
My FairyTales!


I was listening to this song while I am writing this chapter, hope it help! ^^V


The following Tuesday, Woohyun was about to leave school and to somewhere else to clear his mind. He walked past your class and saw a figure lying on table looking outside the window. He walk into the classroom, took a small peek and it was you. Woohyun slowly turn the chair in front of your seat and sat in front of you. He softly pushes your bag to the side and lay there with his hands below his chin. *Why is so sad?* Woohyun thought and his emotion went down with you too. “Princess…” He softly called. You turn and look at Woohyun in the same position as him. “Why are you so depress? Can you tell the prince? So, he could help you.” Woohyun said.

You show him your math test and sigh. “Is this the reason you are sad about?” Woohyun let out a small smile. *Phew ~ I thought what happen.* He feel better. “My retest is on the Thursday, I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to fail it again….” You pout. Woohyun giggle and pinch your cheeks. “What are you laughing about? It’s not funny…” You cooed. “Princess, who am I?” Woohyun question you. “Nam Woohyun…” You answer. “I know I am Nam Woohyun. But, what am I famous for in this school?” Woohyun smile. “Looks.” You reply. “Name more…” He smiles. “Basketball, gentlemen, studies… WAIT! Studies!” You smile. “And?” He waits for your answer. “I could ask you to teach me!” You beam and Woohyun nodded his head.

“But, don’t you have basketball practice every after school? I should not bother you…” You frowned. “I don’t have basketball practices after school this week, the coach seem to know there will at least one of us in Infinite will fail their test. So, practice for this week is cancel.” He smiles. “Means you are available these two days?” You smiles. “Yup, if you need extra help you could always drop by my house at night.” Woohyun chuckles. “Thank you oppa! You are the best!” You walk and hug Woohyun. *I will always remember this feeling forever…* Woohyun hold onto your arm. *5 more days…* Ji Ae clenched her fist and walk away.

“I guess we can start the coaching now?” Woohyun asks. “Ne!” You carry your bag in your arms and walk to the library with Woohyun. “Why don’t I help you to carry your bag?” Woohyun asks. “Nah, a little more to the library so it’s fine.” You answer. Woohyun pull the door of the library, “ladies first.” He said. “Thank you.” You enter and find somewhere to sit.

Woohyun starts to teach you, slowly Woohyun let you practice by yourself and he walk to the shelves to search for some books to read. “My fairytales.” The name of the book caught his eyes. He starts to browse the book; Woohyun was shock that the storyline of the story was alike to his life now and he went to the counter and borrows it. He walks back to the table and found you soundly asleep. *Too tired aren’t you…?* Woohyun brush your hair to a side and just caresses your cheek.

He took out his jacket now from his bag and covers it over you. *Don’t caught a cold…* Woohyun thought. *I wonder how you are going to take care of yourself when I am gone…* He worried and he took a look at the clock. *I will just let you sleep a little more…* Woohyun smile. In the meantime, Woohyun was reading the storybook he borrowed just now and he was really engross to it.

“Woohyun-si, the library is closing. You and your friend have to go now.” The librarian announces. “Ne!” Woohyun respond. “____..._____...” Woohyun shake you up from your short nap. “Hmmm… where am I?” You mumble as you sat up straight. “We have to go now, the library is closing.” Woohyun smile.


“I am so tired.” You stretch your and yawn as the both of you walk out of the school ground. You stop your movement, “what are you doing oppa?” You ask in shock. “Didn’t you said you are tired? I will piggy back you home.” Woohyun answer. “It’s okay, you are tired too.” You decline the offer from Woohyun. “Please, let me piggy back you home. I kind of miss that feeling out if the sudden.” Woohyun giggle. “Fine…” You gave in and got onto Woohyun’s back. *Is something bothering him? He doesn’t seem to be himself…* you worried and remember what happen yesterday. “Oppa you alright?” You ask. “I am fine, what’s wrong? There is nothing wrong with me.” He gives you some fake laugh.

“_____-ah, remember to ask your boyfriend to piggy back you more often in the future alright?” Woohyun smile. “What? Oppa doesn’t want to carry me anymore?” You pout. “Of course I want too…” Woohyun answer. “But, I can’t in the future anymore…” He murmured. “Did you say anything oppa?” You lean forward nearer to Woohyun’s face. “Nothing.” Woohyun force out a smile. “Will you drop by to my house tonight?” Woohyun ask. “I don’t think so…I am tired for math.” You lay on Woohyun’s shoulder lazily.

Woohyun suddenly run in a maximum speed, making you scream in fear and he just laugh. “Not funny!” You cooed and hit his back. “Then, hold on to me tightly and don’t let go.” Woohyun grin. “I don’t want too!” You blush and fold your hand. “Then, your lost princess.” Woohyun smirk and start running again. “FINE! You win! Woohyun oppa is meanie!” You complain and wrap your arm around his neck. “Good girl.” Woohyun smile. *Why does my heart always beat so fast went I have skin ship with him?! I never had this feeling with others before!* you thought in confusion. *Am I love with him?* you ask again.

Soon, both of you reach home. “Bye princess, sweet dreams!” Woohyun then immediately shut the door, tears flow out again and Woohyun lean against the door. “Meow…” Marshmallow feeling sad too. “I can’t bear to let her go…  I haven’t do many things with her yet, I haven’t confess yet, I haven’t go on a date with her yet and the most importantly…I haven’t tell her how much I love her yet…” He burst into tears.


Night update^^

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syaziana97 #1
Chapter 53: i love it....saranghae
Chapter 50: Omg i cried ;;
Too much feels doeh i kennott<////3
Thanks for the story authornim
Chapter 50: I read this for 4th time and I always cry god I love your story please make the squel happy endingggg <3
Okay , i'm going to comment again >.>
i love your story a lot ! XD
Love the way woohyun treated that " you " girl xD me laff him a lot ! <3 weee !! *flying to cloud 9 * xD
Reading chapter 7 now . And my eyes cant move to other spots since you posted that smexi pic of woohyun <3 *squeals* xD
angelkitty #6
( chap 6 ) Huh? Woohyun is going to change into another person? What does Woohyun's grandmother mean ?
angelkitty #7
Woooooooooo , so ~~~ likes Woohyun too ?? Heheheh :DD I don't get it , is woohyun's grandmother a bad person ? O.O
angelkitty #8
What plan is evil Ji Ae going to come up with ?! :(( Woohyun doesn't even like her, no point being mean to ~~~ right ? ( chap 4 )
angelkitty #10
Awww ... Meowy ~~ Meowy ~~

Kekeke , Myungsoo is jealous of Woohyun , isnt he ? * chuckles *