A Painful Visit

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?

A/N There's some intense language here. I didn't rate it mature because it's not much 


I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes. It didn't feel as bright as it looked though. It was one of those day where I thought everything would go wrong. I wasn't going to stay in this bed though. I go tup from my bed and went down in just a second. I slowly go tup from the floor. Yup, today's a bad day. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were puffy red, my cheeks looked swollen and my nose was red. I looked sick, but didn't feel it. I walked out of my room with a slight groan. I walked to the bathroom, bumping into many walls on my short journey. My body felt sore. My head felt sore. Is this what a hang over feels like? I'm positive I didn't drink. I never drink. I mean, I'm not legal to drink. I washed my face slowly as I recalled my short day yesterday. Everything that happend between me and Jaehyuk. My heart sank. I felt like I abandoned him. Probably because I did. It just didn't feel right. I started to brush my teeth as I tried ro work out words to perhaps apologize to him. I didn't know how these things worked. I never rejected a guy. I never broke up with a guy. I was never in a relationship. Usually it was Minhee who got asked out. She would come to me and asked me what she should do. She acted like I knew better than her. I walked out of the bathroom and Sunggyu Oppa headed this way.

"Are you okay Miinah?" He asked concerned.

"Peachy." I said saractically with a bit of annoyance. I don't know why I did that. Sunggyu Oppa didn't do anything wrong. I saw his face turn in disappointment.

"Wait." I said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. My mood is just all wrong today." He ruffled my hair.

"It's okay Miinah. I wasn't mad. It's morning, maybe you day will brighten up as it goes on." His words brightened my mood. Hw was a very fatherly oppa. He protected me alot. Then, my slow reacting self realized that Sunggyu Oppa was actually here. He wasn't usually. I gave him a back hug before he walked away.  

"You're all home today?" I asked with excitment in my voice. Sunggyu Oppa turned around and gave me a proper hug.

"I was scared you wouldn't notice for a second." Sunggyu Oppa chuckled. I reluctantly let go of Sunggyu Oppa.

"I'm going to wake up the rest of the Oppas." I said as I skipped away. I tripped a few times and heard Sunggyu Oppa's not so quiet chuckles. I woke the rest of Infinite Oppas and Minhee and they woke up with a groan if at all. Maybe today wasn't going to be such a bad day after all. We laughed and played around like we all did before school started. We had breakfast together like a  family. We sat in the living room enjoying each other's company. We were a family again. There was a knock on the door. On the other side was CEO Appa.

"Appa~!" I said surprised to see him as Minhee came over. He gave us a weak smile.

"Is something wrong Appa?" I said trying to get him to come in. He refused and cleared his throat.

"Miinah, there are some people here who have come to see you." He said not making any eye contact. Minhee and I stood there confused as he motioned someone to come. There in my fiels of view where my parents and my sibilings. Today was going to be a bad day after all. They wore the serious face they always wore.

"Well?! Aren't you going to invite us in?!" My mother said obvisouly annoyed. I didn't want to. Every single part of me wanted to slam the door in their face, but that wouldn't do any good. I knew that. They would just keep coming back until they got what they wanted.

"C-Come in. Please." I stuttered. My mother came in first. Everyone else followed. 

"P-Please sit. I-I'll go get something to drink." I said. It was like I was talking to a guest. Like I was talking to roalty. I could see the shock Infinite Oppas had on their face. Minhee was used to seeing me like this. See saw it all the time when we were in New York. She made conversation as I made tea. I could tell she was nervous. I quickly made the tea and brought it over. There was definately tension in the air. CEO Appa wouldn't even look at me. 

"Yah! Miinah!" My mother yelled for no reason and out of no where. I shook out of my thoughts. Her face was full of anger. I knew why she came. She was going to bring it up right here. She's not going to want to talk to me in private. She was always like this. She always made me shrink in front of people I cared about. Thankfully, Minhee wasn't one of those people to back away from me just because of my mom.

"Neh?" I answered nervously.

"We need to talk." MY father said sternly. I nodded my head and got up. I gestured for them to follow. I had to try to get them in private.

"No. Here. Everyone in this room is involved." My mother said even though she knew that was a lie. I was only between me and my family, but my mom always blamed everyone else. I sat back down.

"Let's start. Why did you run away?! Are you stupid?! You know you can't do anything and that you had barely any chance of surviving." She started.

"But I did survive. So did Minhee." I said under my breath.

"YAH! Don't talk back to me!" My mother screamed. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes. I hated being yelled at. I hated crying. The only time I cried in front of Infinite Oppas was during the car crash and during our other conversation. I hated it both times.

"Why did you come here?! AND YOU'RE LIVING WITH 7 BOYS?!" My mother shouted louder. Now no one could stop her unless she was shut down. I heard my sister snicker from behind my mother.

"You're a ." My sister said bluntly. That got me mad. I was not a . I was not irresponsible like that. It digusted me how bluntly she said that. My temper snapped. It reached its limit like it always did when I talked to these people.

"Shut up. I don't need to hear anything from you." I was pissed.

"Talk to you're sister with respect." My brother told me.

"You shut up too. You always take her side. You isolated yourselves from me. Just go in your ing corner because I really don't care about the dumb creatures like you." I said standing up. Minhee looked at me concerned, but I knew it was time for me to step up. I stepped up for the little things before, but this involved everyone in this room now.

"MIINAH!" My father said in his low voice. This sent the tears down my face. I thought my father was the only decent person in my family, but i was wronged at times.

"Now whose side are you going to take? Are you going to actually chage it up and come on my side. Of course not. That would never happen. Not even in story books." I emphasized the last few words. I saw him grow shocked. He didn't expect that from me. It was out of character in his world. 

"Miinah, stop talking nonsense. Explain why you came here." My mother said ticked off.

"I don't think you understand. Anything I say is nonsense to you. I've noticed your patterns but you haven't even realized them. I came here to get away from you. All of you!" I said pointing my finger at my family.

"Why would you do something so stupid?! We provided you with the necesities of life, clothes, food and water. What else did you want?!" My mom asked. I almost felt bad for her. She never expected me to be like this. She wanted me to be just like my brother and sister.

"I needed love! You never gave that to me! It's like you never even tried. You always said that you didn't regret having 3 children. What about now? Was I a mistake?" I asked as more tears flowed down my face. Woohyun Oppa was going to say something, but I pleaded for him not to with my eyes. He understood and closed his mouth unsatisfied.

"Yes, you were. You don't belong in my family. You're unworthy. You never fit in with us anyway." My mom said flatly with no hesitation. No one said anything.

"Leave my ing house." I said sternly.

"Is that how you treat guests?" My mother said batting her eyelashes innocently. I looked at her in fury. i could feel the heat rising through my head.

"Leave." I hissed. My father got the message took my mother and left. That was it. I wouldn't face my family again. I wouldn't need to. They got what they wanted. As i heard the door close, i fell to the ground. I started to cry my heart out. I felt relieved yet sad at the same time. They were my family after all.  Infinite Oppas and Minhee crowded aroound me and tried to comfort me . CEO Appa stay where he was. His facial expression didn't change from the time he walked throught the door.

"Appa. It's okay. I had to face them at one point in my life. better sooner than later." I sniffled and looked up at him. I knew he felt guilty that's why I had to say that. I gave him a weak smile. His expression softened. I knew that the people in the living room right now where my new family. They cared for me more that anything else and I cared for them. Today wasn't that bad of a day after all. Today, we became a real family.





Sorry for the grammatical errors I kinda rushed this... Sorry >.<

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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D