Stubborn Mind

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

Manager Opoa went to go get the doctor. When they cam back, even the doctor was surprised.

"Well, you're up eariler than expected." he said. Miinah smilied warmly. Just then, her stomach growed. Miinah held her stomach to make it stop. She blushed a very dark red. 

"Can I have something to eat please?" Miinah asked shyly. Everyone chuckled.

"Of course." the doctor said. "Why don't you all go get her something to eat while I do some last tests on her to make sure she's alright?"

"Neh." everyone agreed. Minhee got Miinah's favorite food, chicken!! They went back to Miinah's room. 

"Miinah, what's the last thing you remember?" the doctor asked impatiently.

"I already told you! I only remember talking to Doojoon Oppa. Then, I woke up here." Miinah replied. 

"I'm sorry, i can't remember anything else before that. Can I please eat now?" Miinah said as she eyed the chicken.

"Go ahead." The doctor said in defeat. Miinah happily took the tray of food from Minhee and started to eat. The doctor left Miinah and Minhee to talk to the boys.

"What's wrong?" Manager Oppa said instinticively.

"I think she made herself forget about the car crash. Her mind refuses to remember that time." the doctor said without making any eye contact. "The only way we can fix it is, if we remind her straight out about the car crash." They all thought about how she would react to being reminded. 

"She would probably go crazy again wouldn't she?" Hoya said.

"Maybe. Possiably. But she can't live without knowing about it." Sunggyu said. Everyone agreed. 

"So, who's going to do it?" Manager Oppa asked. 

"I will. I promised I would protect her, but I couldn't." Sunggyu said apologetically. Everyone knew he had his mind set on doing this, so no one argued. They nodded and Sunggyu stepped forward. He took a deep breath as he went in, not knowing what to expect. He remembered her smiling face. That gave him strength. 

"It's for her own good. It's to keep her smiling." Sunggyu thought to himself. When he came in Miinah was just finishing her meal. 

"Wow. You eat fast." Sunggyu stated. Miinah sheepishly nodded. Sunggyu started towards her with a smiling face, but worried eyes. Miinah was confused.

"Oppa, if something's wrong please tell me." Miinah said in concern. Sunggyu's smile faded slowly.

"Minhee, can you please let Miinah and I have a talk alone?" Sunggyu said, his head down and not making any eye contact.

"Aniyo, I don't want to. I want to stay with Unnie." Minhee said. Sunggyu looked up with angry eyes. Miinah was startled. Before Sunggyu started to yell Miinah took charge. 

"Minhee, let Sunggyu Oppa and Unnie have a private talk okay? Just go outside to the other Oppas." Miinah said with a reassuring smile. Minhee nodded and left. Sunggyu's eyes looked up at Miinah. Her concerned eyes met his worried eyes. 

"Oppa, sit down and tell me what's wrong, please." Miinah pleaded. Sunggyu took a seat near Miinah's bed. 

"Miinah, do you remember what happened a few days ago?" Sunggyu asked, still not making any eye contact.

"Well, I remember you guys kidnapped me and Minhee. Then, we were in the car. Like I told the doctor, the last thing I remember  is talking to Doojoon Oppa." Miinah said. 

"No. Miinah, that's not all that happend. Please remember."

"Oppa, please believe me. That's all I remember."

"No! It's not." Sunggyu snapped.

"Bwoh?" Miinah said confused.

"The car crash, Miinah!! The stupid car crash. Remember when you went crazy and fainted?! That car crash Miinah!! I know you remember it!! Don't be so stubborn minded!! " Sunggyu started yelling. Outside, they heard Sunggyu yelling. Sungjong came through the door.

"Don't yell at her! It's not her fault if she forgot!" Sungjong was furious at his hyung. How could he be so low-tempered?

"The car crash. The car crash." Miinah repeated to herself. Sungjong quieted down. Everyone scrambled into the room. Flashbacks ran through Miinah's head. Flashbacks of the car crash. She went pale.

"I'm going to die." Miinah whispered.

"Unnie?" Minhee said scared as a tear feel down her cheek.

"Go get the doctor." Sunggyu said sternly. All eyes were on Miinah and no one even moved at Sunggyu's command. 

"I said-" Sunggyu started.

"I'M GOING TO DIE!!" Miinah yelled and her eyes widened as tears feel down her face. She started acting like she did on the day of the crash. Minhee cried silently in Hyungseong's chest. Myungsoo and Dongwoon ran to get the doctor. Everyone else stood in shock. They had no idea what just happend. 

"Ssshh Miinah. Calm down. You're not going to die. I promised I would protect you. I already failed once and I'm not going to fail again. I promise, I will try with all my strength to protect you." Sunggyu said, pulling her into a hug, trying his hardest to stay strong. Miinah sobbed hard, not showing any signs of stopping. Myungsoo and Dongwoon came back with the doctor.

"At least she remembered." the doctor said.

Dongwoo tried not to cry as he asked, "Neh, now what?"

"Now? Well, now we have to wait and she what she's afraid of. To make her this frustrated something must've happend in the past. Her mind can only know what danger she's in. Hopefully, she'll get through her fears as time goes on." The doctor said trying to give them hope.

"So, when can she leave?" Manager Oppa asked.

"In a few hours. Whenever she's ready." The doctor said. "Feel better Miinah." Then, he left. Before her left, everyone thanked him for his hard work. They knew that was it. The rest  was all upto her. All the bad things were in  her head.


Annyeong >u<  how are you guys? Please comment or else.......... PPYONG Is it word how my oppas look like k-pop idol?? My oldest oppa looks like Sunggyu without his glasses and my other oppa looks like Shindong when he was chubby?


                  Before                                            After

                 Before                                         After



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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D