A Day With Infinite

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

"So Oppas, what are we going to do today?" Miinah asked.

"Well, we were planning on doing whatever you guys wanted to do." Sunggyu said.

"But thats not going to work out because they have to practice." Manager Oppa said coming out of nowhere.

"Manager Oppa!" Miinah and Miinhee said as they ran toward him to give him a hug.

"Annyeong girls, how have you been?" Manager Oppa asked.

"Good." they said with a smile. He smiled back at them and went to talk to Infinite.

"You know you guys have to practice. You have performances non-stop for quiet some time." Manager Oppa said very calmly.

"But Hyung, we don't get to spend time with our dongsaengs. Please let us go. It will help us let go of stress and get to know the girls better." Sunggyu explained.

"Fine. But you have to come back early and you have to wear disguises. You guys are quiet famous now a days." Manager Oppa said in defeat.

"Kamsahamnida Manager Oppa!!" Miinah and Miinhee said as they wrapped their arms around his neck to give him an awkward hug. They all started laughing out of nowhere. The boys then went to put on their disguises. When they came out the girls started laughing. They looked like their Appas instead of their Oppas. They couldn't believe that they could dress up like that. 

"Oppas, change your disguises. You look old." Miinah said bluntly. The boys started to laugh at themselves to. They couldn't believe they put this on. 

"Can you guys help us make better disguises?" Sunggyu asked in embarrassment .

"Neh~." Miinah and Minhee said as they gradually stopped laughing. In 15 minutes the boys came out looking great!! They looked cool, but not like Infinite members. They looked like Miinah's and Minhee's siblings.

"You are awesome!" Woohyun said admiring his outfit.

"What can you not do?" Dongwoo asked.

"Well, let's see I can't-" Miinah started.

"LIES!!!!" They burst out to startle Miinah and Minhee.

"You can do anything and everything." Sungjong said.

"No~ I can't fly on my own will power!" Miinah said in her as-a-matter-of-fact-tone. The boys laughed.

"No one can do that Miinah." Hoya said.

"Exactly." Miinah replied. The boys laughed out of confusion.

"Kaja, lets go." Manager Oppa said.

"Neh~" everyone answered as they went into the car. The car was extremely noisy. Everyone was talking very loudly. No one could even hear Infinite's song on the radio.Miinah grew tired and fell asleep. Dongwoo was the first to notice.

"She's so pretty." Dongwoo thought. he was right next to her.  Before he knew it Miinah unconsciously put her head on his shoulder.

"It would be rude to wake her up." Dongwoo thought as he blushed.  Sunggyu saw this and grew red, except he was red with anger. 

"Why does everything happen to my members but not to me?" Sunngyu thought as he looked away. Eventually, everyone in the car except for Manager Oppa who was driving was asleep. Miinah woke up to find Dogwoos"s head on top of her's. She started blushing. She looked and saw his gentle face.

"He doesn't look much like a dinosaur when he's sleeping." Miinah thought. Her heart started beating very fast and she started blushing.

"Omo! Ottokae!! Am i having a heart attack?!!!" Miinah thought as she quickly pulled her head out from under Dongwoo's.

"Anyio, calm down, Miinah , you'll be fine." she thought to herself as she felt her heart beat slow down.

"Something wrong?" Manager Oppa asked.

"Aniyo, im fine. My heart was just beating really fast and I thought I was having a heart attack." She said giggling, she knew she sounded stupid.

"You know, when your heart beats fast for someone, it might be because you're in love with them." Manager Oppa said as he pulled into the parking lot of Lotte World.

"Me? In love? The how about the time my heart was beating fast while with Sungyeol? Can't people only have one true love?" Miinah thought to herself as she looked at Dongwoo who was on her shoulder and Sungyeol in the back. As she looked as Sungyeol, Sunggyu woke up.

"Sungyeol again? Can't she look at me? She's the only girl I want to actually notice me. Why can't she hear my heart beating for her?" Everyone was woken up and was streching as they got out of the car.

"Okay, so we'll meet back here in 7 hours okay?" Manager Oopa said.

"Neh~. Kamsahamnida." everyone replied with a yawn. They slowly walked off and walked away as they waved good bye to Manager Oppa. They sat at a table first to get some snacks and drink to regain energy.

"Where do you want to go first?" Sunggyu asked.

"I want to go on the rides." Miinah said.

"I want to go to the Haunted House though~." Sungjong whined. Thinking about going to a haunted house scared Miinah and she grew slightly pale.

"Are you okay, Miinah? We don't have to go to the haunted house if you don't want to." Hoya said in concern.

"A-Aniyo, I've just never been in one so I don't know why to expect." Miinah said.

"It'll be fine, one of us can go with you, arraso?" Sunggyu said. Miinah looked at each of her Oppa's and Minhee's faces which assured her it would be alright.

"Arraso. Kaja." Miinah relplied with a smile. They were all awake now and they headed to the haunted house. It was very close to the entrance so they didn't have to walk very far.

"Neh, one of us gets to go with Miinah. Arraso?" Sunggyu said.

"Neh~." The boys answered.

"But Hyung how are we going to choose who goes with her?" Woohyun asked.

"I wanna pick!" Miinah exclaimed.

"Arraso." Sunggyu said as he backed up and they all made a line.

"First, who wants to take me?" Everyone but Sunggyu and Myungsoo rose their hands.

"She probably won't pick me anyway." Sunggyu thought.

"I don't want to to get suspicious, but I really want her to pick me." Myungsoo thought.

"How many people can I pick?" Miinah asked.

"ONLY 1!!!" Sungjong yelled as he pointed at himself.

"Aish, arraso." she said

Sunggyu looked depressed, and Miinah noticed.

"I PICK BIG OPPA!!" Miinah finally yelled out. Everyone else put their hands down and pouted.

"Waeyoo??!!" Sungjong complained.

"Because he's the leader of the group so he can probably control me the most and protect me too." Miinah said as he clung on to Sunggyu's arm. Sunggyu looked away to make sure she didn't see him blushing and smiling like a dufus.

"I would protect you too Miinah. You're too important to me. I don't know how I lived without you for so long." The rest of Infinite thought.

"Kaja Big Oppa, let's go." Miinah said as he pulled him to the door. Once they stepped in, the doors closed and it turned extremely dark. Sunggyu found a candle and kept it with him. Miinah was looking around waiting and watching everything. She was expecting something scary. She didn't get anything scary by staying in the same place.

"It'll be fine, i promise I will protect you." Sunggyu said. That's what Miinah needed to hear that that time."Come, let's go on."

Miinah followed him clinging on to his arm. Before she knew it a fake vampire jumped out from the wall. Miinah scream and started to sob. She didn't know why. It wasn't really scary and she knew it. She felt comfortable with Sunggyu and could show him her true girly ways. Sunggyu patted her head, not sure what to do. Multiple not really scary things jumped out at her the thing that scared her the most was a 'dead' person hanging from the ceiling. It was covered with blood, she felt like puking.

"It's fine Miinah. It's a fake." Sunggyu said trying to comfort her.

"I know but I just can't bear to look at it." Miinah said under her tears.

"Then look at me. Don't look at anything else. I'm your Big Oppa. Keep your eyes on me." Sunggyu said. He didn't mean just until they got out of the Haunted House, he wanted to have her look at him all the time.

"But you probably won't will you?" he thought.

"Neh, Oppa. Mianhae.Kaja. The exit should be just a little farther up." Miinah said to him with a weak smile.

"Neh." He replied snapping out of his thoughts. They soon came to the exit. No one else was there. They waited for everyone else to come out. They all came out at pretty much the same time. Miinah's eyes were super swollen and red.

"Hyung! You said you would protect her!" Hoya scolded.

"I did, but-" Sunggyu started but Miinah cut him off.

"He did protect me, but i was just i dont know, i was easily scared. He comforted me well though. I think i made a good choice." Miinah said giving Sunggyu a bright smile.

"Lucky Hyung!" All of Infinite thought in their heads as they gave him a death glare. The rest of the day they went on other rides, but the sun started setting. Sunggyu's phone started to ring. It was Manager Oppa.

"Yeobosayo Hyung?" Sunggyu said. He quickly hung up the phone. The conversation was very short.

"Hyung wants us to go back. He said we have to practice at least once before we go on stage." Sunggyu said. Infinite mad a face but went back to the car obediently.

"How was your day?" Manager Oppa asked asked as Infinte piled into the car.

"Good." Everyone replied.

"Manager Oppa?"Miinah started out.

"Neh?" he replied.

"Can we come to the performance?" Miinah asked while blushing. Infinite grew excited, they wanted Miinah to see their charismatic side too.

"Jebal~ Hyung~." Sungjong whined.

"Calm down you guys i was going to invite them anyway. I asked the CEO and he gave me tickets a few hours ago." Manager Oppa said.

"JINJA!!" the girls were shocked. Miinah immediately send CEO Appa a text that said thank you with a lot of hearts after. They were all happy and started talking until they got home. Once they got home, Infinite quickly changed and went out again

. "Annyeong!! See you later!!" they yelled with excitement. They had to do the best they could today, Infinite was the last performance in the show. The girls just couldn't wait.


Once they heard the first beats of the song, the girls knew it was Infinite. As the song ended, the girls stopped singing along and tried to calm down. They knew that they had to wait until they could fangirl over Infinite. Manager Oppa took the girls home and went back to get the boys. The girls couldn't stop talking about the boys and the boys wont stop talking about the girls. The Manager Oppa chuckled to himself. When the boys walked through the door, they were overflowed with compliments. The boys couldn't help but flush red. 

"This is how it's supposed to be." Infinite thought.



ANNYEONG!! Its been a long time!! Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONG- I MEAN DINO OPPA!!! AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Tell me what your thankful for in the comment box and get a shout-out!!

Annyeong!!!! Happy birthday Dino Opppa, L. Joe oppa and Kevin opppaa <3 <3 <3 Happy Thanksgivingggg you guys 




I couldn't find a picture of Kevin yett sorry ><


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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D