22; ert

Within Their Hearts

He stood stunned, momentarily shocked from her yet again change in attitude. Oh hell no did he ever expect to see her smirk. And not to mention her sudden victory! He blinked once, twice, thrice, looking at the elevator where she stood seconds ago. He knitted his brows before walking back into his office. He ignored the curious stares of the investors and his employees who had happened to witness the exchange between the pair.

While she smiled as she sped down the street with her window scrolled all the way down. The gush of the soft cool wind as it touched her smooth pale skin felt amazing and it helped her relax. Her mind flashed back to the conference and she smiled in satisfaction and approval with her attitude. Maybe, she finally found herself as the independent woman who could influence what happened around her. Maybe, the need to love someone, to love him was finally wearing away from her. Maybe, her soft heart had finally hardened.

She walked into a random cafe that had caught her eye as she glided through the streets. She sat near the window before ordering a cup of rosehip tea. She glanced around her surroundings, smiling as the window presented green scenery with children. They chatted with their peers, running around in circles with the evidence of laughter escaping from their uplifted and wide pink lips. She watched in admiration and envy. Wouldn’t her life be so much better if she hadn’t wished to grow? If she was still a child without any worries other than the choice of crayon colours?

“And what are you doing here Gong Minji?” questioned a voice that was all but too familiar to her pair of ears. Her head whipped to the side and there stood her friend, Amber Liu. She squealed and bolted out of her seat, opening her arms for a hug from her unnie.

“I should be asking you the same thing Amber! But since I miss you too much and we have a hell load of catching up to do, I’ll let it slide” replied Minji as she gestured for the female to sit across from her.

Well I don’t mind answering you. I’m here for charity work” Amber answered as she observed the children.

“They’re orphans Minji. And I guess the smile I see plastered on their glowing faces from a simple action just warms my heart”

Minji nodded her head in understanding before looking outside of the window again. She smiled and turned her attention back to the female before her. The two friends slipped into their own world where they had a deep conversation, talking about the changes in their lives while reminiscing the past.

The two soon parted ways when the sun began to set, showing the mixture of purple, pink, orange, white and blue, like the background of a portrait.
She stared at the setting sun and smiled, the contrast of colours were beyond words. This was the beauty of nature at its fullest. She sighed and glanced at her phone, it was still early and well, she didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to see Mr douche aka bastard aka playboy aka husband aka Lee Taemin.

Minji walked mindlessly down the streets before thinking back to the conversation she had with Amber minutes ago. She sighed but slightly lightened up when she remembered her best friend. She smiled evilly and turned back from where she stood, heading towards her car to a place she should’ve visited a long time ago.

Minji’s POV
I stepped into the shop and smiled as I saw one of my best friends lying on the table, looking tired. Maybe she needs a massage to help her wake up too.

“Kim Heeyun!” I screamed.

I laughed as I saw her body bolt upright and she sat straight in her chair, looking dazed. I saw the recognition in her eyes as they widened and she squealed, running from behind the counter to pull me in a bear-crushing hug. I smiled, this was the girl I’ve known for years and shared the same passion as me, dancing. She was my unnie and I learnt a lot from her but we unfortunately stopped dancing as she had to take charge of the shop by her parents and I was getting married. I returned the hug and we shook from side to side.

“What brings you here? I thought you forgot me!” Heeyun exclaimed as she placed her hand over her chest.

“Yah! I was busy and plus, you forgot about me too! I want to have a massage and go to the spa to relax. I need it” I smiled, it was funny how we were not awkward though we barely saw each other.

“Oh. And so when you need some time to relax, you think of my spa? Not me?! I thought you wanted to come visit me. Gosh. That hurts”

“You know I love you Heeyun unnie! Come on! I really need to relax! You’ll do the treatments with me right? And for free?” I whined as I clung to her arm.

She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Of course. Anything for you my mingkii! We have a load of catching up to do!”

We walked into the room to get changed after Heeyun unnie gave orders to the staff. I smiled as I walked out of the change room, heading for our room. Massage! Massage! Massage! Massage! I was finally getting a massage and sometime to relax. I opened the door to a room and frowned, a man was lying on his stomach on one of the spa tables with his face down. The sudden noise, however, caused his head to snap up and we both looked at each other. I didn’t want to but I couldn’t help but look at the upper half of his uncovered body. His skin was of a pale colour and his back and arm muscles showed that he worked out. I didn’t even know that I was staring until his voice brought me back from my thoughts.

“Like what you see?”

I blushed at his question and frowned. Wasn’t this the right room? It did say 19 right? I double checked the front door for the sign and looked back at the guy who had seated himself on the table, his legs outstretched and his arms on either side of him. He looked at me with a cocky smile as he caught me staring at the front of his upper body, his abs to be specific. They were toned and glistened. I blushed a deeper shade of red.

Are you done staring at me yet? I know I’m hot” came his cocky voice, full of pride.

“What? You? Hot? I’ve seen better dude” I snapped, my face still red but it was from anger and embarrassment. That cocky bastard.

I saw shock slowly appear on his features.

WHAT?! You’ve seen better? Seriously? My abs are a killer. I’m hot and you should admit that. And why are you here anyway? You interrupted my nap!” he screamed.

I groaned. “Well I got into the wrong room alright? Sorry for interrupting your so-called nap. Bye!” I yelled as I slammed the door shut and ran down the hallway.

As I rounded the corner of the hallway, I heard his voice calling out “PEVERT!” “PEVERT. YOU GET BACK HERE!” but I sighed in relief as I saw Heeyun unnie.

“Unnie! Didn’t you say room 19?!”

“Oh yeah. About that, I got kind of mixed up...... Anyways, it’s room 16. Let’s go!”
she replied sheepishly.

I huffed but didn’t say anything as I was led to the room, thank god I didn’t see that guy again or so I thought................

End Of POV

The two best friends caught up with their recent doings and reminisced about the past in a Jacuzzi of warm, lavender scented water. However, a particular subject of their shared past tranced them into deep thoughts. The times they spent together in the dance studio, creating dance moves and having silly battles. And they both knew it, they missed the gang.

I really want to see them again. I miss them” sighed Minji as she turned to face Heeyun.

“I know. I do too but isn’t there a gathering soon? To celebrate the school’s 15th year?” inquired Heeyun as she tapped her chin thoughtfully.

“I haven’t heard anything about a reunion but let’s hope we get one before the year ends. If not, I’m chucking a reunion for sure” smiled Minji.

“Call me when you do so I can help you. Just in case you forget someone and they’ll feel so rejected and unloved” laughed Heeyun as Minji started splashing water on her.

Heeyun fought back and the two soon started a water fight in the spa. They giggled and laughed at their childishness before they tired themselves with the activity.

“Hey! Let’s hit the club. I need to make sure my dancing skills are still polished” suggested Heeyun who looked at Minji excitedly.

Minji laughed at her unnies expression and agreed. She was out of the house, free to do whatever she wanted so why not have some fun? And she did miss dancing to the sick beats.

Minji & Heeyun entered the club with glowing lights and booming music. She had felt it even as she first stepped into the area. The atmosphere was suiting to the amount of bodies heating up the dance floor along with the shouts and cheers from the crowd. The two girls headed to the bar for an alcoholic substance to warm up their bodies and time to adjust to the lively atmosphere. After their second shot of tequila, they both looked at each other and knew that it was time for them to test out their skills.

The girls easily blended into the crowd of bodies and swayed to the music, busting out random moves of their own as a testing. Those around the two sometimes paused to look in awe at their refined skills and what move they had to offer next. Not only that, but the girls stood out from the crowd with their simple attire compared to a majority of the girls with short dresses that accentuated their curves. The two didn’t need to wear the revealing outfit to attract the attention because they had no intention of doing so from the very beginning. Both girls smiled and giggled at their moves and at times, paused to have a correct demonstration of the action or what could be improved.

Heeyun excused herself to the restroom while Minji continued to dance away, oblivious to a guy who stared at her, the way she moved to the music and her . He his lips and smirked before approaching her. He slipped his long arms around her waist and pushed his body against her. He felt her tense around him and he smiled, a playful smile gracing his handsome features.

Minji frowned with the pair of arms around her, this was unexpected she thought. She didn’t want to deal with a drunk or erted guy tonight. All she wanted to do was have fun with her unnie. She sighed and turned around to look up at the guy who had willingly helped her do so with his arms still around her waist. She frowned as she stared at his features. She couldn’t exactly make out if she knew him with the way the light casted itself over half of his face. However, he looked really like someone she knew all too well...someone which she didn’t want to see right now... and her heart stopped at the realisation. She gulped before voicing out her suspicion.

“Lee Taemin?”


Author's Note
62 subscribers now! I know I haven't posted for more than a month. But school has me very occupied.
Hope you guys enjoyed this update (haven't edited it) and check out my taeminzy one-shot!

Till next time. :)

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Thank you!
Sorry about the hiatus. I hope you can be patient with me. See you all next chappie!


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shahirah2 #1
Chapter 38: Great and amazing story.... Hope you can make a sequel for it.... Don't let it end like this my dear author....
This is an amazing piece. Please write another story or a sequel related to this story. So heartbreaking .. This is daebak ! :))
Chapter 38: Please let them happy
Chapter 38: Bwoh? I'm in shock. I'm not aware that it'll come to its end so .. Sequel? Haha. Please authornim, I know its be a while but.. I feel like I'm missing a piece. :)
blackwonderer #5
Chapter 38: i've read this countless time already, it's a good story for sure to make me come here over and over again, and i guess sequel would be even more better, pictured the scene when Minzy rise her son/daughter alone away from Taemin where he is actually search for her and would do anything to make them together again is heart warming, but it's up to you anyway, we hope there would be a sequel of course :)
Chapter 38: sequel!! please T^T
neanyoshida #8
Chapter 38: I read this story for a whole day. You're a great writer! :) the roller coaster emotions. Gosh, I cried a lot in the last chapter. Just when he finally realized, then she left. T_T Sometimes, people just realize the importance of a person once he/she is gone. </////3 I hope there is a sequel :D
Chapter 38: S-E-Q-U-E-L!!!!!!!!!!