We're Ambassadors!

It All Started With A Date

Filming day again.

The place is a historical heritage site in South Korea. You and Sungjong were chosen by the governor to act as ambassadors for promoting the said place.

There were lots of houses built very long years ago and they were beautifully crafted.

“Daebak!” You said in fascination by the sight.

A female tourist guide came up to all of you.  She said that in order for you to feel the essence of the place, you may both wear hanbok.

And so, you and Sungjong did.

“Waaahhh, that really suits you Kim Sun Hee. You looked so pretty!” A crew of the show exclaimed.

“Gomawoyo.” You responded in embarrassment.

Little did you know, there’s a pair of eyes looking at you. It’s Sungjong’s.

The tourist guide then announced that they’ll tour you around.


First stop is a temple.

There were statues of great leaders in the past century. You can also see an old but well-crafted fountain. 

The tour guide keeps on discussing and explaining to you every places she was showing you and Sungjong.

Finally, you all came to a museum. It was quite huge. The tour guide gestures to both of you to go inside.

The museum’s only source of light are the mounted torch on the wall, so it’s quite dim there.

Fascinated, you didn’t notice that you were now away from the group. You tried to find them but to no avail.

You suddenly felt your hairs raised by the wind that went inside. You felt as if somebody touched you and because of that you panicked.

Before you could react, you saw a pile of wood falling in front of you. You didn’t move and just closed your eyes.


As you open your eyes, you saw Sungjong on top of you with a hurt drew on his face.

“Gwaenchanayo?” He said in his worrying tone.

You still couldn’t speak. You just stared at him blankly.

“Are you okay? Please tell me.” He repeats.

“I’m.. I’m okay.” You stammered. “But you.. You hurt yourself.”

“Don’t mind me. What’s important is you’re not hurt.” He helped you get up while looking at you.

Your eyes met his.

You choked and could feel your heart beats faster that it did before.

And before you knew it, he already sealed your lips with his.

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Zoap-san #1
Chapter 37: That was the sweetest story ever! I love Sungjong as the main character! Thank your for writing this!
Dongsaengie19 #2
Chapter 37: Lee Sungjong is DAEBAK.
Chapter 36: Sunnnnngggggggjjjoooooooonnnnnnngggggaaaaaaaa~<3
Chapter 37: omooooooo !! too sweettt ! Nice Story :)
Chapter 37: waaaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooooooo swwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt..
authornim, this story is really awesome!!
It's really DAEBAK!!
I really enjoyed reading it. <3 <3 <3
Finished reading ^^ I love the last few parts of the story. It was super sweet ^^ awesome storyline too ^^
Gonna start reading it ^^ I happen to be both an ELF and Inspirit ^^ Are you too?
So.... I finished reading this without realizing it =_=<br />
Aigoo~ I'm stuck at chpater 8 because of school >.<