Deviant; Proclamations

Everlasting Impressions

“Seryung won’t let you get away with teasing Tao,” Sehun chided his friend knowing it would dent the player at heart.


Jongin scowled for the very first time since his visit. He pouted shortly afterwards to suggest he was injured, but Sehun knew better.


Hana wanted to know how to divert the conversation. She raked her head for an excuse to remove herself while Sehun dealt with his friend.


An epiphany of an excuse materialized in her mind, “Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, juice?” Hana offered politely hoping Jongin wouldn’t deny the request.


Jongin flashed a smile revealing a set of pearly, white teeth. Amusement blossomed in his eyes as he faintly recognized the ploy. “She’s a keeper,” Jongin nudged Sehun playfully. He chuckled and asked for coffee.


Hana nodded, and excused herself, but not before shooting Sehun a meaningful glance. She wondered why Kim Jongin had suddenly appeared at her house. They were unacquainted and his unfounded friendliness tensed her. It was like he was trying to pry his way into the small circle she’d created for herself. Hana admonished herself for such thoughts, ‘He’s probably here to see Sehun.’


However, even then she wished the handsome stranger wouldn’t dally for too long. She found herself building a shield to ward off the unfamiliar. Somehow, something felt wrong, and that was disturbing in itself. Regardless of how much she tried to reason with herself she remained uncertain…




Sehun’s gaze lingered at the door Hana had passed through. His friend too, was also looking in the same direction. His friend’s unexplained interest in Hana irked Sehun.


“So, why are you really here?” Sehun catechized while ruffling his own hair. He glanced at the books that sat abandoned and wondered if he should just call it a day.


“How far have you gotten with Hana?” Jongin inquired distantly.


“That’s none of your business,” Sehun retorted curtly. He eyed his friend in disdain, ‘Was he always this annoying, or am I just noticing it now?’


“You guys, are probably still awkward holding hands.” Jongin sighed and welcomed himself to a seat before indicating for Sehun to join him.


“We’re not,” Sehun muttered with a sour expression that resulted in a pat on the back from his friend.


“See, this is where you, and I differ,” Jongin began. He explained why a guy would stay at a girl’s house using simple sentences for Sehun to comprehend. Jongin had a feeling his friend’s lack of experience was holding him back.


Sehun couldn’t take Jongin’s words seriously. His relationship had just formed overnight, and was still a bit rocky. Hana’s opinion was important too, and Sehun was aware that they hadn’t reached that stage yet. Pressuring her wasn’t what he had in mind.


“I’m not going to use underhanded methods,” Sehun crossed his arms, and scrutinized Jongin. Kim Jongin had never been in any serious relationship to care about the delicacy of situations.


“It’s not ‘underhanded’ when you’re both consenting to it!” Jongin slapped his forehead in frustration and stared at Sehun as if the boy had grown three heads, as well as a tail. Was he even human?


“Stop telling me how to govern my relationship.”


“It’s because you’re still a rookie! You’re in need of a sunbae’s help.”


Sehun opened his mouth to retort but quickly shut it when Hana appeared in the doorway with a tray. He shot Jongin a knock-it-off look and was rewarded with a twinkling eye smile. Sehun clenched his teeth; he prayed Jongin wouldn’t mention in front of Hana. It would be mortifying if Hana concluded that Sehun was a beast.


Sehun avoided all eye contact. He was greatly disturbed by his own thoughts. Would he be deemed a wolf if he followed Jongin’s advice? What would Hana think? Would she be fine with it? Did she like him to that extent? A bunch of questions plagued him in irrational order.


His countenance reflected his conflicted thoughts like a mirror much to Jongin’s enjoyment. Sehun grit his teeth. Jongin seemed to be in the mood for mischief as he noted Sehun had been caught in his trap. As if to dodge a brewing overhead storm with Sehun, Jongin tactfully veered his attention.


“Coffee’s good,” he winked at Hana purposefully. Regardless of how many times he winked at her, she would still squirm shyly at the perception in a rather attractive manner. Jongin swallowed back his coffee, and classified Sehun’s type: cute, shy, innocent – the standard ‘ideal’ type of many.


“Sehun’s probably an awkward rookie at kissing. If you ever get bored of him, you should seek me out,” Jongin punctuated his words with a proprietary wink.


The reprisal was somewhat expected. Sehun tried to whack him; a simple swipe of a cushion across the head. Jongin swerved the hit, and chuckled realizing that Sehun’s battered ego, and pride would take time to repair. He jumped off the couch with Sehun close on his heel.


Hana pressed her lips together disapprovingly. The teenagers had transformed into toddlers playing swords with cushions, and running amok. Another characteristic she’d envisioned, but never really humored in Sehun: childishness. She wondered how to make them both stop before they destroyed everything and hurt themselves.


“I won’t get bored of Sehun.”


As if they’d realized she was just there after a game of cat-and-mouse across the study room; they gaped at her. Jongin flung himself back onto the couch rather expertly. Sehun was tempted to give him a smack, but refrained under Hana’s reproachful watch.


‘This isn’t over Kim Jongin.’


“Sehun is boring,” Jongin reiterated plucking a biscuit from the tray. “And to make sure you don’t get bored. I’ve decided to become his wingman as a thank you for the great coffee.”


Hana pretended to clear to keep herself from laughing. How was it, that the stoic Sehun could undergo a 180-degree personality change with just the appearance of Kim Jongin? The proposition of a ‘wingman’ left her wondering.


After a moments silence Jongin stretched his fingers and began again.


“Can I copy your homework since I’m not planning to do mine myself?” He batted his eyelashes at Sehun.


Sehun rolled his eyes, “Is that why you were looking for me, to copy my homework?”


“Yeah, teachers are getting suspicious of my doctors notes.”


Hana blinked blankly at them. She looked from Jongin to Sehun and back again.


“Everyone in my family is a doctor,” Jongin elucidated with a chuckle.


“Kai is the black sheep of the family. He’ll be the only one driving a garbage truck since he plays around in school.”


“I’ve been brainwashed since I was a kid. It’ll all come in handy one day. All those hours wasted watching, and reading medical related garbage. I could probably perform a bypass without seeing the doors of medical school. I’m a sponge after all.”


“You’ll at least need a license to practice medicine and for that you need college. Therefore grades are important; unless you plan to migrate to North Korea.”


“Oh,” Hana joined in, “You plan to become a doctor?” She queried. The thought was odd in itself. She couldn’t imagine Kim Jongin with a white coat, and stethoscope.


Jongin laughed, “Sure why not, might as well keep the family tradition.”


“I honestly don’t think you’ll make it,” Sehun disagreed.


“Wanna bet?”


Sehun reached for his copybook and tossed it over to Jongin. “Homework’s in there.”


“Thank you.”


Hana looked at Sehun questioningly and he responded with a smile. He picked up another textbook, “Do you wanna study together?”


Jongin looked up from where he was scribbling and smirked. Sehun was not one for ‘group study.’ In fact he would laser people with his eyes for making the suggestion. It was interesting for sure. Jongin pretended to ignore them as he copied the rest of Sehun’s homework.


“Can I join your study circle? Will you discriminate again me?” Jongin half joked in a serious tone.


Sehun opened his mouth to protest but Hana spoke first, “Sehun doesn’t discriminate.” Her words left no room for Sehun to disagree. He shut his mouth and nodded dumbly because Hana was waiting for his response. All the while Sehun decided Hana was too nice for her own good. And when Jongin came to sit beside Hana, Sehun acknowledged that he had what could be deemed, a rival.


Sehun was trying to explain something. His eyes couldn’t help but see that Jongin was sitting a little too close to Hana for his liking. Sehun pretended to be cool. After all, it was the twenty-first century guys, and girls were able to be friends, and sit together, but that didn’t mean that Sehun approved. He made up his mind to berate Jongin at a later date.


Even so, despite his modernized thoughts Sehun couldn’t help feeling irked, and vexed about it. They were distracting him by sitting too close, and his words faltered when he tried to explain things. He was starting to appear as a fool to himself.


Jongin chortled, and clapped his hands sympathetically, “Do South Korea a favor, and never become a teacher.”


He swiped the book from Sehun, and shot him a satirical glance while grinning at Hana. Jongin explained what Sehun had been trying to teach for the past half hour.


“I get it now,” Hana disclosed causing Jongin’s smirk to widen.


“Sehun takes a very long-winded approach,” Jongin sighed, and scratched his head. His friend was now being put in an undesirable position, and he didn’t mind pushing him a little further.


“No I don’t!” Sehun defended with zeal.


 “You make things harder to understand,” Hana revealed quietly.


Sehun didn’t argue with either of them. He swallowed his demur and let Jongin take over his role. He was still unused to having Hana side with Jongin, since when was she on his side? Didn’t it make more sense to side with Sehun? Was she perhaps attracted to Jongin? It would come as no surprise if she were; all the girls in school thought him to be attractive. Then again, Sehun was attractive too and he had the bigger fan club! Sehun weighed a for-and-against argument in his head.


Sehun exhaled conscious of his aggravated breathing. He clasped Hana’s hand in his; hoping it could calm the storm in his raging heart. He felt as if it would happen again: that Hana didn’t love him the same way Rae Mi hadn’t, that Hana would choose someone else over him like Rae Mi had, but Rae Mi had left – here Sehun’s grip tightened. He felt a chill seep through him. It couldn’t happen all over again, could it?


Jongin smacked Sehun’s hand, and gave him a pitiful look as if to say you’ve-lost-it, and maybe Sehun had? Sehun jumped to his feet, all color drained from his face, his hands trembled upon the prospect of reliving memories.


“I-I-I need a minute,” Sehun spoke to no one in particular as he stalked off into the kitchen where he found Tao pouring himself a glass of water.


Their eyes met for a second causing Sehun to doubt himself. There was more than one competitor; he didn’t feel confident to win. He was a coward.


As if he’d read Sehun’s thoughts Tao filled a second glass of water and pushed towards Sehun.


“Something wrong?”


Sehun pursed his lips. He was being obvious; everything was wrong. He accepted the glass, and drank to bring moisture to his parched throat.


“Kai’s being a jerk on purpose,” Sehun reasoned with himself. Jongin would never try to steal his girlfriend, and Kim Hana too was far too clever to fall for someone like Jongin. Jongin was never serious with girls.


‘Were you ever serious?’ A voice in his head gnawed at his insides. ‘I’m serious about her!’ Sehun countered.


‘Does she think that? What makes you different from Jongin?’  The voice continued to haunt him like a nightmare. ‘I don’t play around!’ Sehun argued.


 ‘Does she know that? Will she believe you if you tell her that?’ The voice taunted. ‘I’ll tell her; she’ll believe me if I tell her,’ Sehun reassured himself.


‘What about her first love? Do you think she can forget her first love that easily? Don’t you know how hard it is to forget your first love? You haven’t forgotten Rae Mi, yet you expect her to forget Tao. Jongin worries you too. You love Hana? You’re lying to yourself. Admit it, you want to believe history doesn’t repeat itself?

‘And what makes you so sure you love her? What if you’re sick of being lonely? You’re making an excuse to see her. You don’t love her, but you’ll fall if you lower your defense, and once you fall it’s over. You, who still hasn’t healed, do you think you’ll fare well the second time?’  The voice jeered.

Sehun shut his eyes. His mind was brewing a wilder storm than he’d anticipated. He needed to distract himself.


“Whose Jongin?” Sehun blinked to discover an inquisitive Tao arching a brow at him.


“The biggest player in the school,” Sehun spat with more repugnance than he meant.


Tao nodded. It all made sense now. He could imagine how flustered Hana would be if only she knew. Whether it was jealousy towards Jongin or not it was up to Sehun to decide.


“Hana won’t be interested in Jongin because she likes you.”


Sehun shrugged his shoulders casually. Doubt lingered in his mind but he’d never let Tao know that. “My girl wouldn’t,” Sehun insisted, more to himself than Tao.


Tao pressed a hand to his mouth, and snickered. Sehun was getting ahead of himself. It was a sight to see. Regardless of that, Tao wouldn’t give Sehun the satisfaction just yet. “Don’t get too jealous. I’m still in the game, and now Jongin has entered too. You’ll have to stay on your toes.”


“You don’t count as competition,” Sehun juxtaposed his thoughts.


“Why do you think that?” Tao asked tilting his head with a faint look of amusement that could mirror Jongin.


“You like someone else.” Sehun felt relief wash over him when Tao’s expression faltered slightly. He would be okay. His mind was just conjuring old fears.


“I live in the same house as Hana,” Tao reminded Sehun.


“I trust her.” Sehun could feel his bodily functions returning to normal. The ghost of his dread was slowly releasing him from its clutches allowing him to breath again.


“Don’t forget your words,” Tao smiled, and gave a nod of acceptance.


Sehun blinked. Tao had left him with advice between the lines. Sehun couldn’t help but smile. It would make sense for Tao to be on his side. After all, it was his sister that Tao was interested in.


‘I trust her! I should just keeping trusting her, and trust myself and… Believe in us.’


His trust issues led him back to the study where he found reassurance. Hana was writing something out while Jongin had gone back to coping homework. Sehun wondered how Jongin studied at all. Jongin, and books were simply not ‘cool,’ but that wasn’t the end of it.


The reason why Jongin made Sehun grumble was not because of school love affairs, but rather the photographic memory that was implanted in the future ‘Dr. Kim’s’ head.


Possessing such a feat was simply unfair. Sehun wondered why everyone couldn’t be born with one, and his cavil wasn’t completely unfounded. He didn’t find studying unpleasant, rather he enjoyed it, but when people like Sehun did all the hard work, and people like Jongin copied it only to subconsciously memorize it for the rest of their lives… That was when things became unfair.


Hana gave Sehun a warm smile and put down her pen.


“Are you done?” Jongin asked without looking up.




“No flirting until you finish. Oh Sehun, get the hell out of here you’re distracting my student.” Jongin commanded pointing at the door. He imagined Sehun would be giving him a curt grin, but wouldn’t dare bother Hana until she was done.


Jongin wondered why Sehun was attracted to Hana of all people. Maybe the arrangement their parents had made was working? Jongin shook his head, he couldn’t even ask because he wasn’t supposed to know that yet. Then there was Tao and Seryung; he’d need a bigger magnet to pry those two apart. But before them came Sehun and Hana…


“Thank you for helping me out,” Hana’s words broke Jongin’s train of thought. His eyes flickered with vexation at her before a smile settled onto his features. He presented her with a genial smile before signaling Sehun with an I’m-better-than-you smirk.


“You’re welcome.”


Sehun massaged his temples; to think he’d been suspicious, and jealous of Jongin when all he was doing was helping Hana with schoolwork. His mind was against him, however because it began to nag him until he finally questioned: “How’d you know I’d be here?”


“Joonmyun, the recluse, knows everything there is to know about everything without even raising a finger.” Jongin pointed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


“How would Joonmyun know? He doesn’t even come to school much.”


“Joonmyun haunts the school and keeps tabs on you. You just don’t know it yet. Be careful who you befriend.” Jongin warned forebodingly without a trace of a smile.


Hana shuddered, Sehun shook his head, and Jongin laughed clapping his hands at his own ‘joke.’


Hana cowered, she hated scary jokes especially ones that left inauspicious feelings. She was still doubtful about Jongin. His visit seemed too unnatural, and his behavior had seemed too artificial. It was all too coincidental. Hana felt as if her privacy had been invaded but nothing of the sort had happened.


Jongin had been nice. He was a good teacher. He had a decent sense of humor. Her mind should have cataloged him as a good person, but that was where her suspicion of him arose. She felt as if she were back in school walking down an endlessly dark hallway where anything could happen to her. It was eerie...


After Jongin’s departure Hana still felt uneasy. She wound her arms around Sehun’s arm for comfort. She felt safe near him; he always gave her a feeling of solace. Her shoulders relaxed, and she was able to breathe properly.


“I don’t like him.” Hana proclaimed with a frown.


“Who? Kai?” Sehun looked at her surprised. He’d never met anyone who claimed to dislike Jongin.


Hana nodded. She bit her lip. Maybe she was being too suspicious? Perhaps it was her imagination? It could be the result of being overly cautious with bullies. She shook her head, but the thoughts still remained as if they’d been engraved into her head.


‘He came here for a purpose other than homework; his relatives easily feign his sick notes, and can do the same with homework. His smiles were fake, and forced. He… Was pretending to be someone he’s not, right?’


Sehun’s laughter broke the tension. He wrapped an arm around her bringing her closer to him. Hana leaned against his chest wishing the uneasiness in her heart could be broken like he’d done to her thoughts.


She decided to warn him, “He makes me feel uneasy, like I shouldn’t trust him.”


“You shouldn’t though,” Sehun joked, and kissed her taking her by surprise.


“You should only trust me, other guys won’t do.” Sehun’s eyes twinkled so much so that Hana found herself becoming lost in those bewitching dimensions.


She wrapped her arms around his neck and tipped on her toes; her actions were not her own, but rather induced by his spell. She tilted her head at an angle and welcomed herself to his lips.


It was almost as if he’d been expecting her because his soft lips greeted her. Their eyes automatically fluttered shut. Unforeseen warmth bubbled through them as their lips moved cautious of one another, still in new territory, a mutual nervousness stemming from lack of practice, and fear of disappointing.


Hana could hear her heart swell under the pressure of unsatisfied lust; she wondered why they were hesitating. Her heart was about to burst; slowly she plucked her courage, and dared to be bold.


Sehun smiled, and deepened the kiss; innocent Hana was daring to be adventurous, and he was only happy to oblige. He wasn’t sure if she felt it too, but he hoped she did because the thrilling surge of electricity the touch of her lips gave him was like no other. The irrelevant argument he’d had with himself was redundant now.


 Who were Tao and Jongin? He didn’t know them anymore. His pea-sized world had narrowed down to just the two of them, and he was glad. His heart that he thought would never beat excitedly had come alive jolting with every pulse of electricity that whooshed through him.


He itched to taste every inch of , to engrave the moment in his memory, his fingers had somehow managed to tangle in her silky hair, and he thought he would drown in the overpowering aura that was her.


Lust, temptation and desire presented itself in the form of one kiss. Two rampaging hearts beat as one, pulsating irrevocably faster until both were left with dizzying thoughts of one another. For a moment Sehun cursed air for playing a vital role in the human respiratory system. What use was it; when it forced him break away from her?


He pressed his forehead against hers, and held her close. Her cheeks were warm, and her eyes flustered, her breath came jagged like his. He chuckled, her eyes shied from his although they’d just kissed. He savored the moments he was with her.


“I love you.” He enjoyed the effect of his words when Hana’s cheeks turned crimson.


“Your hair’s a mess,” she croaked, and flushed further.


Sehun laughed heartily. The teenage years he’d spent cultivating maturity, level-headedness and rational melted like chocolate beneath the sun. The iron bars that’d once caged his heart, and soul were no more.





“Pray tell, why ye abandoned station?” The Angel of Thought interrogated out of interest.


“Darkness doth refuse to wander alone.” The Angel of Healing smiled revealing an indent on his right cheek where another angel had poked his mold during creation, and so came to be a single dimple on the oval face of long narrow eyes and a millennium of luminous smiles under a head of dark curly locks. His presence came coupled with the Angel of Darkness on his heel - a pair that often journeyed together.


“Darkness is but omniscient. Thou doth not leave station for that very purpose.”


The Angel of Darkness stood lean, adorned in attire suitable for an angel, a pair of light to dark ombré wings - one of a kind. His mold was defined sharp, as were his eyes, and thick were his brows. His hair was darker than the darkest obsidian. His cherry colored pout was decoration. He was an angel of very few words, and often chose not to speak for ‘darkness’ didn’t have a tongue. Instead he beseeched the Angel of Thought not to question further.


“That human is but ordinary I fear.” Spoke the Angel of Healing.


The Angel of Thought only nodded gravely; an emotion of shock colored his features like a fleeting feather.


“And so it begins again, eh Yixing?”


“Yi Fan doth think so too. Left, but we to investigate.”


“The Angel of Knowledge doth have the answer.”


“Investigations are, but far more interesting.”


“Your findings dearest Yi?”


Upon inquiry another truth was revealed. Although it came as no shock to them, they were aware of that things would change.

A/N:  I've just realized this fic lacks in kisses lol. Why am I figuring this now Idek. So yeah, I feel bad about that since there are an abundant of them in my other fics and these poor characters aren't getting enough action on the romance side. So something I put onto my NOTE TO SELF is: add kissies. The plot will still follow as is but I'm gonna be a bit more lenient with the romance from now. Oh the angst that awaits! I aspire to make my readers cry. There should be some comedy-type scenes cropping up too :) Snowflake provides injury and medicine lol.

How many extra characters do we have so far?
The Angels.
The trio of the Glass Room.
The teacher.

Seo Kang Joon.
Mi Young.
No one's here for no reason. They will all play their part. Sort of... Some have more important roles than others; Sinister for example. The rest of them all have roles too. What do you think? Where am I headed? What ordeals will I put my mains through? Let's have a vote between happy ending or sad? I will still do what I want lol but I wanna see where the popular vote lies. Who knows, I might take it into consideration? The ending should be showing up in another 30 chapters or so because there is so much to be done; possibly including a double cameo from a DB5K member! Now whose excited?


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Get Even aka novel vers of Everlasting Impressions is now available in paperback on Amazon!


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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL