Just Not Right

Barely breathing
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'I'M NOT SURE WHAT I'M DOING.' MY MOTHER stared out the window while leaning against the counter. 

I waited, but she didn't continue. So I prodded. 'About what?'


I waited again, but she wouldn't say anything else. So I prodded a little more. 'What about Chanyeol?'

And that opened the floodgates. She spun around. 'I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I haven't really dated a guy in a very long time. What if he doesn't really like me? What if he's too perfect for me? Look at him. He's so gorgeous; I have no idea what he's doing with me. I notice how the girls look at him. They're probably wondering the same thing. I don't think I can do this. I can't do this. Forget it, I'm ending it.'

I stared at her, stunned, wondering if she'd taken a single breath during that whole explosive monologue. 

'Wait,' I said, shaking my head to make sense of her dizzying words. 'Did you just convince yourself to break things off with him in ten seconds flat?'

She sighed in defeat.

'First of all, do what feels right. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. But don't end things because you think he's too good for you,' I scoffed. 'Besides, he doesn't give another girl a second glance when he's with you. It was obvious last night. He's into you. So give him a chance if you want to, because you like him. And don't walk away because you're afraid to find out how much you may like him.'

She exhaled audibly. 'Thank you

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 78: Yes Sooji get out of there before it's too late. As for Chan...not sure about him.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 77: okay mom, we know you say and do stuff you shouldn't when you drink. You know this now, let's get you help to move on. It's okay to grieve, everyonedoes it differently
bananas123 #3
Chapter 76: No! Keep writing please !!