
Barely breathing
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I walked into the steakhouse, trying to remember what this guy, Chanyeol, looked like. I had been too stunned and embarrassed the other night to really get a good look at him. All I knew was that he had intense brown eyes.

'Can I help you?' the hostess asked as I looked past her into the dining table. 

'Umm, I'm meeting someone.'

'SooJi.' A man stood at a table in the middle of the room. 

'Found him,' I told the hostess, who shot me a curious look. I glanced back a couple of times as I approached the table, finding her still following me with a stunned expression on her face.

'Hi,' Chanyeol said, pulling out a chair for me.

'Hi,' I responded, draping my coat on the back of the chair before taking a seat.

That's when I looked at him - I mean really looked at him - and nearly slid off my chair as I pulled it forward. He was not the guy I remembered from the bottom of the stairs.

'I was afraid you wouldn't come in,' he said, sitting across from me. 

Chanyeol definitely looked young. But it was difficult to pin an age on him, except to say he was in his twenties. He was bigger than I remembered as well, but then again, he'd had a jacket on when I'd last seen him.

He had an All-Korean quarterback look. His dark wavy hair was stylishly unkempt on top, with the sides trimmed tight. But it was his eyes that kept me from speaking. Intense was absolutely the word for them. It felt like he could peer right into me, and that kept me a bit on edge. 


'Huh?' I looked up. I'd been fidgeting with my napkin to avoid making eye contact. My cheeks became hot when I found him and the server waiting for me to respond to whatever she'd asked. 'Sorry. What was that?'

'Do you want something to drink?'

'Um, water's fine.'

The tall waitress paused before leaving, looking me over with judgement. The she turned towards Chanyeol and smiled brightly. 'I'll be back with your drink.'

I raised my eyebrows at her odd behaviour and watched her walk away. 

Chanyeol laughed. 'What's wrong?'

I quickly turned back towards him, my entire face heating up again when I realized he'd read the look on my face. 

'Wow, I thought Hyun-a had all the hues of red down,' he said playfully. 'But you have a few shades I've never seen before.' He chuckled before adding, 'Did she do something wrong?'

'No,' I answered quickly, my napkin falling off my lap as I adjusted myself in the chair. I bent down to pick it up. While I was out of his sight, I closed my eyes and willed myself to pull it together. 

'Everything okay?' he asked in amusement when I sat back up in the chair. 

'Just my napkin,' I explained feebly.

Chanyeol's phone beeped and he pulled it from his pocket, still grinning at my social ineptitude. 

'Looks like she's running later than she thought. She wants us to order, and she'll be here for dessert.'

'Great,' I muttered with enthusiasm.

'Would you rather not do this?' Chanyeol questioned, his bemused expression was replaced by one that was suddenly too serious.

'Sorry.' I grimaced. 'That sounded really bad. I'm just.... nervous.'

'Because of me?' He sounded genuinely surprised.

I shrugged, reluctantly looking over at him. His brows creased apologetically. I wanted to slink under the table.

'I'm not very good at this.' I confessed in a rush. 'I guess you could say I'm not the most social person, so even if you looked like that guy -' I nodded towards the overweight, balding man at the next table - 'I would still be a fumbling idiot.'

His cheeks creased around his broad white smile as he examined me curiously. I closed my eyes and cringed, realizing I'd just inadvertently told him he was hot. This was going great.

'You're just like her,' he mused, studying me. 'I mean, you don't look like her at all, and she talks a lot more when she's nervous, but you're just like her. She spilled coffee on me the first time we met.'

'And probably apologized a hundred times while trying to clean you up,' I grinned, thankful that he'd skipped right over my comment.

'I don't think I've heard someone talk so fast before,' he laughed, 'At first, I thought she was speaking a different language.'

I laughed, easily picturing it. 'So you met in a coffee shop?'

'No,' he answered. 'We met at work. I work for an architectural firm which collaborates on projects with her engineering firm. We met about six months ago, but we didn't get out until just recently. She refused to go out with me for the longest time.'

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 78: Yes Sooji get out of there before it's too late. As for Chan...not sure about him.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 77: okay mom, we know you say and do stuff you shouldn't when you drink. You know this now, let's get you help to move on. It's okay to grieve, everyonedoes it differently
bananas123 #3
Chapter 76: No! Keep writing please !!