My Dream

I tried to Stop ♥

A/N: Another chapter! (:

Today is Wednesday so we have a 2 hours break/vacant. I have finished my lunch early so I go back to our room, while Donghae and the others tour Saenim around. Saenim asked me to join them but I refuse reasoning them that somebody in our class wanted me to go our room.

The whole room was empty because some joins on touring Saenim, some goes to the library and the remaining went outside to play baseball.

I’ve taken my seat, open the window for the air to come, put on my earphones and nap. Since no one was around in the room, I slept very peacefully.

*In my dream I see a lady in white*

She come closer and closer to me and her features are starting to become recognizable. She’s an angel with a long brown hair and smiling lips w/ dimples. I can’t barely really who it is because of the light that is coming behind her. Then she is whispering something to me but I can’t understand it.

Then the background become dimmer and dimmer and her face became more visible for me to see. It took some time before I really recognized her. Whoa! It’s her…our new classmate! It’s Saenim. But why is she here in my dream? Then she is whispering something again but I still don’t understand it. So I concentrated carefully on what she’s trying to say and slowly I get it.

“O…ppa…”she says


“Donghae…oppa…”upon hearing Donghae’s name my eyes suddenly popped open and I saw Saenim in front of me, smiling.

“Thank goodness your already awake oppa! I thought I might take a hundred years on waking you up” she jokingly said.

“*yawn* what do you want Saenim-sshi?” I sleepily asked.

“Um…Donghae oppa asked me to wake you up. He wanted to come to the rooftop” she answered.


“Well, I don’t know. But when I left him, he seems so…sad.”

“He’s sad? Why? What happened in your tour?” I furiously asked.

“Calm down Oppa. Nothing happened on our tour. To be honest, he seems to be enjoying our tour. I think he’s feeling down because of a text message he receive” she answer, quite unasure.

“Well…Um…Thanks. I better get going. I need to find out why Donghae needs me.” I said as I rush to the door.



A/N: Another chappie! WEE! Listening to super junior’s song while typing really helps me to energize. Well, never mind me. Here’s another chapter for you. :D

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829 streak #1
Chapter 43: This was a nice and pleasant addition to the story! It's nice to read another P.O.V and we all know Kyuhyun! ;)
Thank you. <3
829 streak #2
Chapter 42: A very sweet story. It had its ups and downs, but in the end, everything turned out the way it was supposed to. <3
I'm glad I read this one. I was able to enjoy it a lot!

And I agree feelings can't just disappear easily, it's never the end when we want something.

Thank you for sharing! <3
829 streak #3
Chapter 41: The conclusion: Always talk, that way misunderstandings are avoided!
829 streak #4
Chapter 40: Well, I take back what I said, maybe she's not so bad. But still.
829 streak #5
Chapter 39: So far things are going well, but I still don't trust her! o.O
829 streak #6
Chapter 38: And she better not make a mistake!
829 streak #7
Chapter 37: It does make sense, but Eunhyuk had a lot of questions to ask, didn't he?
829 streak #8
Chapter 36: He'll do whatever it takes to make things right!
829 streak #9
Chapter 35: What happened? o.O
829 streak #10
Chapter 34: I hope they did talk some sense into her. We'll see. Hmm.