My Guardian (Nae Suho)

Was it really fate, or just a plain mistake?


The hug soon broke. I looked up at Sunggyu Oppa as he wiped away my tears. His touch was gentle. The sun was right behind him and the light shone on him in the perfect spot. It radiated around him and made him look like an angel. It would be the perfect picture. I smiled. I realized it was the first real smile I had for a while today. Sunggyu Oppa seemed to notice and smiled back. We waited for the bus to come. It was already beginning to be great. Sunggyu Oppa and I didn't have to wait long anyway. A majority of the bus was empty so it wasn't hard for us to find seats. I focused on the song that was playing and I was endorsed in my thoughts. I yawned a few times a bit tired.

"It'll take us a while to get there. You can sleep if you want." Sunggyu Oppa said. He put an arm around my shoulder and I cuddled in a bit closer.

"Gomowao Oppa~." I said as I slowly drifted into sleep. I was awakened by Sunggyu Oppa's shaking.

"Miinah. Wake up. We're here." Sunggyu said. I rubbed my eyes a bit as I sat up straight. I followed him as we got up and went out of the bus. My eyes hurt as I went outside into the sunlight.

“Welcome to Lotte World Miinah.” Sunggyu said gesturing towards the amusement park. I stopped rubbing my eyes. I was in shock because it was so big.

“It kind of reminds me of Disney World.” I said. I remember that time. I didn’t even go with my own family. I went with Minhee when we were younger. It was one of the only times my mom let me out by myself. I sighed at the thought of my mom.

“Miinah, forget about your old family.” Sunggyu Oppa said. I looked at him shocked. How did he know? It’s kind of creepy.

“How did you know? That’s kind of scary.” I said still in disbelief.

“Lucky guess.” He replied and walked away before I could say anything. He got us tickets to go in and he escorted me in. I could see his eyes glistening like the little kid he was inside.

“What do you want to go on Oppa?” I asked. I knew he had his eye on one of the roller coasters here, I just didn’t know which one.

“It’s your day. You choose where do you want to go?” He asked as the glistening in his eyes faded a little. I was a bit sad. I wanted to see a childish version of Sunggyu Oppa.

“I’ve never been here. I’ll go wherever you tell me to go, as long as you stay with me.” I said with a grin. I could tell Oppa felt touched. Oppa took my hands and we went to a roller coaster. It was really large and went really far up. I gulped and could feel my face grow pale the more I looked at it.

“Miinah, gwenchana?” Sunggyu Oppa said giving my hand a little squeeze.

“Yeah. I’m okay.” I answered with a weak smile. I couldn’t tell him I was scared of heights. He was excited to come to this ride. I didn’t want to disappoint him.

“Are you sure? We don’t have to go on this ride if you don’t want to.” Sunggyu Oppa said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. He wasn’t good at lying. Not to me at least.

“It’s fine Oppa.” I said squeezing his hand to reassure him. He gave me a small smile and gave up. We were up next and looking at people’s faces when they came out didn’t help. The screaming didn’t help either. My heart started to beat faster as we got closer. When I sat down in my seat I could tell my face was as white as a sheet.

“Miinah, are you sure you’re okay?” Sunggyu said as the ride started. I shook my head.

“I’m scared of heights. Really scared.” I said. The fear could be seen from my eyes.

“Jinja?! Why didn’t you tell me before?! We could’ve gone to another ride!” Sunggyu said. He didn’t try to hide his anger.

“Oppa~ we’re going up! I’m scared!” I said desperately. Sunggyu’s face filled with concern and sympathy. He took my hand.

“Sshh, calm down. Nothing will happen as long as you’re with me.” Sunggyu Oppa assured me. I gulped and closed my eyes. I felt us reach the peak. I shouldn’t have looked down. I squeezed his hand really tightly and screamed at the top of my lungs.  I closed my eyes to stop any tears from falling. This was a bad idea. Why did I do this? I’m so dumb. I kept repeating this to myself until the ride slowed down. There were still tears at the corner of my eyes, but I wiped them away with my free hand. Sunggyu Oppa and I left the rife, my legs were still shaking. We went to see our pictures. I looked terrified. Oppa was really calm compared to me. We laughed at each other.

“It wasn’t that bad Oppa~! I was pretty fun!” I said with a smile. My smile soon disappeared. I saw one of the last people I wanted to see here. The queenka of my school. Jung Sora and her posse. They saw me too.  Damn.

“O-Oppa. Let’s go over there.” I panicked.

“To the food? Are you hungry?” Sunggyu said amused. Hopefully he didn’t notice my nervousness.

“Neh~ Oppa~. I’m really hungry. Please~” I said. Hopefully my years in the drama club would pay off.

“Arraso.” He said as he walked. He pulled me to follow him, but I refused.

“Go get something for me please? I’ll stay here. I promise.” Hopefully, I could get rid of Sora and her gang before they found Sunggyu. Maybe they didn’t see him. As she came closer to me she started to wave, like we were friends. It disgusted me.

“Oh Miinah! How are you? I didn’t expect to see such low life like you here” She said. I saw that coming.

“Well, I didn’t expect that it would be a party here at Lotte World otherwise I wouldn’t have come. Sorry didn’t get the memo. Probably because I’m not a one like you and you’re zombie followers.” I said eyeing them weirdly.

“Shut the up! If you wanna see a go look in the mirror.” Her voice annoyed me so much. I felt like punching her in the face. I eyed the food stand. Sunggyu Oppa was close to the counter. I had to get rid of Sora and fast.

“Sorry, looked there couldn’t find one there, but once you came around I knew my search was over.”

“YAH! Don’t talk to me like that! Who do you think you are I’m the queenka!”

“Of school. Not here. And I don’t care either way. Leave now. I don’t have time for you.” I said trying to end our conversation. I should’ve known better.

“You better respect the fact that I’m your queenka. I’m your ing queenka everywhere.” She said getting closer to me.

“Go somewhere else. You are the ing queenka after all.” I said getting more and more annoyed by the second. I saw Sunggyu Oppa coming from the corner of my eye. He saw what was happening. Damn, I was so screwed. He protectively put an arm around me and Sora stepped back. 

“He’s not a loser. And he’s not my friend. He’s like my brother. off this isn’t any of your business.” I snapped. Sunggyu’s hand slipped into my hand. Sora of course saw this. “Oh my gosh. He’s your boyfriend!” Sora said with a snap of her fingers. Sunggyu Oppa and I looked at each other and turned red.

“We’re not going out. Don’t jump to dumb conclusions.” Sunggyu snapped. Sora realized something. His voice. Oh no. He shouldn’t have said anything. So many people knew his voice. If Sora finds out we’re both screwed.

“I know that voice. It sounds like someone. Someone… In Infinite. Who?” She said as she stepped closer to us.

 “Sunggyu Oppa.” She said snapping her fingers together. She looked under his cap. “You kind of look like him too. What the ?! Kim Miinah is going out with a Sunggyu?! Kim Sunggyu?!” She said too loud for comfort. I had to make a cover up and fast.

“He’s just a look alike. Got a problem?” I asked trying to hide my nervousness.

“A look alike?” She said as she went closer to Sunggyu Oppa.

“Oh yeah. This guy’s eyes are too big.” I chuckled. It was funny. I could see Sunggyu Oppa was blushing.

“Why are you even going out with her?” Sora asked Sunggyu. “You must be new to town right? You must’ve not known that there were actually pretty girls in this town. It’s okay now though. You should hang out with us for the rest of the day. Ditch this girl.” I felt tears start to form in my eyes and I loosened my grip on Sunggyu Oppa’s hand. He looked at me in concern. I don’t know why I thought he would leave me. Sora always did things like this to me and she always succeeded in taking away the people I cared about. That’s why I didn’t want to lose Jaehyuk. He was on of the only people who stood up for me, and I screwed up with him.

“Why would I ditch such a great girl? Is something wrong with you? Sure you’re pretty on the outside, but not half as beautiful as Miinah. You’re not even a quarter as pretty on the inside. Get a new personality and get rid of all your look a likes. One of you is too much to handle.” Sunggyu Oppa said tightening his grip on my hand and pointed at her group. He pulled me and we walked away. I could see Sora stand there shocked. I heard her curse at me too. Supposedly, she was going to make my life hell. Like it wasn’t already with her in it. I started laughing. I don’t really know why. I just found the whole thing funny. I felt touched that Sunggyu Oppa stood up for me like that. I hugged him.

“Gomowao Oppa~” I said as he ruffled my hair.

“I can’t believe you actually thought I would leave you for her.” Oppa said with a chuckle.

“Almost everyone does.” I confessed shyly. Sunggyu Oppa looked up at me confused,


“Because she’s more popular than me and she’s prettier than me. That’s pretty much all you need to run my school.”  Sunggyu Oppa looked down at me in concern. I gave him a weak smile. He tightened the hug a bit.

“In my heart you’re the most important person to me. You’re the most beautiful. You’re the person that keeps me going. I don’t know what I would do without you anymore.” Sunggyu Oppa said. I always wanted my brother to say that to me. I wanted to be significant in someone’s life. Now I knew I was. It was a great feeling.

“Ja, let’s go on some more rides.” Sunggyu Oppa said. “They won’t go to high. I promise.” He said pulling me with a smile. I followed along and we went on some rides. We had fun. It was fun like Oppa promised.

“Oppa. I’ll be right back. I’m going to the bathroom.” I said as I did a bit of the bathroom dance. He gave me a nod and I ran to the bathroom super quickly. I did my business and came out of the stall. Of course Sora was there looking at herself in the mirror. I stayed silent and didn’t say a word. I didn’t want her to spoil my mood. Of course, I should’ve known she wouldn’t have let me go without saying something.

“Yah.” She said just as I was about to leave. I turned around slowly.

“What now?” I said uninterested.

“Who is that guy? Is he blind? Or retarded? I mean, how doesn’t he find me attractive but finds you to be pretty?” Those words hurt. I felt like punching her in the face, but I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

“I don’t know. Maybe because he looks for beauty on the inside.” I knew she was going to get back at me. I just didn’t know how quickly. She pulled my hair, hard. I held onto her wrists and squeezed them twice as hard.

“I’m not as dumb as you thing I am.” I said with a smirk and opened the door. There was another surprise out there waiting for me.

“Make sure no one can find her. Ever.” Sora ordered to the men in front of me. I wanted to scream, but one of the men put a hand over my mouth. The other one led the way. I was being kidnapped? Was that even the right word? And why was this even happening? Why today of all days? Because Sunggyu Oppa talked back and embarrassed her? I probably did that on a daily basis. I squirmed around in the man’s grip. His hand wasn’t there anymore. There was a mask covering my face now. I was heading towards a dark alley in a place I didn’t recognize. My phone started ringing. The men looked down at me. My hands were tied up too. One of them took the phone from my pocket and put it to my ear.

“Miinah. Where are you? Sora told me you went home. Is that true? Did you not have fun today?” Sunggyu Oppa said sounding hurt. My mask was loosened. I started to cry.

“Oppa I don’t know where I am. I don’t know. Sora she did something.” I wondered why they were letting me talk to him.

“Miinah! Figure it out! Sor-“ The man hung up.

“You’ve said enough.” Said the man.

“No! Let me talk to Sunggyu Oppa! What’s wrong with you!! Let m-“ That’s all I could say before I was muzzled up again. I started to sob.

“Cry all you want. You’re not leaving.” One of the men said. I couldn’t tell who. I didn’t care. They sat me down and tied me up to a chair and tied up my legs. I kept thinking I should kick him, but then what? I couldn’t free myself. Who were they? Why were they taking orders from a 17 year old? The door opened. Both men stood up straight and addressed the man,

“Mr. Jung.” Was this guy Sora’s dad or something? No, he seemed to be only like in his late 20s or early 30s . There was a bunch of ‘Jung’s in Korea. The man walked closer to me.

“So this is the girl who annoys my baby sister?” The man said. Damn he was Sora’s father. My heart started racing and I started sweating a bit. The men who brought me in nodded.

“You’ve got an awfully pretty face.” He said inspecting my face. “It would be a shame if anything happened to it.” I knew what was coming next. I thought these things only happened in the movies. I was dead wrong. I was slapped across the face. It’s not like I haven’t been slapped before, just not by a stranger. I turned my other cheek.

“At least even out the pain.” I said with a cocky smirk under my mask. I could tell he was annoyed.

“Aish!” He said before he slapped me again.

“Thanks.” I said with a smile. He was really annoyed now.

“Sir, what should we do with her.” One of the men said.

“That’s up to my sister.” He said with a sigh. “But I think we can have some fun. I haven’t punched something in a while now. A little might help relieve my stress.” My eyes widened. I really was going to die today.

“You’re being awfully nice today.” Said a voice from the door. Sora.

“You don’t deserve a guy like that. He’s way too good for you. Someone should take you away from him before he gets you.” Sora said walking towards her dad. She whispered something in his ears and his eyes filled with lust and an evil smirk came upon his face. I knew I was in danger as his eyes scanned my body from to bottom. Where was Sunggyu Oppa?

“Boys. You’ve done well. I think I’ll take it from here. Make sure my baby sister gets home safe.” He said. I saw a hint of fear and sympathy in their eyes. They took one quick glance at me and left with Sora. I started to cry in fear. I shook my head.

“Where’s your cocky self? That side seemed was a bit ier. Bring that girl back out.” He said walking slowly to me. I kept shaking my head. He was near me but kept circling me. He untied my mask first.

“Please, please. Don’t.” I begged.

“I think I’ve been nice enough to you.” He said as he loosened his tie. He put his forehead against mine and I could smell the alcohol on his body.

“I hope this isn’t your first kiss.” It smelled like he drank a lot. Why couldn’t I smell it before? He leaned in and started kissing me. Every time I tried to pull away he’d push in more and bite my lips. I’m sure by now he could taste my blood. I felt his hands travel up to the edge of my blouse and he was gripping it tightly. Tears started to roll down my eyes. Sunggyu Oppa. Where are you? His hands were traveling up my body. His cold hands that made me shiver. Suddenly, the door opened.

“Stop touching her.” An ice cold voice said. I was still crying even though Sora’s brother stopped kissing and touching me.

“Oppa~” I said weakly. I could see he hurt seeing me like this. Sora’s brother wore a mischievous smirk.

“What? Did you just order me to do something? I don’t take orders. I give them bastard.” He said as he walked closer to Sunggyu and threw a punch. Sunggyu Oppa thankfully dodged it and ran to me. He tried to untie me. It seemed as though the alcohol was finally getting to Sora’s brother as he found it hard to walk as he struggled to walk to us. Oppa successfully untied me and dodged another punch. As Sunggyu Oppa distracted Sora’s brother I untied my feet. I was in the fight and I was steamed with anger. Sunggyu Oppa could tell. I jabbed Sora’s brother on his side. Not a very effective punch if it wasn’t strong, but I think 5 years of boxing gave me a bit of an advantage. I threw a few other punches to his chest and stomach, not quite as hard, but still effective. I finally stopped in a few punches when he couldn’t get up. I knew I didn’t kill him. I didn’t even knock him out. His eyes were bloodshot red, but blood was still coming out of his mouth.

“Don’t with me.” I said as I took Sunggyu and walked out. I slammed the door. I still didn’t know where I was.

“How did you find me?” At least one question should be answered today.

“Sora’s not very good at keeping secret. Especially near Sunggyu look a likes.” He said with a wink.

“Wow. She must really like Sunggyu.” I was astonished at the fact she could like anyone at all.

“Yeah, but I’d choose you over her any day.” Sunggyu Oppa said squeezing my hand. I softened at his remark. “I think we should call it a day. You’ve been through a lot.”

“Ani~! I’m fine. We still have to go to the Han River~” I pleaded. I did feel fine. Nothing happened to me.

“Arraso. Arraso.” Sunggyu Oppa said with a chuckle. We took the next bus to the Han River. The sun had set by the time we got there. The day had turned into night. I didn’t want to do anything fancy. I just wanted to see the river. We walked on the shore for a bit and we decided to sit down. There were many decorative lights that reflected in the water. It was really beautiful.

“Miinah. I have a question for you.” Sunggyu Oppa said breaking our silence. “When we were with Sora, you said that I was like your brother. Is that really what you think of me?” I had to think of the answer for a bit. Of course I cared for Sunggyu Oppa. He was like my brother, but he was so much more. I thought of everything that happened to me today. Everything that happened to my since I’ve lived with infinite Oppas. I though about how Sunggyu Oppa was always there to protect me. Maybe he was over protective at times, but I needed someone like him. Otherwise, who knows what would’ve happened to me.

“Ani. You’re not my brother.” I said. I took a deep breath and smiled as I exhaled. “You’re more than that. You’re there for me when I need you and you always protect me. When I’m with you nothing can go wrong. You don’t allow it.” I looked up at Oppa.

“Nae suhoja.” I could see he was touched. I took his hand and squeezed it. “I won’t allow anything to ever hurt me. Not physically, not mentally because when I hurt I know you hurt. I promise.” Nae suho. It had a nice ring to it. It fit in perfectly with his personality. Nothing would happen when he’s with me. Sunggyu Oppa. Big Oppa. Infinite’s leader. Nae suho.




keke~ i finally had a long update again. I'm too lazy to re read so sorry for my mistakes... i got this idea from Exo K... i don't really know how, but i just though of Suho and yeah.... I don't know how my brain works. He's one of biases in Exo K... TIME FOR THE SUHO SPAM!!





















Okay, i'm done. now for all of Exo K. I promise just one.



and Exo M ^.^



hehe okay. That's it for now~





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Sorry, I'm currently working on something for Englsih, so it's going to take a while for me to make the next chapter. ><


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@FISHIE thank you so much! I'm sure you can write good fabrics, probably better than mine lol. And I love your username. OMGOSH.
@SeaGoggles Thank you~! <3<3
I love this! Ahhhh!
@inspirit7_love Thanks so much for supporting us!!
Inspirit7_love #6
i love you storyline and the poster! <3 ^^ please please update soon~ i cant wait! gah this is sooo keeping me in suspense~
@piikayangyo Thanks! ^.^
already subscribe ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ! :D