21; The Show ?

Within Their Hearts

He sat on his comfy red chair in his office, observing the meeting on his computer as it commenced with her walking in the room with an aura of authority and grace. He nodded his head in approval at her choice of outfit and the way she composed herself. He saw the sharp and accusing looks that were casted her way as she introduced herself and began explaining about her decision.

An older man he recognised to be Mr Sa, scoffed and questioned her of her stance to which she replied calmly. He watched with amusement in his eyes as she took the insults from the elders in the room in complete silence, she remained calm and steady though he saw her waver once in a while and tried to open in protest but in the end, she kept shut and listened.

He cocked his head to one side and noticed how Yunho answered a phone-call and whispered something to his wife before signalling Jaejoong to head out with him. His mind wondered off to their weird behaviour but his head snapped back into focus on the screen when he saw her standing up from her seat with both hands on the table. She took a big breath, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to remain calm but she snapped and gritted the words...”This has got nothing to do with our parents. Don’t drag them into this. I know you aren’t happy with my decisions but I’ve already given y-”

“And who are you to make such rash decisions? The company could be in a crisis just because of one wrong move. Why don’t you just stay at home and please your man like what a woman should do? Oh wait. You can’t please him properly can you? That’s why he’s still out and about with his name stuck to being a playboy” scoffed a man in his early fifties, Mr Yang as he threw a pile of photos onto the table. Pictures of Taemin with other girls in compromising positions in the club.

Heat flushed her cheeks as she listened and looked at the photographs; from embarrassment or anger? Both.

“You’re useless. A disgrace to the Gong’s” stated Mr Moon bluntly, an investor in his early sixties as he looked at the photos.

The five men clenched their fists from such remarks, yes, five. While she bit onto her tongue, trying to hold back any comebacks and stop the burning in her eyes. This was reality. The atmosphere was tense but when she lifted her head to face them...all they saw on her features was a smile. A smile that sent shivers down everyone that was watching...she looked too calm. Not even once offended from the insults.

He looked at her intently...oh how he wished he was down there to see the real action. He would’ve punched those old men for insulting his wife...he didn’t know why but his blood boiled from their criticisms and he felt a need to protect her. And well he did feel bad about those pictures being used against her. Very different from his initial little plan eh? But seeing her calm state confused him, however, he began to relax and so did the four men in the room. 

The door opened, momentarily distracting their attention on the female figure as two men emerged into the scene, carrying piles of paper. She smiled at them and nodded in thanks before reaching out to press on the remote control. The once black screen lit up with life as the anchor reported the latest news; the investors had their brows furrowed. So after the talk she wanted to show them some news?!

But their eyes widened when there was breaking news, talking about the Bae’s cafe and the Jang’s lawsuit. They all turned to look at the female who stood emotionless after the news had finished. She walked towards the laptop holding the presentation and pressed on the last slide, showing their calculated loss IF they had signed the agreement with the Bae’s. She scanned the room, looking at the investors one by one who all had their heads down, looking at the papers with the breaking news that Yunho and Jaejoong had brought.

“I hope this helped cleared the matters, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking my leave first” Minji said calmly as she walked towards the door. She halted her steps as she saw her husband outside of her room; disbelief and confusion clouded his eyes as he looked at her. The information unveiled to him was not new; he had been constantly nagged by the directors themselves about the Bae’s but he took no notice of the problem.

He had bolted out of his room after she showed them the figures and waited outside of the room, straining his ears to listen to what was being discussed. He swore to himself for never taking notice of her voice. That low and calm voice as she asked for her leave sounded so y, like sweet music to his ears.  She cocked her head to one side and looked at him with amusement. “Liked the show?” she smirked and walked towards the elevators, staring straight into his eyes as it closed like a door separating both of their lives apart. Because they were never supposed to be together, because they shouldn’t have ever crossed paths....

Author's Note


My Message :
I wasn't a VIP when you first debuted but I became one. Actually, to this moment...I still don't know how you become a "fan" of someone or something. Is someone who's constantly updated with your news a fan? Is it someone who has a collection of everything you've released? Is it someone who enjoys listening to your music? Or Is it someone who views the five of you as their role models? I don't know and if I ever get a chance to meet (meet as in talk and take pics and autographs) you..I don't think I actually deserve it because there are those out there who I believe deserve the chance more than I do (not that I'm ever going to deny such an offer or let it slip ^^). I admire you five amazing men. :D Happy 2000th Day BB! <3

Anyways...After that.... DID YOU GUYS SEE TOP'S TEASER PHOTO? TOP WITH AQUA BLUE HAIR! OMFG! OVARIES EXPLOSION. Funny how a damn photo has me all fangirling.. TOP's just too y. :$

& OF COURSE... THE WORLD TOUR. IF IF IF IF AUSTRALIA IS LISTED AS ONE OF THE COUNTRIES I'LL BE LIKE ". WHY DID I SPEND 280+ BUCKS LAST YEAR FOR 12 K-POP GROUPS?" Sorry guise but BIGBANG owns any of those 12 groups who performed here ANYDAY. OKAY. MAYBE I'M JUST BIASED BUT IT'S BIGBANGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Wonder if I'll faint when I look at TOP straight in the eyes. Those electricfying eyes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Please excuse me. Inner-fangirling has come out :D

Message to all readers and subscribers.
I'm going on a hiatus or so because school started and it's like the third week of school (cause apparently the friday when we weren't at school but the teachers were is called the "first week"). But yes. Hiatus. Why? Cause year eleven is en fun. It's been hectic. Homework here and there. I have had NO time to write at all (Okay. Maybe I did) and honestly...writers block. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
I understand if some of you decide to unsubscribe or ignore this story cause I am a reader myself so I know what it's like but if you're a writer as well..I think you can empathise with me.
My apologies for the confusing chappies lately! But the last chapter is of course SHINee's Dancing Machine and Maknae whose lips made contact with 2NE1's Ero-Maknae. OOO & Lu Han's cute. :3 Though he looks a bit feminine...

BUT ANYWAYS... BIGBANG'S BACK ES SO YOU ALL BETTER WATCH OUT! *patiently waits for the teasers and album to drop AND for YG to continue trolling*

& of course enjoy whatever you'll be doing over the course of the year. Stay safe and best of luck. Till next time! :)

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Sorry about the hiatus. I hope you can be patient with me. See you all next chappie!


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shahirah2 #1
Chapter 38: Great and amazing story.... Hope you can make a sequel for it.... Don't let it end like this my dear author....
This is an amazing piece. Please write another story or a sequel related to this story. So heartbreaking .. This is daebak ! :))
Chapter 38: Please let them happy
Chapter 38: Bwoh? I'm in shock. I'm not aware that it'll come to its end so .. Sequel? Haha. Please authornim, I know its be a while but.. I feel like I'm missing a piece. :)
blackwonderer #5
Chapter 38: i've read this countless time already, it's a good story for sure to make me come here over and over again, and i guess sequel would be even more better, pictured the scene when Minzy rise her son/daughter alone away from Taemin where he is actually search for her and would do anything to make them together again is heart warming, but it's up to you anyway, we hope there would be a sequel of course :)
Chapter 38: sequel!! please T^T
neanyoshida #8
Chapter 38: I read this story for a whole day. You're a great writer! :) the roller coaster emotions. Gosh, I cried a lot in the last chapter. Just when he finally realized, then she left. T_T Sometimes, people just realize the importance of a person once he/she is gone. </////3 I hope there is a sequel :D
Chapter 38: S-E-Q-U-E-L!!!!!!!!!!