Forgiving Sora

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?


            Sunggyu Oppa and I stayed for a bti more admiring the Han River.  I rested my head on his shoulder for a bit and sighed.
"We should head home before it gets too late." He said as he chuckled. I'll never understand why he chuckles so much. I nodded and he helped me up. We came home to an unexpected surprise. When we left, our house was empty, but when I walked in I was immediately embraced by 6 people.
"Beast Oppas." I whispered. Doojoon Oppa my hair as we all had a nice group hug.
"Beast wanted to see you so we brought them here." Woohyun Oppa said.
"Don't worry about anything that happened. Your past can never define your future." Dongwoon Oppa said. We soon let go of each other. Yoseob Oppa caressed my cheek and locked eyes with me.
"I won't. I promise." I said as I took his hand and held it. For a while, Minhee, Oppas and I all just sat on the couch and talked, about anything. School, promotions, life in general. It's been a while since we've been together like a family like this. It was nice. Gradually, everyone fell asleep as it got later into the night. We fell asleep together that night in the living room. It was one of those nights that I would remember, probably forever. I loved how Beast Oppas and Infinite Oppas always knew what I needed and when. They really were my family. 
              For the next few days, I switched from hanging out with Beast Oppas or with infinite Oppas. They didn't let me out of their sight. I guess I could understand. Any other person would probably be depressed, after all, the people whom I thought was my family just said my whole life was wasted. To top it all of I could've lost my vriginity on that same day. For some reason, nothing seemed to be different. If anything, everything seemed brighter. I guess my past really didn't matter once I got over it. Those few days passed  by really quickly. Soon enough, it was a new semester at school. The crisp spring air welcomed me as I walked out the door with Minhee.
"Wait! I have to take my medicine!" I said, panicking. My allergies were a nightmare and made me look like one too. It was really bad. i ran inside and quickly took my medicine.
"Miinah Unnie~! Balli wah~! We don't want to be late on our first day of the new semester!" Minhee said.
"Calm down. I'm coming." I said as I walked out the door again. We fast walked to school to avoid being late. I had forgot two things and remembered them as I walked into the classroom. Jaehyuk and Sora. Did Sora know what I had done to her brother? Or did she think he had succeeded? Then there was Jaehyuk. I forgot completely about that day. What did he think of me now? I decided I would try to avoid them for as long as I could. He wasn't in his seat now anyway. Maybe, hopefully he wouldn't show up. However, avoiding the problem wasn't going to work. When I sat down Sora approached me. I tried to ignore her and act like I was preoccupied in something else.
"Yah. Don't ignore me." She said standing right above me. I looked up still uninterested. As I looked up I could see rage on her face, but that only lasted for a second. She slapped me.
"I should do to you what you did to my brother!" She yelled as she walked closer to me. Of course all eyes were on us. Why was my teacher always late? I would never bring up a fight in school. That was one of the things I swore to myself. So, as she kept throwing sloppy punches I just dodged them, which wasn't to hard. It was hard when her posse joined. I hated how my classmates just sat there and watched. It was hard to fight 5 to 1. At least her whole posse wasn't here. But either way I was still screwed. Eventually, they got me into a corner and there was no where to go. Her punches were sloppy, but contained alot of power. My arms were bruised, so fighting back wasn't an option anymore. My punches won't be effective. 
"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" A voice yelled from the other side of the room. At first guess I thought it was the teacher, but I was wrong. I already felt weak because of Sora, but I hated being seen as weak by Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk pushed Sora to the side and took me pulled me out of the corner. 
"I'm doing what she did to my brother! Stay out of this Jaehyuk! It doesn't involve you!" Sora screamed. I don't undertsand wh I was the one at fault. She was the one who attcked me for no reason first. No, she didn't even attacke me, she got other people to. Jaehyuk looked at me a bit afraid.
"Tell them the whole story, don't just say I beat up your brother." I tried to keep calm. Sora got mad, because she knew if she said the whole story, she would be the bad guy. She stomped out of the room in fury. I was in pain. It didn't feel this bad before.
"How bad do I look?" I asked Jaehyuk.
"Pretty bad." He answered.
"Thanks. For everything." I said as he let go of me. I walked to the bathroom. He was right. It was pretty bad. I had one black eye and scratches scattered over my face. The bathroom door opened. Sora walked in.
"Thanks  for the makeover." I said scarcastically.
"I'm sorry." She meant it. That was the first time I heard that come from . I looked at her shocked. She looked so innocent and hurt. She looked vunerable and fragile. My heart melted. I couldn't stay mad at her. I barely knew her, she needed some reason to do this ddn't she?
"It's okay. I've been in worse." Proabably true. She walked towards me with soemthing in her hand. Concealer. "I don't wear makeup." I said.  She still opened the lid and gestured for me to use it. I still refused. She took some, and spread it over my face. It matched the color of my skin perfectly.
"Thank you." I said as she continued. She nodded. I didn't notice how red her eyes were, or how slighty puffy they were compared to before. 
"Why were you crying?" I said as I instinctively her face. She stopped her hands for a second, but continued. We were both surprised by what I just did. I didn't know what I just did. It was a small act that I never expected myself to do to Sora. She finished putting the makeup on my face and I thanked her again. She really did a good job. As she was about to head out I grabbed her wrists.
"Wait." I called. "You didn't tell me why you were crying." She tried to escape from my grip. "Tell me first. One second you're the almighty Queenka and the next your an innocent,fragile piece of glass? I don't understand. Explain." I could hear her silent cries. I spun her around and gave her a hug. I hated to see other people cry too. Even if they were supposed to be one of my worst enemies. I looked down at her face, her mascara was running.
"That's why I  don't wear makeup." i said as I washed her face. 
"I think you look prettier without makeup on." That gave her a small smile. I decided I should give in. She didn't have to tell me if she didn't want to. One of the mistakes I always made was being to forceful when i wanted to know something.  
"See you in class." I said as she dried her face.
"Wait." She called. This time she grabbed my wrists. 
"You don't have to tell me. It's fine. Thank you for the concealer." I got out of her grip.
"Why are you so much better at everything than me? You're prettier than me, inside and out. You're more modest than me, and you much sarter than me. It's
annoying! I hate it! It's not my fault! I'm just not good at anything!" I turned around and started listening.
"You get along with everyone better than me. Especially Jaehyuk." She tried to whisper the last part. So she was jealous because I have Jaekhyuk?
"Sora, you're taking our relationship the wrong way. i know he likes me, but I don't like him like that. You have to understand both side before you jump to conclusions." I could tell she was trying to fight the tears.
"Maybe if you didn't act like such a little brat, more people would like you." I knew those last words were harsh, but they were definately true. If she was half as innocent as she was right now, she and I could've been pretty good friends. For a bit, it stayed silent. My words lingered in the air uncomfortably.
"I'm sorry Miinah. I was being dumb. Do you think, maybe we could become friends now? I don't want to stay the same anymore. I want to become nicer and maybe you could me with that." Friends? Immediately after we just had a fight? It seemed a bit queer to me. Maybe she just wanted to get close to Jaehyuk. I searched her eyes for any sort of plan lingering her mind. She wasn't good at hiding her thoughts. However, I didn't find one. She really, sincerly did want to change.
"Sure. I'd like that." I said with a smile. Walking into class with her was a bit uncomfortable and it was weird, but it was nice to let go of the hatred we had for each other. The class of course gave us weird looks since we got really close really fast, but whatever. This was the beginning of a new friendship between Sora and me.
Sorry for the cheesy chapter, I just felt like things had to clear up between Miinah and a couple of characters.
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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D