We're not letting you go

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

Soon, the argument settled down and everyone was having their own conversations. Something was still lingering in all their minds though. What did Miinah need help with? Why couldn't she talk to them? Only Hoya knew the answer, but no one knew when to ask. Minhee decided she wanted to know now. 

"Hoya Oppa? What happened to Miinah Unnie before?" Miinhe asked concerned. Hoya looked at Miinah's calm sleeping face.

"She would want them to know wouldn't she?" Hoya thought.

"Miinah-she, she cares about us, more than anything in the world." Hoya said. He didn't know how to put what he was trying to say in words.

"We know that. We care about her that much too." Yoseob pointed out. Hoya knew that as well. He didn't know why he said it like that. he thought about how he could put it into words.

"She feels guilty. She thinks she's troubling us. She blames herself for everything that went wrong these past few days." Hoya said.  Everyone listened carefully and processed what Hoya just said through their heads. The problem was, it didn't make sense.

"It wasn't her fault though. it was trauma. Anyone could've reacted like that." Doojoon said trying to somehow make sense of it all.

"But I over reacted. That's the problem. It was stupid and unnecessary, my actions. If it wasn't for me we could've been on vacation relaxing. Instead we're here building up stress." Miinah said trying to hold the tears back. She had been awake for awhile but she didn't want to get up until now.

"Miinah, it's okay to be scared. You don't have to be brave. You have Oppas who will use every ounce of their strength to keep you safe. We'll keep both you and Minhee safe." Dongwoon said. With those words, Miinah cried.

"But if you protect me who will protect you?!" Miinah was angry. She wasn't angry at anyone but herself at this point though.

"Miinah, calm down, please. Just talk to us.Please know that you can rely on us Miinah." Hyungseong pleaded.

"I would, but i just don't know how. I could never rely on anyone when I was younger. I had a father, mother, brother and sister physically, but mentally, I was alone. No one was there for me. I was isolated from my family because I was different. While they could all be happy and live life, I was locked up in my own world full of regret. I could never live up to their expectations and so they never gave me love. As a result I don't know how to give or receive love. I feel guilty because you give me so much love, but I don't know how to give it back." Miinah said as she cried.

"But, unnie how do you love me them? Hoe do you know how to give me love, protect me and receive my love?" Minhee asked with tearful eyes.

"Who ever said I did?" Miinah cried.

"Unnie! You protect me! You're always there for me! If that's not love then what is?!!" Minhee said yelling as tears ran down her face.

"The whole point is that I don't know! I was never taught it at school and even worse, at home!! How am i supposed to know?!!" Miinah yelled back. Her eyes were red and full of hatred towards herslef, they weren't her usual eyes full of hope and joy. She wasn't being Miinah.

"Unnie, I really don't know you." Minhee said in disbelief. "Why don't I know you? I thought I knew you best, but I was dead wrong."

"You don't know because I never told you. I kept it to myself. My house was my image of the world." Miinah said blaming herself.

"It's not your fault Unnie. I should've known-" Minhee started.

"No. I should've known not to hide my feelings. It was probably going to eat me alive if I didn't say it right now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I caused you guys so much trouble. I'm sorry I couldn't trust you Minhee." Miinah apologized. She cried because she knew it wasn't her fault, she was just taking the blame because she knew she couldn't give the blame to someone else. It was her own fault. 

"If only I didn't over react." Miinah whispered.

"If you didn't over react, maybe we wouldn't have met you.Maybe you would've been eaten alive by the guilt by now." Dongwoo said.

"Think about it Miinah, maybe if you didn't over react, we wouldn't know what was really going through your head. I guess sometimes it's okay to over react sometimes." Dongwoo said smirking at Miinah. No one could say anything in response to that. No one knew what really happened just now. They did know, however, that they knew nothing about Miinah or Minhee. They knew that they wanted to know more about them.

"Miinah, we're going to teach you what love is okay? We're you're family now. Don't worry about the past and work towards the future. A future with us." Sunggyu said as he hugged her tightly.

"We'll never let you go." He said.

"But what about the proverb that says, of you-" Miinah started but was cut off by Myungsoo.

"If you love something, let it go? But if you let it go, you can never know how much better or worse your life would be with person. That's a risk we're willing to take with you Miinah." Myungsoo smiled brightly. Miinah stopped crying and looked at her Oppas and Minhee.

"Maybe i do know what love is." Miinah said smiling. Her smiling face made the whole car feel better. Suddenly, the car stopped. They reached their destination. A private beach. The sun shone brightly above the water. Miinah got out of the car and a nice breeze welcomed her. I welcomed her to more than just the beach. it welcomed her to a new beginning. Miinah smiled back at her Oppas, the sun hitting her face at the perfect angle and made her look even more beautiful.

"Stay smiling, Miinah." They thought as they smiled back and headed towards the house where they were staying.

"Wait for me!" Miinah shouted joyfully as she skipped towards them.

"There's the Miinah we all know." Everyone thought.


WOOO!!! It's winter break >u< YAY So for Christmas my wonderful friend, minyoung, gave me a hello kitty bento box >u< >u< <3 <3 <3 <3 


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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D