
You Got Me
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As Cora made her way into the waiting room, she wasn’t surprised to find everyone else already waiting. Mark was sitting at the end of a row, his hood pulled over his head and his phone out in front of him, but he looked up and noticed Cora, and moved to his feet.


“Are you feeling okay this morning?” He asked, pulling her into a hug.


Cora nodded against him. “JB said they’re taking her arm out of the cast. Do they really think she’s ready for that?”


Mark shrugged. “They did say that they reconstructed most of it during surgery, and it just needs to set itself.”


She sighed. “I don’t care as long as she’s okay.” She said simply, tightening her grip on Mark. “How are you?” She asked awkwardly.


He laughed. “I’ve been better,” He said, kissing her forehead. “Why don’t you sit down and wait, while the doctors take MinHee’s cast off.” Cora nodded, pulling away from him and following towards where he had been sitting just before she’d walked into the space. She sat quietly, balling her jacket on her lap and staring down at it. She didn’t want to be there. She didn’t want to know that MinHee was hurting. She wanted things to be the way they were before. “Stop thinking. You’re just going to make yourself upset.” Mark said, pushing Cora’s knee. She looked up at him, and he smiled. “I’m going to run and get some coffee-”


“Yes please.” She said lightly, and he laughed. He knew her well. She didn’t need to tell him what to get, he already knew, which would explain why he turned and started away from the waiting room without any hesitation.


As he did, Cora fished her phone out of her pocket and pulled up her twitter feed. Her feed was incredibly overwhelmed with tweets from fans asking if MinHee was okay, praying that she’d heal, and a few blaming MinHee herself. What an idiot! Who runs into the road like that? #ImMinHee It made Cora disgusted. Who wouldn’t dive to save a child? MinHee! Heal well, as fans need you for the tour! #ImMinHee #PassionCrew Only a few seemed to be endearing, the further Cora scrolled.


She switched to her instagram, and her explore was filled with pictures of MinHee. MinHee smiling, MinHee with Jackson, MinHee with Cora, the group, MinHee and her parents on the night of the midterm performance a year and a half before. It hurt. All the memories came flooding back to Cora.


And it hurt knowing that, even when she saw these pictures, MinHee wouldn’t have the same flood of emotions and reminiscing.


She turned off her phone and shoved it back into her pocket, looking towards Jackson, who had a pale face and red rimmed, tired eyes. Had he even gone home? Or had he stayed in the hospital the whole time? He yawned, shaking his head at something BamBam had said, and looking down at his feet.


She looked to JB, who looked like he was only half alive. Reina held his arm, but it was clear that it was doing nothing, he was still feeling just as pained, just as empty as Cora, probably more.


“All visitors here for Im MinHee,” A nurse called, and everyone in the waiting room stood. “Please file down the hall. We can only let a few of you in at a time. 5 people will be allowed in the room at a time, but Ms. MinHee did have a few that she solely wanted to see.” Everyone perked up, looking around. Three? Who did she remember? Cora and JB was a given, but- “Would a Cora, Jaebum, and Reina step forward.”


Reina. Of course. The two had known each other for years. And what was better, she was who was keeping the poor emotional Jaebum from falling over.


The three practically ran forward, and the nurse smiled. “You have to understand that you cannot force her memories back into her. She’ll find them on her own.

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uuuugh cliffhanger with mark and cora. huhuhuhuhu
and mark's blonde hair omg ♥
I hope Jackson reconciles with Minhee and she gets back her memories ♥♥
MissMong24 #2
Chapter 50: Dear author, why are you doing this to me? I feel so frustrated because of how jackson is acting and how selfish minhee has been acting prior to the accident. Minhee was so busy with her acting career that i legit thought that at some point of the story she'll quit passion and be a full time actress. Anyway my heart is broken because of how minhee is giving her heart to that jerk jinwoo. Tbh i have mixed feeling about him. Yes he is a jerk but he cares so much about minhee that ughh i don't even know. I really hope that both jackson and minhee can get their sh*t together so they can just make up already and that minhee's relationship with passion can get better. Keep up the good work! I'll be waiting for the next chapter
Justmaili #3
Chapter 50: Thanks for this update authornim!
YAY! MINHEE IS GOING HOME!! But i wonder if she'll feel weird being with Jinwoo… I guess i can only wait for that.
N omg BTS!! Lolol i could just see all of them doing that! I hope none of them get in trouble >_< haha
Again thx for the update n cant wait for the next one!
b2standb2uty #4
Chapter 49: Noooo i dont want minhee & jinwoo ㅠㅠ i hope minhee & jackson get back together ㅠㅠ but thank you for the update, author-nim!
Justmaili #5
Chapter 45: And im caught up!!! Goodness me so much drama!!! Im soooo sad that MinHee lost her memory, and from more than a year ago! N all the people she's met since then are strangers, n poor Jackson feels guilty now
I hope everything comes around for the better soon!
Justmaili #6
Chapter 25: And as soon as all is well, drama comes around x.x i hope this gets resolved soon
Justmaili #7
Chapter 24: Oh gosh its been too long since i comented but sooo much has been happening!!!!
Omg her hair is getting cut! We cant do a wig or somethn??? No?? Ok…
N both couples hav done it already?? I can honstly say i didnt see that one coming, but at least both couples were straight with their feelings >_<
I think those r the main things i wantd to comment on… but if somethn else shocking comes i'll be sure to comment!
Chapter 38: Oh no :( Poor Jackson . I hope Minhee gets her memories back soon
Chapter 15: I love it, I can't wait for upcoming updates c: