Going back to school.

My FairyTales!


I am listening to this song when I am writing this chapter, listen to it okays? thanks ^^v


You are now standing in front of the school; you look at the building it’s feeling so different. You don’t dare to walk into the school, you turn back wanting to run away from here. *No! _____ If you run away nothing will change.* you thought and turn back facing the school and walk in. You feel so uncomfortable and you hung your head. Murmuring starts to flow all around the school, “did you hear that Nam Woohyun quit school?” One said and you clench your fist. “I hear that Woohyun went back to London to take over his father’s company.” She or he answers their friends. You reach your locker and you unlock it.

“Big News! YOON JI AE AND NAM WOOHYUN IS GETTING MARRY!” The big mouth of the school shouted. Your eyes widen and the book slips through your hand. “BANG!” Your book hit onto the ground and all eyes are on you. “Isn’t that _____ from class 2C? I thought Woohyun-si is with her.” One added and mumbles is all you heard. *Married…?* you thought in disbelieves. Tears flow out and one of those es came. “____, do you know Ji Ae and Woohyun are getting married?” They ask and you ignore them.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Myungsoo bugged in and pick up the book from the ground and close your locker. “IF ANY OF YOU DISTURB HER AGAIN! YOU WILL GET IT FROM INFINITE IF NOT ME!” Myungsoo yelled and pull you along with him. You lower your head to prevent him to see your tears flowing down, “I think Woohyun is smart to be with Ji Ae.” A schoolmate said. “Why?” His friend asks. “Ji Ae is much prettier than ____; tell me what’s good with ____? No money, no figures and others. She just nothing.” They laugh and Myungsoo use his hands to cover your ears. “Ignore them.” Myungsoo pull you nearer to him.

Both of you reach class 2C, “noona! Are you okay? Did anyone do anything to you?! Tell us! We will punch and kick them.” SungJong held onto your shoulder and shook you. You shrugged out from his grip and went back to your seat. You lay your head down on table, biting on your bottom lips and shut your eyes. *I feel like I am the only idiot who do not know anything from the beginning…* you thought. “What should we do to cheer her up?” Hoya asks and they all shake their head.


“Are you hungry? Do you want to go to the cafeteria?” Myungsoo ask and you shook your head like a living zombie. “I want to be alone…” You murmured out and Myungsoo held onto your hand. “Please…” You begged and tears build up again. “Okay, don’t do anything stupid alright?” Myungsoo said and you nodded your head. Then, he walk away unwilling with the others. “Are you sure it’s alright to leave her alone?” Dongwoo worried. “Of course not, we will have a quick bite and buy her something to eat.” Sungyu said and they run to the cafeteria.

“Excuse me; you know you are not allowed to stay in the classroom.” The teacher said. “I am sorry I bother you I will leave now.” You bow and walk out of the classroom. You have nowhere to go, so you just wonder around the hallway. You walk into the bathroom and wash your face. After that, to the rooftop for some fresh air.

You open the door of the rooftop; you sat down at the middle of the rooftop and daze out into the space recalling that dance that you and Woohyun dance together the night before. *So, you are getting married now. Are doing it willingly or unwillingly?* you thought in sadness. Suddenly, “I knew you will be here.” The most annoying voice said and you narrowed your eyes at her. Ji Ae laughed, “I like that facial expression on your face, so sad so pathetic are you suffering now? I see I won the game right?” She smirks. “Why are you here in Seoul aren’t you in London with Woohyun oppa?” You ask and she smile.

“There’s only one reason for me to stay, at night I will be going back to London to see my beloved husband Nam Woohyun.” She smile and you look away. “We will share the same bed, hugging each other maybe kissing each other too…” You cut her sentence, “STOP! I DON’T WANT TO LISTEN!” Ji Ae smirks and laughs. “What do you want with me? You have him already right?! Leave me alone then!” You shouted and she walks nearer. “That’s not enough, like I said the more you suffer the happier I am.” Ji Ae smile.

“But, whatever. The game is ending now.” She then throws a pink invitation card towards you. “This is the invitation for attending the wedding of Woohyun and me. I am inviting you over, the airplane is book by us remember to come.” Ji Ae laughed and walks away. You bear your tears; you pick up the invitation and open it. “Welcome to the wonderland wedding ceremony of Yoon Ji Ae and Nam Woohyun on 24 December. Planes will be book for everyone to London…” You crush the invitation and tear it into pieces.

The wind blow across and the pieces flew into the sky. You stood up holding onto the riling, “STUPID LIFE! STUPID PEOPLE! STUPID YOON JI AE!” You shouted. You cross over the bar, your hands holding onto the riling and you look down. *What happen if I jump down from here?* you thought and one of your leg went out from the solid ground.

“YAH!” Myungsoo yelled and held onto your waist. Myungsoo carried you in and you hit Myungsoo on his chest. “WHY DON’T YOU LIKE ME DIE?! IT’S TIRING! IT HURTS! HE IS GETTING MARRIED TO JI AE! EVERY ONE OF YOU KNEW ABOUT IT AND ONLY ME BEING LIED IN THE DARK!” You shouted and you heard someone crying. “Please…Myungsoo oppa beg you don’t… don’t do anything foolish again… Think about your family…me…Infinite and other…” Myungsoo cried and you stare at him blankly.

“Oppa…” You cried and wipe his tears away. “Please…” Myungsoo broke down. “It hurts oppa too when you are doing this…” Myungsoo look at you. “I am sorry oppa…I promise I wouldn’t anymore…” You wipe his tears away and hug him tightly. “I am sorry…” You apologize to him.


A final update I guess? School is starting tomorrow, I hope everyone will have fun tomorrow on the first day.




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syaziana97 #1
Chapter 53: i love it....saranghae
Chapter 50: Omg i cried ;;
Too much feels doeh i kennott<////3
Thanks for the story authornim
Chapter 50: I read this for 4th time and I always cry god I love your story please make the squel happy endingggg <3
Okay , i'm going to comment again >.>
i love your story a lot ! XD
Love the way woohyun treated that " you " girl xD me laff him a lot ! <3 weee !! *flying to cloud 9 * xD
Reading chapter 7 now . And my eyes cant move to other spots since you posted that smexi pic of woohyun <3 *squeals* xD
angelkitty #6
( chap 6 ) Huh? Woohyun is going to change into another person? What does Woohyun's grandmother mean ?
angelkitty #7
Woooooooooo , so ~~~ likes Woohyun too ?? Heheheh :DD I don't get it , is woohyun's grandmother a bad person ? O.O
angelkitty #8
What plan is evil Ji Ae going to come up with ?! :(( Woohyun doesn't even like her, no point being mean to ~~~ right ? ( chap 4 )
angelkitty #10
Awww ... Meowy ~~ Meowy ~~

Kekeke , Myungsoo is jealous of Woohyun , isnt he ? * chuckles *