Our Story

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

"Wait, that's all the clothes you have?" Sungyeol interrupted.

"Oh. Neh." Miinah replied, "Well, you see, we kinda ran away from home so that's why we don't have anything really."

"Why did you run away from home?" Sunjong asked innocently.

Miinah's eyes started to swell up with tears at the thought of her so-called family. CEO appa started to approach her. Miinah looked up with tearful eyes,

"It's fine Appa. Thank You."

"You don't have to tell us if it hurts you this much Miinah." Hoya said, his voice full of concern.

"Aniyo, Gwenchana. You guys should know." Miinah said.

Minhee held her hand which gave her strength.

"Ever since I could remember," Miinah started. "My family never loved me. At least it felt like that. They never knew I was there, and when I tried to make myself known they would shut me out. I felt like I didn't matter in anyone's life." She couldn't say anything anymore. She was too busy holding back the tears.

Then, Minhee blurted out cheerfully,"Then I came into her life!!! ^____^" That made Miinah giggle.

"Exactly, she came in my life probably when I needed her most."

"How long ago did you guys meet?" Dongwoo asked.

"12 years ago." both girls replied with a smile as they looked into each others eyes.

"Soo... It's story time now?" Sunjong asked cheerfully.

"Neh," Miinah said.

"12 years ago, I was playing basketball by myself outside. Then, this little girl came running down the street crying."

"Wait, hold on. You play basketball??" Sunggyu asked.

"Neh, it my favorite sport. I played with my brother, but he stopped playing with me almost as soon as we started because it was hard for me since my hands were so small, but now I'm really good. I was on the team for our school." Miinah said taking pride in her words.

"Wahhh~~" All they boys admired.

"Anyway," Miinah continued, "She was crying and I don't like it when people cry. When other people cry, I feel like crying too."

"So, she dropped the basketball and tried to comfort me. She didn't care if I was a stranger, she didn't want to see me crying." Minhee took over. "Miinah unnie asked me why I was crying and I said it was because my mom wouldn't get me a toy. I know it's silly right? But Miinah Unni didn't laugh at me at all. She told me that maybe my mom didn't think i needed it right now and that I might even get it for Christmas."

"I took her home because I didn't want her to get hurt or anything. Her mom was really concerned. She was scared. Minhee introduced me to her mom. Her mom thanked me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Miinah invited me over her house again to play with her. Ever since then, we have been best friends." Miinah ended their story.

"Miinah Unnie was always like another mom for me. That's why my mom let me come with her to Korea." Minhee commented.

"Wait, I thought you ran away from home." Sungjong asked confused.

"Aniyo, only I did." Miinah said "Minhee's mom would've been extremely sad if Minhee left without a word. Minhee's parents paid for flight expenses too. I feel like I owe them alot. That's why I always want Minhee by my side because the least I could do is keep her safe." CEO appa, Infinite and Manager Oppa could feel how much they cared for each other. They felt they were both they're children who have already matured. Yet, they still had the urge to protect them, they felt it was their duty.

CEO appa let out a sigh, "Well, I think you guys will get along fine. I'll see you tomorrow and we'll go shopping okay girls?"

"Neh appa. Good night!!" both girls said as they gave him a hug.

"Good Night," he replied as he kissed them on the forehead and left.

As Miinah closed the door, Minhee let out a yawn.

"Hyung, we almost forgot!! Where are Miinah and Minhee going to sleep?!" Dongwoo whispered urgently.

Sunggyu's eyes widened as he got up and went to talk to Manager Oppa. "Manager Hyung! Where are Miinah and Minhee going to sleep?!" Sunggyu whispered in the same manner Dongwoo did.

"Obviously in yours and Woohyun's room." Manager Oppa whispered back very calmly.

"Bwoh?!! Then where is Woohyun and I going to sleep?!" Sunggyu was barely whispering now.

"In Hoya's and Sungjong's room. They have bunk beds, you really don't think things through do you? Why are you the leader again?" Manager Oppa teased.


"Oppa?" Miinah asked. "Neh?" all of them answered. The girls bursted out laughing. They forgot they were all their oppas.

"I meant Sunggyu Oppa." Miinah corrected herself.

"Oh, Neh?" Sunggyu said as everyone else flushed with embarressment.

"I don't think we would mind like sleeping on the couch or anything. It's okay.. Right Minhee?" Miinah said.

"Neh. Gwenchanayo." Minhee replied.

"Aniyo. It's fine. You can sleep in Woohyun's and my room." Sunggyu said in defeat.

"Kamsahamnida~!!" both girls said in unison. The girls quickly changed and said good night. They were exhausted. The boys had trouble with their new roomates but they got through it since it was for Minhee and Miinah.


WAHH Another update <3 Please subscribe it would mean the world and please do comment


WOAH Its Super Junior 6th anniversary <3 

They endured throughout all these years and they will forever. They will always be young in my eyes <3 

They will never be old they will stay forever young <3

Prom15e to 13elieve in them 10ve the remaining ten and prot3ct the missing three <3 <3

Super Junior FTW XD


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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D