All Over Again

Barely breathing
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A loud banging caused me to bolt upright with a start. It was silent in the dark. Perhaps I'd imagined it. Then the banging erupted at my door, making me jump. My heart beat in panic. 

My room was so black, I couldn't even see the door, I blinked but still couldn't focus on a thing. I remained frozen in my bed. 

A frantic voice yelled from the other side. It sounded like a child, a little girl. I fumbled with my blankets at the sound of her panicked voice. I stepped into the dark and felt the cool boards beneath my feet. 

I couldn't make out what she was saying. Her pounding blocked out her words. I thought she was saying, 'Get me out.' She sounded so desperate. I needed to get to her. 

I blindly searched for the door, my hands reaching out in front of me. I felt the hard surface with my fingertips. The wood shook violently beneath my hands as her small fists slammed agaisnt it. That's when I heard her scream, 'Get out!'

I gasped. My eyes shot open. The television was on, and I was lying on the couch. My heart pounded in my chest. The fear in her voice still reverberated in my head. I sat up with my hands shaking. 

I eyed the stairs, considering going to bed, but knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels, though her plea still echoed through my head, sending a chill throughout my body. I warpped the blanket around me tighter. 

I picked up my phone, not really th

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 78: Yes Sooji get out of there before it's too late. As for Chan...not sure about him.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 77: okay mom, we know you say and do stuff you shouldn't when you drink. You know this now, let's get you help to move on. It's okay to grieve, everyonedoes it differently
bananas123 #3
Chapter 76: No! Keep writing please !!