A Little Break

You Got Me
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Aiden gave a small pout, the one he always used when he wasn’t getting what he wanted, and Jinwoo sighed. “Fine.” He said, rolling his eyes as his younger brother beamed and smiled at him. “But if it gets me in trouble, I will throw you under the bus faster than you can blink.” He said, handing his car keys to Aiden.


Aiden turned and opened the door to Jinwoo’s car. “I’ll be back before you can blink, Jin. And be sure to tell Minnie that I’m bringing her something too.”


Jinwoo nodded, closing the car door and glaring down at his brother, who waved at him and then tore out of the parking lot in Jinwoo’s black Pontiac 2014 GTO. He was going to regret this, and he knew it. Immediately, he pulled out his phone and texted his brother, telling him that if his spilled his stupid latte on the leather interior, Jinwoo would have his head on a plaque.


The light click of heeled shoes pulled Jinwoo’s attention to the other side of the set, where he spotted a girl with short, layered brown hair starting towards the producers. She was wearing a navy blue dress with long sleeves and a short skirt. It looked like a longer button up shirt, which was made from incredibly flimsy material. A brown braid belt was wrapped around her thin waist, and her tanned legs donned wedges. She offered a sort of smile to the producer, and reached to brush her bangs from her eyes. She then laughed awkwardly, and continued to brush her hair.


Jinwoo could feel his feet moving before he could even gather his thoughts to do so, and he started towards her without a second though. She looked up at him as he started towards her, and her smile dimmed a bit, before picking back up. “Hey,” She said lightly.


“What happened to your hair?” He asked, chuckling a little as he reached out the brush a strand away from her eyes.


She shrugged. “They wanted it shorter for the rest of the drama.” She answered.


He smiled. “It looks really nice, Minnie.”


She nodded. “Yeah, Malai did a really good job. Anyways, where’s Aiden?” She asked, looking over Jinwoo’s shoulder, as if he was hiding him somewhere.


“He went to get coffee. He promised to bring you back something too.” Was that all that she wanted to talk about? Aiden? Jinwoo felt like that was the only thing they ever talked about. Aiden wasn’t even that close to MinHee. They’d only known each other a few weeks. “He should be back any minute.”


MinHee smiled. “Alright. I’ll just wait for him in my trailer, then.” She said, turning and starting back towards the trailer she’d only just emerged from. Jinwoo watched as she walked away. He couldn’t really expect her to leap right back into their friendship that quickly could he? After all, she said it would take a while for her to trust him again. He’d treated her like crap, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t want to be the person she wanted to talk to, like before.


He wanted things to be like they were before. Before all the drama, all the pain.


The second Cora opened the door to her dorm after leaving the hospital, she was greeted by two tiny figures latching onto her legs and screaming incredibly loud about how much they missed her, and that they hoped she was feeling better.


Cora was immediately all smiles. “What are you two doing here?” She asked, pulling back and kneeling down to see the faces of her younger brother and sister. Jackson had gotten taller, and his face was beginning to mature, as much as his tiny, childish face could mature, and Tabitha’s hair had grown an incredible length, and her eyes somehow seemed a lot brighter.


Tabitha offered a small box to Cora. “We wanted to come see you and make sure you were feeling better.” She said, smiling when Cora took the box and pulled the top off, revealing a charm bracelet, which had four small figures on it. The charms started with a charm that had Nick’s birthstone in it, followed by one with Cora’s, and then one for both Jackson and Tabitha. Tabitha held up her wrist. “I have one too!”


Cora smiled. “Thanks Tabby.” She said, pulling her younger sister into a hug. “And thank you Jackson,” She said, tugging him in for a hug as well. “Don’t you two have school?”


Jackson shook his head. “Not today. Tomorrow.” He said, turning and starting into the dorm. Tabitha followed him, and Cora stood, spotting Nick, who had been sitting on the couch.


He stood and moved towards her, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tight. “Jesus you scared me.” He whispered, shaking his head. “I mean it Cora, you scared me half to death.”


Cora hugged her brother back. “I’m sorry I had food.”


Nick laughed. “It’s all your fault. Who told you that you could eat?” He asked, pulling back and ruffling her hair. “Did they tell you what it was?”


“No,” Mark answered, closing the door and kicking off his shoes. “But the results will be back before or by noon.”


Nick nodded. “So can she eat anything as of now or?”


Mark shrugged. “They said she shouldn’t until we can narrow down if it’s something as simple as being allergic to peanuts, or if it’s something like a food coloring or chemical in the food.”


Nick made a face. “I’m so sorry for your poor stomach.” He said, smirking at Cora.


She rolled her eyes. “Where’s Maria?” She asked, looking around the dorm.

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uuuugh cliffhanger with mark and cora. huhuhuhuhu
and mark's blonde hair omg ♥
I hope Jackson reconciles with Minhee and she gets back her memories ♥♥
MissMong24 #2
Chapter 50: Dear author, why are you doing this to me? I feel so frustrated because of how jackson is acting and how selfish minhee has been acting prior to the accident. Minhee was so busy with her acting career that i legit thought that at some point of the story she'll quit passion and be a full time actress. Anyway my heart is broken because of how minhee is giving her heart to that jerk jinwoo. Tbh i have mixed feeling about him. Yes he is a jerk but he cares so much about minhee that ughh i don't even know. I really hope that both jackson and minhee can get their sh*t together so they can just make up already and that minhee's relationship with passion can get better. Keep up the good work! I'll be waiting for the next chapter
Justmaili #3
Chapter 50: Thanks for this update authornim!
YAY! MINHEE IS GOING HOME!! But i wonder if she'll feel weird being with Jinwoo… I guess i can only wait for that.
N omg BTS!! Lolol i could just see all of them doing that! I hope none of them get in trouble >_< haha
Again thx for the update n cant wait for the next one!
b2standb2uty #4
Chapter 49: Noooo i dont want minhee & jinwoo ㅠㅠ i hope minhee & jackson get back together ㅠㅠ but thank you for the update, author-nim!
Justmaili #5
Chapter 45: And im caught up!!! Goodness me so much drama!!! Im soooo sad that MinHee lost her memory, and from more than a year ago! N all the people she's met since then are strangers, n poor Jackson feels guilty now
I hope everything comes around for the better soon!
Justmaili #6
Chapter 25: And as soon as all is well, drama comes around x.x i hope this gets resolved soon
Justmaili #7
Chapter 24: Oh gosh its been too long since i comented but sooo much has been happening!!!!
Omg her hair is getting cut! We cant do a wig or somethn??? No?? Ok…
N both couples hav done it already?? I can honstly say i didnt see that one coming, but at least both couples were straight with their feelings >_<
I think those r the main things i wantd to comment on… but if somethn else shocking comes i'll be sure to comment!
Chapter 38: Oh no :( Poor Jackson . I hope Minhee gets her memories back soon
Chapter 15: I love it, I can't wait for upcoming updates c: