Hoya Oppa

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?


The teacher of course wasn’t in class yet, like usual.

“What happened between you two?” Jaehyuk asked as I pulled up a chair to join the group.

“Who, me and Sora?” He gave me a ‘no-really’ look.

“Well, it turns out she’s not so bad.” I said looking her way and smiling. She caught my gaze and smiled back. The group started to talk as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I was Hoya Oppa. He wanted to meet up at 6, in the park. I sighed. I really didn’t want the Oppas to think that I was still depressed, but maybe some time with Hoya Oppa would be nice. The door started to open. I quickly sent a positive reply and put the chair back in place. The class stood up to greet the teacher and our lesson started. The periods went by pretty quickly and it was already time for lunch. The class immediately went back to their respective groups to eat. A few minutes into the period, I noticed Sora sheepishly walking towards my table.

“H-Hey, um, can we sit with you?” She gestured to her friends. I looked at Jaehyuk who shrugged. I looked at the rest of the group who didn’t seem to care. I guess that’s a yes.

“Sure!” I said with a smile. She pulled up a chair next to me and gestured for the rest of her group to come along. I continued eating.

“Unnie! You’re so sloppy!” Sora said with a face. I looked up at her with an innocent face full of food and shrugged.

“That’s what I always tell her!! But she never listens to me!!” Jaehyuk said pointing a finger at me. Everyone laughed. We continued to laugh until we heard the bell and went back to our seats. We went back to work. The rest of the school day flew quickly too.

“Hey Miinah, you wanna hang out?” Jaehyuk asked when he came to my locker. I put the books I didn’t need away and looked at the time. It read 3 o’ clock. I had about 3 hours to kill until I had to meet up with Hoya Oppa.

“Unnie~!” Minhee called from down the hall as she saw me.

“Annyeong~” I said as I closed my locker and locked it.

“Yoseob Oppa and I are going to hang out okay? He texted me while I was in class. He is going to come to our house. Do you want to come?”

“Aniyo. I’m going to hang out with Jaehyuk Oppa.” I said as I clung onto his arm. I could see his face turn a bit pink.

“Arraso~. I’ll see you at home Unnie! See you later Jaehyuk Oppa~!” She waved as she left. We stopped by Jaehyuk’s locker before we left.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we started to walk.

“Let go to get something to eat.” Jaehyuk suggested.

“Arraso, where?”

“I have a place in mind.” Jaehyuk said with a smirk as he dragged me to the bus stop.

“Yah. Yah! YAH!! Tell me where we’re going!” I yelled. He back at me and smirked as he put a finger over his lips and winked. I started to struggle to try to get out of his grip, but boy, it was tight! We got on the bus and I sat by the window. I pouted and turned my back to him. Jaehyuk still tried to talk to me. I pretended to be mad at him.

“Miinah~.” He called as he tried to turn me around.

“No!” I said as I continued to try to be mad at him.

“Fine! Then I won’t talk to you either!” He said as he pouted and face the other way.

“Aniyo~ Oppa~ I was just kidding~!” I said as I turned around and smiled sweetly.

“Arraso, arraso.” He said as he turned around and smiled too. Some of the people from the seats near us looked at us weirdly.  We started laughing again like the crazy people we were. Jaehyuk told me to get off the bus a few minutes later. We were in the city now. I looked at the time, it was almost 4. 2 hours. I have to remember. I should leave at 5 30 to make sure I get to the park in time.  Jaehyuk waved a hand in front of my face.

“You’re in such deep thought.” He said as he took my hand and led me into a café.

“Order anything you want. It’s on me.” Jaehyuk Oppa said as he smiled. I knew better than to argue. I’m never going to do that again. Jaehyuk and I ordered. In a few minutes, the waitress came back and served us. We thanked her as she left our table.

“Miinah~.” Jaehyuk called my name sweetly as he circled his glass.

“Neh?” I looked up from my drink.

“Mianhae.” Jaehyuk said not making any eye contact.

“For what?” I asked as I swallowed.

“I know I messed up that day when break started. I-I don’t know. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I stole your first kiss. I’m sorry.” Jaehyuk said, his eyes were much more apologetic than his words. He looked like a little puppy dog. I wasn’t mad at him anyway.

“Oppa, I forgave you a long time ago. Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. What matters most is that we’re still so close.”   I said as I reached over and took his hand. I gave him a reassuring smile. His eyes light up with joy. Why would he think I would be mad at him for that long? He should know me better than that. We spend a while in the café and then went to the city. We just roamed and I didn’t even notice time fly by. I looked at my phone to see the time. 6:10. I was late. Oh no.

“Jaehyuk Oppa~ I have to go home! I’m late I had to meet someone 10 minutes ago!” I panicked. I was usually a very punctual person when it came to time.

“Arraso, arraso~. Calm down Miinah, I’m sure the person won’t mind.” Jaehyuk said. That was true. It was Hoya Oppa, he would understand. I sent him a quick text apologizing and said that I would be there as soon as I could. Jaehyuk brought me to a bus stop close to the park. As I was walking through the park gates, I felt water hit my skin. I looked up at the sky and found it to be gray. More rain soon fell. I ran into the gates.

“Hoya Oppa~!” I yelled. It started pouring. I touched my face. My makeup was coming off.

“Hoya Oppa~!!” I yelled louder. This time a hand was on my shoulder.

“Thanks for being on time.” The voice said sarcastically.

“Hoya Op-“ I started, but was cut off by the thunder. I screamed. I was terrified by thunder. I hugged Hoya Oppa tightly.

“You’re scared of thunder?” Hoya Oppa said in shock. I slowly nodded into his shirt. He started my hair. He calmed me down. He took my face and looked even more surprised. He saw my eye.

“What happened.” He said. Anger rose and it showed in his eyes.

“Oppa, its fine it doesn’t hurt! And the person and I are friends now so don’t worry. It’ll be gone soon!” I trying calming him down. His face softened. He leaned down and kissed my eye. I didn’t expect that from, anyone. I stood there standing in shock as he slowly pulled away.

“There it’ll feel better. Don’t let anyone hurt you Miinah. It hurts me. Like my heart was ripped out. I don’t know what to do without you. You make me go crazy with your craziness. But it was you’re craziness that made me realize what love was.Miinah, I love you. Everything about you. I won’t let anything get in the way of that.” He whispered into my ears. His face was still close to my face.

Miinah, I love you.

Miinah I love you.

His words kept ringing in my ears. Woohyun Oppa and Myungsoo Oppa told me the same thing. When Hoya Oppa said it though, it felt different. It felt right. Like those words was what I was waiting for my whole life. Hoya Oppa slowly got even closer to my face and slowly, gently kissed me. My heart beat increased. My face turned red. I heard thunder, but felt no fear. Everything was right. I kissed back and cupped his face. Everything was right. It was perfect. Time stopped for us. The kiss broke in what seemed to be eternity.

“I love you Hoya Oppa.” I said. He smirked and seemed to be in relief. We walked back home hand in hand. Hoya Oppa, my namjachingu. It seemed almost too perfect to be true.





Urghh~ This was supposed to be better~! Curse my horrible writing TT.TT But, I think the next chapter will be the last TT>TT thank you for the support.... I'll say more gushy stuff in the final chapter ^>^

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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D