Nam Hayoung

My FairyTales!

Like normal days, you will meet Woohyun outside the building. Today was different; you wanted to wait for Woohyun. You even prepare breakfast for him, hoping this will cheer him up from his problem that is bothering him. You lock the door of your apartment, with a smile thinking what Woohyun’s expression is be when he saw this. You happily skip and press the button of the elevator.

*Yawn~* Woohyun yawned and wipe away the liquid that flows out from his eyes. *I came out too early…* Woohyun thought as he looks at his watch. *But, I can’t sleep! I had bad dreams of Hayoung attending the same school!* Woohyun’s shoulder deflates and leans against the wall. You are humming a few sings in your mind as you walk to the gate of the building.

“Oh! You are early today princess!” Woohyun’s voice interrupted your thoughts. “Why are you here so early?!” You blurted. “Why? Is something wrong?” Woohyun ask in confuse. You let out a sigh, “nothing…” You gave him a weak smile. “Okays…” He said. Both of you took your own sweet time to school since it super early.

The whole journey was quiet; you look at Woohyun who was in deep thought and having eye bags under his eyes. *He didn’t sleep well…* you pout. “Oppa.” You call Woohyun. “Hmmm?” He replies. “Are you hungry?” You ask him. Woohyun stop and touch his stomach feeling empty. “I forgot to eat breakfast.” He said and you beam. *Yes!* you cheer and *I got too worried…* Woohyun thought.

You quickly took the sandwich out from your bag and pass it to Woohyun. “Eat it.” You smile. “If I eat it, what about you?” He asks. “It’s okay; I have my own share in this bag.” You smile. “Thanks princess.” Woohyun’s perfect smile return. *Yes! His smile return! Plan success!* you beam. *I am really happy she made this sandwich for me. But, it made me remember of Ji Ae…* He sighs.

“You don’t like it? I can exchange with you…” You said. “No, not at all! I can’t bear to eat.” Woohyun giggle. “You are silly.” You giggle too. “But, I am still your silly best friend whom you really love~” He sang. You just shake your head and bite your sandwich. *Who cares of Ji Ae?* Woohyun thought and start eating.

You then pass him a juice box with a sweet smile. “Awww~ you are so sweet~” He ruffles your hair and took it. “Want some?” He offered you. You shook your head, “are you scare of my saliva? I haven’t drink yet.” He said. You swallow your sandwich, “I don’t mean this way, I have my own…”You explain. “Oh~ It’s Okays. More for me.” Woohyun drinks. *I thought I could get an indirect kiss.* He thought cheesy.

Both of you went to throw the rubbish into the bin before entering the school, “done?” Woohyun asks. “Yup!” You smile. *Ahhh~ that smiles. So warm~* He touch his heart. “Oppa, why are you touching your heart?” You ask him. “My heart is crying…” He sniffs. “Why is your heart crying?!” You ask in shock. “Because I am touch of what you done for me~” Woohyun hug you. *The old Woohyun is back.* you thought feeling warm.

“Everyone to the hall now!” The teacher announce through the speakers. “Is something special going on today?” You ask Woohyun and he move his shoulder up and down giving you the I don’t know face. So, both of you just follow the crowd. When both of you reach the hall, “~~~, here!” Hyemi yell. You smile and hug her while Woohyun just walk behind you. “Morning Hyemi~” You smile. “Morning ~~~ and Woohyun-si.” She greeted back and Woohyun smile as a reply.

“How about us?” SungYeol said. “Oh oppa! I didn’t know you are here. Morning infinite oppa and SUngJongie!” You smile. Hoya patted your head and smile. “Hmmmm~ we taught her well.” SungYeol and Dongwoo nodded together in agreement. “What about me?” Woohyun ask SungYeol.

“Oh! Morning Woohyun hyung!” SungYeol greeted him. “Hmmm~ I taught you well too.” Woohyun nodded his head. “HYUNG!” SungYeol yelled. “Anyways, why are we here?” You ask. “Who knows?” Sungyu said looking around the hall. “I know!” SungYeol said. Everyone look at him waiting for his answer. “That old man’s mouth got itchy so he wants to made some speech.” SungYeol act. “Why are you telling us things we already knew?” SungJong shake his head.

“Yah, Lee SungJong!” SungYeol wraps his hand around SungJong’s neck and ruffles his hair roughly. “AHHH! SOMEONE SAVE ME!” SungJong scream. “No one can save you now!” SungYeol continue ruffles his hair. You and Hyemi just laugh at them until someone speaks, “everyone please sit with your class.” The teacher said. “Stop playing, go and line up already.” Sungyu hit SungYeol’s head.

Myungsoo hold your hand, “stay close if not you will into the crowd.” He said coldly. “Bye ~~~, see you later!” Hyemi bid goodbye and left with Sungyu and Dongwoo. “Miss me!” Woohyun yell and chase the rest. Then, myungsoo and you got to your seat. “Noona! I want to sit beside you.” SungJong linked hands with you. “Do you think she can protect you?” SungYeol said.

“Noona can’t. But, myungsoo hyung and Hoya hyung can! If you hit me and I hit onto noona, they will punch you!” SungJong stuck his tongue out. “Who say so?” SungYeol ask. “I say so, just sit down already!” Hoya yanks SungYeol down. *Stupid Lee SungJong!* SungYeol thought. “Noona~ I love you~” SungJong lay his head on your shoulder. “Yah, Lee SungJong! We are in school, everyone is staring!” myungsoo hissed.

“But hyung, you are holding noona’s hand.” He point out. Myungsoo quickly let go your head look away feeling blush. You look at the shy myungsoo and “its Okays.” You whisper knowing he wills apologies later on. Myungsoo look at you with a smile on his face, *how did she know?* Myungsoo thought. Then, everyone start clapping as the principal walk towards the centre of the stage. “OhMyGod! The man is out, get ready to sleep.” SungYeol whisper to Hoya.

“Time for a nap~” Dongwoo whisper to Woohyun. But, Woohyun was looking at you. *Why beside myungsoo? What is SungJong doing?* Woohyun thought. Dongwoo look at Woohyun since he didn’t respond, he follows his gaze and it’s you. Dongwoo rolled his eyes and hit the back of Woohyun’s head. “Hyung! Why did you do that?!” Woohyun pout. “Stop staring! Give me some attention! I am not died!” He hisses at Woohyun.

“Shhhh!” Sungyu ask Dongwoo to lower his volume. “Stupid prince charming!” Dongwoo murmured. “Oppa, good morning~” Ji Ae greeted Woohyun in a sweet tone. Woohyun flinched a bit, “when are you here?!” Woohyun ask. “Am I that scary?” Ji Ae reply in anger. “Yup…” Woohyun nodded his head. “Stupid oppa!” Ji Ae looks away. *Good, look that way and not Me.* Woohyun scooted nearer to Dongwoo. “Now you know I am alive.” Dongwoo said. “What…?” Woohyun answer.

“Now, let’s welcome a new member to our big family Nam Hayoung!” The principal clapped his hands. *NAM HAYOUNG?!* Woohyun’s eyes widen. Everyone’s eyes are on Woohyun especially Ji Ae. *Woohoo~ the game is starting soon~* She cheer in her head. “Am I dreaming?” Woohyun ask Dongwoo and he pinch Woohyun’s cheek hard. “Does it hurt?” He asks. “Yeah…” He looks at Dongwoo in blur. “It’s not a dream; your brother is on the stage.” Dongwoo said.

*OHMYGOD! MY NIGHTMARE IS HAPPENING!* Woohyun scream in his mind. “Woah, this is the first time that old man’s speech made me wide awake.” SungYeol said with his jaws dropped and Hoya nodded in agreement. You look at Infinite, who is in horror, *what’s so scary about him?* you thought.

“Hyung!” Hayoung wave to Woohyun from the stage with a big smile. *HYUNG?!* You shocked. “Oh~ this guy is Nam Woohyun’s brother.” Some whisper and others murmur from the back. “Respond to him.” Dongwoo said to Woohyun. He then wave back giving him a weak smile.

*Why is he here?* Myungsoo thought. “Hayoung changed, don’t you think?” Hoya asks SungYeol. “Not really, he acts like this in front of Woohyun. Get use to it hyung.” SungYeol patted Hoya’s shoulder. “Oh, icic.” The principal commented. “Hayoung-si you will be joining class 2C, can the chairperson of class 2C stand up?” The principal said. You stood up and bow. *CLASS 2C?! OUT OF SO MANY CLASS!* Woohyun thought.

*I don’t have a good feeling of this.* Myungsoo thought and stare at Hayoung coldly. After the assembly, everyone start walking back to class and Woohyun grab myungsoo’s wrist. “Take care of her.” Woohyun said. “No need you to say, I will protect her anyways.” Myungsoo walk back to class with Hoya. “You know what prince charming?” Dongwoo slung his arm around Woohyun’s shoulder. “What?” He replies. “You are not the only one who fallen in love with your princess you know?” Dongwoo said. “I know.” He answers.

“Hurry up and go back to class before Mr.Kang scold.” Sungyu said and both of them follow him. *I already knew myungsoo fall in love with her…* Woohyun thought. *I already knew…* He thought.

You brought Hayoung to class 2C, “Welcome Hayoung-si!” The teacher welcomes him. You walk back to your seat, *Oh~ you sit beside myungsoo hyung, this is going to be a tough job.* Hayoung thought. “Hayoung-si, can you introduce yourself to the class?” The teacher requested. “Oh, annyeonghasyo Nam Hayoung himinda. I am Nam Woohyun’s younger brother and I am from London.” He bows.

“Icics, any question for Hayoung?” The teacher asks. “HERE!” A girl said. “Do you have a girlfriend?” A girl said. “Nope~” He replies with a smile. *Psshhhh~ that guy…* Myungsoo thought. *Oppa doesn’t seem to like him…* you look at myungsoo whom have a disgusted face.

After answering question from the classmate, “seonsaengmin can I have a request?” Hayoung ask. “Let’s hear about it.” The teacher answer. “You see I am new in this school. So, I need someone to take me around the school. I wonder if ~~~-si can take me around?” He smiles. “Well, that’s reasonable. Why not?” She thought about it. “Anni!” Myungsoo slammed his hands on the table. “Why not myungsoo-si?” The teacher asks. “Yah, what are you thinking about?” SungYeol comment.

“Anni, I just thought that ~~~-si is a girl. It may be more comfortable if Hayoung-si is around with a guy right?” He anyhow made a reason. “That’s reasonable too…” The teacher thought. “Aniya, it’s fine. It’s my job too right?” You stood up and smile. “Well…” The teacher pause awhile. “Since, ~~~-si is fine with it. Then, it’s settle!” He smiles. “I guess so…” The teacher murmur. “Where do I sit?” He asks “Oh, in front of SungJong.” She said. “Okays!” Hayoung walk towards his seats. *Aisssh!* myungsoo scratch his head. *Why is he so angry?* you thought.

The bell rang, “let’s go and eat.” Myungsoo said. “Okays!” You smile. “Mianhae, I spoil this lovely moment of yours. But, ~~~-si can you walk around the school?” Hayoung ask. “Oh sure, let’s go then.” You reply. “Aren’t you hungry?” Myungsoo ask. You touch your stomach and “Nope~ still full. I will meet your later!” You wave. “Wait! I am coming!” Myungsoo chase behind. Hayoung grab your hand and run away. “Aish! Where did they go?!” myungsoo look left and right. “Who are looking for?” Woohyun ask. “Your brother and her!” Myungsoo yell on top of his voice, pissed.

“What do you mean my brother and ~~~?” Woohyun ask in surprises. Myungsoo face-palmed himself, “your brother Nam Hayoung is with ~~~! Together! Alone! Understand?” He shouted. “Oh…He is with ~~~…WHAT?! FIND THEM!” Woohyun yelled. “That’s what am I doing!” Myungsoo yell back.

Then, Sungyu hit both of their heads. “Both of you, stop screaming! Everyone are staring at us, let’s go to the cafeteria now!” He orders. “Hyung!” They said together. “NOW!” He demands. “Come on, don’t argue with him.” Dongwoo push Woohyun and Hoya push myungsoo. “Your can still eat? She is in trouble!” Myungsoo said “No worries, Hayoung wouldn’t harm her.” Sungyu said. “How you know?” Woohyun question.

“I heard from my dad, Hayoung came just get you back to London. So, no worries.” He shoved a mouth of rice into his mouth. “Then, why are you so shock when you saw him just now?” Woohyun ask. Sungyu swallow his rice, “I didn’t know he came so early, I heard it’s next week.” He answers. “Oh…” It’s the only word come out from Woohyun’s mouth. “I still worried for her, I will go find her.” Myungsoo walk out of the cafeteria. “That stubborn fellow, never change.” SungYeol said. “I think I am too.” Woohyun said.

“Another stubborn fellow.” Dongwoo comment. “Let’s find noona too, Okays?” SungJong said. “Yah, I agree.” Hoya responds. “Sure, I thought of that too.” Sungyu said.

*I know I will not return to London even he give me a million bucks.* Woohyun thought as he search for you or Hayoung. *Why is she not answering her phone?!* Myungsoo call doesn’t know how many times.

After you shown different places of the school to Hayoung, there is still a place and that’s the rooftop. You push the rooftop’s door, “the last place!” You said. “Woah, it’s beautiful!” Hayoung run around like a kid. *I don’t know why oppa dislike him, he is really nice.* you thought. “But, people don’t come to the rooftop much.” You tell Hayoung.

“Why?” Hayoung look at you. “Who knows?” You struggle your shoulder. “But, the rooftop is the best place to rest your mind.” You took in a deep breath. “~~~-si.” Hayoung call your name softly. “Yes?” You smile. “Do you like my brother?” He randomly blurts a question. “Why?” You were taken aback. “Nothing…I just ask since I heard you are my brother best friend.” He sat down leaning against the polls.

You sat beside him, “I like Woohyun oppa, nope. Sentence corrected, I love Woohyun oppa as a friend. I don’t know I will do without him around me.” You hugged your knee and rest your chin on top of it with a smile. “What happen if he leaves you?” Hayoung ask. “Nope, he will not.” You answer in a firm voices. “Why so sure?” He looks at you. “He promised.” You look at Hayoung. “Promises are meant to be broken.” He comments. “I don’t know about others. But, Woohyun oppa wouldn’t.” You double confirm.

*She too innocent, she don’t know the power of appa.* He shook his head. “~~~-si, do you want to know more about our family?” He looks at you. You eyes widen, you always wanted to know more about Woohyun’s family. But, knowing that it will hurt Woohyun’s feeling you never ask. “Yes!” You reply within a second.


Yoz! I am back :)

Hope this is not a boring chapter and other better one will come soon :D


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syaziana97 #1
Chapter 53: i love it....saranghae
Chapter 50: Omg i cried ;;
Too much feels doeh i kennott<////3
Thanks for the story authornim
Chapter 50: I read this for 4th time and I always cry god I love your story please make the squel happy endingggg <3
Okay , i'm going to comment again >.>
i love your story a lot ! XD
Love the way woohyun treated that " you " girl xD me laff him a lot ! <3 weee !! *flying to cloud 9 * xD
Reading chapter 7 now . And my eyes cant move to other spots since you posted that smexi pic of woohyun <3 *squeals* xD
angelkitty #6
( chap 6 ) Huh? Woohyun is going to change into another person? What does Woohyun's grandmother mean ?
angelkitty #7
Woooooooooo , so ~~~ likes Woohyun too ?? Heheheh :DD I don't get it , is woohyun's grandmother a bad person ? O.O
angelkitty #8
What plan is evil Ji Ae going to come up with ?! :(( Woohyun doesn't even like her, no point being mean to ~~~ right ? ( chap 4 )
angelkitty #10
Awww ... Meowy ~~ Meowy ~~

Kekeke , Myungsoo is jealous of Woohyun , isnt he ? * chuckles *