relationship between  of us.








LeeMin Hye,  Jinki and Jie Eun's mom,

  out of her son ‘s room and walked toward the dining room with misgiving.

  She was very shocked to see her  daughter and her son with

a close distance and with such positions,

 Just thought  she was shuddering.

 She then sat in his seat with a limp.  

Then Lee Jin Min, 

her husband came to her  to dinner with worry.

"Yeobo ~ what’s happened?  Are you sick?"

 Said the man who still looks handsome in his old, worried.

He then pulled his seat.

"Yeobo ~ I had seen ...."

 Lee Min-hye answered his  question with hesitation.

"See what?"

 Her husband asked her  back as he drink  his coffee.

"Uhm ~ I see our  son and our daughter  were ~

uhm... you know  ~

 in positions such as..."

She swallowed hard,

 not knowing what the words suitable to describe

the incident that she had just seen in Onew’s room.

"Jinki and Jie Eun, you mean?

And what do you mean by that position?"


 Ask her husband's increasingly do not understand.

"You know the position when we want to make Jinki?"


Lee Min Hye replied with a blush of shame.

"Uhuk ~ to Make Jinki? You mean making love?"


Her husband choked while drinking his coffee and his eyes dilated.

"N-neh ...."

 Said Lee Min Hye, blushed once again.

"Aigoo ~ my dear wifey ....

 We've been married for 27 years,

but you still blush when I talk about ?"

Her husband laughed when he saw his wife

was still shy when talking about intimate relationship.

 He then her smooth cheek,

making she  blushed with shame.

"Aish ~ Yeobo ... What we were talking about problems  our  childs,

not about me." 

Said Lee Min-hye

brushed smooth  his palms of her beautiful face.

"Hahaha ~ Mianhe. 

Since  you're still just like a shy teenager who talk about ....


When her husband wanted to teasing her,

she hit his  head with a fork.

"Y-yahh! At your age who like this you're still just

happy to teasing me with your  dirty joke like that, huh?

You erted ~"

 said Lee Min Hye childishly.

"Aish ... Now I know why Jie Eun delighted  to throw pillow to Jinki’s face.

 she got it from your  genes.

You're always bullying me."

Lee Jin Min  said acting as if in pain.

"Aish ~ yeobo ...  Seriously.

 I-I fear  if there is something that happens between ...."

"Is not that actually good? That's what I expect."

Lee Jin Min  said calmly.

"Y-yahh! How could you think like that? 

They are siblings! What if ...."

His wife was getting angry and could not

believe what had just her husband said. 

And until now she has not agreed on

what had been planned for her husband

to both of  their  children soon.

"Aish ~ if they are close, not that will expedite our plans?"

"Your plan!  It's not my plan! 

I will never ever  accept your wildest ideas like that!"

Said Lee Min Hye, angry at her husband.

"Morning umma, appa. What are you two talking about, umma?"

Without the guessing  Jie Eun came into the dining room.

"O-oh ... Sweetheart, you've come? Come eat your breakfast first."

 Her  mother tried to change the subject

and started putting salad on the plate for her  daughter.

"yahh umma, what  umma and  Appa was talking about? "

Jie Eun asked curiously.

"It's n-nothing."

Said her  mother nervous.

"Here, eat  your  food first." 

Said LeeMin Hye after

 completion pour mayonnaise over  the chicken  salad to Jie Eun.

Jie Eun just nodded and started eating her meals. 

After atime,  Onew come into the dining room.

When he would withdraw his seat which is right next to Jie Eun,

his umma quickly occupied it. 

Make Onew which had been ready to sit,

fell  down on the floor.

Her husband who knows her mind just laughed amused

to see his  son fall to the floor.

"Y-yahh ~ umma!

Why would you pushed  your own son until  fall to the floor?


Onew shouted to his mother in pain,

rubbing his .

 He then got up and sat in the seat normally occupied his mother,

right in front Jie Eun.

His mother then ignore his pain caused by her mother's childishly,

then place the chicken salad to the plate for Onew.

"Op-oppa, gwaenchana?"

 Jie Eun asked very anxiously to her  boyfriend.

Before Onew could answer Jie Eun,

his mother picked up the plate  right in front of Onew,

 who had been making Onew see Jie Eun,

now  covered  by a plate in front of his view.

"This,  Jinki,  your  food."

  Said his  mother with her poker  face.

"Y-yahh  umma!

 You could put a plate on the table.

No need to lift it right in front of my face. "

 Onew said irritably toward his  mother.

For a moment his  face turned bright cheerful when he saw his meals.

"Chicken salad ....  Huah!

Gomawo umma!"

 Onew said stand up and immediately kissed his mother's cheek.

 He then eagerly ate his meals.

"Aish ~ this boy ..."

 His Appa who had been silent now shaking his head

 in see the behavior of his son.

"Y-yahh, Appa! I'm not boy anymore!"

 Onew said  protest with  Appa’s words.
"Aish ~ arraseo. you're not a boy. You're a girl."

 Appa said, mocking his son and gigled.
"Y ~ yahh! Appa!"

 Jinki yelled upset with his  father.

He then realized that Jie Eun was gigled.

He immediately took his mobile phone and send a message to Jie Eun.


To:  My angel Jie Eun


How  could you be so happy to laugh at your own boyfriend like that? angry


Beep... Beep ....

Jie Eun feel the cell phone vibrated.

She quickly opened a message on her  cell phone.


from: my lovely dubu


How could  you be so happy to laugh at your own boyfriend like that? angry

Jie Eun almost choked reading the messages sent by Onew,

to: My lovely dubu

Yupp, I'm very happy! Keke ~ cheeky

Jinki  when reading a message from Jie Eun,

he then glared at Jie Eun and he quickly replied to a message from Jie Eun.

from:  my lovely dubu

Oh jinjja? Okay then.

We'll see, after I punish you, are  you still can laugh at me?

* evilsmile * devil

To: My lovely dubu

punishment? I'm not afraid.

What do you do to punish me?

I’m not scared.... cheeky

I’m not scared.... cheeky

Beep ... Beep ...

Onew‘s cell phone vibrated again.

 He then read a message from Jie Eun.

When he replied,

he's smirked.

Beep .... Beep ....


Jie Eun read a reply message from Onew.


From: My lovely dubu

I'll take you to escape to the Jeju Island, 

then I'll lock you in a room alone with me,

and I'll kiss you all day without letting go

of my arms from you until you're hard to breathe. 

Keke ~ wink


To:  My lovely Dubu

Aish .... You erted! angry

How can i accepted love from a erted guy?


Onew just giggle reading the message from Jie Eun. 

He was very happy to   lover until his girlfriend's  face blushed.
The mother who had been suspicious about the behavior of both her  son  and daughter,

then asked to Jie Eun.
"Jie Eun, who is from the earlier you send the message?

Do not play around with your mobile phone.

Eat your breakfast first."

 Said her mother  tried to not look suspicious to Jie Eun.

"I just replied a message from my boyfriend ,  umma."

 Jie Eun directly answer questions  from  umma without hesitation

and not aware of what  she had just spoken.

"Uhuk ~" 

Onew choking on his food when he heard  Jie Eun

with aplain answer umma’s question.

"yahh ~ Jinki, gwaenchana?"

Umma panicked and came over Onew. 

Pat his  back for the chicken that has not had in chewable  Onew

and now caught in the throatand hope

 Onew can spit the chicken.

"Ung ~Ung  ~"

 Onew tries to speak and pointed to his throat.

 Jie Eun then stood up and patted onew’s back,

  follow what is done Their umma.

Onew looked in pain as the two women patting his back was too strong.

 The father only shook his head to see his wife and child’s behavior.

He then took a glass of water and directing his  son's face,

 telling his  to drink the water.

"Aigoo ~ Jinki. Why do you have to choke like that?  

Jie Eun didn’t said that you were her  boyfriend

who had been sent him a message, right?”

Said his father.

Onew that heard  his father's words  

straight choke again when he was drinking water.


a water which he had been drink immediatelly  spurting into Appa's face. 

Not only water,

pieces of chicken that had been caught in his throat

 is now attached to the nose of his father.

 Now his father’s face dirty with a pieces of chicken.
His father  then froze with an expression of trying to hold back his emotion.
"Aigoo ~ yeobbo ... Gwaenchana?"

 His wife then took a tissue and wiped his face.

Her husband did not move and cast a deadly gaze to his son.
"Ah .... Chesuhamnida  Appa ... I did not mean ..."

 Onew directly apologized to his Appa with guilt.

"Lee Jin Ki!! You!"

His  father shouted loudly and ran toward Onew.

 Onew then  ran away from his father. 

And the scenes of father and son 

who ran around the dinner table immediately visible.

They’re really childish.
Jie Eun and Lee Min Hye laughed amused to see the behavior of their lover.

"yahh ~ Appa! Mianhe.  I'm not..."

Onew said as he kept running around the table.


As if you were so easy to apologize to me

after you spit your food into my  handsome face!"

Appa said then  continued to pursue his son.

"Now I feel are not living together with two adult men,

but I’m more feel taking care of two baby boys."

Umma said, shaking her  head.

 Jie Eun that heard her  mother just giggled.
While they both still continue to romp around the table,


Onew’s  foot tripped by  dining table and he fell to the floor.

His father who had been behind him, because

it was too surprised to have not been stopped

in his tracks and crashed landed on his  son's body.

"Ouch ..."

They both cried out in pain.

"Y-yahh! ap-Appa! Your body is so heavy."

Onew said. 

Appa got up and rubbed his .

"Aigoo ~ Now i know why Onew  is  clumsy. He's a took  your genes."

Lee Min Hye said, mocking her husband.

After they finished their breakfast with the end of such a strange,

 Onew and Jie Eun silently out of their homes.

Without know their mother  followed them.
"Yeobo, you're going?"

 Her husband asked,  pulling her arm.

"Shh .... Do not talk loudly.

Later they can hear us. 

I will following  Jinki and Jie Eun.

They are very suspicious." 

Said Lee Min Hye,

put her  finger in her husband's lips.
"yahh ~ yeobo~"

Before her husband could finish his words,

his wife had already walked away and headed into the living room.

"Oppa, it's okay if we go without asking permission from  umma first?"

 Jie Eun asked as they walked toward the garage.
"I've asked appa's permission . So you don't need to worry."

 Onew said with a bright smile spread across his face. 

He was very impatient to begin his  first date with Jie Eun.
" where you want take  me, oppa?"

 Jie Eun asked when they first arrived at the garage.

"We're will go to ~ "

"Aigoo ~ Where are you  two  will go?"

 Before  Onew answering questions from his girlfriend,

suddenly their  mother came.

 Both Onew and Jie Eun gasped in surprise at the presence

 of  their  mother who was too sudden.

"yahh ~ my dear, Where you want to go?"

Asked  Lee Min Hye.
"We ... We will ~"

Before Onew answer her question,

 his mother had opened the door’s car  that is next to the driver seat.

When she realized Jie Eun and Onew just froze see her,

 she then opened the window’s car.
"yahh ~  are  you do not want to get in the car?"

 asked  Lee Min Hye

"Op-oppa, We could not go on dates if umma join us."

Jie Eun then whispered to Onew.

"Aish .... Umma, what are you doing?"

Ask Onew.

"Waeyo (why?)

whether umma is not allowed to come with you?

 Palli (hurry up)."

Said LeeMin Hye then closed the window’s car.

Quietly in the car she smiled with satisfaction.

 Iwill not let you two are doing strange things.
"Aish .... Umma, what else are you gonna do now?"

JieEun said mumbling.

With a limp and with a heavy sigh they both entered the car.

 Because umma have first occupied the place in the next of  the driver seat,

So  Jie Eun forced to sit in the back seat.

Okay then ... Cheongmal gamsahamnida (thank you so much)

umma because you   have ruined your son’s first date.

 Onew said then started the car engine.







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Chapter 3: Love the story and I'm really sorry to say that but the English in that fanfiction is terrible. The sentences don't make sense so the reader has to figure out everything and the words are written in a bad form. For example ''"Did Onew hyung knows about that?" Said Jonghyun oppa.'' The sentence is structured wrong. It should be ''Does Onew Hyung know about that?'' You could change the 'said' to 'Jonghyun-Oppa asked surprised''. This would create a better understanding of what the characters feel. More descriptive writing would allow the character to get more involved in to the story so he/she would feel more like part of it. Cheers xxx
wifeyhoya #2
I cant open the first story. And its say error invalid id.
I can't find the first story of marrying my blood brother ><
i used the link but it says couldn't find the page
Chapter 1: Oh my! Wow! Update soon.
amicoolikethat #5
Chapter 48: author nim ^^
stay and be strong HWAITING!!
take care of yourself
i know what its like losing someone you love :'(
im pretty sure your boyfriend will be watching over you in heaven
author-nim ..

when will you update again ?
update soon
aziena #8
ohh.. I just read about strong, ok...
Sonelfwol #9
author-nim..keep spirit..and don't be sad for too long ok?
and update soon!!^^
take your time unnie..... fighting... i know how it fells to lose someone you love from cancer... i really do... i felt the same way when i lost my family member from cancer.