If You Love Something Let It Go

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

"Yah, Myungsoo-ah, Wake up." Sunggyu said as he kept kicking Myungsoo.

"Waeyo?? Let me sleep for a little more, Hyung." Myungsoo said still asleep.

"We have to make breakfast for Miinah babo. Otherwise she will guilt herself and make us a huge one." Sunggyu said.

At the sound of Miinah's name, Myungsoo sprung up, "For Miinah? Aish, arraso." he said as he got up and out of his bed.

"At least now I know how to get him to do work and get up in the morning," Sunggyu thought to himself as he walked out of the room. Myungsoo went to the bathroom just as Sungyeol walked out.

"Waking up early for Miinah, Neh~." Sungyeol said as he batted his eyes.

Myungsoo pushed Sungyeol's face away from him and said, "Aren't we all?" Sungyeol put his head down in defeat and walked towards the kitchen. Myungsoo was the last one in the kitchen and got the evil eye from Sunggyu. They each started to make something. Woohyun made waffles, Sunggyu made eggs, Dongwoo made bacon, Hoya made pancakes, Sungyeol made a fruit arrangement with Sungjong and L made Miinah's favorite beverage for the morning, tea. Sungjong looked into Miinah's and Minhee's room once in a while to check if Miinah woke up. This was supposed to be a full out surprise. Miinah kept feeling she smelt something delicious and at one point she got up.

"Minhee, I keep smelling something, is it just me or do you smell it too?" Miinah asked as she woke Minhee up.

"Molla." she replied still half asleep.

"I'm going to go check okay?" Miinah said as she got up. Right then, Minhee remembered Infinite talking about making a breakfast to try to cheer Miinah up.

"A-Aniyo. Don't do it. I'll do it. Sleep more if you want you look tired." Minhee stuttered.

"Fine." Miinah said without further argument. Minhee got up and walked casually out the door, the smell of the food was extremely over whelming, how could she sleep through it?

"Oppas," Minhee said

"Oh, Good morning Minhee-ah." Sunggyu said with a bit smile on his face.

"Are you guys almost done because Miinah is awake and she wants to knows what's going on," Minhee explained.

"Neh~. We started sometime ago and we just have to finish setting the table. You and Miinah can take a shower and what- not and we will be ready by that time too, arraso?" Woohyun said calmly.

"Neh, arraso." she said as we walked away and went to her room. Miinah was still awake.

"What's going on?" Miinah asked.

"Nothing, Infinite Oppas wants us to get ready and things, I think they have something planned for the day." Minhee said as she pushed Miinah out the door and led her to the bathroom, making sure she didn't pass the kitchen.

"Neh."Miinah replied. When she came out of the bathroom, she walked into Sungyeol and fell down. At the sight of Miinah Sungyeol started blushing, she was wearing a tank top and pair of short-shorts. He helped her up and continued to starte at her blushing.

"Kamsahamnida Choding Oppa, and Mianhae for bumping into you." she smiled as she lifted her head up to make their eyes meet. Miinah couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she had this feeling inside her, she felt all warm and cuddly inside of her.

"Yah! Miinah hurry up and go put some decent clothes on!!" Sunggyu said coming out of nowhere. Both Sungyeol and Miinah were shocked by the sudden disturbance of Sunggyu. Miinah bowed quickly and left. Sunggyu was actually jealous. He could feel their connection and how they had clicked. Thinking about how he was feeling, Sungyeol blushed and went into his room. Sunggyu on the other hand went forward with his head down, he wanted to have an experience like that with Miinah too. If it was just for a second he wouldn't care, it would be enough to make him feel alright. Minhee was helping the rest of Infinite set the table and then Sunggyu walked in. His face changed completely, seeing the finished product was unbelievable, he didn't even know they could make food look so good! Sungyeol came in and had the same expression as Sunggyu.

"Oppas!! Good Morning!!" Miinah said as she walked into the kitchen. She couldn't believe her eyes, she thought she was dreaming.

"Oppas?? What is all this?? There's so much food!!!" Miinah said with still hanging open.

"It's for you, we felt bad and like we made you feel guilty last night. It's our fault for not making room in our schedule for our dongsaengs and I guess it was a good thing that you did have someone looking after you and letting you have fun." Hoya said.

"A-Aniyo Oppas, you didn't have to do all of this. I could've made something much more simpler" she said as she gave a small wink to Woohyun which made him blush slighty.

"Anyway, I can understand why you got mad, you guys are my Oppas after all" Miinah said with a big smile.

"Neh. So now you and Minhee will sit down and eat the food we've prepared right?" Sungjong asked.

"Neh~." Both girls replied as they took seats next to each other. They had a great meal with the company of each other. Just as they were about to finish, Miinah's phone ran from her pocket. Her ring tone was set specially, it was Beast's Fiction.

"Oh, Mianhae it Doojoon Oppa." Miinah said. Infinite grew tense when she said her name.

Minhee saw this and quickly answered for them, "Neh, go answer it, tell him I said hi too okay?" Miinah nodded and went into another room to go answer her phone.

"Why'd you do that?!?!" Minhee said scolding them.

"I don't like Doojoon, or Beast." Sungjong replied.

"Seriously? Are we going through this again?" Minhee asked with an attitude.

"They might like Miinah, do you expect us to just sit back and let them steal her heart?" Hoya snapped back.

"Do you guys really think they like Miinah? They are nice to her because they care, and if you guys did like her enough you wouldn't care about competition and just try to get her to like you back. Let her be what she wants to be. Let denstiny take care of itself." Minhee pointed out.

"But if we let her go, will she come back?" Woohyun asked concerned.

"If you love something let it go, if it comes back, it loves you and is yours. But if it doesn't it never was and its not meant to be. That's Miinah's favorite quote, she lives by these words." Minhee said much more calmly this time. Infinite stayed quiet until Miinah walked in.

"What did Beast Oppas say?" Minhee asked. "They asked how we were and if we wanted to hang out with them again today. I declined and told them that I wanted to stay and hang out with my Infinite Oppas today." Miinah said as she gave Infinite an assuring smile.

"Thank you" they thought in their heads as they smiled sweetly towards the girls.



Wahhhhh <3 Lucky.. Infinite made food for Miinah >< Im Jealousss Who else is??




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  Neol Saranghae <3 <3 
******Who is your Bias???******



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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D