Don't touch my girl

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

The next morning, CEO Appa called Miinah very early.

"Get ready with Minhee. We have to apply you to a school. I have your papers from your school in New York."

"Neh, when will you be here?" Miinah asked half asleep.

"In about 20 minutes, hurry okay?"

"Neh~. I'm getting up. See you soon." Miinah said as she sat up on her bed and scratched her eyes.

She hung up and looked at Minhee next to her sleeping soundly.

"She's so cute. I'll wake her up in a bit." Miinah thought as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

She passed all of Infinite's room.

"It feels like I haven't seen them in so long. I hope they won't be mad." She thought as she walked into the bathroom.

As she walked back into her room, she found Minhee wide awake.

"Unnie, where were you I got scared." Minhee said, her voice cracked.

"I went to the bathroom. CEO Appa called and said to get ready. We have to go apply for schools. He has our papers from New York. He'll be here soon so get ready quickly." Miinah explained.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Minhee asked.

"You were sleeping so soundly and I didn't want to disturb you. Balli!!! Get ready, he could be here any minute." Miinah said as she pulled her up and pushed her out the door.

" Fine. My goodness. Someone's awfully pushy this morning." Minhee teased.

Miinah ignored her and shut the door. Miinah finished changing very quickly and poured herself a bowl of cereal. Minhee came not too long after.

"Shouldn't we tell Infinite Oppas?" Minhee asked.

"Neh, but I don't want to wake them up, so I'll just leave a note on the breakfast table and text them later." Miinah replied.

"Okay." Minhee said.

They heard a horn honking from outside. Miinah who was done eating went outside and checked to see if it was CEO Appa. It was and she told Minhee to hurry up and eat. Minhee chugged the whole thing down . Miinah giggled as they both ran into the car.

"Good morning girls!" CEO Appa greeted them.

"Good Morning Appa!!" they said as they each gave home a kiss on the cheek and sat down.

"Did you tell Infinite that you were leaving?" he asked.

"Not really but kind of. We put a note on the table and I'll text them later." Miinah explained once again.

"Neh~. So how was your day with Beast yesterday?"

"It was a lot of fun Appa. Thank you soooo much." Minhee said.

"Yeah, it was probably for you!!" Miinah said as she gave her an evil eye.

They started arguing and CEO Appa couldn't help but laugh. When they finally got a school, they both stopped arguing. The school was huge!!

"Only extremely smart people can go here, and it's an all English school since I know that's your first language." CEO Appa said.

"If this is a school for smart people, why am I here?" Miinah asked.

"Unnie! You know you're smart." Minhee snapped.

"I know I'm smart but not smart enough to go into such a prestigious school!!"

"Yes you are, I've seen you're test averages and I'm sure you can." a mysterious voice said.

"Ah, Wongeum." CEO Appa said. The girls turned around to find a very pretty lady who looked as she was in her late 30s, early 40s. They also bowed. She walked towards them,

"You girls are very well mannered."

"Kamsahamnida, Wongeum." the girls said with a smile.

"You can call me Jinho-sshi."

"Neh, Jinho-sshi, Kim Miinah-imnida." Miinah introduced herself.

"Anyeohaseyo, Jinho-sshi, Kim Minhee-imnida." she said with much aegyo.

"Very cute. Come into my office please." Jinho-sshi said as she started walking.

Miinah looked at the people around the school, they were very beautiful people. They looked like they were having lots of fun. She made eye contact with on extremely charming boy. He winked at her, which made her blush and she ran off to stay with her group. Unfortunately she tripped before she even got there. The boy started giggling softly and she tried smiling,

"Aish!! I'm such a babo!!" she thought to herself as she got up and ran away. The office was beautiful. It had many pieces of art and had many certificates.

"Please, sit." Jinho-sshi insisted.

They sat on individual chairs that made you feel like royalty.

"I'm sorry if I am being rude, but I would like to ask if you two are possibly sisters?"

"Well, we might as well be but we aren't. We are very close best friends." Miinah said.

"I see. Well, looking at both of your academic records, I don't think either of you will have any problem in our higher level courses considering the fact that you took above average courses before anyway. For you language, you won't be taking Spanish anymore, you will start with Korean. You seem very fluent with that already, so I don't think it will be much of a problem."

"Neh, we took a few online courses and we watch many dramas so we caught on to certain phrases." Minhee said.

"Now something a little more personal if alright with both of you." Jinho-sshi asked.

The girls both nodded. "I hear you ran away from home?"

"Neh, you see. We were very determined to become something in Korea. We try to be very good dancers an singers and we succeeded in Woolim Entertainment." Minhee started out.

"But why didn't you go for any bigger companies like, SM, JY or JYP?" Jinho-sshi asked.

"We knew their expectations would be much higher than a smaller companies, and anyway it would be much harder to learn everyone's names in bigger companies since there are so many people." Miinah explained.

"I see. Your guardian here has told me that you are secrets and I will try my hardest to keep it that way, but I will not under any circumstances, give either of you special treatment unless you deserve it okay?"

"Yes, please don't. I don't think it would be fair in any way and I greatly appreciate that you said you wouldn't." Miinah said.

"Now, when would you like to take you entrance exams?"

"When is the next available time?" CEO Appa said.

"The next time multiple other students are taking their exams are in 5 days. It's up to you if you would like to take the exams then." Jinho-sshi said looking at the girls.

"We are fine with that." Both girls said.

"Okay, then here you are. These are your passes into the school. Please study well, I look forward into having you as students in my school."

"Kamsahamnida Jinho-sshi."

"Neh, have a nice day." she said with a smile as she bid them off at the gates.

Once they got into the car, Miinah got a text message. It was from Yoseob Oppa aand asked her if she and Minhee wanted to hang out for the rest of the day. She asked CEO Appa and he said it was fine with him just as long as she told Infinite. She tried calling Big Oppa, but he didn't answer her phone. She decided to send a text to each of them to tell them they were hanging out with Beast and pressed send. Then she sent a text to Yoseob Oppa that said that they were on there way now and that CEO Appa was dropping them off.

When they reached Beast's dorm, Beast greeted them with a big hug. Especially Yoseob. CEO Appa left them and they played many games together. They went put for lunch and went to the park. They all went on the swings like the children they really were. Then, Junhyung and Miinah had a one- on-one game of basketball. Junhyung won and Miinah threw a tantrum. Everyone laughed as they brought Miinah and Minhee home. Miinah and Minhee brought Beast Oppas in for dinner.

As they entered the house they found 7 people who looked outraged.

"BWOH? Is something wrong with your faces?" Miinah said to tease them.

"Now is not the time Miinah," Sunggyu said

. "Do you want to tell us where you were this whole time?" Myungsoo asked.

"I texted you before telling you guys we were with Beast" Miinah said as she showed them the text. Myungsoo got mad and shoved the phone away from his face and pulled Miinah to Infinite.

"Oppa, what's wrong with you." Miinah said as her face became red with anger.

"If you knew you'd probably hate me" he thought as he let go of her wrist.

"Just like the rest of Infinite, he doesn't want you hanging around with other boys." Sunggyu said.

"O My Gosh. Are you kidding me?!?! Would you rather have Minhee and me sitting around doing nothing while you guys are practicing?!?! Aish Jinja. What is really going on in your heads Oppas?" she asked.

"I wish I could tell you." they all thought

"but now isn't the right time."

"Infinite, gwenchana?" Yoseob asked.

"Miinah maybe you're being to hard on them. They are just trying to protect you." Miinah nodded and nodded.

She seemed as though the word wouldn't go through her head. She slumped down on the floor. She looked up at Infinite with teary eyes.

"Mianhae, Oppas, Jeongmal Mianhae."

Infinite couldn't believe what was happening. She started crying. She felt so guilty she couldn't hold it in.

"Why can Beast tame her when we can't? Something is really wrong with us. I wish they would just leave her. Can't they tell that we....... Love her?"

"Beast Oppas, I think it's best if you leave now." Minhee said.

"Neh, Annyeong." Doojoon said as he and the rest of Beast went out the door.

All they could think about is why Infinite got so mad. It's not like any of them liked..... Miinah. Minhee helped Miinah up off the floor.

"She always gets like this when she's guitly. She'll be fine in the morning. Don't worry,she not mad at you guys, she mad at herself."

Once they stepped into their room, Sungjong fell down, he felt horrible. He felt like he was the one who mad Miinah cry, all of them did.

"Well, that's a horrible way to treat the person you love." Sunggyu said as he walked away.

"How did Beast know what to do when we didn't? We really don't see them much anymore." Woohyun said.

Everyone got mad at the thought of Beast, they hated them now. They wanted to keep Miinah away from Beast under any circumstances.

"But if we keep her away from Beast, she'll hate us more." Myungsoo said.

Then, Minhee walked in. She stood near the group,

"I know you guys like Miinah." she said.

Infinite's eyes grew wide, "We're that obvious?" Dongwoo asked.

"Not really, I can just tell because I pay attention to every little detail." she said.

"You're not very good at treating girls you like well."

"Thanks that helps" Sungyeol said sarcastically.

"What should we do? We screwed up bad." Hoya said.

"Frankly i don't really know, you should make it up to her though, definitely." she said.

"Well, how do we do that?"

"We have our entrance exams in 5 days, Miinah likes to go to the beach, figure something out. Good night." she said as she headed back to her room. She left Infinite thinking about how they could make it up to Miinah.


Woot Woot Long update <3


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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D