The Keeper of the Diary

Everlasting Impressions

Trigger warning! I dunno how everyone else will feel, but I feel a bit traumatized after writing this. Is the same for readers? Defo do not eat while reading this, you might be turned off of food.



Sneaking into the glassrooms was the scariest thing she’d ever done. Her heart beat in , afraid that she would get caught. The trepidation spiked inside her regardless of how calm she tried to make herself. The feeling was similar to being skinned alive. She wondered how her legs hadn’t given way yet. Perhaps Tao had kicked some supernatural strength into her?


Hana pressed her lips together upon the idea of her cousin. He had delivered her purple bruises that she would never show him. She was going to give him a piece of her mind later, but first she had to regain his sanity.


The glassrooms were empty; desolate of all life forms, she dared to breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe chance was on her side after all. Without wasting time she explored the rather fancy classroom. It was exquisite and as ideal as the one who ruled it. If she had the luxury of exploring it she might have truly appreciated its magnificence. However the sand glass stopped for no one.


She hurried to where a stack of copybooks were sitting and flipped through them. Nothing. Disappointment gripped her but giving up was much more fatal. Her eyes scanned the room for somewhere, anywhere that might keep the student’s handiwork. Running her fingers through her hair she tried a different room. Each room was as ostentatious as the previous but still, nothing.


At this point she was ready to give up. The gold, and silver lining on the furniture was making her nauseous, thick velvet drapery made her head spin. Her eyes only caught what she didn’t want. She took a deep breath to inhale the slightly spiced aroma and began her search again.


It was at this point, she found a somewhat secret room. The experience was queer, the colors of royalty had vanished, and everywhere transformed into black and white. It was very different from where she had been wandering. As if to make her jump, the door behind her shut. She placed a hand over her heart, trying to pacify its erratic beating.


Her mind screamed at her, telling her to leave this place but since when had she ever listened to her head? Her legs carried themselves into the strangely chic vicinity. Her gaze fell upon a table, immediately an old, purple leather bound diary caught her eye. There was nothing special about the small book. It was worn, its shiny date faded, but that wasn’t what held her attention. It was the only thing that stood out to contrast its surroundings. Did this belong to Seo Kangjun?


Hana furrowed her brows, perplexed that anyone would keep such an outdated thing. It couldn’t have belonged to him. The room around her might have, but the book was different. Carefully, she flickered it open. As if it were fate, the pages fluttered to the later entries. A childish scrawl read: “No one believes me. I want to disappear.”


Footsteps ensured, making her pull back the hand that kept the journal open. Her hasty move knocked it to the floor. She gasped and bolted to put it back in it’s place. There was no time to think, she didn’t know who was coming, but what she did know was that she shouldn’t get caught. She took cover under the desk, a rather clichéd move, but there weren’t many options.


A conversation that she should have never heard took place, four voices spoke, all of whom she could draw faces to. She covered not sure what to do in this situation. The fright rece the leader of the pack began to speak. He wondered how to stop what he didn’t want happening.


“-the rat, Joonmyun should get caught-“


Here, fate abandoned her before she could hear the rest. Her phone began to vibrate making her eyes widen. She raced to stop it turning it ‘off’ rather than tapping the screen, and possibly giving away her hiding place. Hana prayed no one had heard, that the over-amplified vibration only rang through her soul, and that she would return safely.


The trio left shortly after taking their orders, only he was left. She didn’t dare breathe at leisure, the room had been enveloped in complete silence, and the ambience had darkened considerably. At times like this, she wished there was such a thing as an invisibility cloak, she would have sold her kidney for one.


His footsteps clamored, slicing through the silence like a deadly knife. They came closer and closer until he was standing at his desk. A chuckle erupted from his throat making Hana clamp her jaw should a scream escape. She wanted to shut her eyes tightly and pretend she was anywhere but here. He knocked something on the table above her. Each tap sent shivers down her spine. She thought she might do one or the other, either scream her lungs out or stop breathing completely.


She’d never anticipated having her heart die in , but that was exactly what happened when her petrified eyes met his icy ones. She jumped, hitting her head against the wood.


“Ouch, that looked like it hurt.” He offered her a hand to help her climb out, however dread paralyzed her in position.


This guy was that one!


He was close to the Oh’s!


He wanted to do something to Joonmyun.


The diary was somehow related, but-


Hana didn’t dare link the missing piece, in case he read her mind. Her breaths came in bursts of oxygen; she hiccuped and slapped a hand over . He tilted his head, watching her with an amused smile, his facial features remained amicable, but those eyes were murderous. They spoke of unholy deeds. Would he kill her? Maybe not, but it was likely he would hire someone to do the job. She trembled as he reached for something. There was nowhere for her to run. She was trapped, caged even.


She shook her head at him. Her voice left her, she only mouthed his name incoherently telling him to stop. She struggled as best as she could but in her aghast state there was not much she could have done except try and push him, even then she was powerless against his weapon of sedatives pressed against and nose. She tried to scream through the cloth, but it was futile her mind buzzed wanting nothing but sleep, her eyelids were quick to grow heavy, her arms weighed a ton and succumbed to gravity, and like that she lost all forms of consciousness.




She was kidnapped, or so she imagined once she had recollected part of her memory. Where was she exactly? She blinked her tired eyes and tried to absorb her surroundings. Was she even in Seoul? She was in a building of some kind. The floor was dirty with bits of dust, and crusted stains. Gingerly, she wrinkled her nose, why was tied to a chair?


The sedatives were still partially effective and clouded her judgment. She tried to find the missing blocks of memory, and when that didn’t work she guessed she could be dreaming. She might have gone on believing she was dreaming if he hadn’t chuckled at her expense. Pretending she hadn’t heard him she stared at her knees and closed her eyes. Would he know she was faking it?




He began to speak to her. His tone was low and his voice quiet. She strained her ears trying to catch something but failed to do so. The hands behind her back clenched ever so softly. What was he saying?


He struck her without warning, a sharp slap to the cheek that echoed the hollow room. A gag muffled her scream, it was then she understood the danger of her situation. Her eyes flew wide open and she stared into his sinister ones. Her soul quivered in her body, he was watching her like a hawk to is prey wondering whether to attack now, or relish the chase.


“I’m sorry about the rough handling. Are you okay?” He asked softly, in a voice that could have been mistaken for concern, in a different setting. His thumb where he’d hit her not long ago. His physiognomy spoke of sorrow until his deadly eyes flickered back at her. She dared to turn away from him to avoid his poisonous touch that was infecting her blood.


“It seems I’ve offended you. A shame, really. I always wanted to get along well with my ‘good’ friend’s girlfriend… That won’t be possible now will it, Hana? Not when you’ve gone snooping where you shouldn’t have. That diary… Tell me, did you read it? What did you think?”


She clenched her jaw, so much that her eyes watered. She shook her head denying the allegations, knowing he wouldn’t believe her. The hurricane in his orbs was ready to devour her alive. Pique lit his features making them contort in a way that drilled anxiety in her.


“Don’t lie to me,” he warned in a gruff tone that illustrated lack of patience.


“I-I’m n-n-not…” Her stammer trembled like jelly. He nodded aloofly before dipping his hand into his pocket and producing a knife.


“Tell me Hana, are you afraid right now?” He questioned as he unsheathed the blade. He traced the back of it against the outline of her face. She tried her best not to shake, the steel object was cold against her warm skin. It’s meander purposely pressed down its trail letting her know exactly how unpredictable of a situation had befallen her.


He raised her chin with the sheath to lock eyes with her. His demeanor depicted his discord with her. A sinking feeling told her this wouldn’t be the end of it. He was plotting something truly evil. Her shoulders reached a new level of tension.


“I don’t like lies. I won’t stand for them. You did read something, the book was misplaced. Will you still deny it?”


She swallowed but the lump in refused to dissolve. Her lips moved to mouth words but no sound was produced. He nodded with mock understanding.


“I’ll let you calm down a little bit. Perhaps tell you a story to break the ice? It seems you’re not used to such etiquette, too bad. This is your own fault though. You can’t blame me for it. I didn’t ask for you to read that book. You see, that book is something no one’s allowed to touch, not even my ‘friends.’ But off you went and read it. I’m deeply hurt. I didn’t think you of all people would do such a thing. You were one of the nicer ones. It’s sad, you have to see this side of me.”


The Angel of Darkness stood alone, he saw the deathly tendrils of foreboding loom around the threatening young man as if he were conjoined with them. It was disappointing that the Angel of Healing was not present. There was nothing to negate the shadows of darkness that the Angel of Truth had ignited. The rest would be a domino, or at least until Death made an appearance. Yi Fan could smell the stench of death close by. It festered in their clothing. Silently he bore witness to the happening.


“I-I d-didn’t read it. I was going to, b-but there was n-no time.” It was a lie, however she didn’t think what she’d read was of much importance. She couldn’t even remember the words. The urge to save her life was more appealing than the truth.


“I see, you’re insinuating we’ve made a mistake? It seems humans like to lie when they’re pushed in a corner. I can be understanding. I am human too.” He tapped he side of his knife against her cheek as if waiting to carve something out of it.


She was reminded of the bullying once again, an epiphany from the past led her to ask, “What do you want?”


He snickered at the tremors embedded in her voice. It seemed like she wished to be brave. “I want to give you a nice message. Something like: keep out of my business.”


“What are you planning?” Hana didn’t need him to tell her, she could already perceive cruelty. If she were a sheep heading for the slaughterhouse, she might as well get some answers to, why?


His friendly act was jeering at her. What was he? A monster of some kind? He was acting close, they were anything but. He was trying to scare her from something. She shut her eyes to think, blocking out his creepy stare. Everything she knew him to be was a lie.


“You sick b*****d…” It was a whisper that had manifested as a thought, she cringed slightly upon hearing it aloud.


He must have heard it too because his eyes widened. Was she honestly thinking she could use disparaging language against him? It made him smirk to see that even an ant would try to bite its captor.


“I’ll concede to that one,” he purred, stoking her hair like an estranged lover. The storm direction changed as he squatted to eye level. Impulsively she reclined her head slowly as he moved forward. A twisted grin laughed at her escape attempt. Roughly, he held her chin and glared.


Her blood chilled in her veins, it was enough to induce hypothermia, and when he kissed her she wanted her brain to stop. It might have been better to be dead, than be kissed by someone so disgusting that his touch made her skin crawl. Retaliation was feeble, there was only so much she could do with her arms and legs bound while he held her head. Disgrace, resentment and hopelessness pricked at her eyes. She wanted to scream but even that wasn’t allowed because he was in .


‘Worthless,’ was how she felt when the ordeal was over. She stared without seeing much and when she blinked her vision fogged. She refused to let him hear her cry, biting down as much as possible until her teeth hurt. It struck her that she was alone in the world. No one could help her out of this. Tears rained down her cheeks like an abandoned waterfall. Would she have to beg this guy? She’s rather slit her neck than ask him for a favor. She recoiled when he held her cheek with fake care. Her watery eyes met his unfeeling ones. She felt nothing but antipathy towards him.


“Oh ho, look at her glare!” He laughed proudly, patting her head as if he were training a dog.


“It seems you hate me to death. You shouldn’t, I’m the nicest one out of all of them. If I left you with these guys they would do much, much worse.”


She lowered her head when raucous laughter exploded around her. There were witnesses to her torture. They didn’t sound the least affected when they , asking which one of them she ‘preferred.’ It was salt to her wounds. The glint of his knife caught her eye, silently she begged it to relieve her.


“Can we demonstrate our talents?” One asked gleefully.


Two hit him across the head. “Wait for the Boss’ signal.”


Three tutted, “Sorry Boss, idiot’s got no patience.”


The ‘Boss’ in question looked at them bored. Unlike him, they were all too predictable. One, had even brought a whip and his hands were itching to use it.


“We’ll let Hana decide who she prefers.”


Hana whimpered at the sound of her own name. She felt her chest tighten, her face contorted as air decreased. Her vision began to diminish, and the taunting became unclear. She felt something sharp strike her leg. It might have hurt, if she wasn’t already gasping for oxygen. Would she die like this? It felt like time had slowed down to give her an accepting ending. Closing her eyes, images of Sehun flashed in her mind. His smiling face eased her tormented heart. She regretted not saying goodbye to him. Would he miss her when she was gone? Would he cry for her? She didn’t want that. She didn’t want him to feel hurt. He’d already spent half his lifetime in agony. Her death would undoubtedly add to it.


She imagined she heard a ruckus. The flurry of movement made her frown. Her head was too dizzy to made sense. It was easier to sink into the floating feeling.


An inhaler.


It wasn’t part of her imagination. She knew what one of those were. Someone was trying to save her.




A half-wilted smile blossomed for a second. Was he saving her again? How many times had he done so, so far? She tried to count them as the humming in her ears ceased. The bees in her senses left rendering her to breathe again. She groaned slightly feeling pain and opened her eyes hoping to see Sehun.


Sehun wasn’t there.


Sehun’s eyes weren’t as devoid of emotion, and Sehun’s always worried for her. This guy’s expression told her he was annoyed at her. He was, holding an inhaler in his hand, scowling as if she’d inconvenienced him.


“Miss Kim, it seems we really have gotten off on the wrong foot. You seem to think you can faint into my arms. I’m sure Sehun won’t be too happy with it. I’ve got a girlfriend too. This elicit affair can only end in sorrow.” He flicked the knife as if it were a toy, bringing it closer to her.


“Stop it! Please stop it!”


He paused to watch her, as if this were the reaction he was waiting for. A smile formed on his lips. “Why should I? What will you do for me?” He caressed her arm making her chest tighten unnervingly. A red light and a siren sounded simultaneously together. His knife cut though her tie, very close to , and broke the first couple of buttons of her blouse. They crashed like coins to the ground.


“Please, don’t!” She pleaded thrashing as much as she could. The rope burnt her upon friction making her sob.


“Please, don’t do this to me. Please, let me go!” She croaked, had been replaced by the Sahara and even if it was futile, struggling was the only thing she could do.


“I have a condition.” He stated, looming over her like a demon from hell, while his knife pressed into her thigh.


For anyone who still likes Sinister after all that... Judging you so hard!

Hana went to save someone but barely saved herself... What is this mysterious 'condition?' Is to maybe something to do with an essay, or a break up, or a favor of betrayal?

Something to point out before readers ask: After going through that, Hana will most likely feel psychologically disturbed; traumatized. She might not be able to do the task she wanted... She might also act a little crazy.

That diary contains something big. The biggest hint I can give you about it is that it's 'old,' 'purple,' the writing is 'childish' and that little extract Hana read. The connotations should be straightforward, not tricky. Clearly it belonged to a girl quite some time ago. << After this go back to the extract, and you might figure out who it belongs to. Sinister wants revenge for something related to the book, it's some how connected to Sehun's sister and... You got it right?^^ 

Next step: Why does he want this revenge? << Open to speculation or else I'll ruin the ending lol.

Last step: Who is Sinister? A sadistic creep. Find him before he finds you, jk jk lol.

This fic is getting 'makjang'... Now all we need is a 'switched at birth' secret =.= (rest assured, not happening)!

One by one, it's time to let out the secrets?

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Get Even aka novel vers of Everlasting Impressions is now available in paperback on Amazon!


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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL