First Kiss

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

A/N Don't forget that the story from now on is in Miinah's POV~


The semester went by awfully quickly. Jaehyuk Oppa and I started to get really close. There was a group of friends I always hung out with. I just wish I got top see Minhee more throughout my school day. *Ring, Ring* I started to pack up my things as soon as that last bell rung. A smile came on my face. We finally got to go on break and I wasn't planning to miss one second of it. 

"Miinah! Hold on!" Jaehyuk Oppa shouted. I just realized how quickly I went from my seat on the other side of the room to the door. 

"You walk way too fast!" He told me as he caught up to me. 

"Mianhae~ It's just what I do." I said as I saw Minhee coming towards me from the corner of my eye.

"Unnie~!" She called from right next to me.

"Minhee, I hope you know that you're one of the reasons I'm going deaf." I said unenthusiactically. 

"Unnie, can I go out with some friend?" She asked me with her ageyo. Something about her ageyo just makes me need to say yes. She's just so cute. Her ageyo just gets to me. Other people's, not so much. Woohyun Oppa is getting better at ageyo. I think it's because he hangs out with Minhee so much. At the thought of Woohyun a small smile came across my face. I quickly came back into reality.

"Arraso, but not too long. You have to be home before it gets dark." I said sternly.

"Neh~ Gomowoa~!" She replied. I ruffled her hair before she ran off. 

"Come on Umma. I guess you're coming over my house." Jaehyuk said linking arms with me. He calls me "Umma" when he thinks I sound like a mother. I feel like he says it in every other sentence, just to annoy me. 

"I'm not so sure I said that." I said as we walked out of the school. 

"Then, I'm inviting you to my house." Jaehyuk said.

"I'm not so sure... I  have somethings to do at home before Minhee comes home..." My voice trailed of as I thought of the list of things I had to do before Infinite Oppas came home.

"Can't you hold them off for a bit? Please~" Jaehyuk whined. He tried me with every ounce of ageyo he had. Jaehyuk is another person with the cutest ageyo. 

"Arraso." I finally said. Jaehyuk started jumping up and down like the little kid he really is at heart. He pulled my hand and dragged me all the way to the bus stop. 

"You are older than me right?" I said when we got there. This made him stick out his tongue and I did just the same. The bus came and we got on. He sat by the window as I sat in the aisle seat. The sun seemed to follow him. It radiated his facial features and emphysaised them. He was always adorable in my eyes, but I see a certain manliness that i hadn't noticed before. It attracted me to him even more. 

"Annyeong? Anyone there?" Jaehyuk said as he waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. I zoned out." I said sheepishly.

"No really. i couldn't tell." Jaehyuk said sarcastically. I stuck my tongure out at him. His next question freaked me out.

"So who's your crush?" Jaehyuk asked openly.

"What?!" I replied shokced.

"Who's your crush? Who are you thining about?" Jaehyuk asked. I don't know why but  felt lke Hoya Oppa would know that I was thinking about Jaehyuk. Hoya Oppa can tell my whole story with a glance. Hoya Oppa.... I have to do something relating to Infinite don't I? What was it? I almost forgot to tell them that I was going to Jaehyuk's house. I smiled as I did so.

"Hello~? Are you going to answer?" Jaehyuk asked a bit less patiently. I forgot he asked me a question. I mentally slapped myself.

"I don't have a crush. And even if I did, you wouldn't need to know." I said as I pushed his head back with my index finger.

"Arraso~" Jaehyuk said still not believing me. 

"You're such a weirdo. Where do you even come from with a question like that?" I asked. I knew I could ask him questions like this because he was one of my good friends. He put a hand on my shoulder as he answered,

"You're my dongsaeng. I have permission to ask you questions like that." This guy continually uses that line on me. Before I could say something smart in reply, he got up of the bus. As soon as I stepped to the ground and started to open  my mouth, he ran. He knew i was going to come up with a comeback, but he didn't want to hear it. Smart boy. He ran, not too far until he stopped. 

"This is my house." Jaehyuk said opening the gate. His house was like it was pulled out of a fairytale. It wasn't a castle, but it was like the qaint cottage the seven dwarfs lived in. The pathway was filled with flowers. It was beautiful, well, until my allergies started to act up.

"You alright there?" Jaehyuk asked concerned.

"It's just my allergies." I said with a sniffle in between.  He nodded and walked away into the kitchen. I took off my shoes and sat on the couch. Jaehyuk came in with some food and medicine for me. I hadn't noticed how quiet the house was until right now. As if he knew what  I was thinking, he told me why he was the only one at home. He was an only child. His parents were never home. I wouldn't say that my family situation was literally like this, but it felt like it was. It was different hearing someone actually live like this. I didn't feel alone.

"You're going through the same thing aren't you?" Jaehyuk asked. I never told Jaehyuk my family story. I didn't plan to, not yet. In fact, no one knew my family problems beside CEO appa and Minhee.

"Not exactly." I said. Jaehyuk knew he shouldn't push it. Maybe it was time for me to tell him. I should tell Infinite Oppas first though. I actually live with them. But i didn't like the feeling of living it, I don't want to talk about it. I would feel like I'm living it all over again. I suddenly felt something soft on my lips. So soft that it felt like it wasn't even there. Jaehyuk deppened the kiss, but i didn't respond. I didn't want this. I don't know why I reacted so slowly, but i got up and walked to the bus stop. I couldn't believe he actually kissed me. MY first kiss. It was supposed to be romantic. I should've said something before i left. Anything. As I walked to the bus stop I kept touching my lips in disbelief. It was my first kiss. The kiss I wanted to be perfect. I wanted it to happen while I was talking a stroll on the side side of the Han River after a candle lit dinner. But it was taken from me while i was caught in my thoughts. It was taken from me by a guy that I don't even have strong feeling for. My head hurt as I got home. For the first time in a while, Infinite Oppas were home before me.

"BOO!" Sungjong yelled as I walked through the door. I held my head in pain.

"Gwenchana Miinah?" Sunggyu said as he walked towards me.

"Neh, gwenchana. My head just kind of hurts. I'm going to take a nap. I said as I gavethem each hugs.

"Wait, where's Minhee? We haven't heard from her."  Woohyun asked.

"She'll be home soon. She went to a friends house." I said tired. I gave them a weak smile and went into my room. I changed from my school uniform into my pajamas. There was a knock on the door as I stepped upto my mirror

"Come in." I called as I started to take out my hair. Hoya Oppa walked in. I saw water and medicine in his hand. I took my hair out and let it rest on my shoulders.

"Gomawo Oppa." I said as turned to him and gave him a small smile. I took the medicine and drank the water.

"Feel better." He said as he took the glass and kissed my forehead. He closed the door as he exited. My face definately got hotter, but somehow, i felt a little better. Hoya Oppa made me feel better. He knew me and I could be open with him. He understands me most. He comforts me and knows what I need without me having to ask. His sweet smile, his amazing talent and his over all amazingness at everything he tries. It makes life a little better to know that I have someone as amazing in my life as Hoya Oppa. My Dancing Machine Oppa.





I'm too lazy to proofread so forgive my many mistakes. >u<

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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D