All Over Again

Barely breathing
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The house was dark when we pulled into the driveway, and my mother's car was parked at the end. I hesitated before opening the car door, staring at the black windows. 

'Want me to come in with you?' Sehun asked, putting the car in park. 

'No,' I replied without taking my eyes off the house. 'I'll be okay.'

'Call me later, all right?' 

'I will,' I answered, slipping out of the car and shutting the door behind me. I inhaled through my nose, preparing for whatever awaited me in the dark. Sehun didn't move out of the driveway; he kept watch until I disappeared through the front door. 

i flipped on the foyer light and listened. The house remained uncharacteristically still. I walked in the living room and watch through the window as Sehun slowly backed out of the driveway. I the lights and found the poker table still in place with half-eaten bowls of chips and empty shot glasses scattered about. I began collecting the remnants of the party and carried them into the kitchen. 

Once I'd cleaned up and put everything back in its place, I climbed the stairs, having spent the past hour summoning the courage to do this. As I neared her door, I could hear her crying. 

I froze, my insides squirming. Before I could back away, I tapped lightly on the door. The sobs ceased. 

'Yes?' she answered, barely audible. 

With my heart beating frantically, I slowly opened the door and stepped in. 

'Hi,' I said lightly. 

My mother was lying on her bed, her eye make-up smeared with tears, her hair tangled and sprawled on the pillow. The red face and swollen eyes were all too familiar. She still wore the same clothes from the night before.

I sat down on the side of her bed furthest from her. 

'I thought you'd left me too,' she rasped, pulling a tissue from the box next to her bed.

'No,' I explained. 'I just needed some time.'

'So, you're..... you're staying?' She took short breaths, recovering.

'I'm staying,' I confirmed faintly. 

My mother rolled away from me. I could make out small gasps as she continued to cry. My hand hovered over her, shaking slightly, hesitant to touch her. I let down the wall, the one that protected me from everything that hurt. I opened myself up and felt her pain, my pain, and bec

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 78: Yes Sooji get out of there before it's too late. As for Chan...not sure about him.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 77: okay mom, we know you say and do stuff you shouldn't when you drink. You know this now, let's get you help to move on. It's okay to grieve, everyonedoes it differently
bananas123 #3
Chapter 76: No! Keep writing please !!