Still Loved

Barely breathing
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'Let's just do nothing today and watch movies,' EunJi proposed as we unloaded our bags from the car.

'Sounds perfect.'

Sehun had to drive Luhan back to school, so it was just EunJi and me in front of the television the entire New Year's Day. I forced myself to get into the sappy romantic comedies and awkward teenager humiliation.

EunJi responded to a beeping text. 'SooJi-ah, do you want to go to a party tonight?'

'Yeah, I don't think so,' I answered without thinking twice. 

'Are you ever going to go to another party again?'

'I don't know,' I sighed. 'I just don't want to hear it if someone gets too drunk and then asks me the wrong thing. I don't want to be the freak any more.'

'They need to get over it, and so do you,' EunJi argued. 'You can't stay locked away forever because you're afraid someone's going to say the wrong thing. Someone always says the wrong thing eventually, so them. Who cares?'

I grinned, knowing she was right. 'Just not tonight, okay?'

'Okay,' EunJi shrugged. I knew she was disappointed. I hadn't been to a party with her in over six months.

'But why don't you go?' I suggested. 'I don't want to, but there's no reason you shouldn't.'

'Are you sure?' she questioned cautiously. 

'Of course,' I replied adamantly.

EunJi's fact lit up. She went back to her phone and began texting the masses to get the details.

Mrs.Park hollered up the stairs, 'Girls, we're home. Come down and tell us about the party.' 

EunJi jumped up and hopped down the stairs. I followed behind, still not accustomed to this family sharing thing that EunJi had going on. Mrs and Mr. Park were so patient with me, not prying too much. But even the slightest questions about my day caught me off guard - questions that were so very natural to them.

EunJi sat in her usual spot, cross-legged on their king-sized bed, and I sat down on the edge of the bed, very much a spectator. Mrs.Park was unpacking while Mr.Park flipped through the mail. He pulled an envelop from the stack. 'SooJi-ah, this is for you.'

'Thanks.' I replied, as I took it from his hand. 

I examined the plain business envelop with no return address while EunJi completely recreated every detail of the evening - from the decor, to Mrs.Oh's award, to the fireworks display.

I was running my finger over the postmark that was sent to me when I heard, 'How did Sehun react when you told him about Seoul International College and University, SooJi-ah?'

I flipped my eyes up on hearing my name. All three were eagerly awaiting my response, making me realize that EunJi and I hadn't talked about it either.

'He's excited,' I replied awkwardly.

They waited a second longer, and when they recognized that this was the extent of my account, Mrs.Park said, 'I'm looking forward to meeting your mom in the morning.'

I nodded, my stomach tensing at the thought.

'Then I thought you, EunJi and I

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 78: Yes Sooji get out of there before it's too late. As for Chan...not sure about him.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 77: okay mom, we know you say and do stuff you shouldn't when you drink. You know this now, let's get you help to move on. It's okay to grieve, everyonedoes it differently
bananas123 #3
Chapter 76: No! Keep writing please !!